How to massage for back and lower back pain?

Sedentary work, lack of physical activity, excessive stress on the back, poor posture, uncomfortable chairs or mattresses are just a small list of causes of neck and back problems. The very fact of walking upright is already a potential problem for the human race. It is not surprising that MASSAGE of the BACK and cervical spine is so in demand. But not everyone succeeds in turning to professionals. Everything again comes down to free time, the financial side of the issue and the habit of prolonging pain or discomfort in the back to a deplorable state. Today we will talk about how to properly massage your back at home. We will talk about the technique, plunge into the world of the anatomy of the spinal muscles and compile a list of contraindications.

How to do a back massage correctly?

Let us immediately clarify that we will talk exclusively about healing or relaxing massage. Non-professionals without special education are strictly prohibited from performing therapeutic massage - it can cause harm to health. The general rules are quite simple:

  1. Use a hard couch. Well, it’s better not to do a massage on a soft sofa - there is a risk of damaging the spine due to deflection. The patient should lie face down on a hard couch with his head on a special pillow.
  2. The arms should be placed along the body, and it is better to place a low cushion about 5 – 7 centimeters in height under the shins. This will increase blood flow to the sore area of ​​the back.
  3. The massage therapist is usually located on the side. You need to use cream or oil - any cosmetic or moisturizer will do. The massage consists of stroking, rubbing, patting, pinching, and rolling. It is best to start a healing procedure with stroking.
  4. After the stroking stage, you can move on to a more intense stage, consisting of light pressure and rubbing. It is strictly forbidden to apply strong pressure. If the patient has problems with the spine, then they can only be aggravated.

  5. At the final stage, light tapping is usually done with the fingertips or palms. This will improve blood flow.

But the massage technique itself is only a small part of a systematic approach. If you want to do a massage correctly, then you should carry out proper preparation for the session.

Location of acupressure points

In order to properly massage and influence the required area, you need to know where the corresponding points on the back are located. The location of the points can be:

  • 12th lumbar vertebra. With the help of this point on the back, the process of digestion and fluid exchange in the body is stabilized. Massaging it eliminates pain in the lumbar region, which has a different etiology.
  • 2-3 vertebrae. With its help, not only the elimination of lower back pain is performed, but also the diagnosis of various kidney diseases.
  • 4 vertebra. This point is most often used to diagnose diseases in the large intestine. It has a pronounced analgesic effect and is widely used in cases of lower back pain and discomfort in the hip area. The point is used to relax the lower back muscles.
  • 5 vertebra. This point is the primary source of energy. By massaging it, diseases in the bladder, kidneys, and genitourinary system are cured.
  • 4th lumbar vertebra. The point is located in a slight depression. It is used if there is pain, weakness and loss of sensitivity in the lower extremities. Thanks to the procedure, discomfort in the sacrum and hip area is eliminated. When exposed to the point, tension in the spinal muscles is relieved.
  • 2nd sacral vertebra. The point is used in the presence of constipation and diseases of the genitourinary system. If the patient has pain in the lower back or knees, then it is necessary to massage this point.
  • 3 cun from the vertebra. By massaging this point, pain in the joints and chest is eliminated. The procedure also allows you to speed up the process of treating various pathological conditions in the liver.

If a person pre-determines all the points for back massage, this will greatly simplify this procedure for him.

Preparing for the session

Not only the patient, but also the massage therapist himself needs to prepare for the session. Do not forget that you are not a professional, and a few lessons on YouTube are not enough to carry out complex therapeutic therapy. Beginning massage therapists should start with the simplest wellness massage. It will relieve general tension in problem areas and will have a relaxing and strengthening effect. The general stages of preparation can be summarized in a short list, although everything is individual:

  1. Get your hands in order. Nails should be cut short to avoid accidentally scratching the patient. Also wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. A clean towel should be placed next to the massage therapist, on which the patient can lie down, and which can also be used for wiping after moisturizing cream or oil. Cosmetics should also be prepared in advance.
  3. The room itself needs to be ventilated before the procedure, but the temperature should be comfortable. The massage therapist's hands must be warm; it is very important for the person to relax during the session.
  4. Massage can only be performed on a hard surface; it is advisable to have a special table available. It is also worth purchasing a special massage oil, which must be thoroughly rubbed and heated in the palms.
  5. A massage session lasts about half an hour, because... The back and neck are always the most problematic areas of a person. Movements of the palms should be carried out in the direction of blood flow. To avoid infection, you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

Beginners should remember that if the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure should be stopped or the force reduced. The pressure on the spinal column should be very gentle. The main principle of massage at home is to do no harm.

Is it possible to learn the technique on your own?

The effectiveness and benefits of acupressure have been proven for centuries, so recently interest in it has only been growing. Today it is not difficult to find various publications, step-by-step lessons, and videos teaching this health technique.

If you really want, of course, you can independently learn the location of biologically active points and methods of influencing them. But this is not enough. Experts say that a person who decides to seriously engage in the art of acupressure must:

  • have a good understanding of anatomy and physiology;
  • clearly know the location of all biologically active points and their purpose, and also be able to accurately find them on the patient’s body;
  • master the basic techniques of influencing reflex points: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, grasping, injections and pinching;
  • understand and accept Eastern philosophy;
  • be in good physical shape, have strong arms and strong nerves.

By performing acupressure, the massage therapist takes responsibility for the life, health and well-being of the patient. Therefore, all his actions must be competent, accurate and skillful. The best option is not to educate yourself, but to take a few lessons from a professional or attend special training courses (such, for example, are organized at the well-known center of Dr. Bubnovsky).

Anatomy of the spinal muscles

The muscles of the back and legs are the most powerful and largest. The spinal column experiences a huge load every day, associated not only with physical exercise, but also with the realities of everyday life. Sitting and walking already pose a lot of difficulties, so the back muscles must be well developed. If certain areas of the back cannot cope with the load, then a hernia, osteochondrosis, cracks and other unpleasant diseases may appear. All back muscles can be divided into two large groups: superficial and deep. In order to use them all during a massage, you need to carefully work out each group, for this we will highlight the main anatomical units:

  • Trapezius muscle - located in the upper back, connects the scapula and cervical spine. Externally it is flat, close to a triangular shape. When the upper bundles of the muscle group contract, the scapula rises; when the lower bundles contract, it lowers. When the shoulder blade approaches the spine, all bundles of the muscle group contract. The trapezius muscles play an important role in the formation of posture.
  • Latissimus Muscle – Found on most of the lower back. It is responsible for connecting the shoulder and back; the load falls on it at the moment of abduction and retraction of the arm. The latissimus muscle also plays an important role in breathing. At the moment of inhalation, the chest expands precisely due to the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  • Rhomboid muscles - located immediately below the trapezius muscles and are shaped like a rhombus. When this muscle group contracts, the scapula is pulled upward towards the spinal column. Another purpose of the groups is to secure the edge of the blade in a certain position in relation to the pile of the cage.
  • Back straightener. This is the longest, most powerful and strongest muscle group of the back. The erector spinae stretches from the skull to the sacrum along the entire spine. The muscle is so long that it is divided into three large sections: the longissimus, spinous, and vertebral-costal. Its main task is to form posture and implement all basic movements. Flexion, extension, and bending occur with her direct participation. Other small muscle groups are also involved, but such anatomical knowledge is enough to create a massage program at home.
  • The teres major muscle is located just below the latissimus muscle. With its help, basic hand movements occur. The teres major muscle is responsible for lowering the raised arm and moving the arms forward and backward. Anyone who wants to visually expand their upper back should train the teres major muscle.

There are several dozen more groups and subgroups of muscles in the back. But the listed anatomical features are enough to understand the basic principles and techniques of massage. It's time to talk about basic techniques.


Self-massage of the back and neck with your hands is impossible, but with the use of special devices it is quite feasible. There are a variety of techniques on the market that allow you to work correctly even on hard-to-reach areas. Let's look at the most basic options:

  • Mechanical options. It is a massage roller fixed on a special handle, or several such products on a long thread. The impact is carried out by moving the device along the back and neck.
  • Handheld devices. Special devices powered by mains or battery. The impact is carried out due to the rhythmic movement of the nozzle. The user only needs to move it along the back or neck during the process. Not all equipment has intensity regulators.
  • Pillow with rollers. Used for the back and neck. It is based on the technique of point exposure. The device is placed in the desired area, it is important for the user to relax as much as possible. Special jade rollers are used inside, which have a good effect on the human body.
  • Cape. One of the most convenient massagers, as it can be used both at home and at work. It is installed on a chair or armchair, so it is often used by drivers who spend more than 12 hours a day behind the wheel. Adjustment of traffic intensity, exposure time, mode selection is carried out using a special control panel.
  • Satchel. An innovative idea that allows you to relax in any environment. You need to wear it like a regular backpack, and due to vibration and infrared radiation, it perfectly works your back and neck, even while moving.

When choosing a suitable device, it is imperative to consult with a specialist in order to choose the most suitable option that will allow you to get rid of tension and fatigue in the neck and back without extra costs.

Back and neck massage is an excellent way to eliminate pain, fatigue after a busy day, restore strength and improve performance. Thus, many people get rid of stress, since, among other things, it improves their psycho-emotional state. It is only important to find an experienced, qualified master who uses only proven and effective techniques.

Massage technique

The importance of back massage for the human body cannot be overestimated. Due to incorrect posture, heavy physical work, or mild pinching that develops over the years, chronic diseases can appear. One of the most difficult to treat is intervertebral disc blockade. At the same time, it can be caused by bone changes in the structure of the spine, or it can be caused by muscle spasm. The pain associated with this disease is almost unbearable. But during a wellness massage at home, it is only important to warm up the main muscle groups, avoiding stagnation in them. To do this, you should use basic beginner techniques.


It is with this technique that it is recommended to begin the massage procedure. The main task is to prepare the skin and body for a more active process. We place our hands on the lumbar region and begin to smoothly draw lines along the spine to the cervical region. We make the way back through the sides of the back. This stroking procedure can be carried out in 5-7 circles. It is important to carry out movements smoothly and carefully from bottom to top.

Direction and force can be alternated - the effect will be more noticeable than methodical stroking in one direction with the same intensity. Stroking can be done zonally. It is best to start from the middle part of the neck and collar area, then we move to the side part. After this, you can begin to massage the main part of your back according to the rules described above. The movements themselves should be light, measured and slow.


This technique is excellent as a means of combating salt deposits. The starting position is to place your hands on the lumbar region with your palms down, and your fingers should be raised up. It is necessary to carry out rubbing in counter movements. Usually all movements are made from the side of the back to its center.


One of the most famous massage methods, in which small areas of skin are grabbed one at a time and thoroughly massaged. Folds of skin must be grasped carefully so that bruises do not remain after the session. Kneading has a positive role on the state of the cardiovascular system, and the technique can also improve blood circulation. The massaging movements themselves during kneading should be carried out with the thumbs. If the patient complains of pain, reduce the force.


Vibration effects on the back areas will seem ineffective, both to the massage therapist and to the patient. But this feeling will only haunt you in the first 5 minutes of the procedure. Then the person will feel relaxed. To achieve the desired result, you need to make rhythmic movements with your fingertips, without lifting your palms from the back.

Back massage for osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases in modern humans. The trend towards an increase in the number of cases is observed from year to year. The reason for these sad statistics is obvious: more and more people work at computers or office desks. Massage for osteochondrosis has exactly the same contraindications as the usual preventive type of massage. The technique is also very similar. But the duration of one procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

The cervical part of the spine can warm up without outside help. To do this, you need to allocate 10-15 free minutes a day and do the most common neck exercises. Head tilts with inhalation and exhalation, head turns, as well as maximum lowering of the chin to the chest and smooth stretching of the crown area upward.

It is unnecessary to talk about the effectiveness of such exercises in combination with targeted effects on discomfort zones. After just 1 session, your health can improve dramatically. In advanced forms of the disease, headaches and dizziness are observed due to impaired blood flow. During a massage session, many people literally feel how the blood vessels again begin to supply blood to important vital areas.

Acupressure of the chest and neck

Acupressure massage of the chest areas described above is usually carried out in a lying position, but if we are talking about bronchial asthma, the patient is seated so that his head is tilted forward. This is done to ease breathing and relax tight muscles.

The chest area is massaged with the thumbs, or rather with the pads, without strong pressure. The middle of the sternum is massaged smoothly - all because it allows for a quick and correct diagnosis: if a sharp pain appears, it means that breathing functions are impaired; if the pain is spontaneous, there is most likely venous congestion in the lungs. Also, pulsation in this area indicates swelling of the internal organs and clearly unstable functioning of the body.

Helpful advice: For greater effect, acupressure of the chest should be combined with massage of biologically active points of the back, which affect the internal organs in this area.

Regarding the neck, massage in this area is a very complex procedure, since it is very problematic to use your fingers on it - all reflexogenic zones are located nearby, in extreme proximity. The massage is carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage or aggravate the situation. The part of the spine that falls in this area is very fragile, and therefore it is very easy to injure the vertebrae.

Any disturbance in this area can lead to headaches, insomnia, general malaise, heart pain, etc.

Oils used

Oil or cream during a massage can solve several problems at once. First of all, they improve and facilitate contact between the palms and the back. Secondly, they saturate the skin with nutritional components and make the massage itself more effective. Many cosmetics have a warming effect, so massage oils have a positive effect on all sides. If we are talking about a restorative body massage, then you can use one of the following oils:

  1. Coconut. It is not low in cost, but guarantees easy glide over the body, a pleasant smell and an almost complete absence of an allergic reaction, even in the most sensitive patients. Another advantage of coconut oil is the absence of a greasy film after the procedure. A package of this oil lasts for a very long period of time, but the product can only be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Sunflower oil. It is usually used for frying in the kitchen, but the most common sunflower oil is also suitable for massage. It is not so easy to wash it off after a session, the oil content is really very strong, but stearic and palmitic acids have an excellent effect on the skin.
  3. Oil - avocado. It won't be cheap. In addition, it has a very heavy structure, so professional massage therapists recommend mixing it with a small amount of almond oil.
  4. Sesame. From the entire list of oils, it is difficult to find an analogue of sesame oil in terms of healing properties. The product can improve blood flow, remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. The structure of the substance is also quite heavy, the oil is very viscous and greasy, making it difficult for a beginner to work with. Therefore, you can simply mix sesame and sunflower oils in equal proportions.

Shea butter, wheat germ oil, olive oil are also suitable for massage at home. What cosmetic product to use is up to you to decide.


Even the most ordinary relaxing, classic massage at home from a non-professional can cause harm to the human body. Strong pressure along the spinal column is strictly prohibited. There are a number of contraindications that will answer the question of how to make a back massage as safe as possible for the patient:

  • Presence of open wounds, severe bleeding or serious injuries. Having open wounds increases the risk of infection. But internal damage must also be taken into account. If shortly before the session a person fell and experiences pain in the ribs or spine, then amateur massage is contraindicated.
  • Complex infectious diseases. Massage of the back muscles can improve blood circulation, which may be undesirable during an infectious disease.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. First of all, the ban is associated with improved blood flow. Also, it is worth considering that enlarged lymph nodes indicate the presence of diseases, so it is better to postpone massage. If you do a massage after the condition has improved, then areas with lymph should still be avoided.
  • Burns in the massage area. Damaged skin in burn areas changes its structure. You should be especially careful when approaching burn wounds that have not yet healed.
  • Skin diseases. You should be especially careful at this point. If there are spots of unknown origin on the patient’s back, then it is not worth starting the massage procedure for the safety of both parties. There is also an additional recommendation regarding moles. It is better to avoid such areas so as not to injure them and cause bleeding and infection.

Is there any benefit?

Many patients sign up to work on their back and neck as a way to prevent the occurrence of diseases in this area. How is massage useful? Working with your hands or special devices in this area stimulates the movement of lymphatic fluid, which triggers the processes of tissue restoration, improvement of skin condition, and regeneration of the epidermis. In addition, other beneficial effects are noted:

  • Accelerates blood circulation and strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Improving the condition of the skin.
  • Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat, preventing the formation of cellulite.
  • Stimulating the movement of all biological fluids, which prevents the accumulation of salts in the neck.
  • Restoring the tone of the muscle corset.
  • Relief of pain due to pinched nerve endings.
  • Removing stagnation.
  • Supply of oxygen to great depths.

Periodic implementation of the procedure allows you to improve your overall condition, charge a person with positive emotions, and increase performance. Most often, massage is prescribed as a preventive measure for the development of pathologies of the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. A high-quality session allows you to stay in healthy shape and feel good, despite intense physical activity.


When it comes to indications for back massage, several types of massage should be distinguished. For example, sports massage allows you to relieve tension from the muscles, promotes their speedy recovery and prevents the formation of microtraumas and damage.

Therapeutic massage has a healing effect and can relieve you of pain in many incurable diseases, for example, osteochondrosis. Since beginners can only carry out health and general strengthening procedures at home, we will talk about the positive effects of this type of massage on the body:

  • Restoration of blood circulation. If you often feel cold in your legs or freeze, even in warm weather, then pinching in the back may be the cause of such symptoms. The most common massage 2-3 times a week will help reduce discomfort.
  • Reduce pain after physical activity. This applies to both physical exercise and heavy physical labor. Massage will allow you to quickly cope with the consequences of micro-strains, relieve fatigue and pain in the muscles.
  • Restore correct posture. Here it is worth clarifying that you can only restore the mobility and elasticity of the muscles, due to which your posture will improve slightly. It is almost impossible to completely restore crooked posture.
  • Increase endorphin levels. The overall well-being depends on the level of these chemical elements in the body. Increasing endorphin levels can have a positive effect on the treatment of chronic muscle diseases.
  • Get rid of or reduce headaches and dizziness. Pinching and formation of salts in the cervical-collar area can lead to unpleasant symptoms. Acupressure of the cervical area will quickly eliminate dizziness and restore blood circulation.

Other treatments

Treatment methods are selected by the doctor after the patient has undergone a thorough examination, passed tests and completed the prescribed examinations. A whole range of measures are used as methods and methods for treating back and lower back pain, depending on the cause of the pain and the diagnosis. Treatment may include medications (painkillers, anti-inflammatory, etc.), manual therapy, exercise therapy, physical therapy, strengthening the immune system, surgery, etc.

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