Injuries on ice. First aid, prevention, treatment

A bruise in the back area is damage to soft tissues as a result of a strong blow, fall, accident, etc. Such injuries are fraught with serious danger, since there is not much soft tissue in the back area that could reduce the consequences of the blow by taking it upon itself. On the contrary, there is a high risk of damaging the spine and causing irreparable harm to health.

Types of bruises

Depending on the location of the injury, there is the following classification of back bruises and their consequences:

  • If the upper back , the cervical vertebrae may be affected. Sometimes this entails respiratory failure, paralysis, decreased muscle tone and paresis, and impaired sensitivity.
  • A contusion to the mid-back can cause loss of coordination and sensation in the limbs. The victim may feel pain in the heart and experience discomfort while breathing.
  • Injuries to the lower back can lead to problems with urination and decreased sensation in the legs.

The greatest danger comes from bruises affecting the spinal cord. The consequences of such an injury can be varied: from impaired circulation to rupture of nerve endings and paralysis.

Consequences of contusion of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine

The negative consequences of a spinal bruise can develop over a long period of time. We propose to analyze the most common complications of this injury.

The most dangerous in terms of complications is a bruise of the cervical spine, since this is where:

  • posterior vertebral arteries, responsible for blood supply to parts of the brain;
  • paired cranial nerves that provide innervation to the coronary circulatory system, are responsible for the work of the heart rhythm driver, participate in the formation of the solar plexus, etc.;
  • a section of the spinal cord that provides nerve impulses to all parts of the body;
  • several important nerve plexuses.

Damage to soft tissue in the cervical region will lead to the formation of a hematoma. It will put pressure on the radicular and cranial nerves, interfering with blood supply to the posterior areas of the brain. In more severe cases, if the bruise touches the hard membranes of the spinal cord, temporary or permanent paralysis of the entire body is possible.

Contusion of the thoracic spine is the most common injury of this type. Most often occurs when falling on your back. Since this section does not have a high degree of mobility, complications of a bruise can be expressed in the following:

  1. displacement of vertebral bodies;
  2. deformation of the costovertebral joints and the development of osteoarthritis;
  3. damage to the intercostal muscles and their innervation, resulting in the development of neuralgia with acute pain syndrome;
  4. respiratory dysfunction;
  5. secondary curvature of the spinal column.

In people engaged in heavy physical labor and leading an active lifestyle, bruises of the lumbar spine often occur. It leads to a number of negative consequences. The most common is degenerative dystrophic destruction of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs. Osteochondrosis at a young age in most cases is a consequence of a previous lumbar bruise. This disease leads to subsidence of the intervertebral discs and compression of the radicular nerves.

Also, if the sacral spine is contused, the iliosacral joints can be damaged. This gives a pronounced pain syndrome. It can lead to lameness and atrophy of the thigh and gluteal muscles.

The second most common complication of contusion of the lumbar or sacral spine is the development of piriformis syndrome. The sciatic nerves pass through its thickness. If, as a result of injury, the piriformis muscle spasms, sciatica occurs, leading to inflammation and degeneration of the sciatic nerve. This may manifest itself as a violation of the innervation of the lower limb on the affected side.

Any bruise is damage to soft tissues, as a result of which the cycle of innervation, microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid changes in the affected area. This provokes numerous pathological changes. In the future, this may manifest itself in the form of scar tissue deformation, the formation of various types of benign tumors, the destruction of intervertebral discs, and the occurrence of instability in the position of the vertebral bodies.

Treatment of a bruise in the back area

Regardless of the severity of the injury, the patient is prescribed bed rest. In the future, it is important to alternate a state of rest with minor physical activity.

Painkillers are used and anti-inflammatory ointments are applied. After a few days, it is permissible to use heat compresses and carry out physiotherapeutic procedures. These activities can be carried out independently, without visiting a doctor.

If there is a suspicion that the bruise is accompanied by any complication, you must seek the help of a qualified specialist. The doctor will examine the patient and, if necessary, send for an x-ray or computed tomography.

If the examination shows the presence of complications, then specific treatment is applied depending on the nature of the injury, up to and including surgical intervention.

A bruise in the back is not a common, but very dangerous injury. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and get diagnosed.

Signs and symptoms of a spinal contusion

The spinal column is a complex structure in its anatomy. The base is the vertebral bodies and their processes. They consist of dense and very strong bone tissue. Between them are cartilaginous intervertebral discs. They prevent displacement of the vertebral bodies and compression of the radicular nerves that arise from the spinal cord and are responsible for the innervation of the entire body.

There are ligaments and muscles around the spine. The former ensure the stability of the position of all structural units (vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs). The latter are responsible for the mobility of the human body and for the diffuse nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the discs. All tissues are innervated and supplied with blood.

When a bruise occurs, the soft tissues are the first to suffer. These are ligaments, tendons and muscle frame. They take the shock and absorb it. Therefore, the bone structure maintains its integrity. But displacement of the vertebral bodies or injury to the intervertebral discs is possible.

And this gives the corresponding first signs of spinal bruise:

  • acute pain in places of traumatic impact;
  • increasing swelling under the skin due to capillary bleeding;
  • the appearance of a hematoma and bruise several hours later;
  • the pain intensifies when trying to make any movements involving the paravertebral muscles.

After a day, you may feel a feeling of stiffness in your movements. The distinctive symptoms of a spinal bruise are that there is no clinical evidence of damage to the nerve fiber. The pain does not spread along the path of the root nerves. There is no feeling of numbness or paresthesia. Muscle tone in the arms and legs is completely preserved. There are no paresis or paralysis.

A complete diagnosis is possible only in a traumatology setting. An X-ray examination is necessary. It eliminates the possibility of fractures or cracks of the vertebral bodies and their processes. With such injuries, complete immobilization of the spinal column is indicated. If there is a bruise, this is not necessary.

Diseases associated with the lower back

Lower back pain, what kind of doctor is needed if the ailment is related to illness. As in the first case, you need to visit a neurologist. A traumatologist is not needed here if you have not recently had bruises, blows, falls or other injuries. The main task of the doctor is to determine the disease. There are several varieties:

  • Scoliosis. It occurs more often than other ailments. Its main symptoms are curvature of the spine;
  • Sciatica. Main symptoms: pain in the buttocks, thighs, legs. The cause of the disease can be a trauma that occurred in the past;
  • Spondylosis. Chronic illness. Bone growths form along the edges of the vertebrae;
  • Intervertebral hernia. The main symptom is the release of a damaged intervertebral disc;
  • Osteochondrosis. One of the main causes of back pain. Associated with intervertebral discs;
  • Decubitus. The patient develops bedsores due to the fact that he is forced to lie down. Severe illness, requiring a long stay in a lying state;
  • Radiculitis. The disease is associated with the spinal nerves;
  • Lumbago. Acute pain in the lower back;
  • Osteoporosis. Damage to bone tissue;
  • Stenosis. Associated with the nervous system of the spine.

To the question: “I have lower back pain, what kind of doctor do I need?” we have already received the answer. But treating the spine sometimes requires the involvement of other specialists. Having found out what the patient is sick with, the neurologist can prescribe both medication and visits to other doctors. Prescribed medications must be taken strictly according to the doctor's recommendations. Some illnesses require hospitalization.

If you experience lower back pain, you know which doctor to go to. Timely treatment will help avoid problems in the future. Some diseases follow from others and contribute to the development of other diseases.

First aid

If the victim’s back is bruised, it is better to lay the victim down; apply cold to the back (any cold object will do - frozen food, a bottle of cold water, etc.) for half an hour. Painkillers may be used.

Read also: In what cases and how is an X-ray of the coccyx performed?

In case of a severe back injury, you must call an ambulance or (if the victim can move independently) go to the emergency room for further diagnosis.

Types of treatment

In the case of a mild injury, there is no need to specifically treat a back bruise; it is only recommended to refrain from physical activity for a few days. The patient needs to be observed for some time - there may be a delayed onset of symptoms of more serious disorders. In this case, the use of additional funds under the close supervision of the attending physician is required.


If necessary, drug treatment is carried out. This may include:

  • painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Diclofenac and their derivatives) - in the form of tablets, gels, pain-relieving ointments,
  • enzyme preparations to accelerate the resorption of hematomas (Wobenzym, Flobenzym).


Physiotherapy is used to improve blood microcirculation and accelerate the resorption of hematomas. Electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy, and laser therapy can help cure a back injury. The number of procedures in the course is from 7 to 15. Conducted no earlier than the 5th day. During the recovery period, a course of massage and physical therapy is recommended.

Folk remedies

An unconventional approach to the treatment of back bruises, the use of folk recipes and home remedies, is also widespread. Let's look at some of them:

  • a compress made from a mixture of table vinegar, vegetable oil and water, tied on top with a warm scarf or wrapped in a blanket - this will help relieve swelling,
  • salt baths for 40 minutes to an hour – accelerates the resorption of hematomas,
  • rubbing with camphor alcohol has a warming effect,
  • hot milk compress
  • rubbing with the juice of green plants - the healing effect of chlorophyll,
  • rubbing with wormwood juice,
  • oak bark decoction compress,
  • ointment made from laundry soap, camphor powder and ammonia,
  • applying aloe pulp with honey,
  • a herbal compress from bodyagi will help get rid of bruises,
  • rubbing garlic tincture with apple cider vinegar, this tincture can be stored for up to six months, helps to avoid complications in the form of a tumor at the site of the bruise.

Which doctor treats the lower back without using medications?

As mentioned earlier, a neurologist is not the only specialist who treats the back. Particular attention should be paid to back massage. Complex procedures in most cases include massage, and this is not without reason. Thanks to the services of a massage therapist, you can not only relieve pain and tension in your back, but also improve your condition.

We know what low back pain is, which doctor to go to and how to treat it. The clinic of Professors Zhulev has all the necessary hardware diagnostic methods, so we will find the cause very quickly.

We provide a wide range of services, which include:

  • Drug blockades;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Massage;
  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Reflexology;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • ENMG;
  • EMG;
  • EEG;
  • Ultrasound Doppler.

By contacting our specialists, you will forget about back pain. We will make every effort to provide high-quality medical services and relieve everyone who comes in from troubling ailments. Join the huge number of healthy citizens to whom we have provided qualified assistance, return to a full life without pain!


Treatment can begin only after qualified diagnostics. It will include the following steps:

  • interviewing the victim - interested in the order in which symptoms appear, the mechanism of injury, the localization of pain,
  • visual inspection - special attention is paid to changes in skin color and coordination of movements,
  • palpation – presence of deformation, muscle tension, localization of pain,
  • consultation with a neurologist - checking reactions, tactile sensations, reflexes (especially if there is damage in the lumbar region),
  • for severe bruises, additional studies are indicated, such as radiography, MRI, CT, and lumbar puncture.

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