Knee pain. Psychosomatics and elimination of the causes of diseases

What is fabella and why does it cause knee pain?

The fabella, or “bean” in Latin, is a small bone that was once present in the human body long ago and then evolved and disappeared completely. Imagine the surprise of orthopedists when they again began to discover fabella in the human skeleton! After one such case, British scientists conducted a series of studies of people of different age groups and realized: the bone lost in the process of evolution began to return!

The fabella is located on the back of the knee and is embedded in the tendons. Not all people have it. Doctors are convinced that this bone has no functional meaning; it is quite possible to live without it, and even more: without it, a person is much more likely to survive without treatment for osteoarthritis in old age.

If you suffer from gonarthrosis, perhaps your fabella is “lost” somewhere

NPTsRIZ products for joints

The NPTsRIZ catalog contains various peptide and non-peptide drugs for almost all body systems. For example, Cytomax (peptide bioregulators), Cytogens (bioregulators of the main body systems), plant-mineral geroprotectors and others.

Products for joints and in general for the musculoskeletal system have a versatile effect. It helps strengthen joints, normalizes metabolic processes, and improves the functioning of internal organs, one way or another connected with bones and joints, for example, the liver. Also, for some diseases, ready-made schemes for complex use have been selected, for example, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

Why you should prefer complex use of products


Ready-made complexes are carefully developed taking into account the various nuances of this disease. Each product included in the complex supports and even enhances the effect of other products. They are selected in such a way that any possible side effects are almost completely eliminated. The complexes include peptide bioregulators, plant-mineral geroprotectors, herbal teas, and other products. Together they have a complex and balanced effect on the body. In addition, each individual product of the NPTsRIZ company combines well with the others and even complements each other. Therefore, the complex use of products from all sides is more profitable than single preparations.

  • If you do not find your disease in the list of complex use of products,
  • if you find it difficult to select medications on your own
  • or you still have some other questions,

– ask them in the comments. We will definitely help you make an individual choice.

Continue reading about other diseases and solutions.

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Is Atavism Coming Back?

Fabella is a type of sesamoid bone located in the thickness of the tendons. These bones are found where tendons pass over joints, such as the wrist, foot, and knee. According to studies conducted in 17 countries over the past 150 years, fabella has begun to grow in many more people. Just a hundred years ago, only 11% had it, but today 39% of people on the globe already have it. It is quite possible that this is one of the reasons why arthrosis of the knee joint is diagnosed more often than in the last century.

In some species of monkeys, the fabella serves as a patella - it increases the mechanical strength of the knee joint. In the course of evolution, its role gradually weakened, and then completely disappeared. The return of atavism objectively does not benefit a person, but only causes problems.

What happens in the knee joint with arthrosis? Why is it so important to detect the problem as early as possible? Specialist's story:

Pride and arrogance - what's the difference?

Pride - I rejoice at my achievements.

Pride - I rejoice that I have surpassed others.

Knees hurt when a person is narcissistic and does not notice his shortcomings. But in fact, he experiences a deep sense of insecurity, suffers from low self-esteem, envies people with true achievements, without admitting it to himself.

Pride is self-exaltation with contempt for others. Arrogance, a look from above, often not supported by deeds, skills, mastery. Pride includes the following words: to swell, to be preoccupied, to be self-important, to be conceited.

Pride comes from not knowing oneself, from blindness to oneself and the world around us.

  • Causes of knee pain when running, why it happens, ways to relieve discomfort

A proud person considers himself right in everything, does not recognize other points of view, does not listen to the opinions and advice of others. He treats them with disdain. His thoughts are occupied only with himself and his pseudo-greatness, and the people around him are not interesting.

But this self-assigned arrogant role often fails when real challenges arise. Imaginary achievements that are only in one’s own head and the amount of theoretical knowledge not supported by practice produce only emptiness. Therefore, he often folds or panics in real circumstances.

But instead of analyzing what is happening to him, he stubbornly continues to stick to his line. This is eternal dissatisfaction with circumstances and people, a state of tension turns into psychosomatics of knee disease.

He exists as if in a soap bubble that he inflated for himself. And all real life takes place outside this transparent sphere.

Does fabella really lead to arthrosis?

There is no exact answer to this question. It can be assumed that the fabella weakens the friction inside the knee joint, redistributing the load on the muscles and tendons so that the cartilage tissue wears out more than usual. Whether this is true or not, there are no reliable research results. But that's not all.

It is believed that the fabella interferes with knee replacement surgery and prevents this surgical intervention from being carried out fully and effectively. Another unpleasant “bonus” is pain and inconvenience.

The presence of fabella in the body prevents knee replacement

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases

Psychosomatics of varicose veins
Louise Hay, an American writer who devoted many works to psychology, often mentioned in her books that it is necessary, first of all, to worry about mental balance in order to prevent physical diseases.

You need to live in harmony with your feelings and emotions, then you can ensure the health of your own body. The writer talks about cases where a person was cured thanks to psychological help, and not because of the competence of experienced doctors.

Therefore, Louise developed and created a table of diseases in order to help people who have physical ailments. Louise Hay was prompted to study a similar topic by the trouble she encountered in her youth, when doctors told her that she was unable to have children.

After this, the woman devoted her life to metaphysics and meditation, in which she sought a positive charge of energy, and soon compiled a table through which a person can find out what exactly could have influenced the deterioration of his physical health.

Why did she come back

Scientists suggest that the fabella evolved in the opposite direction due to the eating style of modern humans. We consume high-calorie foods, people suffer from excess weight - orthopedists often recommend losing weight. The tibias became longer and the calf muscles became larger. This increased the load on the knee joints. They became more active and were under increased pressure. This is how the sesamoid bone under the knee progressed, and with it the pain.

Modern orthopedists, who are constantly looking for the causes and mechanisms of development of knee arthrosis, are interested in studying fabella. They are convinced that this could help treat various knee conditions in the future. In the meantime, statistics are being collected on the geographic and gender preferences of this bone, and the issue of its presence in one or both knees is being studied. Whether this will shed light on the problems of treating osteoarthritis – time will tell.

Improvement with the help of NPTsRIZ peptides

Series of articles. Continuation.

A complete catalog of psychosomatics of specific diseases with recommendations for their resolution at the mental level, using a cheat sheet for working with psychosomatics, and at the physiological level, using peptide products from NPTsRIZ.

Physiology of the knees

Humans have two knees, or knee joints, one for each leg. They allow a person to walk comfortably and take comfortable poses, both standing and sitting, and even lying down. The knees bear the majority of the body's weight when standing. Therefore, of the entire musculoskeletal system, it is the knees that most often get sick first.

Psychosomatics of knee pain

The psychosomatics of knee pain is associated with pride, stubbornness, vanity and perception of the future. The knees allow a person to move forward faster and even run. It is very problematic to do this on the hip joints alone. Therefore, the knees symbolize how a person feels about the future, how flexible he is to change and to the advice of other people. Therefore, if a person is not able to accept the advice and ideas of other people, gets stuck on the present or even the past, is even stubborn in some ways, then he deprives himself of many opportunities to receive something new and better in the distant or near future. And the stronger these internal restrictions are in him, the stronger the pain in the knees will be, up to their complete blocking. You can often hear the opinion about such people that they are “wooden”. They find it difficult to move forward, both mentally and physically.

Another reason for knee pain may lie in the fact that a person does not want to “get on his knees” and obey someone. In his understanding, there may be such a view that to give in means to submit, and to ask means to kneel.

Recommendations for solving the problem

The solution to knee pain is to reframe your perception of the future. You need to learn to be flexible in a variety of situations, learn to listen to the opinions of other people and build harmonious relationships: you give me, I tell you, and vice versa. People, like everything else in the world of creation, live and exist in relationships. There are no absolutely independent beings. Sometimes you have to sit down so as not to get hit. This is a normal reaction, and there is nothing bad, much less humiliating, about it.

Settings that can help:

  • I am a flexible person in relationships with other people.
  • I accept other people's opinions and ideas.
  • I have a flexible attitude towards current situations and am open to new things.

Suggest your version of a positive attitude in the comments.

If a person is able to adequately answer questions, the Cheat Sheet for working with psychosomatics will also help solve the problem with this illness on a spiritual level. She takes you step by step to the main cause of the disease and opens up the possibility of how to improve your health and interaction with the world around you.

In addition to this, neuro-graphics can help. It allows you to relieve tension in an environmentally friendly way, level out blocking moments and create the desired state. It is built on the connection between the brain, central nervous system and hand motor skills.

Causes of knee pain

All causes of discomfort in the knee joint are divided into several groups.

Traumatic pain

Athletes involved in running, jumping and team sports are often susceptible to them. Sharp pain appears immediately at the moment of injury, gradually fading and giving way to swelling.

Such damage is divided into types:

  • bruise: the result of a fall or direct blow to the knee. The pain is burning, acute, but tolerable, gradually develops into aching, and intensifies when walking. If the bruise is severe, then hemarthrosis is likely to develop. This will be indicated by a swollen knee and a feeling of pressure on it from the inside;
  • ligament rupture: reveals itself after twisting the leg, when the limb finds itself in an unnatural position for it. The pain is worse than a bruise, and it may feel as if something inside the knee is being torn, like a piece of tissue. Depending on the location of the damaged ligament, pain will be felt on the inside or outside of the knee and will intensify with pressure or sideways movement. It is difficult to step on your foot. Hemarthrosis develops quickly;
  • intra-articular fracture: possible due to a blow, fall or twist. The pain is sharp, unbearable, sometimes accompanied by a characteristic crunch. It gradually spreads, maintaining its intensity, intensifies with light movements or touch and does not fade for a long time. Hemorrhage and swelling appear very quickly;
  • dislocation: direct injury to the knee due to a blow or fall. The pain is accompanied by a feeling as if the knee has shifted or the leg is giving way. You can lean on such a leg, but you can’t move. The deformity of the knee is visually visible; it gradually levels out due to spreading swelling. The pain alternately fades and increases, it is difficult to bear. Possible hemarthrosis;
  • pathological fracture: a consequence of bone tissue losing its strength due to the development of osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis and tumors. It is impossible to lean on the injured leg; the pain is dull, aching, similar to those that accompany bruises, but does not differ in intensity. There is a feeling of instability in the knee, instability of the joint and a crunching sound when moving;
  • Meniscus tear: injury can be caused by twisting the leg, hitting, unnatural bending and straightening of the knee, or sudden movements. The primary pain is sharp, shooting and is felt deep in the joint. It gradually decreases, but fills more space and intensifies while moving or leaning on the leg. The knee joint swells and intra-articular hemorrhage occurs. As a result, movements become impossible.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory pathologies are caused by:

  • infections;
  • consequences of injuries, vaccines, intoxication, allergies.

Nutrition of the joints is provided by a highly developed blood supply system, which supplies the synovial membrane and periarticular tissues with the necessary elements. The movement of blood contributes to the rapid development of inflammatory processes, and the network of nerve endings generates a painful reaction. Therefore, inflammation is often accompanied by synovitis and purulent accumulations.

The causes of knee pain due to inflammatory processes occurring in the joint are:

  • arthritis: occurs after injuries, infectious diseases, rheumatism. It has chronic and acute forms, characterized by dull, aching and nagging pains that manifest themselves gradually, intensifying in the evening after daytime stress on the legs. If left untreated at this stage, the pain increases and its duration increases. Over time, swelling of the knee appears, the skin becomes red, and the damaged area is hot. Synovitis evens out the contours of the knee with swelling, and purulent accumulations sharply increase the pain and make it twitching. The patient's condition worsens due to lack of adequate sleep and symptoms of intoxication;
  • synovitis: a form of complication of acute and chronic joint diseases. It develops quickly - from several hours to a day. It feels like something is pushing the joint from the inside, then it becomes painful. The pain is dull and does not have much effect on the general condition. Synovitis is an accumulation of fluid that causes the knee to become ball-shaped, gradually limiting movement. If the cause of synovitis is infection, then the pain becomes throbbing, twitching, with any movement or touching the affected area it intensifies, and the temperature locally rises;
  • bursitis: inflammation of the joint capsules due to overuse and repeated injury to the knee. The pain is point-like, dull, felt in a certain position of the leg after prolonged exercise and just as quickly decreases when changing position. If the process of suppuration begins, the pain becomes jerking, swelling forms, and the patient’s general condition worsens due to general intoxication;
  • tendinitis: the result of overloading the knee joint with excess weight. At first the pain is mild, intensifies only under pressure, but later becomes constant and occurs when performing light exercises. The range of motion is maintained, but due to a decrease in the strength of the ligament, it may rupture, which means mobility will be limited;
  • Hoffa's disease: a consequence of old injuries that affects adipose tissue. Companion to athletes and older women. The pain is aching, and as the disease progresses, it bothers the patient at night. The knee feels unstable and the leg seems to give way. If you press on the side of the kneecap, you can hear creaking and crackling.

Baker's cyst treatment

To successfully treat this disease, depending on the size and duration of existence of the Baker's cyst, methods of conservative and surgical therapy can be used. In parallel, it is recommended to treat the underlying articular disease that provoked the development of the cyst.

Conservative therapy for Baker's cyst usually consists of puncture (to remove synovial fluid) and subsequent drug administration of glucocorticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers into the intertendinous bursa.

Surgical therapy for Baker's cyst is indicated in the absence of effect from conservative treatment methods, as well as in large sizes of the formation and its pronounced destructive effect on surrounding tissues. The excision operation is performed using local anesthesia. Also, recently there has been a great demand for the removal of a Baker cyst using an arthroscope, which is less traumatic for the patient, since the outflow of synovial fluid is performed through a mini-puncture and this completely prevents the contents of the cyst from entering the joint cavity.

Treatment of knee pain

Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the symptoms and established diagnosis. As a rule, the first step is drug therapy aimed at blocking pain and eliminating inflammatory processes: swollen tissue does not allow a full diagnosis of the joint. Treatment of symptoms reduces discomfort and improves the patient’s quality of life, and therefore is one of the important components of a complex of treatment procedures.

For knee pain, warming compresses and massage of the damaged area are prohibited, as they can provoke the development of inflammation, hemorrhage, aggravate the damage and accelerate the process of general intoxication. The best solution to a knee injury is rest, a cold compress, and a visit to the doctor.

At a multidisciplinary medical center, you can consult an orthopedic traumatologist and undergo the necessary diagnostics. You can make an appointment by phone or by filling out the feedback form.


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