How horse ointment can help a person: use for joints and more

Major diseases

Purulent diseases:

  • arthritis - inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues due to injury or infection;
  • osteoarthritis - chronic destruction of articular cartilage up to its complete loss.

Traumatic diseases:

  • open injuries of the punctured, cut type with disruption of the structure of the joints;
  • closed injuries in the form of dislocations, bruises, sprains, fibrositis, synovitis.

    Chronic diseases:

  • arthrosis - a pathological change in the structure of the joint, tissues, cartilage;
  • periarthritis - bone growths affecting wide areas of the joint;
  • fibrositis is the proliferation of connective scar tissue.

Infectious diseases:

  • They become consequences of damage to the body by infection due to tuberculosis, animal brucellosis, paratyphoid fever, rheumatism.


Most often, the disease is progressive and degenerative in nature, and its symptoms appear gradually.

  • The animal is limping and reluctant to move.
  • The joint swells, becomes deformed, and the length of the limb may change.
  • The temperature rises, especially in the affected area.
  • The horse is in pain and tries not to step on the limb.
  • The joint may become excessively mobile.
  • Through wounds on the skin, pus is released from the joint cavity.
  • When dislocations and sprains of ligaments occur in a horse, there is an abnormal position of the ends of the bones and a change in the shape of the joint.

Treatment of equine joints

The NITA-FARM company offers its own development - a dual-action horse gel, which has successfully passed documented tests at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Agrarian University named after. N.I. Vavilova.”

The drug includes a highly effective phytocomplex:

  • carbonated red hot pepper extract;
  • propolis;
  • essential oils (eucalyptus, mint);
  • menthol;
  • camphor;
  • clove oil.

This gel for horse joints has a complex effect:

  • relieves pain;
  • stops inflammation;
  • cools the joint area;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • has a warming effect;
  • improves local metabolism in the affected area;
  • penetrates deeply into tissues.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply the gel to the animal’s skin at the site of injury twice a day. There are no restrictions on use.

How horse ointment can help a person: use for joints and more

Due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing properties, horse ointment (horse ointment) has been trusted for many years by people who struggle with rheumatic pain, joint or spinal problems. The drug also helps with gout, inflammation of the roots, and is used for various types of bruises, muscle damage or swelling. What is the composition of horse ointment? Why is it good for joints? Can everyone use it for their own benefit?

Horse ointment (in particular, pferdebalsam) contains a composition of herbal extracts and essential oils, which are mixed in the required proportions and have a wide range of effects. Depending on the composition, horse ointment can be warming or cooling - both one and the other are used for specific ailments.

  • Warming horse ointment improves blood circulation because it expands the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity, and therefore affects the blood supply to tissues. Therefore, it relieves pain in muscles and joints, back pain, and can also be used in people with degenerative diseases. It also helps with rheumatic pain, gout, neuralgia and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  • Cooling horse ointment is suitable for problems with the organs of movement: it relieves tension and strain in the muscles after intense physical activity, helps with minor bruises (however, it should not be applied to wounds), local swelling, and also in case of a feeling of so-called heavy legs.

Both warming and cooling horse ointment demonstrate a relaxing and analgesic effect. Because they contain carefully selected essential oils that work, among other things, against stress and eliminate symptoms of fatigue.

You can, for example, buy horse ointment and add one tablespoon to the bath, in hot water, so that on occasion you can take advantage of the beneficial effects of aromatherapy.

Horse ointment: valuable herbal extracts

Horse gel ointment is effective due to the properties of the plants from which it is made. Its composition may vary depending on the manufacturer, but in most we will find extracts, in particular, horse chestnut, juniper, arnica, mint, rosemary, thyme, hops, and sometimes red chili pepper extract.

  • horse chestnut extract improves blood circulation, prevents and reduces swelling and spasms of muscle tissue, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties;
  • juniper extract has a warming effect, improves microcirculation, is perfect for nerve pain, pain of rheumatic origin and radiculitis
  • arnica extract strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps with bruises (because it reduces swelling, hematomas and bruises), as well as sprains or dislocations, because it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, like rosemary;
  • mint and thyme soothe rheumatic pain; mint, in addition to relieving pain, also creates a feeling of coolness;
  • extract from hop cones is used for radiculitis and rheumatic pain, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Sometimes in horse ointments you can also find an extract of red chili pepper, which affects the peripheral nervous system and has a strong analgesic effect.

Essential oils also play an important role in the effect of horse ointment. The most commonly used are menthol, camphor, eucalyptus:

  • menthol has an anesthetic, cooling, decongestant effect;
  • camphor stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, relieves pain in the back, muscles and joints, including those of rheumatic origin, and also exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Eucalyptus dilates blood vessels, therefore, like camphor, it is excellent for pain in muscles and joints, and relieves diseases associated with inflammation of the roots. Thanks to its unique properties, it also gives a feeling of coolness and relieves the effects of fatigue.

Contraindications to the use of “horse medicine”

The main contraindications to the use of horse ointment are allergies or hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Therefore, before applying to joints or other parts of the body, it is worth doing an allergy test, that is, applying the medicine to a small area of ​​skin and waiting a few minutes, observing the reaction.

  • It is also worth remembering that horse joint gel cannot be used on a large surface of the body (up to 20-30 percent). It is better to apply a thin layer of the drug to the sore spot.
  • You should also not lubricate areas near your nose or mouth with it.
  • It is not recommended to use horse ointment for children, especially those under 12 years of age. It is best to consult a pediatrician on this issue.

Horse ointment is a good helper for joints and other parts of the body affected by various diseases, especially the musculoskeletal system. Doctors, of course, will not prescribe a warming or cooling gel, but positive reviews from people - word of mouth - do their job, and the drug continues to be actively used and expands its circle of fans.


  • Balanced diet.
  • Load control.
  • Quality rest.
  • Proper use and maintenance of the animal.
  • The use of gels for horse joints to promote relaxation.

The dual-action cooling-warming gel for joint pain for horses from NITA-FARM is also used as a prophylactic agent. The drug can be ordered from distributors and dealers of the NITA-AFRM company.


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Chondroprotectors for horses

Proper care of the animal, feeding with the addition of all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as the use of chondroprotectors helps to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Chondroprotectors - what are they?

Protector of joints, liquid cartilage - these synonyms are often called chondroprotectors. Preparations based on glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen hydrolyzate are made from natural raw materials and have virtually no contraindications. Veterinarians recommend using chondroprotectors to restore articular cartilage and ligaments in horses. There are 3 generations of drugs with chondroprotective effects on the market:

  1. natural from plant extracts and animal cartilage;
  2. single preparations of purified hyaluronic acid, collagen, glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate;
  3. combined - collagen + glucosamine and (or) chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid in combination with vitamin and mineral supplements, Omega-3, 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Chondroprotective substances are especially important during high physical activity in the horse. They help prevent rapid wear and tear of the main components of the musculoskeletal system - joints and ligaments.


One of the important components of cartilage tissue and ligaments, increases their strength and elasticity. The substance is present in synovial fluid, which provides lubrication and nutrition to the joints, as well as:

  • gives the joint a shock-absorbing property;
  • retains water in the fabric;
  • makes ligaments stronger;
  • neutralizes the effect of enzymes that destroy connective tissue;
  • eliminates joint pain due to degenerative and inflammatory processes;
  • restores cartilage;
  • improves skin condition.

Chondroitin for horses is available in the form of injectable preparations and is included in medicinal ointments and gels. External forms should be used as preventative agents for comprehensive care.


The aminosaccharide is extracted from shellfish shells and animal bones by hydrolysis or fermentation from fermented corn and wheat grains. Glucosamine is synthesized naturally in the body. It is a building material for cartilage and ligaments, cell membranes. The aminosaccharide holds cells together, increases their strength and resistance to stretching. Directly or indirectly, glucosamine is involved in the formation and strengthening of joints and ligaments, bones, and muscle tissue. Glucosamine also improves the horse’s immunity and is involved in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. The substance is used to prevent and treat joint inflammation and relieve joint pain. The analgesic effect of glucosamine is similar to the effect of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not entail side effects.


A structural protein that is present in all tissues of the body, increasing their strength. The maximum concentration of collagen is in connective tissues - bones, cartilage, ligaments. It is not difficult to obtain hydrolyzed collagen (gelatin) even at home - just boil the skin, bones and tendons for 4-6 hours at a low boil. Veterinarians often recommend giving horses homemade treats. When using collagen hydrolyzate in horses, cartilage tissue is restored, ligaments are strengthened, pain that appears due to injuries and pathologies of the joints disappears, and the quality of the skin and hooves improves.

Hyaluronic acid

Being the main component of natural joint lubrication.
It is part of cartilage, skin, and participates in tissue restoration. Attention! Due to sunburn and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the production of hyaluronic acid stops, and the rate of its breakdown increases.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid stimulate the formation of a protective film on the damaged surface of the cartilage. It protects against destruction and improves the sliding of the articular head.

Getting inside the cartilage, hyaluronic acid makes it more elastic and resilient. When using special preparations, even “dried out”, worn out cartilage regains its ability to absorb shock. As a result, the horse’s joint pain disappears and mobility increases.


An organosulfur agent with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
Used as a food additive or as a component of complex chondroprotective agents. Experience with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) demonstrates the substance's ability to:

  • relieve inflammation and pain;
  • speed up recovery after grueling physical activity;
  • protect muscle and joint tissue from destruction.

The use of MSM in combination with glucosamine for osteoarthritis in horses has a good effect.

Chondroprotective drugs

Chondroprotectors for horses should only be used on the recommendation of a veterinarian. After diagnosis, the doctor calculates the required dosage and course duration, focusing on the animal’s age, weight and severity of the problem. Among the most common means for internal use:

  • Glucoflex;
  • Stride HA;
  • Nutri Horse Chondro+;
  • Gela Pony Artro;
  • Gela Pony Chondro;
  • Pentosan GOLD (+ Halo Injection);

The drugs are intended for intravenous, intramuscular or intraarticular administration.
It is important to remember that it only makes sense to use them if the horse does not have problems with biomechanics. It is necessary to ensure that the hooves are not crookedly shod, there are no cracks on them, and the animal is provided with a balanced diet and sufficient time for walking. Only then will the horse be playful and beautiful.

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