Shishonin gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a serious pathology that significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life. It is especially dangerous when localized in the cervical region, since the negative impact spreads to the brain. The main method of treatment is special gymnastics aimed at working the deep and superficial cervical muscles. Among the many techniques developed by famous specialists in the field of back diseases, Dr. Shishonin’s set of exercises is rightfully considered the most effective. What is Shishonin gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis, and how to perform it correctly?

Shishonin gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

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Age-related disease

Yulia Borta, AiF-Health

: Alexander Yurievich, what joint problems do older people most often encounter?

Alexander Shishonin:

After 50 years, almost everyone's joints weaken. In some cases, this is due to accumulated injuries. The knee joints are most often injured because they bear the heaviest load. But most diseases of large joints - hip, knee, ankle, shoulder - are associated with changes in metabolism. With age, metabolism slows down, and the nutrition of the cartilage that makes up the joints deteriorates. Cartilage wears out and wears out faster. As a result, pain appears when moving. A person tries to protect the sore leg from stress, to move less, as a result the muscles weaken, and the pain, on the contrary, intensifies. Therefore, physical therapy is one of the most effective means that really improves well-being.

– Many people complain of stiffness in their joints in the morning; it is difficult to straighten an arm or leg. From what?

– This occurs when production decreases and the composition of the joint fluid, which nourishes and lubricates the cartilage, changes. The reason is the same – hormonal imbalance and changes in metabolism.


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The main differences between Shishonin gymnastics

What is the reason for the high effectiveness of Shishonin’s gymnastics? Unlike other methods based on physical exercises, this gymnastics is less traumatic and easy to perform even with severe damage to the vertebrae, when any movement causes excruciating pain. All exercises included in the treatment complex are performed very slowly and do not require much effort. The classes do not require any exercise equipment or sports equipment, and the surrounding conditions do not matter. You can practice in any room and at any time when you have 10-15 minutes free.

Shishonin gymnastics can be performed both at home and in the office

The complete complex consists of three parts:

  • warming up the neck muscles;
  • basic exercises;
  • self-massage.

The best result is achieved by the full complex, but if for some reason it is not possible to devote more time to classes, the main emphasis is on exercises. At an early stage, such gymnastics allows you to completely restore the health of the spine, but in a more severe form you can only reduce symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The main emphasis is on basic exercises aimed at working deep and superficial muscles.

Important! Shishonin’s gymnastics are indicated not only for osteochondrosis, but also for a number of other diseases: intervertebral hernia, spinal curvature, hypertension, migraines, insomnia. As a preventive measure, it is recommended for sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as for people exposed to psycho-emotional stress.

Benefits of Shishonin gymnastics


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Purpose of the technique

Osteochondrosis is characterized by pathological changes in the tissues of the spine, which is manifested by such unpleasant symptoms as pain in the back and neck, limited mobility, and impaired sensitivity in the extremities. The more the disease progresses, the more painful the manifestations, and over time the condition only gets worse. Osteochondrosis does not go away on its own, and in an advanced state, even complex treatment does not guarantee a complete cure of the disease, and therefore you should seek help as early as possible.

Osteochondrosis in the cervical region leads to serious consequences, including pinching of the spinal nerves and destruction of the vertebral bodies

The purpose of Shishonin’s technique is:

  • elimination of pain caused by degenerative processes in the spine and accompanying pathologies;
  • restoration of normal blood and lymph circulation;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the spine;
  • relieving swelling and muscle tension;
  • improving the patient's well-being.

All this is achieved through the active work of the neck muscles, and the main condition for obtaining tangible results is regular exercise for 1-2 months.

Regular exercise will help you quickly get rid of painful neck pain.

If you want to know what to do if there is an exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and also consider the symptoms and effective treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Types of exercises

Lying on your back

1. Place your hands on your stomach and inhale deeply, pushing it out. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lightly press on it with your hands.

2. As you inhale, move your hands behind your head and stretch, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach. As you exhale, lower your arms along your body.

3. Alternately bend your knees without lifting your heels from the surface (sliding your feet along the surface).

4. As you exhale, bend your left leg and stretch your knee towards your stomach. Don't help yourself with your hands! Lower your leg and inhale.

5. Repeat the same for the right leg.

6. Repeat the same for both legs at the same time.

7. Bend your knees without lifting your heels off the surface. Then swing your legs left and right.

8. The same, but lifting the heels off the surface.

9. Bend your legs. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the surface, resting on your shoulder blades and feet. With a sigh, lower your pelvis.

10. Inhale. As you exhale, perform 3-5 circular “bicycle” movements.

11. Inhale. As you exhale, perform 3-4 scissor movements, crossing your straight legs.

12. Inhale. Extend your arms to the sides. As you exhale, rotate your upper body, touching your right hand to your left hand and vice versa. Try to keep only the upper torso off the floor and keep your pelvis in place.

Lying on your right side

13. Right hand under the head, left hand on the stomach, legs bent at the knees. As you inhale, push your stomach out, and as you exhale, pull it in, helping with your hand.

14. As you inhale, straighten your left leg and stretch your arm forward, above your head. As you exhale, pull your knee toward your chest, helping with your hand.

Lying on your left side

15. Repeat exercises 13 and 14, changing the supporting hand.

Lying on your stomach

16. Hands under shoulders. Without lifting your hands from the floor, first get on all fours and then roll onto your feet. Return to starting position.

17. Perform alternating leg swings: while inhaling, lift the leg, while exhaling, lower it.

18. As you inhale, push your stomach out, and as you exhale, pull it in.

Warm up or cool down

– How to help yourself?

– Self-massage of joints helps. Feel the joint, find the pain points and massage them with rotational movements: 9 times clockwise and the same number counterclockwise. You need to press hard enough to feel pain. This massage will increase blood flow in the joint capsule, which means it will improve the formation of a large amount of joint fluid. As a result, the joints will not be so ossified and rigid.

– Are there any other remedies that can be used at home?

– Joint pain can be treated, for example, with cold. Exposure to cold, like massage, reflexively increases blood flow to deep tissues in this area. The body feels that it is freezing and begins to warm up the cooled area from the inside by increasing blood microcirculation. Moreover, this microcirculation reflex, for example, in the knee joint, lasts up to 3 hours. And in the hip, if the thigh is treated with cold on the side, up to a day. The joint is deep, and therefore the microcirculatory reflex is powerful. What do we have to do? Take an ice cube and massage the skin over the joint in a circular motion for half a minute or a minute. Then be sure to dry your skin with a towel to prevent it from getting too cold. This procedure can be performed up to 5 times a day.

– Could a bathhouse be useful?

– If there is severe pain, swelling, redness, of course, there is no need to experiment with the bath. And if you just have aching joints, aching pain, then a bath with a contrast immersion in ice water after a steam room (no more than 3 times per steam session) will help.

Types of constipation in adults

Constipation can be atonic or spastic, depending on the cause. Atonic constipation occurs due to weakening of the muscles of the intestinal walls and insufficient peristalsis. Figuratively speaking, the intestines do not have enough strength to remove their contents. This problem can develop after abdominal surgery, due to the effects of general anesthesia, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms of the atonic form are dense, profuse stools, painful bowel movements. In the spastic form, intestinal motility is impaired. In some of its areas, muscle spasm occurs, and the intestinal contents cannot move further. A characteristic symptom is hard stool in small lumps. In this case, swelling may occur. The patient has a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied.

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