Promedol: use and effects on the body


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The use of medications to achieve a narcotic effect has gained wide popularity among addicts of all age categories. Long-term use of Promedol and other narcotic analgesics leads to the development of severe addiction, which destroys physical and mental health. Read more about the specifics of promedol addiction below.

  • Narcotic drug Promedol
  • What is Promedol?
  • Composition of Promedol
  • The effect of Promedol
  • Duration of action and side effects
  • The danger of Promedol
  • Signs of using Promedol
  • What is Promedol used for?
  • How long does Promedol leave the body?
  • How long does it stay in the blood?
  • How long does it stay in urine?
  • Consequences of using Promedol
  • Overdose of Promedol
  • Dependence on Promedol and treatment methods

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Narcotic drug Promedol

Promedol is a drug that is actively used in medicine to relieve severe pain syndromes. In some cases, people suffering from drug addiction use Tramadol to relieve severe withdrawal symptoms. Attempts to relieve withdrawal lead to a “mutation” of addiction: over time, a craving for the drug develops.

What is Promedol/Trimeperidine?

Promedol (trimeperidine) is an opioid analgesic that is used to relieve severe pain syndromes. The drug has the following mechanisms of action:

  • Changes in the nature of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Effect on higher parts of the brain;
  • Slowing down of central nervous system functions.

Indications for the drug include pain relief after surgery, as a result of the development of oncology, as well as during childbirth. It is believed that a single use of the medication does not cause harm to the mother and child, but systematic recreational use leads to the development of severe pathologies.


Composition of Promedol

The drug contains trimeperidine. The substance is available in the form of an injection solution, tablets and syringe tube. This means that if tablets and ampoules of a medication are found in the belongings of a loved one, it makes sense to talk about a possible problem.

The effect of Promedol

The action of the analgesic is similar to morphine: as a result of its effect on opioid receptors, pain sensations recede very quickly. A short-term euphoria occurs and drug intoxication occurs.


Duration of action and side effects

The therapeutic effect occurs 20-30 minutes after application and lasts for 3-4 hours. According to the instructions, long-term use of the drug is strictly contraindicated due to serious side effects:

  • The onset of severe withdrawal symptoms with abrupt withdrawal;
  • Development of addiction;
  • Convulsive attacks;
  • Dizziness;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Depression;
  • Migraine, etc.

As a result of the risk of severe adverse reactions, the use of the drug is carried out under the supervision of a physician. In addition, before prescribing, the doctor studies the list of contraindications and decides on the current dosage of the medication. Self-administration leads to severe pathologies and the development of addiction.

The danger of Promedol

The main danger of Promedol is the risk of severe dependence on the drug. Despite its use in medical practice, recreational use of Promedol leads to severe dependence. In addition, the development of tolerance leads to the need for a gradual increase in dosage. This results in overdose: respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, coma and death.

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According to its chemical properties, promedol is a derivative of 4-phenylpiperyline. The substance molecule is a synthetic analogue of morphine, which gives a similar physiological effect. Moreover, its main active ingredient is trimeperidine. It is a white crystalline powder that dissolves well in aqueous and alcohol solutions.

Promedol is available in the following dosage forms:

  • injection solution in 1 ml ampoules (with 10 or 20 mg trimeperidine);
  • 1 ml syringe tube;
  • 25 mg tablets marked with the letter “P”.

The solid pharmaceutical form of the drug contains auxiliary components that facilitate its absorption when taken orally.

Signs of using Promedol

Dramatic changes occur in the behavior and appearance of a drug addict, which must be monitored in a timely manner to provide assistance. Pay attention to these symptoms:

  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • The appearance of injection marks on the elbows (in case of heroin addiction with short-term use of Promedol, or injection of the drug);
  • Constriction of the pupils, “glazing” of the gaze;
  • Changes in behavior: inhibition of reactions, the appearance of unreasonable aggression;
  • Hostility towards the previous environment, the desire to hide from people;
  • Attempts to obtain a prescription to purchase the drug (without indications).

Often, scandals occur due to attempts to start a conversation with a drug addict about his problem. This means that in some situations it is necessary to contact a specialist for intervention.

Symptoms of Abuse

  1. Coordination problems
  2. Hyperactivity
  3. Speech Impairment
  4. Anxiety
  5. Irritability
  6. Decreased concentration
  7. The appearance of withdrawal syndrome
  8. Rapid heartbeat

Signs of addiction at the first stage

  1. The emergence of tolerance
  2. Systematic use
  3. Euphoria does not occur as often
  4. Deterioration in performance
  5. Dissatisfaction with your life and everything that happens around you
  6. Taking medication becomes the main goal in life
  7. Formation of physical dependence
  8. Joy can only be experienced after taking a dose

Chronic stage symptoms

  1. Tolerance is established at a constant level
  2. The dose is not used for euphoria, but to eliminate withdrawal symptoms
  3. The emergence of a clearly defined mental dependence
  4. Manifestation of withdrawal symptoms
  5. The drug is used to improve mood
  6. Instead of a relaxing effect, a stimulating effect appears

Within a few hours of taking the medication, a person may experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

What is Promedol used for?

Promedol and its analogues are used to relieve severe pain. Drug addicts acquire the drug illegally in order to “bring down” withdrawal symptoms. The drug is used as a temporary replacement for heroin, but over time it only worsens opioid addiction.

In some situations, recreational use occurs for the purpose of “experimenting” with health. Curiosity leads to the development of severe damage to internal organs, mental illness and drug addiction.


The drug promedol has a wide range of applications due to its analgesic properties and minimal negative effects on the body.

It is used in cases where:

  • severe or moderate pain syndrome;
  • postoperative pain;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • angina pectoris and myocardial infarction;
  • chronic pancreatitis and paranephritis;
  • hepatic, renal or intestinal colic (added to atropine-like and antispasmodic drugs);
  • acute left ventricular failure, pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock;
  • surgeries on the bladder and other abdominal organs;
  • relieving pain in cancer patients, traumatic and burn shock;
  • pain relief and labor stimulation.

The drug can also be used for neuroleptanalgesia (in combination with antipsychotics).



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How long does Promedol leave the body?

To quickly remove trimeperidine metabolites from the body, it is necessary to know how long the drug is retained in the blood and urine. Timely detoxification accelerates the removal of the drug from organs and tissues. The duration of elimination of a substance from the body is influenced by the following factors:

  • Time of last use;
  • Frequency of application;
  • The presence of chronic diseases (diseases of the liver, kidneys and endocrine system affect the metabolic rate);
  • Features of the weight of a drug addict. In people with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, Promedol metabolites are eliminated faster;
  • Specifics of physical activity: physical inactivity leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes.


How long does it stay in the blood?

The maximum concentration of Promedol in the blood remains for three to four hours. As a result of the effect on blood components, a change in its structure is possible, which significantly prolongs the consequences of using the drug.

How long does it stay in urine?

The half-life of Promedol through the kidneys occurs within four hours, however, in the presence of renal pathologies, this figure increases.


Absolute for all forms of release:

  • Conditions accompanied by depression of the respiratory center;
  • Age up to 2 years (for solution);
  • Concomitant therapy with monoamine oxidase inhibitors and a period of 21 days after their discontinuation;
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Additionally for tablets:

  • Infections (due to the risk of infection entering the central nervous system);
  • Blood coagulation disorders during spinal and epidural anesthesia (including against the background of anticoagulant therapy);
  • Diarrhea occurring with pseudomembranous colitis caused by taking penicillins, lincosamides, cephalosporins;
  • Toxic dyspepsia (due to exacerbation and prolongation of diarrhea associated with delayed elimination of toxins).

Relative (must be used with extreme caution due to the increased risk of complications): central nervous system depression, chronic heart failure, adrenal insufficiency, hepatic and/or renal failure, respiratory failure, hypothyroidism, myxedema, intracranial hypertension, traumatic brain injury, surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract or urinary tract, urethral stricture, prostatic hyperplasia, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia, seizures, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, drug addiction (including history), emotional lability, suicidality, alcoholism , severe inflammatory bowel lesions, abdominal pain of unknown origin (for tablets), cachexia, seriously ill or weakened patients, childhood, old age, breastfeeding, pregnancy.

Overdose of Promedol

During an overdose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Panic attacks;
  • Respiratory depression;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Decrease in temperature;
  • Confusion and loss of consciousness;
  • Hypoxia;
  • Nausea, vomiting, etc.

If an overdose occurs, you must call an ambulance: otherwise there is a risk of death.


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