The use of propolis in alcohol for the treatment of joints

Tips and tricks

A pine bath, supplemented with the use of self-prepared pine balm, relieves inflammation and pain very well. To make a medicinal drink, you need to chop and mix 40 g of pine twigs, a couple of tablespoons of rose hips, a tablespoon of onion peel and a clove of garlic. The mixture is poured with two liters of hot water, boiled for half an hour and left for a day at room temperature. The broth should be filtered and consumed in an amount of no more than ½ liter per day for a week, after which it is recommended to take a week's break.

If the pain is very severe and the inflammation is progressive, then it is best to use a liquid homemade ointment based on the yolk of a fresh egg, with the addition of a teaspoon of turpentine and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Gel ointment should be used to lubricate joints before going to bed at night, but no more than a week a month. The optimal result of the combined use of drugs and folk remedies is the transition of the disease to the stage of clinical remission.

Exercises for arthritis of the hands

On a note! Clinical remission is the ability to lead a normal lifestyle on the background of a prescribed therapeutic course of medications with quarterly monitoring of tests and hardware examination.

Among other things, it is important to remember that proper nutrition is one of the main factors influencing the effectiveness of traditional medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The menu must be enriched with eggs, boiled or steamed meat and fish dishes, herbs and vegetables, as well as rice, buckwheat, millet and oatmeal and bran bread

It is recommended to exclude fatty foods from the diet, including animal fats, and also significantly limit sweet foods, strong tea and coffee, and, of course, any strong alcoholic drinks.

Sustamed ointment with badger fat is excellent for joints. Relieves pain, slightly warms. Helps relieve swelling. We buy it on the Internet.

My mother-in-law has severe joint pain. She was advised Sustamed with badger fat. Now the whole family uses this ointment. It relieves pain, and in case of colds and hypothermia, we immediately apply it to the chest and sinuses. It’s in our medicine cabinet now forever))

Popular alternative treatments

As mentioned above, there are a large number of different methods and treatments for such a disease as arthrosis. Of course, when treating, we must not forget that the effectiveness of the chosen method directly depends on the stage of the disease. And so let’s look at the most popular methods and recipes for treatment: bees and propolis.

Treatment of arthrosis with bees - this method of treatment is also called apitherapy. The use of this method involves treatment with bee venom.

  • It is taught in courses. One course consists of 20 stings, which are carried out every other day.
  • Treatment begins with several procedures, in which they begin to place from two to ten bees.
  • At each procedure, the number is increased by two bees.
  • Over time, the number of bites is increased to the maximum number of bites. It is 20 bites.
  • But before increasing the amount, you must take blood and urine tests and look at their results. If they are positive, then the treatment is helping and it is continued.

Arthrosis. Traditional medicine treatment course

As practice shows, apitherapy for arthrosis does not have a general purpose. The number of procedures and bites is determined individually. It all depends on a person’s individual tolerance to such procedures.

Treatment of arthrosis with propolis - helps relieve pain and discomfort. There are several recipes for using this “healing agent”.

Option 1: Propolis ointment

  • To prepare it, it is best to take not butter, as many recommend, but goose or badger fat.
  • Place oil or fat in a glass container, add a few tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of propolis.
  • All ingredients should be melted in a water bath. At the same time, mix thoroughly.
  • In liquid form, the ointment should be filtered through gauze. This is done in order to remove those pieces from the mixture that have not dissolved.
  • The product should be stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.
  • Healing ointment is applied to sore joints, after which the anointed area is covered with a cloth or towel.

Option 2: Propolis tincture for arthrosis:

  • To prepare such a medicine, you need to take 100 grams of medical alcohol and add one and a half tablespoons of propolis to it.
  • In order for propolis to dissolve, it must be crushed.
  • The product is infused for one week, after which it is used for compresses.
  • The main advantage of this product is its shelf life.

Rules to follow

To achieve the desired result, you need to know some of the nuances of using propolis to treat joints.
If you adhere to the basic recommendations, you won’t have to wait long for positive changes. Basic Rules:

  1. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis and cause of the disease. Inflammatory processes that occur in the joints can have different causes.
  2. Traditional methods of treatment do not replace drug therapy, but only complement it. Only during the period of remission is it permissible to use only folk recipes.
  3. After the first dose, you should carefully consider the state of the body to understand whether there is a negative reaction to bee glue.
  4. To achieve results, the course of treatment cannot be interrupted. If the prescription involves daily use of a propolis-based medicine, then you should not deviate from the schedule. To consolidate the result, it is usually recommended to repeat the course after a certain period.

Storage conditions and healing properties

If you store bee glue in a dark and cool place, it will not lose its value for a long time. Even at sub-zero temperatures it retains its healing properties, it just may become fragile.

All the qualities of propolis will remain in the product even after 60 minutes of boiling. Therefore, this natural medicine is usually used as a basis for self-preparing products that require preheating.

The medicinal properties of propolis are explained by its high anti-inflammatory and bactericidal activity. It inhibits the development and activity of:

  1. viruses;
  2. microorganisms;
  3. bacteria.

The antioxidant properties of propolis have found application in the treatment of oncology. All drugs that are made using this substance are characterized by analgesic, antimicrobial, restorative, wound healing, and immunomodulatory properties. In addition, propolis is able to regulate metabolism in the body.

Propolis is widely used as a traditional medicine. It has become an excellent cure for skin pathologies, throat diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, frostbite and burns.

It will help with bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia), and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits for joints

Propolis has a balsamic odor and a greenish or brown color. This substance is a beekeeping product. It is a resin collected by bees in the spring from the buds of various trees and processed with their enzymes.

This is interesting! The exact composition of propolis is almost impossible to describe. Since it can vary depending on the location of the hives and the plants growing next to them.

Propolis has a very rich composition. It includes:

  • various balsamic substances;
  • essential oils;
  • natural wax;
  • amino acids;
  • pinocembrin;
  • caffeic acid ester;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals and a number of other useful microelements.

Due to its rich composition, pure bee propolis has a number of medicinal properties. There are quite a lot of them. And some of them can have a good effect in treating bones and joints.

Medicinal properties of propolis:

  1. This substance relieves inflammation. Thanks to this, swelling decreases when using it.
  2. This remedy also improves blood flow, which worsens in most bone and joint diseases. Thanks to this, oxygen and necessary microelements begin to be delivered more actively to the cells of the affected tissues.
  3. The analgesic effect of propolis will help eliminate the symptoms of this disease.
  4. Metabolism in tissues also improves when using propolis.
  5. This product can also accelerate tissue regeneration.

These properties make it useful to use this bee product for a number of joint diseases. It is even included in some pharmaceutical drugs.

Propolis for joints is a very useful substance. It can be included in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • articular rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  • gout;
  • shoulder and knee arthrosis, as well as other diseases of the legs (foot and knees), hip and other joints.

Propolis can be used to combat other ailments. For example, with a cold or sore throat.

Recipes for products with propolis for the treatment of joints

Folk recipes with propolis for joints will help those people who experience severe pain in the knees, elbow and shoulder joints, and hands during spring or autumn exacerbation. For treatment, you can use any product with bee glue that is more convenient to prepare.

The main rule is that after applying the ointment or tincture, the sore spot must be wrapped in something warm in order to enhance the warming effect of the black wax.

After wrapping the sore joint, you need to take a comfortable position and remain in a resting position for 30-60 minutes.

Ointment with propolis

To prepare the ointment, fat is used. The most affordable is butter, but badger lard or goose fat has a more effective effect.

Oil, 15 g of crushed propolis and 2-3 tbsp are placed in a glass container. spoons of water. The container is placed in a “water bath” and the ingredients are melted until maximum homogeneity. The product must be stirred constantly.

In liquid form, the ointment is filtered through several layers of cloth to remove pieces of insoluble wax, and poured into a jar with a lid. Store ointment with black wax in the refrigerator.

The product is applied to the sore spot and wrapped in a warm cloth. Treatment is carried out until the pain goes away.

Propolis in vegetable oil

To prepare this product, you can use either sunflower, sea buckthorn or other vegetable oil.

For 100 ml of vegetable oil you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed substance. After dissolution, it is better to filter the mixture so that when applied, particles of undissolved wax do not cause discomfort.

A mixture of vegetable oil and bee glue should be lubricated on sore knees for 2 weeks.

Alcohol tincture with propolis

The advantage of using such a product is its long-term storage. Alcohol helps preserve bee glue and preserve its healing properties.

Medical alcohol is used for preparation. You need to dilute 20 g of propolis in 100 g of alcohol. In order for it to dissolve better, it must be crushed on a grater or with a knife.

The product is infused for 1 week, shaking occasionally. Then filter through a gauze cloth and pour into a clean container.

The tincture is used topically as a compress. A cloth soaked in it is applied to the sore joint, a plastic film is applied and wrapped in a woolen scarf or cloth. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Our readers recommend!

Your joints will be the same as when you were 21! Simple and effective recipe!! Our readers are already using this method to treat joints.

Water tincture with propolis

To prepare the tincture, you need to add 10 g of propolis to 100 g of water. The components should be boiled for about an hour until completely dissolved in a “water bath”. The output will be a cloudy yellowish-brown liquid. When hot, it is poured into a thermos and left to infuse for 2-3 hours.

To treat diseased joints, the tincture is used in the form of compresses. The sore spot must be wrapped in something warm. The compress is removed after 40-60 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of joints with propolis in its “pure” form

This method is used if there is a large supply of bee glue in the house. A cake or plate is formed from it, the size of the sore joint and about 5-7 mm thick. A black wax cake is applied to the sore spot, covered with film, secured with a bandage or bandage and wrapped in woolen cloth. Treatment is carried out until the pain completely disappears.

According to statistics, 70% of people over 60 years old suffer from joint pain and cannot move normally. Thanks to its unique healing properties, propolis can relieve discomfort, relieve inflammation and restore painlessness to movements.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to such a method of treatment as blockade, because not every corner of our vast country has highly qualified specialists. In addition, not every person will decide to resort to this intervention at the onset of the disease, when all traditional methods have not yet been tried. Alternative medicine, in particular apitherapy, offers good alternative options.

Honey and propolis, the main apitherapeutic drugs, are successfully used to treat arthritis. In this case, not only propolis, but also honey are used for external local effects on the affected joint. Their healing effect is due to excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Here are several recipes for the treatment of inflamed joints, which include propolis and honey:

  1. Blue clay and propolis. Add a few drops of propolis alcohol tincture to the blue clay diluted to a creamy consistency and mix thoroughly. Place a layer of cotton cloth on the affected joint, coat it with the resulting clay mass (layer - up to 3 cm), cover the top again with cloth, polyethylene and a warm towel. Leave the compress on for 3 hours. Repeat daily for 10 days.
  2. Cabbage leaves and honey. Before going to bed, cut a fresh cabbage leaf (preferably freshly picked) along the thickest veins, mash a little with a rolling pin and heat over steam or in the microwave. Lubricate with honey and apply to the affected joint. Wrap the top with polyethylene and a shawl. Leave overnight and remove in the morning. Repeat daily until inflammation subsides (in advanced cases, 2-3 procedures are sufficient).
  3. Ointment with propolis. Mix propolis and vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) in a 1:1 ratio and heat in a water bath for half an hour until the propolis is completely dissolved. Cool. Apply to affected joints 1-2 times a day.
  4. Honey and mumiyo. Mix 100 g of fresh liquid honey with 0.5 g of mumiyo, use as compresses and orally (0.2 g 1 hour before meals). If the honey is frozen, melt it first. The course of treatment is 10 days. Conduct at least 3 courses with a 3-day interval between them.
  5. Resin and honey. Mix the same amount of resin (hardened resin of coniferous trees) and honey, heat in a water bath, cool. Rub into inflamed joints.
  6. Propolis compresses with fat. Melt 100 g of any animal fat over low heat, add 10 g of propolis powder, heat, stirring, until smooth, cool slightly. Apply the mixture to a cloth or gauze napkin, apply it to the sore joint, wrap it on top with polyethylene and a warm towel or shawl. Keep for 40-45 minutes. Do it daily before bed for 2 weeks.
  7. Propolis decoction for pain relief. Pour propolis in powder form (10 g) into a glass of water, bring to a boil and cool, stirring. Apply the decoction to sore joints and wash off after half an hour. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening every day for 10 days.

These simple recipes will help relieve pain and inflammation during exacerbations of arthritis.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies

Before you begin to treat the disease at home, you should undergo a complete examination of the body in a hospital setting. You should not neglect the advice of doctors, since no matter how good the methods of traditional medicine are, it is better to combine them with medications. Traditional methods of treatment significantly alleviate unpleasant symptoms and strengthen the body.

Our readers recommend

To prevent and treat ARTHRITIS, our regular reader uses the increasingly popular method of NON-SURGERY treatment, recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. After carefully reviewing it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

It should be understood that treatment with traditional medicine at home without additional medications may not be very effective. Natural remedies really help a lot, but in combination with synthetic remedies you can achieve a better effect.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with nutrition

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of many diseases, so treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with special diets has already proven effective. Proper nutrition helps the body fight illness and recover faster.

Diet for exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis

First of all, you must adhere to the following restrictions:

  • remove sweet, fatty and flour foods from the diet;
  • limit consumption of animal fats;
  • limit spices;
  • remove smoked meats and marinades from the diet;
  • exclude semi-finished products.

Meals should consist of:

  • plant food;
  • dairy products;
  • fish and seafood;
  • olive oil.

Video - symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis


Preventive diet

Particular attention in nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis should be given to vitamin D. A sufficient amount of this vitamin does not allow the development of negative autoimmune processes

Fish oil should also not be ignored.

It is advisable to eat rice and follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Boiled rice with seafood is a very good prevention of rheumatoid arthritis.

Juice for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

You should also drink rosehip decoction, which is rich in vitamins and microelements.

Freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices also help prevent rheumatoid arthritis:

  • beetroot-carrot-cucumber juice will energize you for the whole day and give the body a large amount of vitamins (1 glass of carrot juice, 1 tablespoon each of beetroot and cucumber);
  • You can also add one tablespoon to carrot juice - celery, spinach, parsley juice;
  • Grapefruit juice is very useful in the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis.

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My mother was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I really want to help her. I read here about folk remedies and nutrition for this disease - I’ll call tomorrow and tell my mother everything. Thanks for the detailed information! Let's get treatment!

I didn’t know that a tincture of raw potatoes could help with rheumatoid arthritis. I’ll definitely take note and advise my grandmother, she’s been suffering a lot for many years now.

My doctor advised me to be careful with vitamin D when taking fish oil. Methotrexate helps with rheumatoid arthritis - fact. The drug is strong, with side effects, but it works. I also follow a diet rich in antioxidant vitamins, although more to clear my conscience. In any case, it will not harm, it is not good for the joints, but for the blood vessels. And you can’t get better, the load on your joints will increase. But traditional methods are questionable for me. Even if there are substances in the herbs, how to dose them, how to obtain a stable extract. Apparently, my rheumatologist successfully brainwashed me with official drugs. I don’t risk trying anything else.

And I am for folk remedies! Of course, doctors cannot be ignored, but herbs in small quantities are unlikely to cause harm. The only exceptions may be allergic reactions to a specific plant. My mother gets an inflamed ankle every spring. So she has already gotten used to it... As soon as she starts to worry, she makes a compress from a cabbage leaf at night and in the morning she calmly steps on her foot. I think it’s not worth trying everything at once, but finding an ambulance for yourself not from a pharmacy is realistic.

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About the product

Bees collect pollen and process it with enzymes to create a product called propolis. These insects use it to insulate and strengthen their homes, but people have found it used in medicine.

The composition of bee glue varies depending on the location of the apiary. On average, propolis consists of:

  • 30% wax;
  • 10% essential oils;
  • 50% resins and balsamic substances.

The rest is pollen and aromatic substances. Bee glue is rich in vitamins and minerals, it contains a large number of trace elements. Enzymes and flavonoids, which are also contained in propolis, play an important role in the treatment of ailments. Thanks to caffeic acid ester and pinocembrin, you can overcome any fungus.

Interesting! Scientists are constantly researching bee glue. Every time new substances are found in it that are very useful for humans.

Propolis has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • pain reliever;
  • immunostimulating;
  • regenerating;
  • improvement of metabolism.

Predisposition factors

A feature of the disease is that the human immune system initiates a process in which tissues and organs are progressively affected, resulting in almost 2/3 of cases resulting in disability. The main causes of death are usually due to infectious complications and renal failure. Despite the fact that the causes of rheumatoid arthritis have not yet been fully elucidated, it has been possible to identify some factors that can be regarded as a predisposition to the lesion.

What is arthritis

Reliable information about joint damage solely as a result of exposure to infections or pathogenic microflora is currently missing, but many patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a history of bacterial, fungal or viral infections, which can be regarded as a catalyst for the development of inflammatory and destructive processes. An autoimmune attack is often provoked by tonsillitis, respiratory viral diseases or influenza, and can also develop against the background of infectious or reactive arthritis.

On a note! There is currently no comprehensive systemic prevention, due to the unknown exact causes of its occurrence. However, giving up bad habits and increasing immunity can minimize the risk of disease.

Blocking the pain

One of the most effective and fastest ways to relieve muscle tension and relieve a pain attack during the acute phase of arthritis is medical blockade of the affected joint. This is a serious procedure that can only be performed by a highly qualified specialist - a rheumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon.


The essence of this method is that an analgesic drug is injected into the nerve ending innervating the cavity of the affected joint or periarticular tissue, as a result of which one of the links in the pain reflex arc is turned off and pain is eliminated. In this way, the blockade resembles local anesthesia. As a rule, the pain relief provided by the blockade lasts a short time, but even this interval is enough to relieve muscle spasm and allow the periarticular tissues to take the correct, natural position for them. A huge advantage of this method of treatment is that the drug acts locally, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore there is no additional burden on the digestive system.

Very often, the blockade is combined with the introduction of a medicinal drug into the joint cavity; glucocorticosteroids are mainly used for these purposes: Diprospan, Kenalog-4 and hydrocortisone acetate. Such measures help relieve inflammation and stop the acute phase of arthritis. Intra-articular administration of corticosteroids is indicated for nonspecific forms of arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoporosis deformans), especially in cases where traditional treatment methods are ineffective.

Despite its high effectiveness, drug blockade is used quite rarely due to the possibility of complications, the main one of which is accidental infection of the joint cavity and periarticular tissue. To avoid it, the blockade must be carried out with strict adherence to the rules of asepsis.


The main contraindication to pure propolis is allergies and individual intolerance. However, when using drugs, you must also take into account the restrictions on their other components. And in the case of external use, contraindications include inflammation and irritation of the skin at the site of application.

Bee product balls

Bee products, including propolis, can be used as an additional method of treating joints to the main therapy. However, before using drugs based on them, you should consult your doctor.



What you should know

To get all the benefits from this beekeeping product, you need to understand how joints are treated with propolis. The use of funds based on it will be effective provided that the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Before starting therapy, you need to know exactly the root cause of the problem. The inflammatory process in the joint is provoked by completely different diseases that require different approaches;
  2. Treatment with propolis should not replace taking traditional medications. Traditional methods are practiced in organic combination with tablets or only during rehabilitation measures;
  3. During the first procedure, you need to record every sensation. Propolis is characterized by antiallergic activity, but at the same time it can trigger the onset of an intolerance reaction;
  4. To obtain the expected result, propolis recipes are used for a certain period of time, and the effect can be consolidated by repeating the course.

Rules for using propolis

In order for propolis for gout or arthritis to really help cope with the disease, it is very important to follow the rules for its use. There are not many of them, but they are very important.

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Rules for using the product:

  1. The most important rule is that during the treatment of arthrosis and other diseases, propolis should not replace the main course. It can only complement the complex of therapy prescribed by a specialist.
  2. Beekeeping-based preparations can cause allergies. Therefore, when using them, you need to listen to your feelings and use them only with the permission of a doctor.
  3. It is best to store propolis in a cool place. In this case, it will best retain its beneficial properties.
  4. This product should not be boiled for more than an hour.

By observing these requirements, you can get a really good therapeutic effect when treating joints with its tincture or ointment.

Beneficial features

Its structure resembles glue. Bees bring this enzyme from plant buds and use it to seal cracks in the hive. Its composition may differ, as this is due to the terrain and the growth of plants in that area. It is rich in useful substances, pollen, and aromatic substances. Scientists have discovered a very effective antifungal substance in it, as well as kefir ether. Can be stored in a cool, dark place. When the temperature drops, it may lose its plastic properties. Heating it for an hour will also not harm it.

There is a high anti-inflammatory and bactericidal ability. It actively copes with germs and other viruses in the body. Antioxidant substances help it be part of a complex of anti-cancer therapy. The main actions are aimed at:

  • immunostimulation,
  • fight against germs
  • wound healing,
  • increased metabolism,
  • anesthesia,
  • update.

The spectrum of action of this drug is very wide. All this is explained by its miraculous composition. The manifestation of positive qualities is:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • warming effect
  • normalization of blood flow in a sore spot,
  • harmonizing protein and mineral metabolism,
  • improving the metabolic process.

It can be used for diseases of the respiratory tract and skin. You can also cope with diseases of the spine and joints without surgery. Propolis has been noted to be beneficial for joints, as well as for other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Among the most common are: infectious arthritis, damage to soft tissues by various inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, postoperative syndrome, deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid manifestations.

This substance will help cope not only with their negative manifestations, but also cure them. Among the positive substances listed, the most effective is considered to be an alcohol-based propolis tincture for joints.


Propolis for joints is contraindicated for people with an allergic reaction and hypersensitivity to the components. Alcohol tinctures are prohibited for use by children, pregnant women, and people with alcohol intolerance. In other situations, propolis products are safe and beneficial.

Propolis is often used to treat joints. Bee glue copes with the symptoms of arthritis, arthrosis, gout, bursitis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis. To speed up the result, it is recommended to add mumiyo, bee poison or dead food to the mixture.

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Beekeeping products have been used by people since ancient times. They were consumed not only as a tasty and healthy dessert, but also as a wonderful healing remedy for a variety of diseases. Moreover, not only well-known honey has found its application, but also a number of other useful substances produced by bees, in particular propolis. It is a sticky substance that is used by bees to insulate their hives. The unique composition of propolis makes it possible to use it to combat a wide variety of diseases. Including joint diseases.

Propoly - glue for the hive

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