First emergency aid for spinal fractures

Open fracture

First you need to rest the injured limb. In this case, the position of the victim must be level. It must lie strictly on a hard surface. If you observe bleeding , but it is minor and not pulsating. In this case, you need to apply an aseptic bandage . And it is very good to bandage the injured limb. With quite significant bleeding . First of all, you need to stop it. To do this, you need to lift the limb up a little and adjust the tourniquet.

Types of spinal fracture

Compression fracture

It occurs most often among victims . Most often it is diagnosed in people over 60 years of age, in extreme sports enthusiasts, as well as in those patients who have long suffered from osteoporosis .

The most common fracture of the spine is compression

With this disease, irreversible consequences occur in the bone tissue, which causes its constant destruction. Sometimes such fractures are invisible to the patient and the doctor, since they never lead to spinal cord injuries. But such an oversight can ultimately lead to the development of deformities of the thoracic and cervical spine.

Comminuted fracture

A very severe form of pathology, when the spine splits into several parts. In this case, the patient’s intervertebral discs are also damaged, and the spinal cord may be injured . Due to the large number of complications and the high probability of death of the patient, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of first aid and transportation.

A vertebral comminuted fracture is dangerous because it can damage the spinal cord

These types of fractures occur due to severe stress on the spinal column, most often in a standing position.

The following factors can cause this type of violation::

  • car crashes;
  • injuries caused by a fall from a height;
  • mechanical injury due to impact during diving;
  • playing sports and uneven physical stress on the spine;
  • weakness of bone tissue due to chronic or congenital diseases.

Attention! It is recommended, even after a minor injury to the spine or an impact in its area, in the absence of significant symptoms, to undergo an x-ray to rule out a compression fracture. If left untreated, it leads to serious complications.

Video: “Actions in case of spinal injury”

Pelvic fracture

First you need to perform anesthesia. Then transport the patient on a hard surface. The popliteal joint must be placed on a bolster. Transportation should be in a frog position. These are the most basic rules for fractures. If everything is done accurately and on time, you can not only alleviate the condition of the victim.

But also perform prompt hospitalization for further treatment. Be sure to contact a traumatologist at the emergency room for any fractures or bruises .

An x-ray needs to be done soon.

Symptoms of a spinal fracture

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after conducting a series of diagnostic procedures.

But you can suspect a spinal fracture based on its indirect signs.

  • In case of injury to the cervical and thoracic region, the patient suffers from severe pain, the cause of which is radicular syndrome. If the patient's spinal cord is affected, he will feel severe dizziness, problems with sensitivity in the arms and legs, may vomit, nausea and difficulty breathing are always present. Sometimes patients complain of irregular heart rhythm and severe suffocation.
  • With lower back injuries, signs of the so-called cauda equina syndrome appear. Its characteristic signs are severe pain, problems with moving the legs, discomfort in the perineum and lower extremities, and problems with the functioning of internal organs. Sometimes spontaneous cleansing of the intestines or bladder is observed. If a vertebra in the upper lumbar region is damaged, the patient may experience complete paralysis of the body below the fracture site.

Attention! Fractures in the lumbar region are considered less traumatic due to the structural features of the bones and additional protection of the spinal cord. But they always require careful handling of the patient and mandatory treatment.

How to proceed?

In some cases, it is impossible to wait for the arrival of doctors - for example, if a person is in danger of some other danger (fire, electric shock, etc.). Then you will have to take responsibility and try to help the victim on your own. In this case, you need to, together with other people, drag the person onto a flat, hard surface and lay him face up. It is best to use a wide board or door. Next, the victim is fixed on a support to prevent him from making movements. When carrying a person, one assistant takes him by the shoulders, the second - in the chest area, and the third - in the pelvis area.

Providing first aid for spinal injury

If a person is unconscious, then he can be laid on his stomach, while placing cushions in the area of ​​the upper chest and under the forehead, which will help to avoid the tongue retracting or inhaling vomit if the victim vomits. The use of a soft stretcher is allowed as a last resort; in this case, the patient must be transported only on his stomach. You need to drag the person, trying to keep the spine straight.

Transferring a victim with a spinal injury to a stretcher

On a note! People who have sustained a spinal fracture in the lumbar region are transported in this position, on their stomachs.

If the victim’s cervical region is damaged, then it is important to fix this part, and build a tight collar around it, wide from the collarbone to the chin; you can simply use folded clothes. The main thing is to fix the head so that the person cannot move it.

First aid for a neck injury

Shants collar

In case of severe pain, the victim is injected with any analgesic or given a tablet, but it is important to make sure that he does not drink a lot of water. This is because surgery may be required in the hospital and the stomach will need to be emptied.

Attention! The victim must be taken to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

The victim should be taken to hospital as soon as possible

It is important to remember that all these manipulations are carried out only if there is an immediate additional threat to the life of the victim or it is impossible to call and wait for doctors to arrive.

Table. Algorithms of action for injuries of various departments.

CervicalIt is required to provide psychological assistance to the person, support him and reassure him as much as possible. You should not take his word for it when he declares that he is healthy and can move - his condition may worsen over time. Next, you need to create temporary stability for the affected area. If a person was pinched somewhere, then you need to remove him by supporting his head and neck. Then the person lies down on a flat surface, his position is fixed. It is important to convince the victim that he cannot move.
ChestThe person must be placed on a solid base, restrictive clothing must be removed, and he must be prohibited from moving. Painkillers can be given.
LumbarThe person lies on his back, but more often on his stomach. On rare occasions he is allowed to stand. When lying on your stomach, you need to place a pillow under your chest. The patient is recommended to lean on his elbows.

Arm fractures: what should be done and what should not be done?

The most important point is to immobilize the broken limb as quickly as possible so that a closed fracture does not become an open one. To immobilize the arms, it is customary to use splints, fixing them to the limb in a certain way. If a real tire is not at hand, you can use improvised materials - for example, a thick tree branch, plywood, boards, etc. In case of severe pain, the victim should be given a painkiller. The arm with the splint should be bent at the elbow and suspended, and in order to prevent the development of pain shock, the patient is warmed in all possible ways, from hot tea to blankets or heating pads.

If the patient has an open fracture, the main task is to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet above the wound surface. The time for applying a tourniquet should be no more than 30, maximum 40 minutes, otherwise necrosis of the limb may develop, since it practically does not receive blood flow. If there is no tourniquet nearby, any available means in the form of a piece of torn fabric, rope, or belt will do instead.

To prevent infection, the wound is treated with an antiseptic. It is unacceptable to pull the patient’s injured limb in an attempt to straighten the bone.

How can you tell if a victim's spine is broken?

First of all, let us recall the signs of a spinal fracture:

  • the back muscles are tense;
  • a person complains of pain in the back, lower back, neck; painful sensations intensify when pressing or trying to make a movement;
  • he experiences paralysis of his arms or legs;
  • the neck bends unnaturally (in some cases the cervical region swells, breathing becomes difficult);
  • numbness occurs in the injured area - control over the damaged part of the body is lost.

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment with conservative methods is possible only in case of uncomplicated fractures. But even with this course, X-ray monitoring is carried out every 5-7 days. It is carried out to identify the degree of regeneration and reposition (comparison, fusion) of damaged tissues. Surgical treatment is required in case of splintered and explosive bone injuries. When correct retention and reposition of bone fragments is possible only in an operating room.

Medication methods

The use of medications is necessary to relieve pain and traumatic shock. As well as restoration of lost functions of the spinal cord (can be achieved only in 30-40% of cases). Depending on the general clinical picture, location and type of fracture, the following groups of drugs can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program:

  • drugs for anesthesia and pain relief (including narcotic opioid analgesics);
  • nootropics (“Piracetam”, “Biotropil”, “Phenibut”);
  • cholinomimetics (“Diazepam”);
  • corticosteroid hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisolone);
  • vasodilators (alpha blockers, beta2 antagonists);
  • regulatory peptides (peptide bioregulators);
  • oxygen carriers, etc.

The drug Phenibut

Drug correction is always used simultaneously with methods of stimulating muscle functions and the functioning of the pelvic organs (for example, electrical stimulation).

Spinal immobilization

Immobilization (fixation, immobilization) of the spine during fractures is necessary to prevent displacement of bone fragments. This method is used for stable fractures, that is, without displacement.

As immobilization methods, a plaster splint (Lorenz bed), bandages soaked in a solution of polymeric materials and various immobilizing dressings, which are applied after treatment with antiseptics, can be used.

Spinal traction

Spinal traction using various devices using weights is called traction therapy. The most effective and frequently used method is skeletal traction. With it, bone fragments are retained due to stimulation with weights. Their weight depends on the location of the damage and can be more than 5 kg. The weight is attached to a pin that passes through the bone. Therefore, the procedure in most cases requires additional anesthesia.

Spinal traction process

Note! The skeletal traction method allows achieving high results in the treatment of patients with various spinal fractures. But at the same time it has significant disadvantages. The main one is forced long-term immobilization of the patient. Therefore, such patients need additional preventive measures, especially the prevention of bedsores.

Rehabilitation after treatment

The rehabilitation course for such patients is selected individually and may include:

  • therapeutic and health-improving physical education;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, UHF);
  • long-term passive development of joints (CPM therapy).

Complete restoration of the damaged segment occurs within several years. Therefore, a rehabilitation program is usually drawn up for a minimum of 6-12 months.

Video - Transporting a patient with spinal fractures

A spinal fracture is one of the most dangerous types of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. It can lead to instant death of the patient from massive blood loss or crushing of the spinal cord. Of great importance in forming a favorable prognosis and further recovery of the patient is the timely provision of first aid and proper transportation of the victim. In order for a person to competently carry out emergency measures, he must know the basics of providing such assistance. And also be able to control your emotional state. If it is not possible to cope with severe fear, the use of mild sedative medications is allowed. Under no circumstances should you exceed the recommended dosage. This may have a negative impact on concentration while moving the victim.

Main Causes of Injuries

By knowing the mechanism of injury, more appropriate care can be provided. Most often, spinal injuries occur as a result of:

  • road accident;
  • falling from a height;
  • childbirth;
  • incorrectly dosed physical activity;
  • blows on the back;
  • domestic and industrial incidents;
  • unsuccessful jump into the water;
  • knife and gunshot wounds;
  • a number of chronic diseases.

If you want to find out in more detail what first aid is needed for a spinal fracture, and also to understand whether a person’s spine is damaged, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Road accidents are one of the most common causes

On a note! In road accidents, the cervical part of the spinal column is most often damaged; in the workplace, the lower back or sacrum is damaged.

What should you not do if you suspect a spinal injury?

Providing first aid for spinal injuries is very different from first aid techniques for injuries to other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The main task of the people providing assistance is, if possible, to keep the victim’s body motionless until the doctors arrive. This will prevent the situation from getting worse. Thus, the victim should not be allowed to stand up or walk - damaged vertebrae can move and pinch the spinal cord.

Providing care for spinal injuries

It is strictly forbidden to sit a person down, stand him up, or pull his limbs. You cannot try to straighten dislocations on your own. It is prohibited to give medications to a person who is unconscious or has impaired swallowing and breathing functions.

First aid for spinal injury

First aid tips for suspected spinal injury:

  1. Call an ambulance if the above signs of spinal injury are observed or an accident occurs.
  2. Do NOT move the victim under any circumstances if there is a suspicion of head, neck, back or spinal cord injury. It is important to avoid any movement of the head, neck or body.
  3. If possible, do not move the victim, so as not to provoke painful shock and complications (displacement of the vertebrae, damage to other organs from rib fragments, damage to the spinal cord, etc.).
  4. If the victim is vomiting, you need to carefully move the victim onto his side, with the head, neck, back, pelvis and legs forming a straight line.
  5. If necessary, secure the victim's head or body with available materials: towels, pillows, sticks, boards, etc.
  6. It is important not to remove the victim’s helmet, clothing or other protective equipment – ​​if any. It is necessary to immediately provide the person with access to oxygen.
  7. If the victim is not breathing, the patient must be given artificial respiration and chest compressions. The procedure should be repeated until the ambulance arrives.
  8. If there is bleeding from wounds formed after an injury, it is important to stop it. Depending on the location of the injury, apply a pressure bandage or cover the wound with a sterile cloth and press firmly with your hands.

Who should provide first aid if there is a spinal injury? Every person who is next to the victim can help him, but it is important to first call an ambulance and not try to deliver the patient to a medical facility yourself (any movement can be fatal).

What happens during a fracture?

A fracture is a partial or absolute disruption of the integrity of osteochondral structures. Which occurs as a result of exposure to environmental factors or loads significantly exceeding the strength of the injured segment. The severity of a fracture is assessed not only by the degree and area of ​​damage. And also by the size and number of injured bones. If the damage affects tubular or spongy bones (often these include vertebral bodies), massive blood loss is possible, which significantly complicates the period of recovery and rehabilitation and is one of the main factors in the formation of an unfavorable prognosis (including death). Most of these fractures lead to traumatic shock - a severe, life-threatening condition that develops against the background of heavy blood loss and severe pain irritation.

The classification of spinal fractures is quite extensive, but the primary division is always carried out according to the mechanism of injury.

Destruction of part of the bone tissue during a spinal fracture

Classification by mechanism of occurrence

Type of fracturesWhat is it characterized by?
TraumaticThe main cause of a traumatic fracture is the impact on the spine of a force that significantly exceeds the strength of the musculoskeletal segments that form the spinal column.
A person can break their spine by falling unsuccessfully from a height (a height exceeding the height of the victim is considered dangerous) or by diving into water. According to statistics from rescue and medical teams, patients receive more than 40% of such injuries as a result of car accidents, and about 13% as a result of gunshot wounds. The prognosis for treatment of fractures of this type depends on the severity and location of the damage (a fracture of the cervical spine takes longer and more difficult to treat than a fracture of the lumbosacral region)
PathologicalPathological fractures occur as a result of various diseases that negatively affect bone density and bone mass volume (malignant tumors of various locations, purulent osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, etc.). In these pathologies, fractures are multiple and chronic and are one of the symptoms of the underlying disease

Important! The most dangerous are considered to be combined injuries, for example, when a fracture is localized in several parts of the spine at once or is combined with other types of injuries (burns, knife wounds, rupture of muscles and ligaments). Treatment in this case can take more than 1 year, and rehabilitation – from 1 to 3-4 years. A conditionally favorable prognosis for injuries of this type is determined only in 20-30% of cases.

Leg fractures: what should be done, what actions are unacceptable?

Fractures of the lower extremities are accompanied by:

  • impairment of their mobility;
  • acute pain;
  • open bleeding (if large arteries are damaged as a result of an open fracture);
  • closed bleeding (inside the tissues, if we are talking about a closed fracture).

Nerves may also be affected, causing the limb to lose its former sensitivity.

The first thing to do when a leg is broken is to fix it using available means (board, long tree branch, ski pole). As in the case of a fracture of the upper limb, if it is open and accompanied by severe bleeding, a tourniquet is applied to the leg above the affected area. For severe pain, the patient is given analgesics.

If possible, the limb is immobilized using a Dieterichs splint. These are boards with drilled holes. By connecting them together, you can completely immobilize your leg.

Self-reduction of the bone at the scene of the accident is unacceptable.

Types of injuries

When providing first aid, it is important to first understand, if possible, what is damaged in a person. Injuries are classified according to a variety of characteristics. And with each of them there will be some help.

There are different types of spinal injuries

Table. Types of injuries depending on the nature of the lesion.

FracturesThis is one of the most serious injuries. When fractures occur, the entire structure of the spinal segments, elements of the blood flow, and soft tissues surrounding them are disrupted. In most cases, a spinal fracture is life-threatening. The most common fracture occurs in the cervical region.
DislocationsIn this case, the vertebrae are displaced relative to each other and the joints between them are damaged. It is also most common in the cervical region, less often in the lumbar region.
Intervertebral disc rupturesWith such an injury, the outer part of the intervertebral disc is ruptured or the inner part is displaced, usually accompanied by damage to the nerve endings.
ParaplegiaDamage to the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis of the limbs.
Long-term pressure syndromeOccurs due to prolonged compression of soft tissues and blood vessels. The main signs are dysfunction of most other organs.
BruisesWith such an injury, the structure of the spine is preserved. But as a result of bruises, bruises may appear, tissue necrosis begins, there is damage to nerve endings, and the quality of the movement of cerebrospinal fluid deteriorates. Most often, the injury is observed at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar parts, less often in the cervical region.

Regarding the location of the injury, they are classified by the name of the parts of the spine; there are also those that affect several parts of the spine at once.

On a note! The most common injuries are to the lumbar and sacral regions, and in about ¼ of all cases - to the thoracic and cervical regions.

Consequences of spinal injuries

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