Belt for lower back pain: types, wearing and use

Lower back pain is common, especially among people over 30 years of age. To eliminate pain, drug therapy, massage and exercise therapy are traditionally used, but there is another simple and effective way to alleviate the condition - wearing a special belt. Let's look at how to choose a back belt for lower back pain and how to wear it.

Back belt for lower back pain

Varieties of back belts

Therapeutic belts are produced in two types. The first is fixing (orthopedic) products, the task of which is to hold the lumbar region in a physiologically correct position. They differ in the degree of rigidity, number and type of fasteners, and can be equipped with magnetic inserts to enhance the therapeutic effect. The second type is warming belts, which provide concentration of dry heat around the painful area.

Different types of belts are used to treat the lower back

Fixing belts

Such products are a dense elastic base with wide Velcro fasteners, which allow you to adjust the degree of fixation of the belt on the body. They differ in size, type and number of inserts, and material of manufacture.

Table. Types of fixing belts

Product typeCharacteristic


The most common option. Such belts are divided into soft, hard and semi-rigid, depending on the density of the base and the presence of special inserts in the form of durable plates - stiffeners. Each variety has its own purpose, so the belt must be selected by a doctor, guided by the diagnosis and the general condition of the patient.

Inflatable (pneumatic)

The base of the product has a two-layer airtight structure with vertical cavities. The belt is first put on yourself and then filled with air using the pump included in the kit. If necessary, the compression level can be easily adjusted. The product not only fixes the lower back in the correct position, but also helps to increase the intervertebral space.
MagneticThe belt has an elastic base made of polyvinyl chloride, spandex or nylon, into which magnetic plates are sewn. The rigidity of products depends on the size, thickness and number of these plates. Magnetic action helps normalize blood flow and microcirculation of fluids in tissues, thereby accelerating the regeneration of diseased areas.

The main criterion when choosing fixing belts is their rigidity:

  • rigid models provide almost complete immobility of the lumbar region and are used in the most serious cases;
  • semi-rigid belts are equipped with fewer plates, and therefore provide partial restriction of mobility. They are usually used for exacerbations of chronic ailments, mild curvature of the lumbar region, to prevent injuries;

    Orthopedic semi-rigid back belt

  • soft belts are made without stiffeners, and therefore provide gentle fixation and are used mainly to prevent injuries and the development of degenerative processes in intervertebral discs and vertebrae in the presence of risk factors.

Warming belts

These products consist of a dense base and Velcro fasteners. The base can consist of natural wool (sheep or goat, camel, dog) or synthetic materials (neoprene). Such belts have low thermal conductivity and provide heat accumulation in the lumbar region.

Due to low thermal conductivity, the warming belt accumulates heat from the body and effectively warms the lower back

What does warming up the lower back do:

  • increases blood circulation;
  • helps eliminate swelling and inflammation;
  • improves microcirculation in tissues;
  • relaxes muscles and relieves spasms;
  • accelerates regeneration.

During the cold season, warming belts serve as excellent protection against hypothermia of the lower back, which can cause myositis, kidney inflammation or problems with the genitourinary tract. In addition, most warming belts have high elasticity, due to which they not only warm up the lower back, but also provide it with the necessary support and reduce stress when walking.

Warming belt with camel hair

About the bandage

To eliminate the consequences of various diseases, vertebral displacements, lower back injuries, as well as to reduce the load on the spine, it is partially immobilized. To achieve this, the patient will need help in the form of a special device - a bandage.

It is able to relieve spasms and tension from the body, as well as prevent the development of complications. For this reason, doctors advise wearing it more often during rehabilitation after lower back treatment.

It is worth noting that the bandage will only be beneficial if the patient complies with the instructions of the attending physician. The main thing he should know is how to choose the best option for himself, how exactly to wear it and what are the subtleties of caring for it.

Indications for use of the belt

The use of therapeutic belts is primarily indicated for lesions of the spine in its lower part, since the main task of these products is to reduce the load on the lower back. Therefore, the list of main indications includes:

  • intervertebral hernia and protrusion;
  • Crick;
  • spondylitis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • vertebral fractures;
  • recovery period after surgery.

One of the indications for wearing a belt is lower back pain due to osteochondrosis.

Warming belts are indicated for muscle inflammation, rheumatism and radiculitis, back injuries accompanied by tissue inflammation. But besides this, they can be used for some diseases of internal organs that are located at the lumbar level, for example, inflammation of the kidneys.

Advice. Orthopedic belts are recommended to be worn to prevent back pathologies by those who are at high risk, for example, builders, loaders, professional athletes, and drivers.

In order for wearing a belt to give a positive result, it must be selected individually, taking into account the type and degree of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies or complications, and the general condition of the patient. In addition, the size of the product must exactly match the person’s build. It is a mistake to think that due to the elasticity of the belt and the adjustable length of the fasteners, it can be adjusted to any figure - these properties only allow you to adjust the fixation force, but nothing more. And an incorrectly selected model will not be able to provide a full therapeutic effect.

To choose the correct belt size, you need to measure your waist circumference

What is the treatment for a herniated disc?

Treatment may include the following:

  • avoid painful positions;
  • do special exercises;
  • undergo therapeutic massage sessions and a course of physiotherapy;
  • take painkillers;
  • wear a lumbar corset.

Medicines are used to reduce pain, and the type of medicine depends on the severity of the disease. Additionally, anti-inflammatory injections directly into the spine may be given to relieve severe pain. Muscle relaxants are also used in some cases.

If symptoms persist and the disease progresses, surgery may be an option to solve the problem.

Product selection rules

The appearance of back pain is not yet a reason to order an orthopedic belt. It should be understood that therapeutic belts are only one of the auxiliary means and cannot cure the disease. Therefore, you should first undergo a clinical examination and identify the exact cause of the disease, after which the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy and determine the need to use a belt. If it turns out that it is really needed, the specialist will select the optimal type of product and help you decide on the size, but the specific model must be chosen by the patient himself.

The need to wear a belt must be determined by a doctor, so you must first undergo an examination

Important! A back belt should only be purchased in specialized stores that stock certified orthopedic products that fully meet medical requirements.

  1. The service life of the belt directly depends on the quality of workmanship and materials. The denser the base and seams, the longer the product will last. A high-quality belt should not have ties, threads protruding from the seams, or visible defects; all fasteners should lie evenly and tightly, and not move when the body bends.
  2. People prone to allergies should not choose models made from dog hair. It is better to give preference to products made of sheepskin or camel wool, or buy a neoprene belt.

    Allergy sufferers should pay attention to neoprene belts and bandages

  3. Belts with a knitted and woven base are very easy to care for: they can be easily washed in a machine or by hand, and dry quickly. It is more difficult to clean thick felted, quilted or fur belts from dirt, so their owners often have to resort to dry cleaning.
  4. Fasteners on belts come not only with Velcro, but also with metal fasteners. The first option is more convenient to use because it requires a minimum of time and effort. They have only one drawback - over time, the Velcro becomes clogged and stops firmly fixing the belt on the body. This does not happen with metal fasteners, therefore, if long-term wearing is expected, preference should be given to such models.

    A belt with Velcro fasteners is more convenient to use, but they wear out faster

Having made your choice, you need to put the belt on over your underwear and, tightening the fastenings tightly, perform several movements: bend back and forth, turn to the sides, walk around a little.

Important! A correctly selected model will not cause discomfort or shift during body movements. At the same time, your back should immediately feel relief when bending and turning, since the belt removes part of the load from the lower back. If there is a feeling of discomfort, the product presses unpleasantly in the area of ​​the ribs or pelvis, or greatly interferes, such a belt is definitely not suitable.

Symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine

A lumbar corset for a spinal hernia helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Between each vertebra in the spine there is a layer known as an intervertebral disc. A tear in the fibrous ring of one of these discs can cause the center portion of the disc to fall out. This is called a herniated disc. Although it can occur in any area of ​​the spine, it most often occurs in the lumbar back.

The most common symptom of a lumbar disc herniation is back pain. If the disc presses on surrounding nerves, people may experience arm or leg pain, numbness or tingling, and weakness. Severe pain in the buttocks, thighs and even legs is also common.

In some cases, symptoms may not occur.

How to wear a belt

A back belt can be not only beneficial, but also harmful if used incorrectly. It should be remembered that such products are not intended for constant wear. Since the belt reduces the load on the back muscles, they work at half capacity, and over time this leads to muscle atrophy. To keep your back healthy, the muscles need to be trained and not weakened by orthoses, so wearing an orthopedic belt should be strictly dosed. Experts recommend wearing them for no more than 4-6 hours, after which you must take at least a short break. During the daytime rest and at night, the belt should also be removed, because when the body is in a horizontal position, the bandage is absolutely useless.

The belt should be removed at night to allow your back to rest.

It is recommended to wear the pneumatic belt for no more than 2-3 hours without a break, with the duration of the first wearing being about 15-20 minutes. Warming belts can be worn longer - up to 10 hours without a break, especially in cold weather. They should also be removed at night to give your skin some rest.

The degree of fixation is of great importance. You should not tighten the belt too tightly, as this leads to tissue compression, swelling, impaired blood circulation, as well as the functions of the intestines and internal organs. But you also can’t tighten it loosely, because in this case the entire therapeutic effect disappears. The product must be fixed so that a slight impact is felt on the lower back, but without discomfort.

The belt should not be tightened too tightly, as this will interfere with blood circulation.

It is not recommended to wear a back belt on a naked body. Firstly, this can cause rubbing of the skin with the protruding elements of the belt, and secondly, the product will become soiled faster from sweat and will have to be cleaned more often. And if frequent washing does not particularly affect orthopedic belts, warming models lose some of their properties and have a weaker therapeutic effect. It is best to wear the belt on a light T-shirt or tank top made of cotton fabric.

Video - Back belt for lower back pain

With the help of a belt, you can significantly reduce pain, but in order to fully restore your health, comprehensive measures are needed. You can read about why lower back pain occurs and how to treat it on our website.

Children's bandages

Wearing a lumbar bandage is a simple and, most importantly, safe way to treat and correct posture.

The problem of incorrect posture and lumbar strain is especially acute for children. They often suffer from this because they hunch over, assume incorrect body positions, or bend or lean excessively while working on a PC. In addition, they often have a lack of calcium and vitamin D.

All this has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the lower back and the formation of posture. The result is scoliosis of the spine.

If a child does not engage in any kind of sports or does not do morning exercises, then he will experience weakening of his muscles and a decrease in the flexibility of the spine. As a result, various types of kyphosis, scoliosis and lordosis appear.

For children who suffer from pain in the lower back, a bandage is essential

Scoliosis progresses faster in children because their bones and cartilage are more pliable. Because of this, the orthopedic doctor will have a special task - choosing a children's bandage. It will prevent the child from slouching and will maintain anatomically correct posture.

The appropriate age for wearing a lumbar brace is from eleven to sixteen years. Warming models are used only when children suffer from radiculopathy, but this rarely happens.

For grade 1 scoliosis, the orthopedic bandage is worn for a maximum of five to six hours a day. If grade 2 is detected, you need to wear it all the time, the only exception being during sleep.

It is worth noting that you need to remove the bandage for at least a short period of time (an hour a day). This must be done regardless of the severity of the pathology. At this time, it will be useful to give your child a massage. This prevents swelling and possible circulation problems.

Important! As the child ages, it is necessary to change the bandage.

Theory - clinics in

Choose among the best clinics based on reviews and the best price and make an appointment

Scoliosis Treatment Center named after K. Schroth

Moscow, st.
Azovskaya, 24, building 2 POM VI/KOM 5,6,7/ET 1 Sevastopolskaya


  • Consultation from 1500
  • Exercise therapy from 2700

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Oriental Medicine Clinic "Sagan Dali"

Moscow, prosp.
Mira, 79, building 1 Rizhskaya


  • Consultation from 1500
  • Diagnostics from 0
  • Reflexology from 1000

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Center for Chinese Medicine "TAO"

Moscow, st.
Ostozhenka, 8 building 3, 1st floor Kropotkinskaya


  • Consultation from 1000
  • Massage from 1500
  • Reflexology from 1000

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Show all Moscow clinics

Features of use and care

After choosing a suitable corset belt, you need to learn the rules for wearing it:

  • Athletes and people who perform strenuous work should wear a corset during physical activity. During rehabilitation after injuries and operations, the product is worn for 2 hours a day during the first week. Then the exposure time is gradually increased to 6 hours.
  • The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, but it cannot exceed 12 weeks.
  • You also need to gradually give up the corrector, reducing the time you wear it by 1 hour per day.
  • The orthosis should be worn over a T-shirt made of natural fabric. It is prohibited to treat the skin with warming or anti-inflammatory agents before using it.
  • Your doctor will show you how to put on a corset correctly. He will show you how to tighten the straps to achieve the desired amount of support.
  • The lumbosacral corset should be removed before going to bed.

Important. If the corrector belts are tightened excessively, blood circulation and respiratory function are impaired. If the fixation is very weak, then the therapeutic effect will not appear.

To extend the life of the orthopedic belt and maintain its original appearance longer, you need to know how to care for it:

  • Wash the product only by hand, otherwise it will become deformed.
  • It is recommended to use delicate detergents for washing; it is better to avoid aggressive cleaning agents (stain removers, bleaches).
  • Dry the corset on dry towels, away from the sun and heat sources (radiators or heaters).

You should also not iron the corset even at the lowest temperature.

Theory - specialists in Moscow

Choose among the best specialists based on reviews and the best price and make an appointment

Gromov Ilya Sergeevich

Moscow, st.
Azovskaya, 24, building 2 POM VI/KOM 5,6,7/ET 1 (Scoliosis Treatment Center named after K. Schroth) +7 Registration

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Kudryakov Stepan Anatolievich

Moscow, st. Azovskaya, 24, building 2 POM VI/KOM 5,6,7/ET 1 (Scoliosis Treatment Center named after K. Schroth)


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