Training for scoliosis. Is it possible to exercise in the gym with scoliosis?

Good afternoon, my dears! Today we will touch on such a pressing problem today as training for scoliosis . Is it possible to go to the gym with scoliosis , and what are the specifics of training for a person who has such a problem? During my work as both an instructor of group programs and an online trainer, I periodically encounter the fact that a fairly large percentage of people have back problems, in particular scoliosis or osteochondrosis. Therefore, when creating individual training programs, I often have to work with such clients. I’ll say right away that training for scoliosis is not contraindicated, but you need to organize the training correctly so as not to harm your health in any way, since we come to the gym not only for a beautiful, toned body, but also for our health.

Let's first define what scoliosis is?

Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine from its vertical line, in simple words, curvature. A person with scoliosis has a curved spinal column, unlike a healthy person without scoliosis.

There are several types of scoliosis depending on where the curvature is located:

- lumbar and cervical lordosis;

- thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis;

- flat back.

Healthy spine


Now let's move on to the practical side of the issue and find out whether training is contraindicated for scoliosis, or is it still not worth writing yourself off so early?!

The influence of sport on the musculoskeletal system

It is an undeniable fact that sport has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system .

Muscle growth, so-called hypertrophy, is observed . In this case, the number of fibers remains unchanged, only the size of their cross-section increases. This occurs due to good blood supply to the tissues. An increased supply of oxygen to the muscles promotes the opening of a large number of small capillaries.

In addition, oxygen is utilized faster in trained muscles . The chemical composition of muscle mass also changes: the amount of glycgen and phosphogen increases. Thus, the muscles become stronger and more efficient.

With constant training, muscle hypertrophy occurs

As a result of regular exercise, cartilage, ligaments and tendons become stronger . The skeletal system also undergoes changes. The bones become more massive, the chest develops, and the spinal column strengthens. The cross section of the bone in athletes is wider than in those who do not play sports.

Physical education classes are of particular importance for the development of children and adolescents . A strong muscular system supports the spine and prevents it from curvature. In addition, sport helps strengthen the body's immune system. As a result, the child is less likely to “catch” an infection, which is one of the causes of scoliosis.

Also, strong back muscles protect the spine from injury, taking on part of the load. Therefore, physical education is mandatory for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis.

Study the structure of the back muscle corset: the lumbothoracic muscle is of particular importance for the spine

Reasons for appearance

Scoliosis of the thoracic region can be caused by various reasons, but in 80% of cases the pathology is called idiopathic, i.e. developing on its own. Factors influencing the occurrence of the problem are:

  • abnormalities of bones and ribs;
  • pathologies of nerves and muscles;
  • weak muscle corset;
  • spinal injuries;
  • chest deformation;
  • constant uneven physical activity.

Uncomfortable and physiologically incorrect posture in childhood gradually develops into poor posture, and then into 1st degree of scoliosis. Without treatment, the pathology moves to the next stage and threatens to impair the functions of internal organs.

Sports activities for scoliosis

Physical activity for scoliosis depends on the stage of the disease:

  • At stage 1, all sports are allowed.
  • At stage 2, martial arts and some strength exercises are limited.
  • At stage 3, sports are prohibited. Moderate physical activity and physical therapy are allowed.
  • At stage 4, physical exercise is completely prohibited. The patient sometimes cannot even move independently.

Exercises for scoliosis are aimed at strengthening the muscle corset and easing muscle tension on the concave side of the spine and toning the muscles on the convex side.

General principles of sports for scoliosis:

  • Gentle regular exercise.
  • Sports are symmetrical.
  • Maintaining a pre- and post-workout diet.
  • Training should not be long, with breaks of at least 2 days between classes.
  • It is necessary to warm up before and cool down after exercise, stretching muscles to prevent injuries.
  • Exercises that create compression and axial load on the spine are prohibited.

At 2 stages of the disease, the following sports are allowed::

  • Yoga.
  • Pilates.
  • Swimming.
  • Game types (at stage 1).
  • Gymnastics.
  • Strength types (with restrictions on some exercises).
  • Dancing.
  • Skis.

Prohibited sports:

  • Martial arts (boxing, karate, wrestling).
  • Fencing.
  • Shot throw.
  • Jumping.
  • Run.
  • Cycling.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Basketball, football, volleyball (at stages 2-3).
  • Weightlifting.

These sports place increased stress on the spine and have a high risk of injury. Asymmetrical sports (fencing, tennis, boxing) load only one side of the body, and therefore contribute to even greater curvature.

Recommended activities for children with scoliosis

Swimming. This is the main sport when sick. The spine is unloaded and the back muscles are strengthened.

Gymnastics. It tones the muscles and promotes the formation of correct posture.

Skiing sport . This is a symmetrical sport, during which the center of gravity does not shift, so the load is distributed evenly.

Children are allowed to play volleyball and football Professional training is prohibited.

Expert advice

What do experts say about training for scoliosis in the gym? They advise not to focus on your back alone during training. Back exercises should not exceed 30 - 40% of the total number of tasks. After all, you probably want not only to strengthen your back, but also to get a harmonious body.

All exercises must be performed carefully following the technique. Otherwise, you can only worsen the situation by receiving new damage. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to start training without weights.

Swimming for scoliosis

Swimming is the main sport recommended by doctors for scoliosis..

Swimming is the main sport for the treatment of scoliosis. The positive impact of such activities is expressed in:

  • Reducing the load on the spinal column, relaxing the back muscles.
  • Normalization and acceleration of blood circulation.
  • Formation of correct posture.
  • Strengthening and developing joint mobility.
  • Endurance training for the cardiac and respiratory systems.
  • Strengthening the muscle corset.

However, swimming with scoliosis has its own characteristics . Not all types of exercise are allowed. For example, diving and backstroke are prohibited due to the increased load. The optimal styles are breaststroke and crawl. Somersaults in water also have a good effect. It is useful to combine exercises in water with breathing exercises aimed at improving the supply of oxygen to tissues.

At stages 2 and 3, exercises must be developed by a specialist and carried out under the supervision of a trainer.

Video: “A set of exercises in the pool to prevent spinal curvature”

Who will treat you?

Bogdanov Vadim Yurievich

chief physician, traumatologist-orthopedist.
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Dremin Evgeniy Vitalievich

neurologist, reflexologist, chiropractor.
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Karavaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

chiropractor, osteopath, neurologist, neurosurgeon
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Exercises in the gym

Paradoxically, in stages 1 and 2 of the disease, exercise in the gym is not prohibited. Moreover, with proper development of the complex and execution technique, they have a positive effect on the body. Exercises strengthen the muscle corset, open the smallest capillaries, and as a result, blood supply to the tissues improves.

Features of fitness classes

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Next fact

When doing fitness, it should be taken into account that some exercises place a strong load on the spinal column and can be traumatic. For these reasons, jumping and sharp turns should be avoided. Classes with elements of yoga and Pilates are optimal.

Basic rules for doing fitness:

  • Exercises shouldn't hurt.
  • Pilates promotes overall recovery, so exercise should be fun and not make you feel bad.
  • You can't overexert yourself. After class you should feel pleasantly slightly tired.

You can do the following exercises in the fitness room::

  • Plank.
  • Hanging leg raises.
  • Pull-ups.
  • Push ups.
  • Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back.
  • Abdominal exercises.
  • Brisk walking on a treadmill (not running).
  • Exercise on an exercise bike (with a supporting backrest).

An exercise bike has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. At the same time, the muscles of the lower back are strengthened, and the load on the spine is minimal.

Bodybuilding classes

You can engage in bodybuilding with scoliosis only at the 1st stage of the disease. Bodybuilding with scoliosis is allowed at the initial stage. Strength training is useful for strengthening back muscles and increasing muscle mass.

However, some exercises can cause complications - pinched nerves, the formation of a protrusion or hernia. Therefore, the set of exercises must be agreed upon with your doctor. The doctor will select the permissible weight of exercise equipment for exercise.

Basic rules for bodybuilding:

  • Performing symmetrical exercises.
  • Lifting weights while lying down.
  • The burden should be minimal.
  • Avoiding exercises that place compression on the spine.
  • Performing exercises in special orthopedic corsets that reduce the load on the spine.
Allowed strength exercises:The following exercises are strictly prohibited:
  • Extension and bending of the legs in the simulator.
  • Hyperextension.
  • Rows to the chest and behind the back of a horizontal block.
  • Trapeze with dumbbells.
  • Curling arms with dumbbells for biceps and triceps.
  • Pull-ups in the gravitron.
  • Bench press.
  • Deadlift.
  • Squats.
  • Lunges.
  • Bending with weights.
  • Bridges with weights.
  • Twisting.
  • Standing barbell press.
  • Lifting a barbell or dumbbells with outstretched arms.

Women cannot lift more than 10 kg, men - more than 20 kg . The breaks between workouts should be at least 2 days so that the body has the opportunity to recover.

Video: “Exercise in the gym for scoliosis”


The disease is classified according to location, severity and shape of the curvature. In total, there are 4 stages of the disease:

  1. Deviation of the spinal column is less than 10º. The patient cannot diagnose the disease on his own because he does not feel any discomfort. Body proportions are preserved. All organs are functioning. When tilting to the right, the shoulder blade and hip move forward slightly. There is a slight asymmetry in the waist area.
  2. Deviation of the spine by 10–15º with twisting around the axis. A roll of muscle tissue forms in the curved area. The patient experiences discomfort in the interscapular space. He complains of fatigue, dizziness and lack of air when walking and running. Visually, the disease manifests itself in the form of protruding shoulder blades and ribs.
  3. Advanced stage, at which the angle of curvature is 26–50º. There are different shoulder heights, skewed pelvic bones, lengthening or shortening of one limb. A hump appears in the rib area. The spine is strongly curved. The pain intensifies. Added to this are problems in the functioning of other body systems. Treatment of grade 3 scoliosis is long and complex. Various techniques are used for recovery.
  4. The entire body is subject to deformation, which leads to disability. Vital organs do not function normally. Congestion in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and diseases of the genitourinary system are observed. When the spinal cord is compressed, paresis and paralysis of the legs occur. The patient needs constant care.

Based on the shape of the curvature, pathology with S- and Z-shaped arches is diagnosed. Changes in the spinal column are also distinguished by localization: thoracic - in the thoracic region, lumbar - in the lumbar region, thoracolumbar - in the thoracolumbar region and combined with a double S-shaped curvature.

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