Benefits and applications of alkaline mineral water

Wellness with alkaline mineral waters is more relevant now than ever. In a healthy body, the acid-base balance (pH) is maintained within certain limits. But during diseases, including infectious ones, the balance is disrupted and shifts towards an acidic environment - acidosis develops. It is in an acidic environment that bacteria and viruses feel best and begin to multiply more actively.

To reduce the risk of infections, you can take alkaline mineral waters to restore normal blood pH. Also, during ARVI, drinking mineral waters helps to normalize the water-salt balance, since at elevated temperatures the body loses not only water, but also minerals.

Komsomolskaya Pravda has chosen the best alkaline mineral waters in 2021.

How to determine the level of alkali?

The acid-base balance of a drink reflects the pH level, or the indicator of hydrogen ions.
Water from a spring source has values ​​of 6.5 – 9.0. The alkaline characteristic is reflected by a level above 7 on a given scale. Alkali has an extreme value of 13. The maximum level of 14 means an absolutely alkaline composition.

Spring water is saturated with calcium, enriched with fluorine and other elements. The composition of minerals is closely related to the geography of the reservoir .

Disturbed balance of acids and alkalis is a factor in the development of diseases

An acid-base imbalance disrupts the functioning of the entire system, first causing chronic fatigue and poor night sleep, then the symptoms worsen. Frequent nervous breakdowns, rapid weight gain and the appearance of chronic diseases are the next stage and symptoms signaling an imbalance.

When the test strips show values ​​from 6.4-7, then the reasons for poor health should be looked for elsewhere, but if the readings change downward, take action. We have received confirmation from the laboratory that the pH level is too low, urgently change your diet and drink alkaline water.

Still or with gas?

The alkaline waters of many springs are initially saturated with carbon dioxide. Manufacturers increase its content to eliminate air ingress. Mineral waters with high levels of salts are usually not carbonated.

The choice of a drink with or without gas is associated with both taste preferences and the specifics of the disease. Gastroenterologists advise degassing water so as not to irritate the walls of the stomach. It is enough to leave the container open for several hours.

Sometimes dosed consumption of water with gas is beneficial. It is advisable to recommend a specialist in case of doubt when choosing a mineral water. It is recommended to drink carbonated drinks in moderation so as not to irritate the walls of the stomach.

What is an aqueous solution with alkali

Knowing what alkalinity is, it is possible to independently increase the pH of drinking water by adding alkali (hydroxide of alkali and alkaline earth metals).

Water with dissolved sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide can react with acid, neutralizing it - this is the main beneficial property of alkaline water.

Still or with gas

When a dilemma arises about which alkaline water is healthier to drink, carbonated or not, just turn to a chemistry textbook. It turns out that carbon dioxide used for carbonation significantly increases the acidity of the liquid. There will be less benefit from carbonated alkaline water; carbon dioxide will oxidize it.

Types by composition

Based on the components that make up the liquid, it is customary to distinguish:

  • water with the addition of carbonate salts (calcium, magnesium), with the taste of soda;

  • chloride, salty to taste due to the predominance of chlorine;
  • sulfide, with bitterness, a specific aroma of sulfur, reminiscent of the smell of rotten eggs;
  • mixed type, with the presence of many elements.

Due to the activation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, types of spring water affect many biological processes. Consumption of liquid saturated with minerals has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and blood vessels.

Based on the presence of active elements in alkaline mineral water, they are divided into:

  1. Table water – water intended for all consumers, salt content 3 g/l.
  2. Medicinal-table drink is recommended to be consumed for a limited period, the concentration of minerals does not exceed 10 g/l.
  3. Medicinal - mineral water is drunk only as prescribed by a doctor, salts up to 35 g/l.

Hydrocarbonate water with a low pH level close to neutral is called slightly alkaline. The mineral content in water is less than 3 g/l.

With constant consumption of enriched liquid, the lack of useful elements is gradually compensated, and digestion is normalized.

pH standards for drinking water

So, ideally pure water is neutral, its pH = 7. It is called distilled and cannot be found in the outside world. Purely speculatively, there are processes in nature by which it can be formed - these are snow and rain. But... the environmental situation is such that there are a lot of impurities in our sediments.

When various chemicals are dissolved in water, the pH value changes. It can shift towards acidity, pH<7, or alkalinity, pH>7.

Each state has its own alkalinity standards. In our country, the quality and standards of drinking water are regulated at the legislative level by Technical Regulations and SanPiNs. For bottled water, these are EAEU TR 044/2017 “On the safety of packaged drinking water, including natural mineral water” and CU TR 021/2011 “On the safety of food products” and SanPiN – 02 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water packaged in containers. Quality control". In accordance with these documents, the pH value should be in the range of 6.5 - 8.5.

For centralized drinking water supply systems (plumbing), these standards are within 6-9 units.

To help you understand exactly what kind of water falls within these limits, check out the pH values ​​given by WHO (World Health Organization):

  • pH less than 3 – strongly acidic waters;
  • pH from 3 to 5 – acidic;
  • pH from 5 to 6.5 – slightly acidic;
  • pH from 6.5 to 7.5 – neutral;
  • pH from 7.5 to 8.5 – slightly alkaline;
  • pH from 8.5 to 9.5 – alkaline;
  • pH over 9.5 is highly alkaline.

The influence of mineral water

Internal bioprocesses influence the pH balancing that a healthy body can cope with . In some cases, life support systems need help maintaining the boundaries of normal functioning.

The principle of operation of mineral water is based on the effect of hydrogen release upon contact of alkali metals and liquid.

Healthy cells receive the antioxidant necessary to preserve functional resources, reducing oxidation and increasing protection against aging. Hydrogen serves as an activator and supplier of the necessary energy.

Stabilization of metabolic processes allows:

  • normalize carbohydrate and fat balance;

  • speed up the elimination of toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • enhance the effect of certain drugs;
  • cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques;
  • resist stress, fatigue;
  • increase antioxidants;
  • prevent inflammatory processes;
  • activate brain activity.

Under the influence of the beneficial effects of alkaline mineral drinks, working capacity increases and the body’s protective resource against adverse environmental phenomena is strengthened.

Question answer

Depending on what the drug is taken with, its effectiveness changes. Aspirin (acid) does not combine with an alkaline environment; it neutralizes the effect of the medicine. Antibiotics and sulfonamides, on the contrary, are absorbed into the body more quickly under the influence of alkali, their effect is prolonged, and then the medicine is completely eliminated.

In distilled liquid there is no more than 2.3, in tap water – 4.

Methods: for 1 l. water soda and salt 1 tsp each plus sugar for taste; pH drops.

Install an ionizer on the water supply or reverse osmosis system, purchase a desktop filter-ionizer.

1/4 teaspoon per glass of pure H2O is enough.

Buy at any store, pharmacy or make at home.

Silver or copper coins and cleaned jewelry are not only ionizers, but also disinfect and enrich H2O with silver or copper ions. Leave for at least a week.

Indications and prohibitions

Alkaline water is not recognized as a drug, but in therapy practice, doctors often prescribe mineral drinks to patients as an adjuvant for lesions:

  • heart and blood vessels - hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary disease, myocarditis;
  • urological – urethritis, cystitis;
  • nervous system – memory disorders, development of atherosclerosis;
  • respiratory tract – bronchitis, laryngitis;
  • Gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis.

During the rehabilitation period after heart surgery, patients regain strength with alkaline mineral water.

In everyday life, a natural remedy can eliminate problems associated with overeating, “quench” a burning sensation in the esophagus, and get rid of discomfort in the stomach. In case of lack of sleep or frequent overwork, mineral water effectively strengthens the body's resources.

The consumption of alkaline water should be monitored by a therapist or nutritionist, since the nature of the liquid and the method of administration have different effects on the body. Self-medication based on mineral water, which leads to dangerous consequences, is prohibited.

The use of alkaline water is prohibited in the following cases:

  • acute form of the disease;

  • the appearance of tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • fungal infection;
  • severe diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • accumulations of stones.

In case of chronic diseases, the choice of a mineral drink for regular use should only be made after consulting a doctor.

Benefits and harm to the body

Poor nutrition and stress provoke acidification of the body, which is fraught with the development of serious diseases, decreased ability to work, and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. Alkaline water helps eliminate excess acids and restore optimal pH levels.

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Beneficial features:

  1. With increased acidity, large vessels begin to become inflamed, which gradually leads to impaired circulation in the brain, the development of angina pectoris, and hypertension. Alkaline mineral water has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps reduce the risk of dangerous pathologies.
  2. With excessive accumulation of acid in the lungs and bronchi, the respiratory organs become more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, people begin to complain of shortness of breath, increased fatigue even with minor physical exertion, and weakness. Healing water restores the gas exchange process and improves respiratory functions.
  3. The pancreas suffers most from a lack of alkalis in the body - if the body becomes acidic, the organ cannot produce enzymes in full. Alkaline water improves appetite, peristalsis, and helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Due to the high content of hydrogen ions, alkaline water helps to increase the amount of antioxidants, which contributes to the health of the body as a whole, a person is less likely to get colds and flu.
  5. With an excess of acids, the functioning of the urinary system is disrupted; in order to prevent malfunction of the kidneys, the body begins to pull alkaline elements from the bone tissue - urolithiasis and kidney stones develop. Healing water restores the optimal pH level and avoids such problems.

Prevents disorders in the blood circulation of the brain

To prevent the development of dangerous and serious diseases, it is enough to drink 200 ml of alkaline mineral water every morning half an hour before breakfast. The drink should be at room temperature and should be drunk in small sips.

If medicinal water is used incorrectly and unreasonably, the pH is disturbed, in the absence of acids in the stomach, digestive problems arise, and the condition of the skin and mucous membranes worsens. An alkaline product contains many salts that can accumulate in the body and turn into stones. The main danger is metabolic alkalosis; the disease is accompanied by confusion, vomiting, tremors, and a tingling sensation in the face and hands.

Alkaline mineral water is a good remedy for the prevention of cancer - the results of numerous studies have shown that it is high acidity that often causes the growth of malignant tumors.

List of brands with names

Retail networks are filled with advertisements for alkaline mineral water from little-known manufacturers. By studying brands with a reliable reputation, you can avoid mistakes when purchasing and choose the right brand without making mistakes.

Russian production

The most popular brands are:


Brands No. 4, No. 17 are distinguished by their alkaline properties in the composition of the drink. The medicinal table variety of water is recommended in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, in the initial stages of diabetes mellitus. Essentuki No. 17 has a characteristic taste.


It is mined near the resort area of ​​Kislovodsk. A long path, over 100 km, mineral waters are laid from the foot of Elbrus to spring places. The salt content varies from 2 to 3.5 g/l.

The unique properties of Narzan are manifested in the fight against:

  • gastritis,
  • ulcers,
  • in the treatment of inflammation,
  • reducing excess weight.

The use of Narzan is prohibited in case of high blood pressure and manifestations of heart failure.


Living water from the category of carbon dioxide, low mineralization, includes over 20 microelements. The springs are located near Zheleznovodsk.

Water with a mild taste is actively used in pediatrics . In addition to the drinking course, it is used in swimming pools and baths, which enhances the beneficial effect.


The deposit is located in the Zheleznovodsk district of the Stavropol Territory. The salt content is approximately 3.8 g/l. The therapeutic effect is observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, outside the acute phase.


The deposit is located in the Primorsky Territory, at the foot of the Sikhote-Alin mountain. The brand belongs to the category of slightly alkaline waters, sodium-calcium-magnesium in composition, and is widely used.


Among Georgian alkaline mineral waters, they are most valued.


A stable salt content of 2.5-7.5 g/l has been maintained since 1830, when research began on springs in the Borjomi Nature Reserve. Contains:

  • hydrocarbonate elements,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium particles,
  • fluorine,
  • as well as bromine
  • sodium.

Medicinal water is highly valued in the treatment of the digestive system.


The water has been filtered by rocks and has a unique soft taste. The table drink is used for preventive purposes .


Water saturated with oxygen dioxide, magnesium ions, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Water perfectly quenches thirst and has no restrictions on its use.


Top 3 best Ukrainian manufacturers.


Mineral water sources are located in Transcarpathia. Salts in liquid are 3.6-4.3 g/l.

Drink for:

  • weight loss,
  • getting rid of heartburn,
  • heaviness in the stomach,
  • increased gas formation.

Polyana Kvasova

Medicinal water with a high level of minerals has a therapeutic effect :

  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hangover relief,
  • cleansing from toxins,
  • weight loss.


High boron content. Medium mineral content. The drink is useful in treating the kidneys, bile ducts, and liver.

Well-known springs with a long-standing reputation as healing places are known as resort areas, where people have been coming for decades for the purpose of healing.

Which alkaline mineral water is better?

For preventive purposes, mineral water is taken half an hour before meals. For hyperacid gastritis, only non-carbonated water is allowed. For stomach diseases, warm water is recommended; in other cases, cool or room temperature water can be used.

If you need medicinal water, we recommend contacting a pharmacy. The list of the best mineral-alkaline waters includes drinks available without prescriptions:

  • To strengthen the immune system, renew the skin and stimulate blood circulation, high-quality sparkling water with a large amount of minerals from Essentuki No. 17 is suitable;
  • Low-mineralized Stelmas Mg+ will relieve iodine deficiency, normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, and support immunity in case of anemia;
  • Medium-mineralized Biovita will cleanse the body and alleviate allergies; approved for daily use, the only one has a container of 18.9 liters.

You can buy mineral water in pharmacies, supermarkets, and online stores. If you need medicinal water, consult your doctor.

Rules of use

The most healing mineral water is found in resort areas near famous springs.

Products from popular brands from retail chains are also useful if you follow the prescribed recommendations.

Important rules of use:

  1. Drink for preventive purposes 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Warm the drink slightly for gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. Drink slowly, in small sips.
  4. Prefer non-carbonated drinks unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.

What kind of water does our body like?

Let's summarize.

Now answering the question of what kind of water our body likes is quite simple. Let us ask ourselves once again, what does blood taste like? The answer will not be difficult even for a child - it is salty, like sea water. Sodium chloride salts make it salty. In a “salty” environment, all bioenergetic processes are more intense. Hence the conclusion - it is good to drink brackish water.

Such water is among mineral waters. On the labels of drinking bottled water it is designated as mineral natural table drinking water. Just as it is indicated on our “Liver Crystal”.

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Indications for use

alkaline mineral water for the treatment and prevention of the following ailments:

  • Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis;

  • For problems with joints, gout;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • People suffering from diabetes;
  • For the treatment of infectious diseases;
  • Deviation from normal body weight: overweight and obesity of all degrees;
  • For malfunctions associated with the functioning of the nervous system: depression, mental stress, insomnia, irritability.

What is pH

The hydrogen index (from the Latin potentia hydrogeni - the strength of hydrogen, as well as pondus hydrogenii - the weight of hydrogen) is an indicator of the activity of hydrogen ions in a liquid or solution. This indicator reflects the quantitative value of the acidity of the solution. Its calculation is carried out using the mathematical formula: pH = -log[H+]. From this formula it is clear that the hydrogen index is the negative decimal logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions itself, expressed in moles per liter. Thus, pH reflects the quantitative ratio of H+ and OH- ions in a solution, which are formed during the breakdown of a water molecule.

Ideally pure distilled water has a neutral pH, which is equal to 7. This indicator can fluctuate when various chemical compounds are dissolved in it. If the pH is more than 7, then the solution is said to be alkaline, and if it is less, then the reaction of such a solution is acidic. As shown in the figure, every environment in the world, every food product has its own pH.

How to measure pH

To understand what kind of solution you are dealing with, you can measure its pH. Modern chemistry offers several ways to determine the hydrogen index:

  1. The simplest and crudest way to assess the concentration of hydrogen ions is through acid-base indicators. They are organic dyes whose color changes depending on the pH of the environment. The most popular indicators include litmus, phenolphthalein, and methyl orange (methyl orange). The indicators change color depending on whether the medium is acidic or basic. The indicator change interval is 1–2 units.
  2. To more accurately determine the working range of pH measurements, a universal indicator is used, which is a mixture of several indicators. It sequentially changes color from red to violet (through yellow, green, blue) when passing from the acidic region to the alkaline region. This method is not suitable for determining pH in cloudy or colored solutions.
  3. A pH meter is a special device that allows you to determine pH over a wider range; accordingly, it shows this parameter most accurately (up to 0.01 pH units). Suitable for measuring the pH of opaque and colored solutions, therefore widely used.
  4. Acid-base titration is an analytical method that also gives extremely accurate results in determining the acidity of liquids and media. A titrant (a solution of known concentration) is added dropwise to the test solution. When they combine, a chemical reaction begins. The titrant is continued to be added until the equivalence point is reached, that is, the moment when there is enough titrant to complete the reaction. Next, knowing the exact volume and concentration of the added solution, the pH of the test solution is calculated using mathematical methods. This method is the most accurate, but also requires knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and a certain material and technical base. Most often it is used in medicine, in the production of medicines.

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