The use of aloe (agagae) for joint diseases

Aloe for joints is a natural home remedy that helps relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and restore motor activity of the affected joint.

Traditional medicine knows many recipes for using the plant for medicinal purposes, both for external and internal use. The advantages of aloe tinctures for joints are hypoallergenicity, almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects, availability of raw materials, and ease of preparation.

It must be remembered that agave should not be regarded as an independent remedy for the treatment of joint diseases, however, this natural remedy can be an excellent aid to traditional therapy methods and significantly speed up the healing process.

From this article you will learn how aloe can be treated for arthritis of the joints and other similar pathologies, what are the beneficial properties of the plant, and what medicines can be prepared from it.

Composition and release form

Liquid100 ml
juice from biostimulated leaves or “children” of aloe vera80 ml
ethanol20 ml

in dark glass bottles of 50 ml; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Syrup1000 g
freshly prepared 20% solution of ferrous chloride135 g
food grade citric acid4 g
diluted hydrochloric acid15 g
aloe vera syrupup to 1000 g

in dark glass bottles of 100 g; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Liniment1 ban.
Aloe vera juice
Eucalyptus oil
Castor oil
excipients: emulsifiers

in dark glass jars of 30 g; in a cardboard pack 1 jar.

Film-coated tablets1 table
crushed preserved aloe vera leaf0.05 g

in a blister pack 10 pcs.; 2 packs in a cardboard box.

Rubs and ointments

Rubbing liquids are more convenient to use due to rapid absorption. They are prepared with vodka, cologne or alcohol. Usually one of two recipes is followed:

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  1. Pour turpentine, agave juice, lidocaine, ammonia, petroleum jelly and camphor in equal proportions into a 300 ml opaque container. Infuse the mixture for 5 days in a cool, dark room. Store in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature before use.
  2. An anesthetic rub is prepared using cologne. Add 10 drops of iodine, 8 crushed analgin tablets and 5 peeled aloe leaves to it.

For long-term treatment, it is worth preparing aloe ointment at home. Mix honey and aloe pulp in a 1:1 ratio and pour in an equal amount of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency and reheat over low heat (3 minutes is enough). Cool. The ointment is rubbed in until completely dry, after which the skin is covered with polyethylene and heat is created. The product is used at night. Course duration is 30–50 days.

Aloe in combination with alcohol or spices brings noticeable results in the initial stages of joint disease.

But you should understand that alternative medicine is not able to solve all problems, so it is better to stick to combination treatment.

This will speed up the recovery process, thereby saving the patient money and nerves.

And the most important thing in any treatment is compliance with the recommended dosages. Otherwise, the use of folk remedies can be harmful despite the naturalness and usefulness of the composition.


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    pharmachologic effect

    Pharmacological action - general tonic, adaptogenic.

    Aloe juice enhances bile secretion, the secretion of digestive glands, has a laxative effect and bactericidal activity against pathogens (internally), anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect (externally).

    Aloe syrup with iron contains easily digestible iron for the formation of hemoglobin and normal hematopoiesis, replenishes the lack of iron in the body associated with poor absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, blood loss, malnutrition, increased need for iron (pregnancy, active growth in children and adolescents).

    Aloe liniment accelerates epithelization, increases skin tolerance to X-ray irradiation, has an analgesic effect, reduces burning sensation and tightness. In experiments on rabbits, it was found that when used prophylactically, it reduces the reaction and significantly shortens the healing time of radiation damage to the skin.

    Aloe coated tablets are used as a biogenic stimulant.


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    According to patients, it is best to use aloe for joints both externally and internally.

    Antonina Ivanovna, 62 years old: “I used to buy whole bags of medicine to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Needless to say, the pension was not enough. Until a neighbor in the city told me that joints can be treated with a simple agave. Yes, my entire window sill is planted with them! I make a tincture with honey for drinking and a compress with vodka and cologne. The result is visible immediately - after this treatment, swelling disappears, and the leg moves much better. I also make this tincture for my grandson, he is a football player and often complains about his knee!”

    Aloe for joints is actively used in folk medicine due to its proven healing properties. Agave leaf juice reduces pain, relieves inflammation and accelerates regenerative processes. The plant is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

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    Indications for the drug Aloe juice

    Aloe juice: gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, constipation (including spastic and atonic), chronic colitis (inside); acute and chronic purulent diseases (externally).

    Aloe syrup with iron: anemia of various origins, iron deficiency in the body due to malabsorption, blood loss, malnutrition, increased need for iron (pregnancy, active growth of children and adolescents).

    Aloe liniment: second and third degree burns, prevention and treatment of skin lesions during radiation therapy, dry and moist epidermatitis, kraurosis of the vulva, acute and subacute inflammatory processes (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, lichen planus) and other skin diseases.

    Aloe coated tablets: myopic chorioretinitis, in the complex treatment of progressive myopia.

    The effectiveness of aloe

    Agave juice normalizes blood circulation, promoting the restoration of cartilage tissue. The leaves of the plant contain antiseptic substances that, with prolonged use, neutralize the source of inflammation. Aloe does not help immediately as a pain reliever. A noticeable effect will be noticeable only after 3–5 days of the course, but slight relief will occur after applying the juice to the site of injury.

    Preparing medicines takes a little time and money. When choosing ingredients, it is worth remembering that it is not customary to use plants younger than 3 years old. It is believed that the beneficial properties of aloe are fully revealed in adulthood. The use of young agave is less effective and therefore useless.

    Long-term treatment restores joint mobility, and at the same time improves the functioning of weakened muscles due to increased blood circulation.

    Directions for use and doses

    Aloe juice: orally, 20–30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon 2–3 times a day; externally - in the form of lotions and direct irrigation of wounds. Course - 15–30 days.

    Aloe syrup with iron: orally, 1/2–1 teaspoon in 1/4 glass of water for 1 dose. Course - 15–30 days.

    Aloe liniment: externally, to prevent skin damage - after each irradiation, lubricate the skin with liniment throughout the course (on average 45 days); for treatment - apply a thin layer to the affected skin surface 2-3 times a day and cover with gauze; in gynecology - morning and evening applied to the affected areas 2 times a day (morning and evening); for acute and subacute inflammatory processes of the skin - apply a thick layer to the affected areas (without subsequent application of a bandage) 2 times a day; for dry skin, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with liniment alternate with lanolin.

    Aloe coated tablets: orally, 15 minutes before meals, 1 tablet. 3–4 times a day. The course is 1 month, if necessary, repeat after 3–6 months.

    Is it possible to reduce joint pain by using aloe?

    Can medicinal products based on this plant help in the initial stages of the disease? Certainly!

    Using products from aloe vera juice and pulp, you can achieve:

    1. Relief of tissue swelling.
    2. Relieving inflammation.
    3. Reducing the intensity of pain.
    4. Return of motor function of joints.

    Why does the plant have medicinal properties? Because it contains many useful substances. This is about:

    1. Salicylic acid, anthraquinone, steroids, catalase and bradykininase enzymes, which reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and restore tissue.
    2. Aloin, polysaccharides, magnesium, aleolitic, phenylacrylic, ascorbic acids, phenolic compounds with antibacterial and antiviral effects.

    To slow down the degenerative processes in the interarticular cartilage, relieve symptoms of arthritis, and restore the mobility of the joint affected by the disease, it is recommended to drink juice or tincture from this plant. Lotions and applications will also be effective.

    If you consult a doctor with a disease of the musculoskeletal system in the chronic stage, he may prescribe injections where liquid aloe vera extract is injected subcutaneously; you can buy ampoules with it at the pharmacy.

    The juice of the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the deep penetration of active components into tissues, it is possible to start blood circulation in diseased joints.

    Aloe-based products to be taken orally

    If you take remedies from this plant internally, you can achieve a strengthening and antiseptic effect, cleanse the blood of toxins, and stimulate lymph flow. All this will help relieve inflammation and reduce joint pain.


    1. Every day before meals, three times a day, you need to eat 40 grams of plant pulp, having previously crushed it, or a peeled leaf (30 grams).
    2. Aloe vera and honey are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mass should be eaten before meals for 21 days. Since both honey and aloe are biostimulants, they can prevent pain and relieve swelling.
    3. You need to prepare a tincture of aloe, fresh agave juice, honey and vodka. Everything is mixed in equal proportions. Then it is placed in a glass container and infused for one day. Take 20 grams in the morning on an empty stomach. You need to drink the tincture for three weeks, then you need to rest for ten days.

    What you need for compresses and rubbing

    In order for the medicine to quickly reach the joint affected by the disease, it is better to apply it externally, so the active components will quickly reach the right place.

    Compresses and rubbing do not differ much in their therapeutic effect. But usually rubs with ointments are used during the day, but a compress is applied at night.

    To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of arthritis, prepare a compress using aloe vera juice, honey and water (all components in equal proportions - a third of a glass):

    1. Mix everything and then heat them to 60°C.
    2. Let the mixture cool.
    3. Apply the mixture to the sore joint at night, wrap it with film and cloth.

    This compress can be done every other day until it gets better.

    To prepare the rub, take aloe vera juice, onion, garlic, baked milk and beeswax. All components must be in equal proportions.

    1. Using a blender, grind all products until mushy.
    2. Bring the mixture to a boil; it should thicken.
    3. Cool to 30°C, apply to the desired area, cover with film and cloth. Leave it overnight.

    You can use the latest recipe to reduce the symptoms of joint diseases, or use it during an exacerbation.


    Aloe vera juice has a strong effect on body tissues, so not all people can use it. Not recommended:

    1. Women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding.
    2. Girls and women during menstruation, since one of the medicinal properties of the plant is to stimulate hematopoiesis.
    3. During the period of exacerbation of cholecystitis, hemorrhoids, intestinal dysfunctions.
    4. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
    5. Children under 14 years of age (exception: taken in small concentrations under the supervision of an adult).
    6. If you are intolerant to this plant.
    7. With low blood pressure.
    8. If there are stones in the gall bladder.

    Other aloe-based recipes

    You can prepare a vodka tincture. To do this you will need turpentine, aloe juice (agave), lidocaine, vodka, petroleum jelly, camphor. All components are mixed in equal proportions and then infused for five days in the refrigerator. It is necessary to rub sore joints twice a day.

    There is a recipe where you need to use pine buds (20 grams) along with aloe juice. They are poured with boiling water, then infused in a thermos for about three hours. You need to drink a third of a glass of infusion three times a day. But before you start using it, you should consult your doctor, since products based on conifers may be contraindicated for you.

    For what diseases will aloe be effective?

    First of all, these are arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism. This plant will also be useful in the presence of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies that have arisen in the joints and inflammatory processes. This applies to the movable joints of bones, which are subject to changes in the event of injuries, acquired infections, metabolic disorders, and unevenly distributed loads.

    In addition, aloe helps with asthma, bronchitis, burns, hemorrhoids, diseases of the genitourinary system and skin-related diseases.
    It also strengthens the immune system. Can be used as a prophylactic for various diseases. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

    What are the contraindications?

    When using a combination of aloe and honey, you need to take into account not only diseases, but also certain contraindications. Honey should not be consumed if you are allergic to pollen. In addition, it is better not to give this product to children under three years of age. When cold, it should not be used for gastritis with a high level of acidity. It is not advisable to use honey in the third trimester of pregnancy and consume it sparingly if you have diabetes.

    Aloe helps lower blood pressure and thin the blood, which suggests some contraindications. It should not be used if you have low blood pressure, blood clots or during pregnancy. This ingredient is contraindicated in case of severe inflammation of the digestive system, gallstones or allergic reactions.

    To prepare the right recipes, you must follow certain recommendations for collecting aloe. For example, it is better to select only the lower leaves. However, their age should not exceed two years. There are certain tricks when making honey. It is heated in a water bath if it is intended to be used in large quantities. If the ingredient is contained in small quantities, it is mixed with water.

    Aloe is a magnificent plant that should be in every home. At any time you can prepare a healing and effective tincture from it.

    Vodka recipe

    When deciding how to make a tincture, you should choose recipes based on ethyl alcohol, since it is the alcohol composition that reduces inflammation, and not an infusion of water or vinegar.

    Any vodka is suitable for making tinctures. It could even be alcohol with water or moonshine.

    Aloe leaves must first be crushed. To do this, first remove the skin, remove the thorns, and then make a cut along the leaf.

    Then you need to follow the cooking recipe:

    the crushed pulp is poured with vodka in a ratio of 2 to 1; the mixed composition is infused for 10 days in a cold and dark place; The mixture must be strained and the pulp thoroughly squeezed out. Do not forget to shake the container with tincture periodically. In this case, the dishes must be airtight.

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