Neuralgia. Psychosomatics and elimination of the causes of diseases

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Intercostal neuralgia , or thoracalgia , is pain that is felt along the passage of the nerve and is localized in the intercostal space. It may also be accompanied by other uncomfortable sensations - numbness, burning.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia

There are many sources that cause intercostal neuralgia. This can be external (poisoning with heavy metals, medications) and internal intoxication. The latter are usually associated with diseases in neighboring organs and tissues (pleurisy, spinal diseases).

Pain in the intercostal space is often caused by diffuse pathologies of the nervous system - hormonal spondylopathy, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, as well as infections such as tuberculosis and herpes zoster.

Often this symptom occurs due to spinal pathology, injuries, allergies .

Metabolic disorders and hypoxia of nervous tissue are promoted by anemia, diabetes mellitus, alcohol intoxication, hepatitis, malabsorption and decreased concentrations of B vitamins, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

As a rule, intercostal neuralgia, the symptoms of which everyone should know, develops under the influence of several factors. It is characteristic that it is never diagnosed in children. We can say that this is a disease of people mainly in the middle and older age categories.


The main symptom of intercostal neuralgia is acute pain, characterized by distinctive signs: intense, aching sensations, burning or dull pain in the intercostal area. The pain occurs periodically or in attacks and intensifies with inspiration, thereby complicating normal respiratory function.

Additional signs of thoracalgia:

  • increased sweating;
  • tingling in the chest area;
  • involuntary muscle contractions;
  • hyperemia or, on the contrary, pallor of the skin in the affected area;
  • pain increases with coughing and sneezing, movements, and changes in body position;
  • there are trigger points in the intercostal space (causing severe pain);
  • pain occurs in the heart, shoulder blade, collarbone or lower back;
  • There is numbness in the area of ​​the affected nerves.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia?

Since this symptom develops against the background of a large number of different diseases, the doctor must accurately identify the cause of its occurrence and prescribe adequate treatment.

Intercostal neuralgia sometimes simulates an attack of heart pain, but discomfort appears predominantly in the left half of the chest; moreover, it does not depend on breathing or movement and does not occur with external palpation.

The most advanced diagnostics are now possible using the most modern research methods, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These techniques make it possible to detect neoplasms, signs of changes in the brain and spinal cord, and damage to internal organs with high accuracy.

During the acute period, the patient should strictly observe a rest regime. It is necessary to limit sudden movements, physical activity, and body turns. Sitting should be avoided. You need to lie on a flat and level surface. You can apply sand in bags, pepper patch, or a heating pad, that is, dry heat, to the painful area. To enhance the thermal effect, you can tie yourself with a scarf made of natural wool.


Treatment of intercostal neuralgia in the Primorsky region

Address: St. Petersburg , Primorsky district, st. Repisheva, 13

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia in the Petrograd region

Address: St. Petersburg , Petrogradsky district, st. Lenina, 5

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia in Vsevolozhsk

Address: Vsevolozhsk , Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 96 A

Tablets for intercostal neuralgia

Of the medications that alleviate the course of this disease, the first place goes to analgesics (analgin, sedalgin) and non-steroidal drugs (ibuprofen, piroxicam, indomethacin), which have anti-inflammatory properties. They should be taken regularly for pain prevention purposes, without waiting for a new attack to occur.

Drugs that belong to the group of muscle relaxants (tizanidine or baclofen) help not only eliminate pain, but also relieve muscle spasms in the area of ​​injury. Medicines in this group must be used with caution, especially for people driving and associated with work involving a high concentration of attention.

To relieve nervous tension, you can take sedatives. Be sure to carry out vitamin therapy . Complexes containing daily dosages of B .

Intercostal neuralgia with unbearable pain can be successfully relieved with lidocaine or novocaine blockades . These procedures are usually performed in specialized centers. But in particularly severe cases of the disease, the prescription of steroids, usually prednisone, is indicated.

A good effect is achieved when physiotherapeutic methods . They include UV irradiation of the corresponding paravertebral region, electrophoresis with lidocaine, especially in the acute period. When the phase transitions from acute to subacute, darsonvalization, microwave therapy, and phonophoresis are prescribed. Reflexology is widely used for this pathology.

Positive thought form - Neuralgia

Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.

SCHIAS (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Supercriticality. Fear for money and the future.

Possible positive thought form

I'm moving towards my highest good. My goodness is everywhere and I am safe.

Sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) - (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body. This nerve begins in the lumbar spine, passes through the buttock, thigh, lower leg and ends in the foot. Sciatica begins acutely, with severe pain in some area of ​​the sciatic nerve. Emotional blockage

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve usually affects those who are unsure of their future or experience an unconscious fear of losing money or some material wealth. I used the word “unconscious” because my experience shows that sciatica most often occurs in people who do not need anything, but would have a very hard time losing what they have.

Thus, the roots of this problem are at the level of having. A person is not aware of it because he thinks that he is not attached to material wealth. If he felt that he was attached to them, it would cause him a feeling of guilt and shame, since he was taught that love for material things is characteristic only of rude, unspiritual people. Pain in the sciatic nerve also speaks of resentment, pent-up aggression and reluctance to accept some idea or person - all in the same material sphere.

Mental block

Your body is telling you that you are hurting yourself with the way you think. Why are you punishing yourself? The stronger the guilt, the stronger the pain. First you must realize that you are attached to material goods, then give yourself the right to this attachment. Admit to yourself that you are afraid of losing these benefits. If you can no longer take risks because you are very afraid of losing what you have accumulated, admit that you have reached the limit of your capabilities and decide to take action again as soon as possible.

Moreover, you should no longer think that the love of earthly goods is vicious or disgusting. In fact, it is completely natural and common to all people. When you have confidence in your ability to create and receive everything you need, you will free yourself from the fear of losing what you have accumulated and can allow yourself to love material things without becoming attached to them. Regarding resentment, read about the stages of true forgiveness at the end of this book. True forgiveness will allow you to be more tolerant of other people's ideas and characters. You will no longer feel like you are forced to obey someone.

NEURALGIA - (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

Possible positive thought form

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy .

NEURALGIA - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Punishment for guilt. Torment, pain when communicating.

Possible positive thought form

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. I communicate with love.

NEURALGIA - (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The location of the part of the body in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for. Emotional blockage

Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past. When some situation in the present awakens this pain, the person again experiences old fears and feelings of guilt. His soul is filled with anxiety and bitterness. He tries to get rid of emotions, hoping in this way to avoid suffering.

Mental block

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your life. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.

NEURALGIA - (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

I have found that people with hypertrophied conscientiousness often suffer from neuralgia.
In such cases, neuralgia is a kind of punishment for sinfulness. “You consider yourself a great sinner,” I explain to a woman who has been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for a long time. “But of course,” says the woman. - We are all sinners. And we must bear severe punishment for our sins. Through suffering and torment our soul is cleansed. “Tell me,” I ask her, “what will happen in your life if you stop punishing yourself?” The woman was lost in thought. A few minutes later she said with surprise: “My life will change completely. I will begin to live in joy. - Right. - What about our sins? she asks, but the expression of surprise remains on her face. “You see,” I explain to the woman, “God does not punish anyone.” It gives everyone a chance to change for the better. If a student corrects a bad grade for a good one, is it worth remembering the bad grade for years and punishing yourself for it? So you take your chance in life. I suggest you close your eyes, sit quietly for a few minutes and think again about whether you should blame and punish yourself. There is no one to blame at all,” I continue to tell her while she is in a state of trance. — Each person acts to the best of his/her awareness at the moment. By changing your perception of the world, you get rid of guilt . Another reason is also possible. There is a person in your life with whom it is very difficult for you to communicate; you literally experience the pangs of communication. In this case, sort out your relationship with him. Turn inside yourself and find out with what thoughts you created such a relationship? What is this person trying to tell you by his behavior? What thoughts does it reflect? Sometimes neuralgia can appear as a result of being in a situation you hate. A girl with trigeminal neuralgia came to see me. The disease appeared after she got a job immediately after graduating from college. “I don’t like this place,” she admitted. “I generally imagined my future work differently. I am now squeezed into such a strict framework. The atmosphere is terrible. Each sees the other as a potential enemy. I cannot communicate openly with these people. You have to bend over backwards. And now it’s impossible to find another job. In some cases, neuralgia can be a way to implement some positive intention. For example, to attract attention or receive a portion of care.

Sciatica NEURALGIA - (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Hypocrisy. Fear of money and the future.

Possible positive thought form

I began ( began ) to understand what my real good is. It's everywhere. I am safe and at peace in the present and future.



A neurologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes a treatment regimen, who initially collects an anamnesis of the disease, examines the patient, and performs palpation. In addition to the main symptoms of pain, special importance is given to the anti-pain position of the body that the patient occupies - tilting the torso in the healthy direction. Palpation reveals pain points located in the area of ​​the affected nerves.

Differential diagnosis is of key importance in making a diagnosis. It is very important to distinguish neuralgia from heart pathologies, since the treatment of such diseases is carried out using different methods and schemes, and incorrectly prescribed therapy can lead to severe dysfunction of the heart or cause a deterioration in the condition of neuralgia.

The main differences between thoracalgia and cardiac pathology:

  • pain in the chest with neuralgia persists for a long period of time (day and night);
  • increased pain when nerves are compressed is observed when coughing and sneezing, even with minor movements, with deep breathing, sudden movements, and also with palpation of the chest.

Heart diseases are characterized by pain that goes away on its own within 10 minutes or is relieved by taking nitroglycerin (for angina). Unlike neuralgia, heart pain does not increase with changes in body position, coughing and sneezing, but disturbances in the frequency and rhythm of heart contraction and an increase/decrease in blood pressure may occur.

To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental diagnostics are performed:

  • radiography;
  • ECG;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography.


The treatment regimen is aimed at eliminating the main cause of nerve damage, relieving pain, and restoring the functions of the affected nerve. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: ibuprofen (nurofen), diclofenac, aceclofenac, ketoprofen, naproxen. For acute, intense pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are administered intramuscularly, an intercostal novocaine blockade is performed, and glucocorticosteroids are administered. Treatment is supplemented with sedatives, which relieve nervous excitability, thereby helping to reduce pain.

Further treatment depends on the cause of thoracalgia:

  • When a nerve is damaged by herpes zoster, medications with antiviral activity (acyclovir, herpevir, famciclovir) and antihistamines are prescribed. Additionally, local treatment is carried out using antiherpetic ointments;
  • for prolonged tension of skeletal muscles, muscle relaxants are used (drugs that relieve muscle spasms and have a relaxing effect, tizanidine and mydocalm are more often prescribed);
  • if the cause of pain is compression of the nerve roots as a result of displacement and slipping of the vertebrae or due to osteochondrosis, traction of the spinal column is performed, and light methods of manual therapy are used;
  • For oncology, surgical treatment is prescribed.

To maintain and improve the condition of the affected nerve, B vitamins and vitamin C are prescribed. After acute pain is relieved, treatment is supplemented with various methods of physiotherapy: acupuncture, exposure to a high-frequency magnetic field, phonophoresis.

Consultation and diagnosticsPriceDuration
Appointment with a neurologist (examination-consultation)1,900 rub.60 min.
Consultation with a neurologist (repeated)1,400 rub.30 min.
Appointment with the head doctor (examination-consultation)2,800 rub.60 min.
Consultation with the chief physician (repeated)1,800 rub.30 min.
Repeated consultation with MRI interpretation1,800 rub.30 min.
Control by the chief physician, examination with the irt procedureRUB 3,80060 min.
Electrocardiogram with interpretation1,500 rub.30 min.

*Prices are subject to change, as we always have promotions and special offers.
Neurologists leading the initial appointment
Titarchuk Andrey Borisovich Chief physician

Yurasov Pavel Aleksandrovich Neurologist

Find out the cost of treatment

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