7 causes of pain in the hair roots: how to deal with them

Unpleasant sensations in the scalp periodically appear in every person. Subjectively, they feel as if the hair roots on the top of the head or in other areas hurt. The pain can be either minor or intense. It only appears when you move your hair, or intensifies when you run your fingers through your hair.

Pain in the hair roots is not just discomfort, it is a painful condition

Such pain is poorly relieved by painkillers and, at high intensity, can cause significant discomfort. The reasons for it are different - from minor to serious, when such discomfort signals problems in the body.

Causes of severe pain in the scalp hair roots

The causes of pain at the hair roots are numerous and varied. The most harmless of them are manifested only by mild discomfort, an unpleasant sensation that occurs in the hair roots.

More serious causes often cause more intense pain.

  • Tight styling - buns, braids, ponytails. If your hair is regularly pulled tight for long periods of time, it eventually starts to damage your scalp. It cracks (microcracks are invisible, but cause discomfort), resulting in pain. If this is the reason, then it is better to give up tight styling for at least 1.5 - 2 months, and then resume them, but do it no more than a couple of times a week;
  • Another reason why the hair roots on the head hurt is a change in hairstyle. This mainly concerns changing the parting, direction of styling, etc. In this case, unpleasant sensations arise in certain areas because the curls are accustomed to lying in a certain direction, and now you have changed the direction of their inclination. They “try” to return to their usual position and slightly injure the scalp. This pain goes away on its own after some time. It also occurs when extending to a significant length due to a significant increase in the weight of the hair;

  • Improper care is a common reason why hair hurts at the roots. In this case, the discomfort is not severe, but constant, as the skin signals that the balm or shampoo is not suitable for it;
  • Incorrectly selected combs are a common cause. Usually, plastic combs strongly electrify the hair at the roots, resulting in an unpleasant sensation or even slight pain;
  • The hair follicles on the head of those with very dry skin often hurt. This is often typical for those who have mixed hair types, since shampoos for this type greatly dry out the scalp. It’s easier for those with dry hair, as they choose products that moisturize well. The problem of dry skin can be solved with special masks applied only to the roots, and scrubs that help renew the epidermis faster;

  • Circulation problems are a more serious cause of discomfort. It is familiar to those who suffer from vegetative dystonia and other vascular diseases. As a result of insufficient blood circulation, blood saturation of the hair follicles stops and pain occurs. If you observe such symptoms for the first time, it is better to consult a doctor. For the same reason, pain may occur after being in the cold without a hat. Vasospasm leads to circulatory failure;

  • Neuralgia is the reason why the most severe pain occurs at the roots of the hair on the head. When a nerve, the ganglia of which extend into the scalp, is pinched, discomfort occurs in the area where the ganglia pass. It intensifies when you press on certain points or when you move and lift the strands in these areas. Neuralgia is treated by a neurologist. At home, it is necessary to provide dry heat, you can take painkillers, as some of them are effective in this case.

Pain can occur as a result of obvious reasons - injury, bruise, etc. Also, the reasons may not be obvious - stress, depression. Do not discount psychosomatic manifestations if you are prone to them.


The cause of the symptom is determined by a neurologist. If ear, nose, or paranasal sinus diseases are suspected, the patient is referred to an otolaryngologist. According to indications, consultations with an infectious disease specialist, traumatologist, psychotherapist, and other specialists are prescribed. The doctor collects an anamnesis of life and illness, conducts an external examination to identify possible changes (for example, wounds, hematomas). To clarify the diagnosis, the following are prescribed:

  • Otorhinolaryngological examination
    . Involves examination of available ENT organs, supplemented by the use of special devices to improve visualization. The most common techniques are otoscopy and rhinoscopy. Sinusoscopy is rarely performed during diagnostics due to its high invasiveness.
  • Neurological examination
    . The specialist evaluates the symmetry of the face, pupils, and palpebral fissures. Examines muscle strength, range of motion, physiological reflexes, various types of sensitivity. Determines pathological reflexes, meningeal symptoms. Performs clinical topical diagnostics taking into account detected neurological disorders.
  • Radiography
    . It is a mandatory diagnostic technique for injuries. Fractures of the parietal bone can be seen on photographs of the skull; fractures, dislocations, subluxations, and fracture-dislocations of the cervical vertebrae can be seen on radiographs of the spine. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses is widely used for sinusitis and mastoiditis, confirming the presence of dense masses in the sinus cavity, inflammatory changes in the mastoid process.
  • Other neuroimaging methods
    . In the diagnostic process, MRI, Dopplerography, and duplex scanning are used. According to research, injuries, hydrocephalus, hemorrhages or areas of ischemia, displacement of the midline structures of the brain, sinusitis, and mastoiditis are confirmed.
  • Lumbar puncture.
    Produced for intracranial hypertension, neuroinfections, and traumatic brain injuries. Helps confirm increased intracranial pressure, signs of inflammation or blood in the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Lab tests
    . A sample of cerebrospinal fluid obtained during a lumbar puncture can be examined by inoculation on nutrient media, microscopy, PCR, and ELISA. According to indications, general blood tests are performed to confirm inflammation, microbiological examination of discharge from the nose and ear.

Treatment of head injury

How does pain on the top of the head occur?

The mechanism of scalp pain when changing hairstyles is associated with the angle of hair growth. This parameter is programmed genetically. The volume of hair largely depends on it. It can range from 10 to 90 degrees. The tilt side is also programmed.

When changing these parameters (parting, combing and lifting the hair up, excessively pressing the hair to the skin, etc.), pain occurs. It is due to the fact that the hair is trying to return to its natural state, but feels resistance. The tissues in the hair roots resist it, resulting in pain.

Circulatory disorders

If your hair hurts at the roots after being in the cold without a hat, then the reason is most likely insufficient blood supply to the follicles, which occurred as a result of vasospasm from the cold.

Active instructions will help with hair loss and scalp pain

Several techniques will help you cope with the problem:

  1. Dry heat (wear a hat or scarf);
  2. Warm shower or bath;
  3. Scalp massage;

  4. Masks that improve blood circulation and warm.

If your hair roots hurt and your hair is constantly falling out, then you should use masks regularly. These can be home remedies with red pepper, mustard, onion, sea salt, etc. They will not only improve blood circulation, but also nourish. Also massage your scalp regularly. Special scrubs can also help. But if the hair loss is severe, consult a trichologist. As a result of proper therapy, not only will the unpleasant sensations in your roots go away, but your hair itself will become radiant and healthy.


Conservative therapy

Therapeutic tactics are determined by the nature of the pathology that provoked the appearance of the symptom:

  • Cerebrovascular disorders
    . Medicines to improve blood rheology, acetylsalicylic acid, and neurometabolites are indicated. If blood pressure increases, it is recommended to administer medications with antihypertensive effects. During the recovery period, therapy with sedatives is carried out.
  • Intracranial hypertension
    . A combination of diuretics with potassium supplements is effective. Neurometabolites are useful. Depending on the etiology of the disease, antibiotics, venotonics, and detoxification agents are prescribed.
  • Inflammatory pathologies of the central nervous system
    . The basis is antimicrobial drugs (antimicrobial or antiviral). Vitamins, neuroprotectors, neurometabolites are used, and symptomatic therapy is carried out. Treatment of arachnoiditis is carried out using antiallergic, antiepileptic, and hormonal drugs.
  • Traumatic injuries
    . TBI requires NSAIDs, antibiotics, neurometabolites, and nootropics. In case of spinal injuries, immobilization is performed and medications are prescribed to stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
  • Otolaryngological diseases
    . In most cases, the main treatment method is antibiotic therapy. Treatment regimens are supplemented with vitamins, anticongestants, antihistamines, and local antiseptics. For sinusitis, lavages and punctures are performed, and a pit catheter is installed.
  • Radicular syndrome
    . They use painkillers, anti-inflammatory, vascular, decongestants, chondroprotectors of general and local action. Absorbable therapy and drug blockades are carried out.


Patients with pain in the crown undergo the following surgical interventions:

  • Intracranial hypertension
    : decompressive craniotomy, various shunting methods, external ventricular drainage.
  • Traumatic injuries
    : operations for depressed skull fractures, fixation of vertebrae.
  • Otolaryngological diseases
    : traditional and endoscopic frontotomy, polysinusotomy, mastoidotomy, myringotomy, bypass of the tympanic cavity, sanitizing surgery on the middle ear.

Proper nutrition for dirty hair

The structure of hair follicles is such that they lack nerve endings. Thus, it is not the roots that hurt, but the scalp. To bring it into a healthy state, it is important to eat right. This will not only help the skin, but also tidy up the hair itself.

Lack of vitamins and microelements negatively affects the skin. If you cannot get enough nutrients from food (in winter, during periods of vitamin deficiency), it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes sold in pharmacies.

Proper nutrition is the key to the success of your hair

Products labeled “for hair, nails and skin” or “Beauty” get good reviews.

Consequences of chemotherapy

Taking cytostatics, antitumor drugs, leads to a decrease in active cell division, which has a bad effect on the follicles - they enter a dormant stage, and then the hair falls out. But these drugs also have a bad effect on the nervous system, so after chemotherapy the hair roots may hurt.

All negative consequences of using cytostatics stop when taking these drugs. After the medicine stops working, the cells of the hair follicles begin to actively divide again and hair growth resumes, and the pain at the roots goes away.

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