First aid for groin injuries: how to save a man’s most vulnerable spot?

Nagging pain in the thigh, buttock or groin is a common symptom that forces people to immediately seek treatment from doctors of various specialties. Most people have experienced such complaints at least once in their lives. Self-administration of medications, application of pain-relieving ointments, and heating can aggravate the development and manifestation of pain without an accurate diagnosis.

We will try to understand the causes, possible diseases associated with the manifestation of such symptoms, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of injury

A sprain of the inguinal ligaments means damage to the integrity of the tendon fibers that provide attachment to the thigh muscles to the musculoskeletal system.

This fairly common injury often leads to serious consequences and occurs for the following reasons:

  • high mobility in the projection of the hip joint;
  • bad fall;
  • violation of safety precautions during intensive exercises accompanied by jerks;
  • inflammation in the tendon area;
  • weakening of the inguinal ligament due to impaired mobility of the lower limb;
  • existing pathologies of the hip joint: osteoarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • congenital weakness of tissues: tendon and ligament;
  • hereditary predisposition.

A sprained groin ligament can occur as a result of turning sharply or moving too vigorously. However, ligaments have the ability to quickly recover: even if completely torn or stretched, they return to their previous shape.

How can you train your pelvic muscles?

The classic exercise developed by Arthur Kegel looks like this. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you are trying to hold back urination. Stay in this position for five seconds. Relax. Repeat the exercise ten or twelve times. The good thing about Kegel exercises is that you can do them without notice. Therefore, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can be done anywhere, at any time. Sitting in the cinema, lying on the sofa with a book or while walking.

Modern methods of strengthening the pelvic muscles involve more diverse techniques, but only special simulators can significantly increase the effectiveness of these exercises. Their operating principle is based on creating resistance and load - for intense muscle work. The difference is quite noticeable. You can compare it with fitness exercises - you can strengthen and build muscles much faster if you use weights in the form of weights and dumbbells.

Classification by severity

There are 3 degrees of severity of groin sprain:

  1. I (mild) – the damage does not limit a person’s movement, but only causes minor discomfort.
  2. II (medium) – the victim experiences mild pain, slightly limiting his movements. Physical exercises such as running, jumping and swinging are no longer available. The injured area may experience blue discoloration and swelling.
  3. III (severe) – severe pain occurs not only when walking, but also at rest. Stretching is accompanied by swelling, muscle spasms, the formation of hematomas, and often a complete rupture of the ligament occurs.

Depending on the nature of the flow, the form of damage is divided into several types:

  • chronic;
  • acute;
  • subacute

Complete ligament rupture

A complete rupture of the inguinal ligaments is a violation of the integrity of the tendons and muscle fibers. This type of injury is typical for people actively involved in sports.

As a rule, it is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • acute pain;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of a peculiar crunch in the thigh area;
  • hematoma formation due to rupture of capillaries and small vessels;
  • the appearance of depressions or swellings under the skin in the affected area;
  • severe pain at the slightest movement, making it impossible.

ICD-10 code

According to the international classification of diseases, sprains in the groin belong to the group of diseases T14.3 “Dislocation, stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint of an unspecified area of ​​the body.”

Symptoms and signs

The main signs of a sprained inguinal ligament:

  • a pronounced crunch at the time of injury;
  • severe pain of various types: sharp, aching, pulling;
  • the appearance of compactions, swelling and swelling in the groin area;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • an increase in temperature in the damaged area due to the progression of an acute inflammatory process.

The victim may experience pain not only in the groin area, but also in the outer part of the thigh, and mobility in this part is limited. In addition to external manifestations, sprain of the inguinal ligaments entails destruction of the tissue structure of the muscles, tendons and blood vessels. As a result, there is a significant decrease in muscle strength and the appearance of cramps.


Failure to provide medical care in a timely manner can cause complete immobilization of the legs.

Symptoms appear after a day

External signs of injury appear only the next day or several days later. To avoid complications, it is recommended that immediately after receiving it you contact a specialist who will conduct an external examination and prescribe a diagnosis of the condition of the groin ligaments. Afterwards, the doctor prescribes suitable medications to relieve pain and prevent exacerbation.

Who needs to train the pelvic muscles

For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

There are many veins and vessels in the pelvic area. Sedentary work leads to decreased blood circulation. As a result, cells are not sufficiently saturated with oxygen and nutrients and renew themselves more slowly.

Slowing down natural processes leads to thinning of the vaginal mucosa, which is a natural protective barrier against infections. The acid-base balance of the vaginal bioenvironment is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in local immunity. This means the proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of infections.

Itching, redness, burning, unpleasant odor - these consequences reduce a woman’s quality of life.

When a woman regularly exercises her pelvic muscles, blood circulation increases. Tissues and organs are saturated with oxygen. Cells “come to life”, are renewed, restored. Metabolic processes improve. Balanced local immunity prevents bacteria from multiplying. And there is a natural defense against infections and associated discomfort.


A woman’s body prepares for childbirth and produces a hormone that increases tissue elasticity. This causes muscle stretching and loss of tone. Therefore, muscles need to be trained from the first days of pregnancy. Ideally, classes should begin when planning to conceive a child.

In addition, when the baby grows in the mother’s belly, he puts pressure on her internal organs and muscles with his weight. Since the expectant mother is in an upright position most of the time - sitting or standing - the force of gravity increases the load from the fetus on the pelvic muscles.

Systematic training of the pelvic muscles is a preventive measure to reduce the risk of muscle ruptures during childbirth. Trained muscles have increased stretchability. Their limits of stretching and contraction are expanding. Therefore, the muscles become more pliable to stress.

During the postpartum period.

Stretched muscles need to be restored and their tone restored to maintain normal functioning of the pelvic organs.

During menopause.

In women, with age, the mucous membrane becomes thinner due to changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in reproductive function. The protective functions of the mucous membrane decrease, bacteria begin to multiply. Regular exercise improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. This improves the condition of the mucous membrane. Protection against infections is increasing.

When there is no satisfaction with intimate life.

The realization of sexual desires is necessary for the active functioning of hormones. A balanced hormonal background affects a woman’s external beauty - the hormone estrogen is produced. Also, good mood and feeling beautiful depend on the production of the happiness hormone - endorphin.

In addition, regular training of the pelvic muscles helps to release more lubrication during sexual intercourse. This also has a beneficial effect on a woman’s comfort.

Trained vaginal muscles give more vivid sensations during sex. Nerve endings “awaken” Partners can feel each other. This helps achieve orgasm.

For infertility.

Regular exercise increases blood circulation in the muscles and pelvic organs. The ovaries better produce hormones responsible for reproductive function.

Also, with systematic exercise, the acid-base balance is normalized. In an acidic environment, sperm cannot survive. The alkaline environment “burns” it. With a normal PH environment, the likelihood of pregnancy increases.

For those who care about their health.

You can maintain the tone of the pelvic muscles and, thereby, protect yourself from organ prolapse, discomfort due to infections, and maintain the joy of life.

For a healthy woman, it is enough to devote half an hour to training with a pelvic muscle trainer, two to three times a week.

First aid

First of all, cold is applied to the damaged area to relieve pain. For this purpose, use ice, a container of cold water, etc. After pain has been eliminated, an elastic bandage is applied to the leg and groin. At the same time, the victim is provided with complete rest: he assumes a horizontal position and does not make any movements.

First aid must be provided within 15 minutes of injury. Timely actions will speed up recovery and reduce the likelihood of complications.

Which doctor should I contact?

First of all, the victim visits a traumatologist, who prescribes an x-ray and, based on the resulting image, determines the degree of damage to the connective tissue fibers. Then he begins treatment himself or refers the patient to other specialists. They may be:

  1. Physiotherapist - prescribes various types of physiotherapeutic procedures: UHF, magnetic therapy, mud baths, paraffin therapy, etc.
  2. Massage therapist - conducts a course of therapeutic massages to relieve pain and eliminate swelling. This procedure stimulates the processes of resorption of hematomas and healing of damaged tissues.
  3. Endoscopist – by inserting an arthroscope into the joint, he receives highly accurate information about the extent of damage.
  4. Surgeon - performs surgical intervention in severe cases.
  5. Rehabilitologist – carries out activities aimed at rapid recovery after an injury.

How long to train the pelvic muscles

The pelvic muscles need to be trained regularly. Training begins with daily half-hour sessions. In this way, the muscles will be restored and strengthened. Classes must be carried out every day for three months.

Then comes the stage of maintaining the accumulated muscle tone. Because if you stop training, the muscles will return to their previous state. We'll have to start all over again. To maintain the elasticity of tissues and fibers, training continues three times a week, also for thirty minutes.

Features of treatment

Based on the results of the examinations, the specialist determines the method of treating inguinal ligaments. As a rule, drug therapy is prescribed first, and after a while, physical therapy.


Drug treatment helps with mild to moderate severity. During therapy, the specialist prescribes the following types of drugs:

  1. Painkillers – quickly eliminate pain.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Available in the form of ointments and tablets.
  3. Anti-inflammatory hormonal - prescribed for serious injuries that cannot be treated with other drugs.

Mild to moderate groin sprains are treated with drugs that have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Finalgon;
  • Dolobene;
  • Voltaren;
  • Heparin and ichthyol ointment;
  • Fastum;
  • Deep Relief.


For serious injuries with severe pain, the patient is prescribed intramuscular injections into the Poupart's ligament using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The injections have their effect directly at the site of inflammation of the torn fibers. The drugs quickly relieve pain, reduce temperature and eliminate inflammation. The most common means:

  • Olfen;
  • Revmoxicam;
  • Dicloberl;
  • Movalis.


External medications are safer because they have no contraindications or side effects. There are several types of ointments that have different effects on damaged ligament fibers:

  • pain reliever;
  • warming;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • complex.

Anti-inflammatory drugs block the synthesis of prostaglandins, prevent the appearance of platelets and reduce swelling. The most effective of them:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Diclofenac.


Ointments are applied to the groin area at least 3 times a day until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

Lidocaine, Ketonal and Dimexide are used to relieve pain.

Folk remedies

Traditional therapy is effective only for minor injuries. For moderate and severe sprains, they are used as part of a comprehensive treatment.

The most popular options:

  1. Rub in the ointment obtained by mixing butter with chopped horsetail.
  2. Apply compresses with a decoction of dry poplar buds or cabbage leaves to the sore spot.
  3. Prepare an infusion of 50 g marshmallow root, 100 g birch buds, several hop cones and ½ liter of vodka. Use it for compresses for 2 weeks.
  4. Rub turmeric diluted with water into the affected area every day until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.


Despite the safety of folk remedies, before starting to use them, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


The principle of the technique is to glue a tape (a special elastic bandage) to the injured area, supporting the muscle and at the same time allowing it to relax. The procedure requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • gluing is carried out on dry and clean skin, avoiding tension;
  • The tape is activated (heated) by rubbing.

The injury heals much faster if the ligaments are immobile.

Burns: put in the bath

Burns of the penis are an injury that is not as common as bruises or wounds, but still occurs periodically with representatives of the stronger sex. No one can guarantee that boiling water from a mug will never spill directly onto your spouse’s trousers. If this happens, the first thing you should do is call an ambulance. Any burn of the genitals, even the slightest, is an indication for hospitalization. Well, what to do while waiting for a doctor directly depends on the severity of the injury.

For first-degree burns (redness) or second-degree burns (blisters), cool the affected organ. Moreover, this must be done with running water, which does not have time to heat up. To do this, you will have to sit the man in the bathtub under a running tap or water him from a bottle. With third degree burns everything is more complicated. This injury is characterized not by intact blisters, but by burst blisters, which cannot be doused with water. Otherwise, infection may enter the wound.

Rehabilitation methods

During the recovery period, physical exercise is permissible only with good tests and with the permission of a doctor. Exercises are performed at a slow pace to provoke re-injury. Exercise therapy includes the following:

  • lifting the knees up;
  • walking in place;
  • Pull-ups while standing on tiptoes;
  • swings performed slowly back and forth;
  • imitation of walking while lying on your side.

The duration of physical therapy is no more than 15 minutes a day, especially at the very beginning of recovery.

Recovery time

The recovery process for a sprained groin ligament takes from several days to several months. This period is determined by the severity and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Sprains cause the greatest harm to men, so their recovery is characterized by a long period of time.


Lack of exercise and absolute rest significantly accelerate the healing of damaged fibers.

Two steps to determine pelvic muscle tone

To determine the tone of the pelvic muscles, you need to take two steps:

First step.

Hold the stream of urine with the muscles of the perineum, without the participation of the abdominal muscles and buttocks.

Second step.

Sit in a cowgirl position, spreading your knees to the sides. Insert your index and middle fingers into the vagina and spread them apart. Try to close your fingers with the muscles of the vagina, without the participation of the abdominal muscles and buttocks.

The tone is good if you can complete both steps. Maintain your muscles with preventative measures because... you may be at risk, which we will discuss below.

For those who fail to complete both steps, you need to think about going to the doctor, as well as starting training.

Preventive measures

To prevent injury to the groin area, it is necessary to follow simple preventive measures:

  • warm up before each workout;
  • constantly lead an active lifestyle;
  • do not abuse sitting position;
  • ensure a regular supply of carbohydrates to the body;
  • daily intake of vitamins, especially group B;
  • adhere to a proper diet, create a balanced diet.

Sprained inguinal ligaments are rare in everyday life; they are predominantly a sports injury. Therefore, it is important to be able to independently determine the type of damage received during training in order to provide first aid in a timely and competent manner. The duration of treatment and rehabilitation period directly depends on the actions performed immediately after injury.

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