Pain relieving patches for the spine: types and applications

Back pain can significantly worsen the quality of life, and in some cases, put a person in a hospital bed, especially if it is not paid attention to for the time being. This is why it is important to take care of your back and provide timely assistance if necessary. Nowadays, pharmacies sell many different products that can relieve pain, including various patches that eliminate the need to give injections and take pills. But which patch is best for back pain? After all, there are so many of them. Let's try to figure it out.

Which patch for back pain is better?

Where are medicinal patches used?

Adhesive plasters are:

  • epidermatic;
  • endermatic;
  • diadermatic.

Epidermal patches are used to fix wounds. They fit tightly to the skin, limiting its movement, helping the suture to heal faster. They are sold in small rolls and are inexpensive.

Endermatics are used to treat skin diseases such as fungus, calluses, warts, inflammation, abrasions, etc. They can be found in any home medicine cabinet.

Diadermic adhesive plasters affect internal tissues and organs.

The patch has a wide range of applications. It helps to cure both intervertebral hernia and dry callus on the toe; Treatment with a patch is effective and simple, so they can be bought at every pharmacy.

Rules for using the patch

More detailed recommendations are always provided by the manufacturer. But there are several basic rules that you need to pay attention to:

  • The patches are applied to clean, dry and oil-free skin without any damage.
  • Attaching the patch is quite simple - peel off the protective layer and fix the strip at the location of the pain. When using kinesio patches, select a suitable scheme and study the features of their application, since their effectiveness completely depends on correct use.
  • The duration of treatment depends on the cause of pain, its intensity and the individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a doctor.
  • If after several uses the pain practically does not stop, only intensifies and the condition worsens, then you should immediately consult a specialist.

Please note that the patch is primarily a medical product that can temporarily relieve pain, improve the patient’s condition and accelerate regenerative processes. Therefore, in the case of serious pathologies, adhesive products must be combined with drug therapy and other procedures - physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, osteopathy and therapeutic exercises. In this case, it will be possible not only to relieve pain, but also to get rid of the main problem.

Therefore, a properly selected patch is an excellent addition to the main course of treatment. The AthleticMed online store offers a large selection of medical products that can be used to cope with pain, ease the recovery period after injuries and during exacerbations of chronic diseases. If you have any difficulties choosing products, please contact our consultants for help - through online support or by phone. You can buy kinesio tapes here.

Plaster for the treatment of dry calluses

Patches for the treatment of dry calluses have long proven their effectiveness. They relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dry calluses occur on the heels or toes. They create discomfort that deprives the normal ability to walk and even stand. Sometimes there are dry calluses on the hands.

Medical medicinal patch for dry calluses contains salicylic acid. It softens the keratinized skin of the heels, which makes it easier to remove tumors.

Treatment with a patch removes a core dry callus on the toe in 1-2 weeks.

"Salipod" helps to remove heel calluses with a core, plantar warts (spikes), and fungal nail diseases.

When treating wet calluses, Silkoplast with silver, Compid, and Foot Expert are used. These are well-known bactericidal agents.

Types of transdermal patches

Dorsalgia develops due to an inflammatory process in the intervertebral joints. The condition can also develop in the lower back. Spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies cause pain. Depending on the cause of the condition, the type of transdermal agent indicated in the table is prescribed.

Type of patchPeculiaritiesIndications for use
Warming upThe composition includes hot pepper and mustard seeds. Blood circulation improves, regeneration accelerates Slow circulation, inflammation, pain
Heat reflectiveRare earth metals increase local temperatureHernia, vasculitis, radiculitis
Anti-inflammatoryNSAID drugs reduce the local immune responseChronic inflammatory diseases of the spine
PhytoplastyExtracts of medicinal plants enhance local metabolism, accelerate regeneration, reduce inflammationSwelling, pain syndrome
PainkillerContains lidocaine, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulsesInjuries, bruises, inflammation
ChondroprotectiveStimulates the production of synovial fluidCartilage damage

An analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug is used in a short course, during exacerbation. The active substance accumulates and penetrates the systemic bloodstream. This increases the risk of side effects. If the pain is chronic, it is better to use herbal treatments.

Characteristics of heating patches

Pepper extract, belladonna, eucalyptus oil are soaked in lanolin. The substance is absorbed into the epidermis, causing a pharmacological effect. Common means are highlighted.

  1. Doctor Pepper
    . Has an analgesic effect. Improves trophism. Gradually reduces inflammatory processes. Not recommended for patients with sensitive skin, otherwise burning and allergies will occur. Pepper patch for back pain is used only for patients over 14 years of age. Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

  2. Coutenza
    . The drug helps eliminate neuropathic pain. Reduces inflammatory processes in roots and nerve endings. The composition includes capsaicin, which activates skin pain receptors, patients feel a burning sensation and redness. Absorption is slow, after 1 hour only 1% of the component penetrates the epidermis.

Since warming transdermal products have minor side effects, they are used with caution. The area of ​​application is determined by the attending physician. He will tell you which product is best to choose.

The procedure is carried out only with protective gloves and safety glasses.

Contact of components with sensitive skin or mucous membranes will cause irritation. If the product causes discomfort, it is recommended to first apply an anesthetic gel. It is used in minimal quantities, since the active component is quickly absorbed into the blood.

Heat Reflection

For many patients, the pain is caused by slow blood circulation. For example, with osteochondrosis. The vessels are in a state of spasm, so nutrients enter in smaller quantities, causing tissue degeneration. Complete atrophy may occur.

The most famous drug is Nanoplast Forte. The composition contains a fine mixture of rare earth materials. They are hypoallergenic, but when applied they cause the production of infrared radiation. The energetic effect lasts for 12 hours. The following pharmacological action occurs:

  • improvement of lymph flow and blood flow;
  • enhancing fluid drainage, preventing stagnation;

  • suppression of the inflammatory process, pain;
  • acceleration of metabolism, regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • relaxation of muscles in a state of spasm.

If you use the product for 6 weeks, the activity of the musculoskeletal system will improve. The lower back stops hurting even with physical activity. The range of movements increases, it is easier for the patient to move, bend and straighten his back. If the patch was used because of a bruise, the hematoma gradually resolves and microcirculation is normalized. Damaged tissues heal faster.

Transdermal agent with anti-inflammatory effect

Elimination of the inflammatory process is achieved due to the content of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They reduce the activity and production of cyclooxygenase, prostaglandins, and arachidonic acid. Therefore, the inflammatory process gradually decreases, completely eliminating. The best types of anti-inflammatory patches are listed in the table.

Ketonal ThermoKetoprofen, iron powderIncreasing local temperature to dilate blood vessels, suppressing the inflammatory response, reducing pain and swelling
VoltarenDiclofenac, levomentholIrritation, pain relief, infection destruction
KetotopKetoprofenElimination of inflammation without affecting the esophagus, kidneys and liver, since the active substance does not accumulate

Thanks to anti-inflammatory patches, lumbago, radiculitis, neuralgia, and osteochondrosis are eliminated. The product is suitable for patients over 15 years of age. 2 applications per day are enough to increase the range of movements.

Ketonal Thermo belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory and heat-reflecting agents.

Many patches contain several substances at the same time. This helps strengthen their function and quickly improve the patient’s well-being. But it is necessary to eliminate the risk of side effects.

Chinese funds

The Chinese patch for back pain contains natural ingredients, natural chondroprotectors, and therefore reduces the risk of negative reactions. In Chinese medicine, it is customary to influence acupuncture points. This helps improve blood circulation and activate metabolism. Doctors recommend a narrow range of remedies, since they are not very common in Russia:

  • Liao Gaoyao;
  • Black jade;
  • Shangshi Zhitong Gao;
  • Red Tiger.

Their price ranges from 200-600 rubles, which is suitable for the budget of different patients. The composition includes a large number of plant components. For example, menthol, turmeric, cinnamon, myrrh, bee venom, ginger, pine resin. They gradually accumulate in tissues, so the effect becomes prolonged:

  • elimination of the inflammatory process from soft tissues or nerves;
  • reduction of pain and swelling;
  • increased local blood flow;
  • vasodilation.

You need to be careful with herbal ingredients. Patients may experience individual intolerance, causing allergic reactions. Therefore, the doctor first collects an anamnesis and may do an allergy test on the wrist. If there are no contraindications, the product can be used for a long time.

Pain relieving patches

If the patient only needs to temporarily numb the affected area before prescribing quality treatment, it is recommended to use patches containing Lidocaine (Versatis, Salonpas, Emla). It has a prolonged effect, its effect lasts up to 12 hours. Indications for use:

  • discomfort due to cancer in the last stages;

  • acute stage of inflammatory and degenerative joint pathologies;
  • unbearable pain after injury.

Lidocaine is used only for a limited course, since with prolonged treatment it is addictive. If its further use is required, it is necessary to periodically interrupt treatment for 4-5 months. Then the therapeutic course can be repeated. Lidocaine provides only temporary pain relief, but not a cure. This is how it differs from other drugs.

Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance, open skin wounds. Since Lidocaine is only used in patch form, there should be no serious side effects. Only a small part of it penetrates the systemic bloodstream, which reduces the load on the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system.

Chondroprotective agents

Joints constantly produce synovial fluid. If it becomes insufficient, hard structures (bones, cartilage) begin to rub against each other. This leads to gradual damage, which provokes pain and decreased motor activity. The patch contains the following substances:

  • chondroitin;
  • glucosamine sulfate.

The plates are glued to the lower back along the spine. They can be kept there for a long time, since the composition does not include harmful chemicals. The components restore local blood flow. Beneficial substances that improve metabolism and cell regeneration are supplied through the blood. The production of synovial fluid, which lubricates cartilage and bones, increases.

The most common patch is glucosamine and ginseng. The substances relieve swelling, restore cartilage tissue, and increase the elasticity of muscle tissue. Forms an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Since the composition includes natural ingredients, they do not interact with each other or other medications, but only affect the affected area of ​​the human body.

Therapeutic adhesive plasters for the back and joints

Therapeutic patches for the back and joints can be divided into the following groups:

  • Warming (based on mustard or pepper powder).
  • Painkillers (with analgesic on the surface).
  • Herbal (came to us from eastern folk medicine: Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai). Due to its natural composition, the Chinese medicinal plaster for joints has no contraindications. It is used even for newborn babies and during pregnancy.
  • Magnetic. They create infrared radiation and a magnetic field. These phenomena relieve pain and relieve inflammation.
  • Based on chondroprotectors. This is a therapeutic patch for joints with thiamine, glucosamine, chondroitin to restore cartilage tissue.

The Gutong Tegao adhesive plaster helps with the treatment of pain in the shoulders, spine, lower back, hip joints, and other parts of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Quick view

    Thai pain-relieving patch Neobun Gel Joint and muscle pain, bruises, sprains, tendon sprains and even headaches - all this quickly recedes when using the Thai menthol patch Neobun Gel. The secret of the popularity of the product lies in its natural origin. The composition with which the patch is impregnated is completely free of synthetic additives and hormones. It includes eucalyptus, peppermint, menthol, camphor.

    200 ₽

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    Plaster with scorpion and bee venom "Dasezi" The medicinal plaster "Dasezi" from black ants with scorpion and bee venom is the quintessence of the centuries-old experience of oriental medicine. Used in cases of rheumatism, chondrosis, arthritis and almost any back ailment.

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  • Quick view

    Magnetic patch for joint pain Miaolaodi Magnetic patch for joint pain Miaolaodi (green) combines the complex therapeutic effect of medicinal plants and magnetic radiation in the infrared spectrum. It improves blood circulation, relieves swelling and inflammation. One patch is worn continuously for 48 hours.

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    Post-traumatic magnetic plaster Miaolaodi Post-traumatic magnetic plaster Miaolaodi (blue) is an additional treatment used for bruises, sprains, hematomas, swelling of soft tissues. It normalizes blood circulation and improves cell metabolism, thereby providing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. One patch is worn for 48 hours.

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    Plaster for hyperostosis and bunions on the legs Hyperosteogeny Therapeutic magnetic plaster for hyperostosis Hyperosteogeny Miaolaodi is used as an adjuvant for intervertebral hernia, pain symptoms caused by the proliferation of bone tissue, which most often manifest themselves in the form of spurs, bunions and bumps on the legs. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, swelling and itching.

    300 ₽

Chinese patches

Chinese medicine is largely based on ancient folk recipes. Thus, patches against back pain from the people of China can be made from herbs, using magnets, or even from black ants. The latter, for example, not only relieves pain, but also has a therapeutic effect. But it is not suitable for allergy sufferers and pregnant women.

The Miao Zheng magnetic patch contains not only magnets, but also medicinal herbs, which is why it also cannot be used by allergy sufferers. Also popular are the Tianhe patch, the orthopedic Happiness, and the pain reliever ZhongBang.

Magnetic patch Miao Zheng

On a note! All Chinese patches are not officially medicines. They are registered as sanitary-hygienic or cosmetic products. But, despite this, they have gained great popularity among the Russian population and work great.

According to manufacturers, herbal patches are as safe as possible and will not cause harm to the body or aggravate the situation. However, they must be used with caution.

Chinese patches

Chinese plasters for joints and spine

Therapeutic patch for athletes

Recently, athletes began to appear at competitions with blue, red or colored stripes glued to their bodies.
Such strips are called kinesio tapes. Their purpose is to fix muscles and joints. This reduces the risk of injury during sports competitions. The special structure of the material stimulates lymph flow and blood circulation, which reduces pain and helps heal injuries. Therefore, the use of these therapeutic patches for athletes is important both as a prevention and as a treatment.

Applying such adhesive strips to the body is called taping.

Pain-relieving and warming adhesive plasters can help treat injuries sustained during sports. For example, the Vietnamese “Red Tiger” on a fabric basis. It helps to cope with pain in the back, neck, knee, shoulder girdle or lumbar region.

What patches are available at the pharmacy?

But which patches are in greatest demand in pharmacies? Which one is best to take to relieve back pain?

  1. Nano Patch GS – a patch based on chondroprotectors. It is able to reduce or completely stop the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue, but in return it improves and accelerates the production of new cartilage cells. The cost of the drug is quite high, and therefore many refuse to purchase it.

    Nano Patch GS

  2. Voltaren is a diclofenac-based patch, an anti-inflammatory drug. It should not be used by pregnant women and children due to the fact that diclofenac itself is a fairly strong substance that has a lot of side effects, although in the form of a patch it is not so dangerous.
  3. Nanoplast – is made on the basis of a special powdered magnetic material. Effective due to the effect on the body of a magnetic field. Valid for up to 12 hours.

    Nanoplast Forte

  4. Ketonal is a warming patch. It cannot be used by diabetics, people with damaged skin, and is prohibited for pregnant women.
  5. Versatis is a drug containing lidocaine. It relieves pain well, but does not have any other effects - it does not relieve inflammation, does not heal.

Action of the Versatis patch

Plaster for the treatment of bedsores

In people who spend a lot of time in a lying or sitting position, bedsores appear on the skin - affected areas in the form of ulcers. A medicinal patch that has several effects at once helps to cope with them:

  • healing;
  • anesthesia;
  • relieving itching;
  • disinfection.

A patch for the treatment of bedsores looks like a bandage, the top layer of which consists of breathable fabric, and the bottom layer of healing impregnation. Removal and replacement is carried out when it becomes wet.

Pain patches - benefits of use

The popularity of patches is primarily due to undeniable advantages:

  • High comfort of use - they can be attached to any hard-to-reach areas, and this can be done easily even outside the home walls (which is not always possible with other external products, for example, gels and ointments).
  • Each patch has a clearly calculated dosage of the drug, which is enough for one procedure. Therefore, it is impossible to “overdo it” with the amount of the drug.
  • The patches are hygienic to use - just remove the protective layer and attach it to the skin. At the same time, your hands will remain clean and your clothes will not get dirty.

Patch for the treatment of heel spurs

To treat heel spurs you can use:

  • Chinese medicinal patches that remove excess salts and toxins.
  • Pepper adhesive plaster. It improves blood circulation, creates a thermal effect, as a result of which the spur is gradually destroyed.
  • Cleansing patch. It contains: Chinese angelica, aconite root, magnetic powder. These ingredients remove toxins, cleanse the blood and lymph, which promotes the gradual resorption of the spur.
  • Orthopedic patch. It relieves pain, promotes the destruction of the spur and fixes the foot in the correct position to prevent the spur from enlarging.
  • Magnetic adhesive plaster. It has already been written about above. Infrared and magnetic effects destroy seals and protruding bones.

Any of these remedies require a course of treatment for a period of 2-3 weeks.

  • Quick view

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    85 ₽

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Reviews about the use of pain relief patches

In general, the opinion of people who have experienced this form of drugs is positive.

The main points they note:

  • The choice was in favor of a patch because of ease of use compared to ointments, although many patches are identical in principle of action.
  • Very fast pain relief, especially for patches with NSAIDs and anesthetics. This is explained by the fact that the active substance is delivered to the site of inflammation faster than in the form of tablets or injections.
  • Many people choose the patch because they note not only a faster result, but also a higher effectiveness of local action compared to other methods.

Separately, it is worth mentioning categories of people with contraindications to potent synthetic drugs such as NSAIDs. They note that Chinese natural patches can be a real salvation when diclofenac cannot be used. For example, these are women after childbirth, who often have problems with the spine, and they can only afford patches with natural ingredients during breastfeeding.

Negative reviews are most likely due to the incorrectly selected type of drug or the expectation that it will completely get rid of the disease. As already mentioned, with very severe pain, Chinese plasters or good old mustard plaster are unlikely to help.

Therapeutic patches for menopause

The menopause period is painful and accompanied by unpleasant sensations. To alleviate the condition, hormonal patches are used.

Their advantages over other hormonal drugs:

  • Quick impact.
  • No additional stress on the stomach, kidneys and liver.
  • Avoiding overdose.
  • Lack of a strict schedule for taking medications. The patch is applied once for 4 days.

The use of any medication is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, after conducting the necessary examinations.

How to use the patch?

Capsaicin is poorly soluble in fat, and on any part of the skin there is a protective film of sebum. Therefore, first you need to use a special medical wipe (for example, with isopropyl alcohol) to degrease and dry the area of ​​skin to which the patch will be glued. The patch is never applied directly to the middle of the back, in the projection of the spinous processes.

It needs to be glued slightly to the side of the center line, paravertebrally. In these zones, to the right and left of the spinal column, the back muscles are located, which take part in straightening the body. They are most often in tonic tension in people engaged in mental work. It is these muscles that become the source of pain impulses during hernias.

After this, a patch of the required size is selected, the protective film is removed from the pepper layer and it is carefully glued without wrinkles to the dry and degreased surface. Naturally, it is better to ask a loved one to do this; it may be inconvenient yourself, especially if movement is limited. The patch can be removed after two days.

With normal tolerance, a person will feel a slight warmth during the day, which gradually begins to weaken. No unpleasant sensations are usually noted with correct application. If after a few minutes a strong burning sensation occurs, then the patch should be removed, and the skin should be washed with soap and wiped with Vaseline.

In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to perform a so-called skin test before using the patch for the first time. To do this, the skin is degreased and a more sensitive area than the lower back is taken, for example, the outer surface of the shoulder. It is not recommended to test the most delicate skin, in the area of ​​the elbow bend, since in any case there will be a strong burning sensation, because this is not cosmetics or a cream, but pepper. If 15 minutes after application there are no unpleasant sensations, then you can safely apply it to the lumbar region for two days.

How to remove pepper patch? The easiest option is to soak it. To do this, you can take a warm shower, bath, or, as a last resort, lubricate the patch with oil, vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. The main thing is that you don’t need to rip the patch off dry, it’s painful.

Plaster for the treatment of pleurisy

Pleurisy is inflammation of the pulmonary and parietal pleural lobes. Symptoms similar to bronchitis:

  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • chest pain;
  • heat.

Treatment of this disease requires intensive care. A warming adhesive plaster can be an additional element. But it is used only if approved by a doctor, since overheating can cause fluid accumulation in the lungs.

Warming bandages are used to treat many colds and their consequences, such as sinusitis. Thanks to the thermal effect, mucus accumulated in the nose comes out naturally, making it easier for a person to breathe, relieving him of snoring and other unpleasant symptoms.

Contraindications and restrictions

Despite its mild action and external use, there are a number of contraindications when pepper patch cannot be used. These are the following states:

  • high temperature, acute infectious pathology;
  • skin diseases at the site of intended application of the patch: psoriasis, weeping eczema, as well as herpetic rashes;
  • presence of a positive preliminary skin test;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of protrusion and hernia of the cervical spine. Applying intense, burning capsaicin to the back of the neck can lead to the development of a hypertensive crisis, redness of the facial skin, tachycardia, or even the development of bronchospasm or an attack of suffocation.

The last contraindication is relative. In patients without arterial hypertension, excess weight and a tendency to develop sympathoadrenal crises, the patch can also be used on the cervical spine. But still, usually the patch is intended for application to the skin in the projection of the thoracic spine (except for the area of ​​the heart at the back), and for warming the lumbar spine.

Therapeutic plasters for intercostal neuralgia

With intercostal neuralgia, nerves are pinched, which causes severe discomfort. A vicious circle is formed: pain - pinching - pain.

To break this endless connection, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Adhesive plasters, which contain diclofenac, ketorol, and voltaren, do an excellent job.

Pain-relieving stickers provide relief for any disease related to neurology. For example, with sciatica - pinching of the sciatic nerve, when discomfort occurs in the tailbone area.

Smart patch for diabetes treatment

Adhesive plasters for diabetes, unfortunately, will not help get rid of the disease. But they relieve unpleasant symptoms, help stabilize the amount of sugar in the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and reduce cholesterol levels.

Such medicinal patches are produced mainly in China, but are also popular in Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and other Asian countries.

Most medicinal patches from China for diabetes come in sets of 6 pieces. They are glued to the waist area, closer to the navel. There are many vessels in this place and the active substances are easily absorbed into the blood. Some products involve placement on the feet.

In America, a smart patch for diabetes is being developed. It is made using the latest technologies and is slightly larger than a coin. At its center there are microneedles that measure the level of insulin in the blood, and they also produce automatic injections. Wearing this diabetic umbilical patch is completely painless.

This innovative product has already been successfully tested on animals. An application has now been submitted for the first human study. If it is successful, almost 400 million people will have hope of getting rid of painful daily injections.

Which patch is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which patch is better. The thing is that each of them has its own effect. And if one did not have the desired effect, then, quite possibly, it was simply chosen incorrectly. As for the comparison between Chinese and conventional pharmacy patches, both have excellent effectiveness.

It is important to remember that depending on the substances used to make the patch, the drugs may have a variety of contraindications - at least, they can cause allergies. Therefore, before use in any case, it is important to study the instructions and choose the option that will have minimal negative effects on the body.

Before using the patch, be sure to read the instructions

Rating of the best medical patches

The most effective and well-known adhesive plasters on the pharmaceutical market:

  • Neobun-Gel Cool analgesic plaster - relieves pain in the back, knee joints, and cervical spine.
  • “Tianhe” - helps with osteochondrosis, periarthritis, sprains, bruises. It has a completely natural composition.
  • "Voltaren" - eliminates inflammation, swelling in soft tissues, helps with varicose veins.
  • Anti-hemorrhoids is a Chinese patch that helps treat the prostate and resolve hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids often occur together with prostatitis. The antihemorrhoidal patch copes with both diseases at the same time.
  • Hartmann Cosmos is a popular product that every child knows. It is used for minor skin injuries: abrasions, cuts, burns, wet calluses.
  • Miaolaodi is a Chinese medicinal magnetic patch that relieves joint and spinal pain.
  • ZB Pain Relief is a remedy often used in orthopedics; it helps with discomfort in the glenohumeral area and knee joints.
  • Zugentong (“Zugentong”) is a healing patch for the treatment of heel spurs, corns, cracks, and fungus of the nail plate.
  • “Branolinda” is a gauze mesh soaked in Peruvian balsam. This is an excellent analgesic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Helps in the treatment of trophic ulcers.
  • "Versatis" is a Japanese patch with lidocaine, used to relieve pain, including shingles.
  • “Kinoka” is a massage detox patch. The ginseng extract included in its composition perfectly cleanses the body. It is advisable to use it at night, sticking it on the soles of your feet.
  • "Compid" antiherpetic - masking and healing sticker. It is used when herpes occurs on the face and area around the mouth. Compid is not intended for gynecological manifestations of this disease. Its cost is quite high.
  • "Mepiform" is a silicone patch for scars. Helps remove skin defects of any origin, including burns.
  • Nicoretta is the most famous and effective adhesive plaster to help you quit smoking.
  • “Tiande Tegao” is a phytopatch that relieves joint and vertebral pain, helps in the treatment of coxarthrosis, colds, and throat diseases.
  • “Nanoplast Forte” is a type of adhesive plasters for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. According to consumer reviews, it easily and quickly relieves pain syndromes.
  • BB Tape is a Korean tape, suitable for any part of the body, even the face. Good air permeability.

Buy medicinal plasters

What causes back pain?

Back pain is an unpleasant and causing significant discomfort syndrome that can appear due to problems with the musculoskeletal system, as well as due to diseases not related to muscles, joints and bones. Depending on the cause of the pain, different treatments may be prescribed - which is why it is important to see a doctor if pain occurs, especially if there were no prerequisites for the development of the syndrome.

Prices for back belts

There are several causes of back pain

So, back pain can be caused by:

  • excessive stress, in particular on the muscles and spine;
  • muscle strain;
  • back injury;
  • problems with the spine (for example, due to osteochondrosis);
  • diseases of a number of internal organs (as a concomitant syndrome).

Find out how the spine is connected to other organs. The Cause of Back Pain May Be a Surprise

As a rule, unexpected back pain appears as a result of excessive stress on the back (or, conversely, due to lack of physical activity) or due to osteochondrosis. And if in the first case it can be observed even in young people, then in the second, as a rule, back pain occurs in elderly patients.

On a note! Osteochondrosis is a disease associated with wear and decrease in the thickness of intervertebral discs. As a result, the vertebrae begin to sag, the openings where the spinal nerves exit are narrowed, and the nerves themselves become pinched. The result is severe pain.

What is osteochondrosis

Hypothermia, dragging heavy objects, and wearing uncomfortable clothes can also trigger back pain . Less common, but also severe emotional stress can cause pain.

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