Is it possible to have a massage during pregnancy? basic rules and tips

When a woman is expecting a child and there are hormonal changes, this always worries expectant mothers. Dramatic changes in the body (sharp weight gain, decreased skin elasticity, increased stress on the spine) lead to stretch marks and back pain. Massage can relax muscle tone and relieve pain without medications. But it should be taken into account that Not all types of massage can be performed on pregnant women. That is why it is necessary to understand what types of massage are allowed for pregnant women, and what contraindications there are.

Massage during pregnancy - acceptable or not.

In everyday communication, the possibility of massage for expectant mothers is discussed from the neutral opinion “it is possible, if you are careful” to the categorical “required” and “inadmissible”.
There is also no unanimous opinion among professionals in this field. Some believe that massage relaxes and helps prepare the female body for the act of childbearing. Others prefer to think that it is too risky a procedure. In any case, the decision to prescribe a massage is made only by the doctor. It is impossible to independently assess what kind of massage course is needed, taking into account the permissible areas of the body and the intensity of the procedure. Pregnant women are not allowed to give themselves a massage.

When to start massage treatments?

If you want to know whether pregnant women can have a massage, then, as an expectant mother, you must heed the warning regarding the prohibition of abusing massage in the initial stages of carrying a baby.

By influencing the “abortion areas” (the area of ​​the sacrum, coccyx, heels), you can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy, or even provoke spontaneous abortion. It is for this reason that such procedures should not be carried out in the first trimester, because at this stage there is a possibility of risk.

For a minimum period, self-massage and stroking performed by a loved one are acceptable. Massage while wearing helps to relax and calm the mother.

Comparison table of different types of massage during pregnancy

Type of massageCanIt is forbiddenNote
Classical«+»up to 12 weeks. After - partial in a sitting position, on the side and on the back
Thai«+»on the side, on the back and sitting
hardware«~»«~»depends on the procedure, technique and location
vacuum\can«+»during pregnancy, exclude the abdominal and lower back areas
anti-cellulite«-«not recommended
lymphatic drainage«+»foot massage - shown
sports«-«not recommended
gua sha«+»individual sections (shoulder girdle)
acupuncture«+»according to indications
manual practices«+»in the early stages of pregnancy (1st trimester)
heating in any form. (Stone, bags, moxes) «+»excluding lumbar area
myofascial«+»except for late pregnancy in women without constant physical activity
current sep«+»Zonal
ribose«+»recommended, as this is the softest and most gentle effect possible

What is the difference between a regular procedure and a pregnancy massage?

Both types of massage have a positive effect in the form of increased blood flow, muscle relaxation and tidying up the nervous system.

The difference between a massage for pregnant women and a regular procedure is that:

  • Explosive and powerful movements of the limbs are not allowed. Hands should move smoothly and naturally.
  • Impact on the abdomen is not allowed. Restrictions may also be imposed on other areas of the body by a specialist.
  • For the safety of the unborn child, a woman should take a comfortable position during the massage procedure.
  • The psycho-emotional mood of the expectant mother and her health at the time of the procedure should be taken into account.

Massage for expectant mothers - benefits, types and positive effects

Undoubtedly, massage for pregnant women brings a positive and healing effect, but only if performed by a specialist

As an example, this procedure...

  1. Relieves stress on the nervous system, calms, relaxes, and sets up a positive attitude.
  2. Helps increase blood flow.
  3. Allows you to forget about problems with your back and lower back.
  4. After a massage, pregnant women experience muscle relaxation and tightness goes away.
  5. Massage is an excellent prevention against stretch marks. The likelihood of swelling is reduced.
  6. If there are varicose veins, an improvement is observed after the massage.

Why do stretch marks (striae) appear?

In pregnant women, the excretion of sodium chloride in the urine and sweat is slowed down. The accumulation of chlorides in tissues contributes to water retention in the body, which manifests itself in the form of edema. Stretch marks – so-called stretch marks – also often occur. This is due to two processes: the first is mechanical stretching of the skin, as a result of which divergences of connective tissue and elastic fibers of the skin occur (in places of divergence, a deeper layer begins to show through the superficial layers of the skin); the second is an excessive concentration of glucocorticoids in the blood of a pregnant woman, which occurs due to changes in the endocrine system.

Acceptable types of massage

To avoid miscarriage, massage for pregnant women is not allowed until the 4th month of pregnancy.

Gentle caressing stroking movements - self-massage - are allowed.

Remember - you can’t massage your belly throughout your pregnancy!

After the 3rd month has passed, it is allowed...

  • Performing by a specialist stroking and stimulating such parts of the body as the feet, back, shoulders, limbs, cervical and collar areas - the so-called general massage . If there are no contraindications, massage is daily, starting from 7 months. Before this, you should undergo the procedure once every 7 days. The session lasts about 30 minutes.
  • Back massage (impact on the back) . It is performed in the lateral position of the pregnant woman and strictly without affecting the spine. Back massage allows you to get rid of the deflection of the spinal column, adjust the center of gravity and relieve unpleasant symptoms caused by compression of internal organs.
  • Massage of the lower extremities . Includes techniques such as kneading, stroking and warming up. Helps prevent cramps and swelling of the legs. Blood circulation is restored. Regular use of foot massage for expectant mothers is recommended.
  • Massage to prevent cellulite . You should not abuse this type of massage during pregnancy. Of course, the desire to maintain the beauty and firmness of the skin in the thigh area is natural for women. But it is worth considering that there are no absolutely safe types of this massage. You should not risk your health for the sake of beauty, because there is a risk of miscarriage. It is better to limit yourself to light pressure on the buttocks using your hands or ordinary spoons - but only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Massage using vacuum . Refers to anti-cellulite massage and has the same restrictions. Performed only according to the indications of a gynecologist. Impact on the abdominal area is prohibited. It should be remembered that a specialist from a beauty salon is not a gynecologist, even if he is in a white coat.
  • Neck massage . Lasts no more than 10 minutes in a sitting position. Allows you to relieve fatigue and increase blood flow to the brain.
  • Massage of the facial part of the head . It is beneficial and is not prohibited. Self-massage is allowed, using various cosmetics, within reasonable limits. Allows you to give facial skin elasticity, tighten facial muscles, and get rid of migraines.


  1. To avoid increased uterine tone, infection, or premature birth, perineal massage should be avoided. Such a procedure is not preparation for the act of childbirth and does not help to avoid ruptures during childbirth. The opinion about the benefits of perineal massage is erroneous.
  2. It is worth postponing visiting beauty salons offering Thai massage. This type of exotic massage is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. You should not trust advertising information from salon staff.
  3. Avoid massaging your ankles, wrists, and tailbone. Along with the area of ​​the abdomen and sacrum, they belong to the so-called “abortive” zones.
  4. Breasts can be massaged only during bathing - use light stroking without intense impact on the nipples and their areolas. Active massage of these areas can provoke an increase in tone and contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

What to remember?

  1. Some “specialists” mistakenly call the procedure of perineal massage, which is popular today, a way to prepare for childbirth and prevent ruptures. It is important to remember that in reality such manipulations do not give such an effect, but they can easily increase the tone of the uterus, cause infection and provoke the birth process.
  2. Thai massage, no matter what the sweet-voiced employees of beauty salons sing, is not only prohibited during pregnancy - it is number 1 on the list of prohibited types of massage for pregnant girls.
  3. It is important to avoid “abortive” areas when massaging. In addition to the abdominal area, these even include the wrists and ankles, the sacrum and coccyx area.
  4. It is not recommended to get carried away with breast massage. Light massaging movements during bathing are one thing, but intense massage involving the areola and nipples is another thing. These actions are prohibited due to increased tone of the uterus and possible contraction of its muscle tissue.

During what periods of pregnancy are there contraindications?

You must be careful when using massage during pregnancy. To avoid tragedy and to minimize risks, keep in mind that in the 1st month and 1st trimester, even careful stimulation of the sacral or calcaneal area can provoke miscarriage.

All restrictions are lifted at a later stage, in the final weeks before childbirth. At this time, massage is indicated, but only if the doctor allows it. Performed by a professional, massage helps prepare a woman's body for childbirth, and even helps stimulate labor.

The following reasons are contraindications to massage during pregnancy:

  • Severe toxic effects
  • Varicose veins.
  • Hypertension.
  • Presence of contraindications related to dermatology.
  • Respiratory tract diseases. Chronic diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system of the body.
  • Infections.
  • A ban from the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Foot massage treatments

During pregnancy, the need for foot massage increases, especially when there is severe swelling. It is this area of ​​the pregnant woman’s body that bears a significant load, since the burden becomes heavier every day, this is due to the fact that the fetus is developing.

It doesn’t matter whether a woman walks for a long time or sits for a long time, she still feels very tired in her legs. Especially when it comes to the third trimester.

Through foot massage, blood circulation is activated, the functioning of systems and organs is improved, and all because biologically active points are exposed. Expectant mothers who receive foot massages with the help of their husbands only cause envy.

Foot massage is considered not only a pain-relieving procedure, but also a completely calming ritual. If the location is convenient and a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere is created (quiet, calm music or dim lighting), one massage can achieve complete restoration and “reboot” of the female body: changes in thoughts, mood, mental and physical state as a whole!

This massage performed before bed is an ideal remedy for insomnia. When performing a foot massage for a pregnant woman, it is important to focus special attention on the feet and calf muscles.

Pressing should be done smoothly and moderately, and movements should be relaxed. It is also necessary to avoid putting pressure on the veins, especially if you are prone to varicose veins.

Massage during pregnancy: important information

  1. Massage is not allowed in the first three months of pregnancy!
  2. After the 3rd month, only smooth movements, careful and gentle actions, including stroking and rubbing at a rhythmic pace, are permissible.
  3. Massage is performed only by a qualified specialist, with the approval of a gynecologist. All restrictions and contraindications to this procedure must be taken into account.
  4. It is allowed to use aromatherapy oils during massage. With a certain amount of caution, orange oil has a positive effect and helps relieve swelling. Geranium oil has the same effect. Avoid using oils with herbs such as mint, wormwood, lavender or sage. It is better to use rosewood oil, or one containing lemon and ginger. Carrot oil and wheat germ oil are also safe. It is advisable to consult with an aromatherapy specialist before using oils.
  5. The maximum duration of a massage session is 30 minutes. Frequency: 1-2 sessions per week.
  6. The massage procedure is performed only with your hands! The use of various electrical devices, vibration mats, as well as belts and cans is prohibited! As an exception, gentle use of brushes, spoons or mittens can be allowed.
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