Consultation for parents “Exercises for children with scoliosis”


Nowadays, a disease such as scoliosis is often found in children of younger and older age.
This disease is quite often associated with rapid growth. Most often, children and their parents encounter the problem of spinal curvature when the child begins to prepare for school life. When writing letters and hooks in notebooks, children try very hard, and therefore often bend over the notebook in the most amazing poses. A raised shoulder, a leg under the butt, falling to one side and other incorrect postures when sitting at a desk soon become the cause of the development of scoliosis in children.

Fortunately, with proper correction, a growing body is able to cope with the disease itself, especially if it is diagnosed in a timely manner. But even with more severe degrees of scoliosis, therapeutic exercises or exercise therapy can give good results. The main thing is that the set of exercises is compiled by a specialist based on the characteristics of the development of the disease, and that the child strictly follows all the doctor’s instructions. In this case, exercise therapy for scoliosis can have positive results in children.

So, we found out that scoliosis most often occurs in children of preschool and school age. This disease is quite often associated with the rapid growth of the child, stress on the back and many other negative factors.

Scoliosis is the name given to degenerative changes in the axis of the spinal column due to the impact of negative factors that provoke the disease. Depending on the severity, scoliosis is divided into different degrees.

1st degree.

In the first degree, the curvature of the spine is insignificant and the deviation is no more than 10 degrees from the normal axis. This phenomenon occurs in almost every person and is not a big problem, but a problem discovered in childhood should force parents to pay increased attention to the child’s health.

You need to monitor how the baby sleeps, how he sits at the table, how he stands (leans on both legs or just one) and so on. Sometimes, for preventive purposes, the doctor may advise the child to sleep on a hard mattress.

2nd degree.

With the second degree of scoliosis in children, the degree of curvature of the spine increases and already ranges from 10 to 25 degrees. In this case, the child should be registered with an orthopedist and special corrective measures should be taken, because stage two scoliosis progresses quite quickly and can very quickly progress to the next stage of the disease.

3rd degree.

The curvature of the spine to the left or right is more than 25 degrees, but does not exceed 50. With the disease of the third stage, the child needs special bandages, special corrective measures and constant medical supervision. It is possible to continue training in special specialized medical institutions (boarding schools).

4th degree.

Curvature greater than 50 degrees. In this case, the corrective bandage is not able to help correct the condition of the spine and the patient requires surgery. After the operation, he will be advised to wear a bandage, exercise therapy, massage courses and other corrective measures.

The last two degrees of scoliosis are a big problem and require urgent correction.

Causes of scoliosis in children

Scoliosis is most often diagnosed in adolescents, because it is at this age that intensive bone growth and body elongation occur. Moreover, at this age scoliosis will already be more pronounced.

As a rule, in preschool age or elementary school, parents are not particularly worried about the curvature of the child’s spine, and only in adolescence do they begin to sound the alarm, when the disease is visible to the naked eye.

It is impossible to name the causes of scoliosis as such. An exact answer to this question has not yet been found, but the most common causes of the development of the disease in children are considered to be the following:

Low mobility of the child;

Incorrect position at the table or desk when working;

Professional passion for tennis, badminton and other sports in which one side is involved to a greater extent;

Congenital changes in the vertebral regions;

Cerebral palsy;

Previous diseases and infections that caused degenerative changes in bone tissue;

Metabolic processes have been disrupted in bone tissue;

Suffering injuries followed by amputation of limbs.

Interesting fact: After heart surgery, children may also develop scoliosis. But this is very rare.

Contraindications for exercise

In some situations, physical therapy can worsen the child’s condition, so before starting classes, make sure there are no contraindications. These include:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • rapid progression of scoliosis;
  • pain in the spine or limbs;
  • heat;
  • congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Health problems are not always pronounced, and many parents may not even realize that their child has any illnesses. That is why the attending physician should prescribe exercise therapy and select a specific type of exercise, and only after a complete examination of the patient. In the future, you need to undergo regular examinations so that the doctor can monitor the treatment process and, if necessary, make adjustments.

The attending physician should prescribe exercise therapy and select a specific type of exercise.

During classes, you should adhere to the prescribed exercises and not be excessively active. There are certain actions that are contraindicated for scoliosis:

  • jumping and sudden jerks of the body;
  • elements of acrobatics - bridge, handstand, somersaults over the head, and so on;
  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • strong bends of the spine and turns to the sides;
  • lifting weights.

Children with scoliosis should not do this exercise.

With grades 1 and 2 of scoliosis, children should not engage in gymnastics, dancing, or active sports; running exercises are allowed within reasonable limits.

Types of childhood scoliosis

There are many reasons for the development of scoliosis; depending on which part of the spine the changes occurred, there are different types of scoliosis.

S-shaped scoliosis . In this case, the thoracic region is curved in one direction, and the lumbar region in the opposite direction.

C-shaped scoliosis. Curvature occurs in any one part of the spine and in one direction.

Z-shaped scoliosis. This type is not found often. Here, curvature occurs in three parts of the spine at once.

Contraindications for exercise therapy and gymnastics

Exercise therapy, like simple exercises, for scoliosis for children and adults has no absolute contraindications. But it is better to abstain from it for a while in the following cases:

  • Acute stage of chronic diseases: pain, increased temperature and blood pressure, as well as other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Progressive curvature of the spine: means that exercise therapy for this type of scoliosis is ineffective; in this case, another method of treatment is selected for children.
  • Increased pain after exercise therapy: exercise should be stopped, as the body signals that it can worsen the situation.

In childhood, the body is in a state of constant development, which makes it possible to stop the disease and return the child to its previous form. But when developing exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis, strict medical supervision is necessary, since every child or teenager receives a certain degree of postural curvature.

What is the meaning of gymnastics for scoliosis?

The spine is fully formed in a person by the age of twenty. That is why such gymnastics must be performed precisely before this age, and even better, starting from a younger age.

This gymnastics will have a therapeutic effect only when scoliosis has not yet progressed to the third or fourth degree. Further it will be considered only as a preventive measure.

Gymnastics for scoliosis has the following tasks:

  • normalization of the muscle corset;
  • removing the negative load on the spine and all its parts;
  • restoration of the muscles and ligaments of the back;
  • correction of postural errors, its restoration;
  • healing of the body.

Why do therapeutic exercises

Spinal curvature is always accompanied by impaired muscle tone and weakening of the muscle corset. Over time, atrophy of muscle fibers is observed, which leads to even greater progression of the pathology. Neither medications nor massage courses can completely restore the muscle corset.

Strengthening muscles can only be achieved with the help of special physical exercises

By doing these exercises over a long period of time, you can achieve the following:

  • strengthening the muscle corset as a whole;
  • relieving spasms from overstrained muscles and giving tone to stretched ones;
  • strengthening the ligamentous apparatus;
  • restoration of normal posture;
  • general strengthening effect on the body.

A set of physical exercises for scoliosis for preschoolers

The performance of physical exercises by a preschool child should be supervised by parents, kindergarten teachers or a specialist exercise therapy instructor. Since it is still very difficult for preschool children to engage in one type of activity for a long time, classes should not exceed 20-30 minutes.

The set of physical exercises for preschool children is divided into three main parts:

  1. Exercises in a standing position.
  2. Exercises in a lying position (on your back and stomach).
  3. Exercises while standing on all fours.

When performing therapeutic gymnastics exercises, it is very important to strive for systematic training. Each exercise must be performed at least 5 times and gradually increase the number of repetitions.

First group of physical activity

Includes the following exercises:

  • Walking in place or in a circle. It is often difficult for preschoolers to march in place, so they are allowed to move around the room. However, it is important to watch your posture.
  • The exercise is performed while standing, with your arms raised and stretched upward as you inhale, your legs placed on your toes and lowered as you exhale. When raising your arms, you need to try to stretch forward with all your might.
  • The exercise is performed in a similar way to the previous one, but in this case the feet should not lift off the floor, but on the contrary, it is necessary to press them as tightly as possible to the support.

Second group of exercises.

Performed lying on your back, the complex includes the following types of loads:

  • The right elbow reaches towards the left knee for the count of “one”. On the count of two, return to the starting position. On the count of “three” the left elbow reaches towards the right knee, on the count of “four” - the starting position. Perform the exercise slowly, stretching the spine well.
  • Lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest, clasping them with your hands on the count of “One.” On the count of two, hold your breath and fix your body in this position. On the count of “three,” release your knees and lower your legs; on the count of “four,” rest. Perform the exercise slowly, stretching the spine well.
  • Repeat the movements 5 times or more, gradually increasing the load.
  • Lie on your back and press your hands to the floor. Raise your legs vertically up and tilt them forward and back, keeping your hands on the floor.
  • Pull your bent legs closer to your stomach. Raise your body forward and clap each time you lift it.
  • Press your arms and shoulders to the floor, focus on your legs. As you inhale, bend your back, lifting it up, lifting it off the floor. In this position, hold your breath and stand for at least 15 seconds. The number of repetitions for preschoolers is 5 and above.

The following exercises are designed to be performed while lying on your stomach:

  • Place your hands in front of you, raise your legs up. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Number of repetitions for preschoolers from 5 and above.
  • Join your hands behind your head. Raise your head and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Do not lift your feet off the floor. The number of repetitions is from 5 and above.
  • Place your palms on the floor and lift your legs alternately.

The third group of physical exercises. They need to be performed while standing on all fours:

  • On the count of “one,” stretch forward with your right hand, simultaneously stretch your left leg back, and hold in this position for 10 seconds. On the count of “two” - rest, return to the starting position. On the count of three, stretch forward with your left hand, simultaneously stretch your right leg back, and hold in this position for 10 seconds. On the count of “four” - rest, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times with both pairs of arms and legs.
  • Exercise “cat”: as you inhale, round your back, lowering your head down; as you exhale, arch your back down, raising your head.
  • As in the previous exercise, you need to bend your back, but now you need to reach your head with your knee. Do this 10 times and repeat the exercise for the second leg.

After an exercise session, you need to rest for half an hour. For its effectiveness, it is necessary to perform the exercises daily, since a positive result depends on this.

Diagnosis of curvature

The signs of scoliosis are quite characteristic, and identifying them yourself is not at all difficult. First, ask your child to stand up straight and lower his arms along his body. Look at your back: in a normal state, the spine is straight and located exactly in the center, the shoulder blades have the same shape and are at an equal distance from the spine, the shoulders are in the same line. Next, ask the child to bend forward: the vertebrae should all stand out equally, and the back should remain symmetrical.

Signs of scoliosis

If one side of the back is more convex, the shoulder blades are different in shape or are turned at different angles, the spine has an arched shape - these are obvious symptoms of curvature. Having discovered at least one of them, you should take the child to an orthopedist for a more detailed examination. The doctor will determine the degree of curvature and select the most optimal treatment method, including a set of exercises.

Degrees of curvature

A set of exercises for scoliosis for children of primary school age

The proposed exercises should be included in the child’s routine and must be performed every day. One lesson will take no more than forty minutes a day. It would be ideal to do these exercises for the first time under the guidance of a special doctor, then you can do it on your own.

It is very important when performing physical therapy to do several repetitions of each exercise. For elementary school students, you can start with 10 repetitions and gradually increase the load. Ideally, a child should be able to repeat the exercises at least 20 times in one approach.

This complex can also be divided into three parts:

  1. Exercises in a standing position.
  2. Exercises in a lying position (on your back and stomach).
  3. Exercises while standing on all fours.

Another rule of such gymnastics is the need to repeat each exercise ten times. In the future you can increase it to twenty.

First group of exercises.

It includes the following exercises:

  • Walking. It is performed on the spot, and a necessary condition is to maintain an even posture. Adults monitor compliance with this rule.
  • Exercise on your toes: you need to simultaneously stretch your arms up as far as possible, then slowly release.
  • The exercise is performed by analogy with the previous one; the feet should not lift off the floor, but on the contrary, it is necessary to press them as tightly as possible to the support.

Second group of exercises.

They are performed lying on your back and include the following exercises:

  • Make a movement with your right elbow to the opposite knee, return from the starting position and repeat it 10 times or more, then perform the exercise with the other hand.
  • Lying on your back, alternately pull both knees to your chest, hold your breath and hold for 10 seconds, return to the starting position and, after a 10-second rest, repeat the approaches.
  • The next exercise is performed with your hands pressed to the floor. And the raised legs need to be tilted alternately to the left and to the right.
  • The legs must be bent and pulled closer to the stomach. Then you need to lift your torso and clap each time.
  • Press your shoulders tightly to the floor, focus on your legs, back arched and raised. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. The number of repetitions is from 10 and above.

The following exercises are designed to be performed while lying on your stomach:

  • Your arms are stretched out in front of you, your legs need to be raised up. You need to hold on like this for about thirty seconds. The number of repetitions is from 5 and above.
  • The hands are connected behind the head in a lock. Then you need to raise your head and hold it for a few seconds. The number of repetitions is from 5 and above.
  • It is necessary to rest your palms on the floor, and then perform leg lifts, alternating left and right.

Third group of exercises.

They need to be performed while standing on all fours:

  • Stretch your right arm straight forward, simultaneously lifting your left leg, and stay in this position for a few seconds. Then you need to do the same thing, but with a different set of arms and legs. Perform the exercises alternately with both pairs of arms and legs 10 times or more.
  • In this exercise, you need to bend your back while raising your head. You need to stick to the maximum level. You need to hold this position for a few seconds.
  • As in the previous exercise, you need to bend your back, but now you need to reach your head with your knee. Then you need to change your leg.

After an exercise session, you need to rest for half an hour. For its effectiveness, it is necessary to perform the exercises daily, since a positive result depends on this.

Exercise selection technique

Since scoliosis is characterized by a number of features: displacement of the position of the vertebrae, asymmetrical effects on the muscles, the selection of exercises for the spine includes certain requirements.

Principle of exercise selection:

  • the loads should have different intensity and mechanism of action on the sides of the back on each side of the spine. On the side of the external deflection - one set of exercises, on the side of the internal deflection - another set;
  • all exercises should be smooth, easy, and not involve increased load;
  • running, stretching the spine in a suspended position (only in a lying position), acrobatic elements are excluded;
  • the complex can include exercises for other parts of the body (limbs, shoulders, other parts of the spine not affected by scoliosis);
  • Manipulations with additional loads (dumbbells, weights, barbell) are not recommended.

Also, in addition to exercise therapy, you can choose a pleasant type of training with a moderate load on the spine. Such workouts include yoga, Pilates, and swimming in the pool. They will complement your course of home exercises and help completely restore your back health.

A set of physical exercises for scoliosis for teenagers

This complex is divided into three parts: warm-up, main part and final part.

Warm up. You need to perform each exercise from five to ten times.

  • You need to stand with your back against the wall, pressing your heels, calves and buttocks against it. You need to keep your back straight. Then you need to move away from the wall, maintaining the correct position of your back. Breathing should be smooth and calm.
  • You need to stand up, let your arms go over your body, and place your legs at a distance from each other. Then you need to start squatting, stretching your arms forward, while continuing to keep your back in the correct position.
  • The legs are located at a distance from each other. First, you need to inhale and raise your arms up, then stretch up and, as you exhale, release both arms.

Basic exercises.

  • This exercise should be performed while lying down with your back down. Raising your legs above the floor, maintaining an angle of forty degrees, you need to perform the “scissors” exercise. For best results, this exercise should be performed in four sets of thirty seconds each.
  • Sitting on all fours, you need to sit with your buttocks on the floor and place your hands on the floor. Then you need to try to move in different directions using your hands. Here you need to repeat the exercise ten times, equally in each direction.
  • As in the previous exercise, sitting on all fours, you need to arch your back up, then release it down. A slow pace is fine here. It is necessary to perform five approaches.
  • Standing up, placing your feet at shoulder distance, you need to move your shoulder blades and hold on for about ten seconds. This action must be repeated up to ten times a day.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to stretch your left arm in front of you and the opposite leg back. You need to hold this for about ten seconds and then change arms and legs.
  • To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back with your legs bent. Then you need to turn your head to the left and your knees to the right. And change position in the opposite direction. In order to achieve the desired effect, this exercise is performed seven times.
  • With your hands clasped behind your back, you need to start walking on your heels, then change the position of your feet to your toes. You need to spend thirty seconds in each position. It will help restore breathing.

After this course of exercises, you need to rest for half an hour. For its effectiveness, it is necessary to perform the exercises every day, since a positive result depends on this.

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