Miracle roller! For chic posture and a bonus minus centimeters from the waist.

The coniferous evergreen plant juniper has long been famous for its beneficial properties. Its needles, wood and fruits, which are widely used in medical practice, have practical value. It is used to obtain juniper oil, as a spice in cooking. Wood is used to make pencils, containers for storing vegetables and fruits, etc. Wood shavings, which retain all the healing properties of this coniferous plant, also have practical applications.

What is a back bolster?

A bolster for the back and lower back is a very effective orthopedic device that has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the spine. Its use allows you to return the anatomically correct position of the spinal column and pelvic bones. A back cushion for the spine can solve a number of problems:

  • tone your back muscles;
  • ensure physiological curvature of the lumbar spine;
  • eliminate the load on the spine when sitting;
  • relieve headache;
  • improve sleep quality;
  • minimize back pain;
  • correct posture with scoliosis.

Juniper roller: reviews

Most juniper roller buyers respond positively to their purchase.

People say that it relieves pain in the neck due to cervical osteochondrosis, helps relieve nervous tension, and calm down after a hard day at work. It is effective in treating all diseases of the nasal septum, relieves chronic nasal congestion, has a pleasant smell and is inexpensive.

A roller with juniper filling is sold in all southern resorts of the country: in Crimea, Sochi, etc.

Types of back bolsters

According to the purpose of use, spine rollers can be divided into types:

  • for seats that are installed on the back of a chair at home or in the office;
  • under the neck or side;
  • under the lower back;
  • used for night sleep instead of a pillow.

Orthopedic devices for the back can be divided into several types depending on the shape. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. Cylindrical cushion for the back. Can be soft, hard or medium hard. Soft is used to relax individual muscle groups. A medium-hard roller is more versatile. It is suitable if self-massage is performed for the first time. Rigid devices are used by overweight people or professional athletes who have a large amount of muscle mass.
  2. Corrugated roller. Has an uneven surface. Self-massage of the back is not suitable for everyone; it is mainly used to affect the leg muscles. When working with such a device, care is required so as not to provoke painful sensations.
  3. Back bolster for the spine in the shape of a pillow. Most often used for sitting on a chair. Helps maintain the physiological shape of the spine during the working day.
  4. Back cushion made from a towel for training according to the Japanese method. You can make the device yourself. To do this, you need to roll the terry towel into a tight roll of the required size.

Juniper uses

The coniferous evergreen tree has long been known in medicine; it has many other names: ardysh, arsa, juniper, veres, elenets, yalovets. Physiotherapists and aromatherapists use resin, pine needles, wood, and fruits in the treatment of the respiratory system, hematopoiesis and the nervous system. Culinary experts have a positive attitude towards juniper oil, and alcohol producers use it as a flavoring for gin. The highest quality smoked products are smoked with pine needles, wood and pine cones.

The wood is used to make tubs and other containers, as well as pencils. Master woodcarvers make coasters and other crafts that are very popular. The reason is a strong and persistent aroma that appears the moment processing begins and persists for a long time. That is why shavings and small twigs of this plant are used as filling for pillows.


The composition, density, and quality of the material with which the back cushion is filled is of great importance. Thus, it ensures the consistency of the product’s shape, hypoallergenicity and medicinal qualities.

  1. Polyurethane foam. The most wear-resistant of all types of fillers. This filler is not susceptible to moisture and does not deform. When used, it takes on the required configuration, does not accumulate dust, and does not harbor mites.
  2. Polyester. Budget material consisting of many tiny balls. Can be formed and adjusted in height and configuration. Needs regular beating.
  3. Buckwheat husk. These cushions are suitable for people with respiratory diseases. Very light, hypoallergenic material, characterized by a certain rigidity, has a “memory effect”.
  4. Juniper shavings. It has a calming effect, eliminates headaches, normalizes blood pressure, and copes with the effects of stress. The juniper back cushion for the spine is ideal for complete rest.

Cost and where to buy?

The Juniper Roller can be purchased from various websites that sell similar products. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The filler contains only natural ingredients, namely juniper shavings.
  2. You can also find a juniper-lavender roller; it is similar in composition, only differing in the presence of a lavender smell, which also has a beneficial effect on the human body.
  3. The pillowcase that fits over the bolster must be cotton, and the material of this product is 100% cotton.

The average cost of such a juniper device is 300 rubles.

Why and who is a back roller useful for?

Back bolsters for the spine became popular after the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji developed a set of exercises for therapeutic effects on the back. Japanese exercises with a spine roller are useful in the following cases:

  • work that requires standing for long periods of time;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • sedentary work in an office at a computer;
  • scoliotic deformities;
  • inability to regularly visit the gym.

Review A pillow filled with juniper Gifts of Nature aromatizes and disinfects the air

Pillow filled with juniper Gifts of Nature 2017 Recommended 100% Quality Durability Design Comfort Easy to clean Elka-Karamelka Russia, Lipetsk Reputation 5815 All author reviews 08/29/2017 Review recommended: 24 Advantages: smells nice, many medicinal properties and methods of use, inexpensive Disadvantages: for I don’t have any. I really like things made from juniper. I love them for their durability, beauty and indescribably wonderful fresh smell, which reminds me of walks in juniper groves by the sea. Inhaling the smell of juniper is not only pleasant, but also useful. Even doctors recommend it because juniper wood contains essential oil, which has many beneficial properties. You can use juniper products for lung diseases, colds, insomnia, and headaches. By the way, it really helps with headaches. After I started placing a pillow next to me while sleeping, my headaches began to hurt much less often. Also, children began to suffer from colds much less often because juniper phytoncides stimulate the immune system. If you constantly inhale the smell of juniper, you feel fresh and rested. Fatigue goes away and you feel a surge of strength.

I usually once a year, in the summer, while relaxing by the sea, buy several pillows filled with juniper shavings and put them in closets (on shelves with bed linen), in the children’s cribs, and of course under my pillow too)) )I don’t know what it depends on, but some pillows smell for 2-3 years, and some don’t smell after a year (((I like this particular pillow, Gifts of Nature, because it’s small (20x16cm), but the smell is rich and lasts for quite a long time Although it’s possible that I bought a fake this year, I took it without looking and put it in a branded bag.

But the pad doesn’t look like it always does (((The crooked unfinished seam doesn’t add any joy.

But I specifically put this one in the closet, so it’s not critical, the main thing is what’s needed inside!))) And now, attention, jokes... or marketing in the Caucasian way))))) There, along with a juniper pillow (from the very cheap chintz) worth 150 rubles, I was given a pillow filled with a mixture of herbs as a gift. She's just as small, but looks much better

I also put it in my closet to scent my laundry. In order to sleep next to her, apparently you need to turn off your sense of smell completely. The smell is very strong, unbearable for me (who has allergies). The only drawback. I gave it 3 stars for ease of cleaning. There is no way to clean it. You need to remove the pillowcase, pour out the filling, wash the pillowcase, stuff it again and sew it up. Too much effort, it’s easier to buy a new one. I’ve been using pillows with juniper for many years. I'm very pleased. I recommend to everyone. Especially during the cold season.

Usage time:12 years
Price:150 rub.
Year of manufacture/purchase:2017
General impression:aromatizes and disinfects the air
My mark:
I recommend to friends:DAGwhere is it more profitable to buy

Quality Durability Design Comfort Easy to clean Is this review helpful? Yes

Indications and contraindications for exercises

Before you start using a Japanese back roller, it is important to consult your doctor. Only he determines the indications and sets restrictions for the use of the method.

Indications for Japanese exercises with a spine roller:

  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • deformations, displacements of the vertebrae;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral protrusions, hernias;
  • pain in various parts of the back;
  • dizziness;
  • regular headaches;
  • sleep disorders.

Contraindications to the Fukutsuji method for the spine:

  • osteoporosis, destruction of vertebral bone tissue;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • diseases accompanied by high body temperature;
  • compression fractures;
  • the likelihood of bleeding;
  • injuries, sprains of inguinal ligaments;
  • pregnancy, first year after childbirth;
  • neoplasms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Juniper is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, these beneficial properties are preserved in the product itself. But this roller also has other important advantages:

  • the pleasant aroma emanating from the device helps to increase immunity and strengthen the nervous system;
  • helps stabilize the cervical spine and correct curvatures;
  • helps cope with headaches;
  • fights restless sleep;
  • relieves discomfort in the back and entire spine;
  • acts as an anti-cold remedy.

This device has a lot of advantages, but according to some reviews, the juniper product also has disadvantages:

  • it is possible for the material to shed during exercise with the device;
  • Some people note that the size of this product is too small, which can be inconvenient.

The disadvantages are minor, but this roller cannot be used by everyone; it has a number of contraindications, which can also be attributed to the disadvantages of the device.

Contraindications for the use of this product:

  • acute back pain;
  • unstable blood pressure, in particular elevated;
  • fragile vertebral sections;
  • if there is an intervertebral hernia or similar problems;
  • vertebral cracks, fractures, etc.;
  • osteoporosis, which is severe;
  • acute colds;
  • elevated body temperature.

Sometimes, after using the roller, some consumers report the following ailments:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • pre-fainting state.

Basically, such unpleasant moments arise due to the fact that the juniper roller was used incorrectly.

Set of exercises

Performing a simple set of exercises with a spine roller can improve your well-being, restore blood circulation in the back and pelvis, and relieve pain in the intervertebral discs. Optimal results are possible only if you practice regularly.

Neck exercises

Exercise with a towel roll for the spine allows you to eliminate discomfort in the neck, restore blood supply to the brain, relieve headaches, and increase blood supply and nutrition to the intervertebral discs.

Lying on the floor, the cushion is placed under the neck so that the head hangs slightly. Turn your head in different directions for 1-2 minutes.

Sitting on a chair, place a cushion under your lower back and lean on the back. The head is slowly tilted forward, trying to touch the chin to the chest. You also need to return to the starting position slowly.

Sitting on a chair, a bolster under the lower back. The head is tilted forward and waved to the sides, then several circular movements are performed.

Rolling exercises under the shoulder blades

You can lie on a towel cushion for your back by placing it under your shoulder blades. At the same time, the chest rises, the shoulder blades fall down. The shoulders open, chest breathing normalizes, posture is corrected, and the spine is stretched.

Lying on your back, the cushion is placed under the shoulder blades. The legs are bent at the knees and spread apart, the feet are connected. Lie in this position for 2-3 minutes.

Lying on your back, roll under your shoulder blades. The head touches the floor. You need to relax as much as possible and lie down for at least 10 minutes. The thoracic spine is stretched.

Exercises for the lower back

Using a cushion under the lower back, the Japanese method allows you to restore cardiac activity, restore hormonal levels, and normalize blood and lymph flow. The Fukutsuji method for the spine effectively relieves fatigue, relieves pain, and relaxes the shoulder muscles.

You need to lie on your back next to the wall, place the cushion under your lower back. Stretch your legs slowly up the wall. Stretch your arms to the sides and bend them at right angles. Maintaining even breathing, lie down for 2-3 minutes.

Japanese gymnastics for the spine

Japanese gymnastics with a towel roller for the spine was developed by Dr. Fukutsuji specifically for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients. It allows you to normalize the physiological state of the back.

To perform gymnastics you need to lie on the floor. The cushion is located under the lower back below the navel. The legs are spread shoulder-width apart and the big toes are joined. The arms are extended above the head, connecting the little fingers. At first, the duration of the exercise is 2 minutes, gradually increasing to 5 minutes. If unpleasant sensations appear, stop the activity earlier. You not only need to know how to lie on a spine bolster, but also how to stand up correctly. You cannot make sudden movements, you need to smoothly roll onto your side and calmly rise.

Posture correction roller

The Japanese method allows you to use a back roller to correct deformed posture.

Lying on your back, the cushion is placed under the thoracic region. Arms crossed over chest, shoulder blades apart. Slowly raise your hips, shifting the weight to your back. You need to turn to the sides without haste. At the end of each turn, pause for 30 seconds. You can repeat all the steps, only place the roller under the lower back.

How to apply it correctly?

This device must be used according to the instructions so as not to harm your own health. Fundamental rules:

  • It is not permissible to use the device during an exacerbation of diseases associated with the back;
  • if during training with a roller unpleasant or painful feelings appear, then the session should be ended immediately (maybe the device does not fit);
  • if it is difficult to do the exercises, then it is better to postpone this idea until you go to the doctor;
  • Although any gymnastic exercise does not have to last more than 5 minutes, there is no need to increase the duration of classes without the help of others;

The result will be noticeable after the first lesson, but a good effect will appear only after long-term use of the product.

You need to familiarize yourself with exercises that will help you get rid of various back problems.

Pros and cons of the technique

If some rules of the Fukutsuji method for the spine are not followed, there is a risk of developing negative symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • exacerbation of pain;
  • loss of consciousness.

The advantages of the method include:

  • the ability to perform gymnastics at home;
  • impact on all muscle groups;
  • assistance in weight loss;
  • light massage effect.

The benefits of juniper berries, root and bark

Juniper decoctions are prescribed as sedatives, diuretics, disinfectants, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agents. In addition, the plant increases appetite and eliminates attacks of nausea, cleanses the blood, and strengthens the immune system.

Comment! For severe coughs, it is prescribed as an expectorant.

An active diuretic effect and anti-inflammatory effect is required for diseases of the genitourinary system. In the case of cystitis, the beneficial properties of juniper berries will be indispensable. You can also restore kidney function and cleanse the genitourinary system of sand and small stones using tinctures and other compositions from the plant. It is impossible not to mention the regenerating properties, thanks to which prolonged internal bleeding can be avoided. When fighting edema, it will have a diuretic effect.

Medicines based on the bark of this plant have a gentle effect on the walls of the stomach, restoring the normal digestion process, intestinal motility and enzyme production. And the tannins in its composition have an astringent effect, eliminating indigestion. The plant also affects smooth muscles and receptors, stopping attacks of nausea.

Heather root is useful for nervous disorders and mental overload. The component composition brings significant relief, relieving symptoms of depression and stress. This is possible due to the production of serotonin and normalization of the functioning of the nervous system.


As with other procedures and gymnastics, these classes have a number of contraindications.

These include:

  1. Acute back pain.
  2. The presence of a herniated disc.
  3. Vertebral fragility.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Having a cold or fever.
  6. Presence of compression fractures or vertebral fissures.
  7. Osteoporosis.
  8. Any bleeding.
  9. Damage or sprain of ligaments in the groin area.
  10. The presence of a painful sensation in the spine with an unknown cause.
  11. Pregnancy. Postpartum period (almost a year).
  12. Various tumor processes.

This is important because they can cause some negative reactions. Dizziness, headache, acute back pain, darkening of the eyes, nausea, fainting may occur.

They can arise as a result of several reasons:

  1. Violation of the rules for performing exercises.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body.
  3. Unaccounted contraindications.

If such syndromes appear, it is necessary to stop performing a set of exercises and rest for a few minutes.

Then carefully stand up. Take a pain reliever if necessary

After symptoms disappear, do not perform exercises without specialized consultation to identify the causes of discomfort and complications.

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