Pain in the left side at waist level: main causes and treatment, first aid

Causes of pain

On the left side of the abdomen there are a large number of organs, each of which can cause pain. There are several possible causes for the condition:

  • inflammation;
  • injury;
  • circulatory disorders (ischemia, heart attack);
  • torsion of the ligaments of an internal organ;
  • suppuration;
  • systemic damage;
  • genetic disease;
  • poisoning;
  • organ dysfunction;
  • spasm;
  • the appearance of a neoplasm.

A doctor should find out the cause during a face-to-face appointment. He will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures and select the optimal treatment.

Pain caused by heart and vascular diseases

With diseases of the heart and vascular system, and in particular with vegetative-vascular dystonia and angina, pain also occurs in the left hypochondrium region. In the case of dystonia, this is due to a violation of the mechanism for maintaining the tone of blood vessels, and in the case of angina pectoris, heart pain is radiated to this area.

The nature of the pain in these cases can be dull, stabbing, or aching. Patients usually find it difficult to describe such phenomena, because they can be both prolonged and paroxysmal with unclear localization. When conducting research, typical diseases of the organs located in this area of ​​​​the hypochondrium are not detected and the person is sent for examination to a cardiologist or neurologist.

On topic: Capillary therapy


A doctor can guess the cause of pain through examination and palpation. The further diagnostic method is selected based on the results:

  • general blood test - will indicate an infectious lesion, detect leukemia;
  • general urinalysis - will help determine kidney pathology;
  • Ultrasound is the fastest and easiest method for examining the abdominal organs;
  • MRI - gives the most reliable results;
  • colonoscopy - assessment of intestinal condition;
  • radionuclide testing is relevant for some diseases of internal organs, for which other methods are not informative.

Based on the results of diagnostic measures, the patient is diagnosed. Pain treatment is selected according to the detected disease.

Read also: Pulling in the lower abdomen

What to do?

To find out which doctor you should consult, you can conduct an independent diagnosis. It is necessary to characterize the pain syndrome in detail. The location is assessed, the onset of pain and the area of ​​distribution are determined, how acute it is, and the nature of the pain. Pay attention to circumstances that increase the discomfort. The period when the pain is less intense is determined, and other symptomatic manifestations are recorded. This analysis is reported to the attending physician, who will give recommendations and prescriptions.

It is important to understand that if a person hurts somewhere, then not everything is in order in the body

Possible diagnoses

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen can be caused by damage to any organ located on this side. Possible diagnoses for such a patient:

  • pathology of the spleen (abscess, heart attack, rupture, inflammation);
  • lymphocytic leukemia or myeloid leukemia;
  • intestinal pathology (malsorption, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, polyps, obstruction);
  • oncology;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs (salpingitis, endometriosis, torsion of the ovarian pedicle, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, rupture of uterine ligaments);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • kidney damage (enlargement of the pelvis).

Pain in the left side can be caused by other diagnoses, but radiate (transition) to this area. Therefore, it is important to contact a medical facility in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive examination.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

The main causes of pain in the left hypochondrium are as follows:

  • stomach diseases, most often ulcers, gastritis;
  • pancreatic diseases - pancreatitis;
  • spleen diseases;
  • pathology of the left kidney;
  • diseases of the small and large intestines.

Also, no less rarely, pain in this area can be caused by:

  • inflammatory processes of the diaphragm, its hernias and tumors;
  • pneumonia of the left lung;
  • heart diseases, in particular angina pectoris, heart attack, coronary artery disease;
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine;
  • inflammatory processes in the left appendages in women (adnexitis, etc.);
  • postoperative and post-traumatic consequences (hematomas, cuts, stitches, etc.);
  • strong physical activity.

Each of these reasons can pose a potential threat to human life. Therefore, for their timely elimination and treatment, immediate contact with a specialist is required.


Treatment for a condition where the left side of the lower abdomen hurts depends on the diagnosis. Several groups of drugs can be used:

  • painkillers - to relieve symptoms;
  • antibiotics - for inflammation and suppuration;
  • enzymes - for gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • hormones - for endometriosis;
  • sedatives - for irritable bowel syndrome;
  • carminatives - for flatulence;
  • chemotherapy - for oncology and leukemia.

If the pain is caused by kidney damage, special preparations and herbal teas may be prescribed. And in case of ectopic pregnancy, injuries and ruptures of organs, as well as in the absence of the ability to cure the patient with conservative methods, surgical intervention is performed.

Pain in the left side is a reason to consult a doctor in any case. But if they are of high intensity or began after a possible injury, this must be done urgently. Delay can threaten the patient with serious complications, including death.

Read also: Pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

What to do if there is pain in the back on the left, below the lower back

There are many factors that contribute to back pain on the left side below the lower back. Among them: intense loads with incorrect posture, sedentary work, illness. To clarify and identify the causes of pain, you should urgently consult a doctor. This cannot be delayed. It is easier to eliminate the disease at the initial stage, and not to cure complications for a long time.

Pain below the back can be caused by various diseases of the spine

Among them: osteochondrosis, hernia, spondyloarthrosis, stenosis, muscle spasm.

If back pain is caused by an ailment such as osteochondrosis, this indicates a change in bone tissue. This disease occurs as a result of a lack of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of metabolic processes. There is a narrowing of the spinal discs, which activates pain. Often the back hurts due to a hernia, which is located in the lumbar or coccygeal part. This disease is more common in older people. But when such ailments as scoliosis are observed, a hernia may appear in young people. When nerve endings are pinched, a hernia may occur. Any load on the back with this disease causes pain, only a horizontal position of the body relieves discomfort. When a person’s pain is impulsive and aching in nature, this indicates a disease such as spondyloarthrosis. During work, the individual held his posture incorrectly, which led to this disease. Muscle spasms can develop in people who sit at a desk all day. Sedentary activity leads to muscle weakening. To develop your body and improve your health, you should exercise or go to the gym. Muscle spasms also occur from irregular physical activity. For example, I lay and watched TV all winter, and in the spring I went out of town to do agricultural work.

Other factors causing back pain

When lower back pain is observed, this may also indicate a disease of the internal organs. Those internal organs that are located on the left side. Namely: a section of the intestine, spleen, kidney, ovary. With acute pain in an internal organ, the following symptoms appear: fever; trembling throughout the body; throws you into heat, then into cold; constipation or diarrhea; imbalance of the digestive system.

Regular pain occurs through the following factors:

  • for various oncologies in the pelvic organs
  • when the gland of the male reproductive system becomes inflamed;
  • with prostatitis of a chronic form, constantly reminding itself.

Distinctive features of back pain below the lumbar region during pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her spine may not be able to withstand the load. Subsequently, pain appears below the back. In case of severe pain, immediately stop exercising and walking. Take a horizontal body position. You should rest more and reduce your movement distance. Because lower back pain, which is caused by physical activity, contracts the muscles of the uterus, and this leads to labor.

Why does a child have back pain in the lumbar area?

As a rule, children experience pain in the spine area from a curved body position during work or study.
If you experience frequent pain in the lower back, you can talk about the appearance of scoliosis. To accurately determine the causes of discomfort, you must undergo an examination by a doctor. If detected early, it is easier to eliminate the disease. Other causes of pain in the spine can be infections that cause various diseases. Symptoms of infectious diseases may or may not appear. With osteomyelitis, weakness of the whole body and a rise in temperature are observed. Physical activity and chronic illnesses can also cause lower back pain. To avoid dangerous illnesses, do not put off visiting a doctor. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Anatomical features of the left half of the abdomen

Abdominal pain on the left can be caused by any anatomical structure located in this area. These include the digestive organs:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • duodenum and half of the small intestine;
  • part of the large intestine from the transverse colon, descending, sigmoid and rectum.

The organ of hematopoiesis and immune defense is the spleen. Organs of urination and excretion: left kidney, ureter, bladder. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of damage to:

  • abdominal wall and layers of peritoneum lining the internal cavity;
  • lower ribs on the left;
  • vessels and nerves of the abdominal cavity.

We do not consider here the pelvic organs, which lie in the lowest part. Their role in the examination of women and men for pain cannot be reduced to identify, for example, the source of inflammation or the original tumor.

Lower left ribs

On the front left side, the ribs completely cover the area of ​​the spleen and partially cover the left side of the stomach. In the case of splenomegaly, the spleen protrudes from under the lower rib and is easily palpable.

There are twelve pairs of ribs in total. The upper seven pairs (the so-called true ribs) are attached to the sternum in front and to the spinal column at the back. The three lower pairs of ribs (called “false ribs”) are fused, thereby forming the costal arch. Even lower are two pairs of ribs (“floating”) - they are not attached to either the sternum or the spinal column. They end in the muscle layer on the side. Some people may occasionally have a thirteenth pair of ribs - this is a physiological feature.

Parietal pain

Another type of pain is parietal. It differs from the visceral one: it has a distinct localization in the area of ​​the pathological process. Severe, painful and aggravated by sudden movements and coughing. It occurs due to irritation of the nerve receptors of the peritoneum, which covers the surface of the internal organs. It is projected onto the corresponding skin segments and is accompanied by tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall2, 3.

Such pain, acutely occurring and intensifying, may be a sign of a serious pathology, so you should immediately consult a doctor3.

Mechanism of formation of abdominal pain

The feeling of pain serves as a protective reaction for the body. It indicates damage and requires help. According to the mechanism, pain impulses can be formed by:

  • spastic contraction or hyperextension of hollow organs (intestines, stomach, bladder and ureter);
  • an ulcerative process that violates the integrity of the submucosal and muscular layer (there are no pain receptors in the mucous membrane itself);
  • stretching or rupture of the capsule of parenchymal organs (spleen, kidney);
  • damage to nerve branches and plexuses (due to rib fractures, inflammatory processes, tumor disintegration).

Spastic pain is difficult for patients to tolerate

The classification of pain includes the following types:

  • organ - caused by damage to one or more organs by inflammation, ischemia (reduced blood flow through the arteries), infectious process, pain in the left side of the abdomen migrates, does not have an epicenter and precise localization;
  • parietal - connected to the abdominal wall, clearly localized at the site of the lesion;
  • neurogenic - caused by damage to nerve fibers, distortion of the impulse to the brain, the organs themselves lying in the abdominal area may not be damaged;
  • reflected - projected onto a zone that is connected by the location of the nerve ganglia of the spinal cord.

Pathology of the abdominal organs is caused by a mixed mechanism. One violation leads to a chain reaction. Knowledge of the combined negative process allows you to select the optimal treatment to counteract and reduce pain.

Stomach as a source of pain on the left side of the body

This organ is located in the center of the abdominal cavity, but most of it is located on the left. It is the second organ of the gastrointestinal tract after the esophagus. At the entrance to the stomach there is a ring-shaped muscular sphincter. A similar, but smaller size is also available at the outlet. The stomach is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; it is the “battlefield” of enzymes and acids produced by the pancreas, gall bladder and liver. With stomach diseases, as if by a “domino effect,” all human life and health collapses.

Patients often wonder what organ is located in the left lower abdomen, while the stomach is the source of discomfort. Pain from an ulcer can radiate through nerve fibers to the upper and lower parts of the abdominal cavity. Gastritis pain is easy to distinguish, since it is most often associated with food intake - it is aggravated by hunger and overeating. Erosion of the lower part of the esophagus and the mucous membrane of the stomach walls can also cause serious discomfort for the patient.

Stomach polyps are also a common reason for patient questions about what is on the left side of the abdomen and hurts. Gastric polyps are benign tumor formations. Most often, they develop gradually, over many years, due to the growth of the mucous membrane, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. If the polyps are small, they do not manifest themselves for many years. When it grows, it causes nagging pain in both the left and right sides of the abdomen.

The spleen and its role in the body

The spleen is an unpaired organ located above and to the left in the abdominal cavity. With normal physiology, the ribs completely cover it, protecting it from injury and impact.

It is in the spleen that a number of blood cells are formed, filtration and accumulation of blood occurs, and red blood cells cease their action. The organ tissue consists of red and white pulp. The spleen is adjacent to the stomach, diaphragm, part of the large intestine, and pancreas.

Aching or acute pain occurs in the spleen with the following diseases:

  • splenomegaly;
  • perisplenitis;
  • rupture or infarction of the spleen;
  • vascular thrombosis.

With diseases of the spleen, the patient is characterized by weakness, asthenia, bad mood, and low performance. What is located on the left side of the abdomen, besides the spleen, and causes discomfort to the patient, you will find out below.

Left kidney and ureter

These organs are a common cause of pain. The left kidney is located below, just below the level of the lower back on the left side. The left ureter is located next to the anterior abdominal wall. This is a thin tube about twenty centimeters long, which is directed from the hilum of the kidney to the bladder.

What is located in the lower left abdomen in men and is the source of pain? Most likely it's a kidney. Pain can occur with nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, and urolithiasis.

Patients often ask the question: “What hurts and what organ is located in the left lower abdomen?” Depending on the nature and severity of pain, we can conclude that the cause is in the organs of the urinary system.

If a stone comes out, the pain will be sharp and unbearable. You need to contact an ambulance. If the patient has a fever, feels feverish and nauseous, and the lower back ache on the left side, most likely he has pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. In this case, it is also forbidden to let the disease take its course. Without medical intervention, even death is possible.

What is located in the lower left abdomen that causes throbbing pain that occurs from time to time? This is probably sand passing through the ureter. 65% of men and women have a tendency to form kidney stones (this is also facilitated by the quality of drinking water). But more often than not, the stones never form and come out in the form of tiny sand through the ureter. This process causes a sharp, passing pain on the left side of the lower abdomen. If the sand comes out through the right ureter, the sensations will be concentrated on the right.

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