Emergency care for acute pyelonephritis and hematuria

A child's body is a developing system that, due to its immaturity, is especially susceptible to infections and viruses. Some diseases especially easily affect children's bodies. Such pathologies include reactive pancreatitis - spasm of the excretory ducts of the pancreas. Today, the concept of “reactive pancreatitis” is not used among gastroenterologists, but it can still be found in pediatric practice1.

Reactive pancreatitis cannot be called a separate disease. Rather, it is a reaction to viral influence, a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, or improperly organized nutrition1.

This form of inflammation of the pancreas in children most often develops as a chronic problem, but in cases of systematic malnutrition, an exacerbation of the disease is possible.

When should you go to the hospital?

To prevent the occurrence of the above diseases, you need to consult a specialist in time. Here are additional symptoms after which you must go to a neurologist:

  • The back pain has been going on for 2 weeks now and is getting worse.
  • After discomfort in the back, my legs began to hurt in the knee area.
  • Severe attacks appear suddenly without much stress.
  • The pain began after a certain injury related to the back.
  • During attacks, breathing becomes difficult.
  • The pain is accompanied by fever and weakness.
  • Spasms appear in the stomach and chest.

Treatment of reactive pancreatitis in children

If symptoms of pancreatitis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Some forms of pancreatitis require intensive care in a hospital setting!

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a blood test (biochemistry) and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. If the diagnosis is determined correctly, then the treatment of reactive pancreatitis in children has the same principles as the treatment of the acute form of the disease.

The treatment mechanism for reactive pancreatitis includes diet and complex drug therapy. These could be antibiotics, enzymes, antihistamines - the correct drug treatment regimen should be determined by a doctor.

How to act in case of severe pain?

  • Drink your painkiller right away.
  • Contact your doctor immediately.
  • Lie down immediately and try to relax as much as possible. Do not get up until the pain subsides.
  • You should not sit or lean forward during attacks of pain.

Prevention of back pain

To prevent the development of the disease and attacks of pain, it is enough to follow some recommendations:

  1. Train yourself to exercise daily. It should not put a lot of stress on the spine. It is enough to twist your body, pull yourself up and twist. Repeat the warm-up every morning and during periods of prolonged sitting.
  2. Buy a special orthopedic mattress and small pillows. Quality sleep affects the health of your back.
  3. Don't burden yourself with weights. Try to distribute any weight between two hands. It is best to purchase a backpack in which you can carry heavy things without harm to your health.
  4. Forget about sudden movements. Perform any action slowly and calmly.
  5. Train yourself to get up at least every hour after working at the computer for a long time. It is enough to take a break for 5 minutes and do a short warm-up.
  6. If you lift heavy things from the floor, be sure to bend your knees when doing so. Straight legs put a lot of stress on the spine.
  7. Pay attention to your posture, walk straight and don't slouch.

Symptoms of pyelonephritis

There are acute and chronic pyelonephritis.

Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis begins suddenly. The main symptoms are as follows:

  • high temperature (39-40° C);
  • profuse sweat;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • pain concentrated in the lumbar region (with unilateral pyelonephritis - on one side). The pain is dull in nature, but can be very severe.

Pyelonephritis often occurs against the background of obstructed urine outflow, but problems with urination are not a symptom of this disease.

Symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis

If during treatment the severity of the symptoms was relieved, but the inflammation did not completely stop, pyelonephritis becomes chronic. Often chronic pyelonephritis develops without a preceding acute process.

Chronic pyelonephritis manifests itself as a dull aching pain in the lumbar region, especially in cold and damp weather. There may be periods of exacerbation during which the severity of symptoms returns again.

Often chronic pyelonephritis occurs secretly. A moderately elevated body temperature (37-37.5° C) may persist, the cause of which remains unknown for a long time. Often, chronic pyelonephritis is accidentally discovered during a medical examination, caused by completely different patient complaints.

If chronic pyelonephritis is not detected in time and left untreated, it leads to the development of chronic renal failure, which in the early stages manifests itself as an increased number of nighttime urinations (two or more per night).

Severe back pain

Let's take a closer look at diseases that cause sharp and severe pain:

  • Radiculitis. Painful sensations are accompanied by slight tingling and burning. Discomfort radiates to the leg and buttock. The pain gets worse when you start walking or coughing heavily.
  • Osteochondrosis. The attack intensifies as soon as you lift something heavy. Sometimes pain occurs near the heart. In this case, you have thoracic osteochondrosis.
  • Intervertebral hernia. Pain appears not only in the back, but also in one of the legs. It becomes harder to make side turns and normal bends.

Treatment methods for pyelonephritis

Treatment of pyelonephritis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will establish this diagnosis through research, prescribe a course of treatment, and monitor the progress of recovery. It is very important not only to treat pyelonephritis itself, but also to eliminate the causes that led to the development of the disease.

For treatment of pyelonephritis in Moscow, you can contact Family Doctor JSC. Treatment of the disease is carried out by urologists.

Doctors at Family Doctor are highly qualified and have extensive experience in treating pyelonephritis in children and adults, which allows them to implement an individual approach that takes into account the characteristics of each specific case of the disease.

Drug treatment

Treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out using antibacterial therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs. To strengthen the immune system, immunomodulators and multivitamins are used. For chronic pyelonephritis, diuretics and drugs that improve renal blood flow are also prescribed.

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

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Acute back pain

It occurs in the case of such diseases:

  1. Lung diseases. If the attack is felt in the shoulder blades and chest. The temperature rises sharply and weakness appears throughout the body.
  2. Lumbago. People who engage in physical labor every day are susceptible to illness. If you stop exercising, the pain will go away on its own within a week.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition to back pain, the stomach begins to ache and the temperature rises.
  4. Disc displacement in the spine. Appears after dislocations and severe fractures. May occur when lifting heavy objects.
  5. Renal colic. Sharp pain in the abdomen that radiates to the genitals.

Other types of pain

  • Chronic pain. Occurs with spondylosis. Pain not only in the back, but also in the back of the head and neck. Weakness appears in the legs, sometimes severe numbness.
  • Leg pain. This is a sign of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The pain is not only in the back and legs, but also in the buttocks, lower back and foot.
  • It's a dull pain. Appears with myositis. The pain is not severe, however, it lasts quite a long time. The disease appears after severe hypothermia and stress on the back.

Diagnosis of back pain

To determine which of the above diseases is beginning to develop, the doctor must refer you for diagnostics.

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics.
  2. Laboratory research and testing.
  3. MRI – magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. ECG – electrocardiogram.

Treatment of back pain

An experienced specialist will prescribe a set of procedures to completely relieve back pain. Here are the most common treatment methods:

  1. Back massage . Thanks to the correct impact on the back muscles, posture improves, tension and pain go away.
  2. Mud treatment . Therapeutic mud is applied to the back and a wrap is made. It nourishes tissues with minerals and nutrients and removes harmful toxins. After the procedure, the pain goes away.
  3. Spinal block . If inflammation occurs in a certain area of ​​the spinal discs, a blockade can relieve it. The doctor injects the drug with a syringe into the area of ​​inflammation. This method allows you to get rid of severe pain in a few minutes and has a therapeutic effect.

Causes and danger of increased body temperature with osteochondrosis

People suffering from osteochondrosis try to collect as much information as possible about it in order to know exactly the symptoms of its manifestation and methods of treatment. Some people have a completely reasonable question: is elevated body temperature one of the symptoms or signs characterizing the disease? It turns out that yes, this phenomenon does occur.

For what reasons can the temperature rise?

Fever can be a consequence of too intense stress and overwork, resulting in a complication of osteochondrosis - protrusion, which is also called a harbinger of the development of an intervertebral hernia. By massaging the entire spinal column with light movements, you can accurately determine the location of painful sensations. If this is successful, then we can assume that the cause is back pain.

The spine is constantly under severe stress. If it exceeds the permissible limit, then it is quite logical that microcracks form on the spinal column. They may be the reason for the occurrence of an inflammatory process, the symptoms of which are as follows:

  • Feeling of weakness throughout the body;
  • Aching pain that does not go away;
  • Feeling of numbness in the limbs.

These signs are also characteristic of any disease that is inflammatory in nature. Therefore, it is important not to confuse them with this complication and start taking measures in time.

Temperature that appears with osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine

The temperature with cervical osteochondrosis may not rise at all. But the patient will feel pain in the neck, which can spread to the shoulder girdle and head. If you notice such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor so that he makes the correct diagnosis and selects the correct treatment for the spine. In this case, even at high temperatures, you should not use drugs that lower it, no matter whether they are medicinal or traditional.

Osteochondrosis of the spine in the thoracic region can be characterized by pain under the shoulder blades. High temperature in this case may be a manifestation of another inflammatory process or disease. It is worth seeking medical help to rule out pneumonia or heart problems, including a heart attack.

Recommended examinations

If the patient has already been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, but the temperature is 37 degrees or higher, and the condition is worsening, then it is worth conducting an MRI of the spinal column. The doctor also prescribes blood tests: biochemical and general. This is done to identify the process of inflammation in the body. The results will reveal the causes of the temperature, exclude or confirm an infectious disease or tuberculosis.

X-rays will help identify infectious foci in the spine.

Other reasons for increased temperature in osteochondrosis

Body temperature can rise for a variety of reasons. It doesn't have to be a disease. For example:

  • Neurology.
  • Pathologies inside the skull.

If a patient has several diseases at once, should the increase in temperature be attributed to osteochondrosis? This is quite likely, especially given the combination of diagnoses and circumstances.

Neurology can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Regular stress;
  • Anxiety, fear of anything;
  • Discomfort with loud sounds;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • High sweating.

Before attributing a fever to osteochondrosis, you need to analyze the accompanying diagnoses.

The temperature of a person suffering from osteochondrosis may increase if there are additional factors:

  • Increased body weight;
  • Smoking;
  • Inactivity;
  • Hard labour.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to undergo regular medical examination, at least twice a year.
In addition, of course, comprehensive measures coupled with medications, massage and exercises will help alleviate the condition. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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