Conspiracies and rituals to cure vertebral hernia


When health problems arise, traditional treatment methods do not always help. Many also do not agree to surgery, so they turn to magic. Conspiracies for a hernia on the spine, which should be read according to established rules, will help get rid of the disease. You just need to have strong faith in the power and effectiveness of the conspiracy.

Magic spells will help overcome spinal hernia

Rules for conducting rituals

You can achieve the desired result if you follow the rules of magical rituals for healing:

  1. The ritual should be performed only on the waning moon so that the disease goes away faster.
  2. You need to imagine how the hernia shrinks, the symptoms disappear, and the disease goes away. Visualization and words are the basis of the conspiracy. Positive thoughts direct energy in the right direction.
  3. Outsiders should not know about this ritual. You can only communicate your desire to turn to magic to those people who are also affected by the problem.
  4. You need to pronounce the text yourself, in a low voice, thinking about its meaning. Each word is pronounced clearly and correctly. If you talk about illness at home, go to the window and open it. There should be silence in the room. No one should be around at this moment.
  5. It is advisable to read the plot for intervertebral hernia on the eve of major religious holidays: Easter, Christmas, etc.

Is it possible to talk about an intervertebral hernia?

Many patients who cannot be cured using traditional methods are interested in the question: is it possible to heal a vertebral hernia? Experienced esotericists tend to give a positive answer to this question. You can get rid of intervertebral hernia through magical intervention as follows:

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  • By transferring the disease to another person or animal;
  • By destroying the neoplasm at the energy level;
  • By transferring the negative energy of the disease into the subtle world.

Transferring an illness to another creature is the lot of black magicians. At the same time, the negative energy of the herniated disc disease does not disappear anywhere and can cause irreparable harm not only to the chosen victim, but also to the caster himself. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to refrain from black conspiracies.

One should also be careful with the transfer of disease energy into the subtle world. Only an experienced magician-healer who practices free access to the astral plane can do this. Beginning sorcerers are recommended to destroy the disease on a subtle level with the help of white healing magic spells. These spells are aimed at completely destroying the herniated disc without transferring it to anyone or anything. The effect of such conspiracies is rather slow, but the most effective. Thus, intervertebral hernia can and should be treated with the help of white magic.

Water spell

One of the most popular rituals. It has magical powers due to the healing properties of water: it can absorb bad energy and cleanse the aura. To perform the ritual, it is better to take water from a spring or consecrated in a church. Otherwise, use ordinary water, but then let it sit in the dark for more than a week.

A spell for a spinal hernia in an adult is performed on the first day when the moon begins to wane. It should sound like this:

The text is repeated 3 times. The enchanted liquid is consumed little by little all the time while the moon is waning. When it enters the growth phase, they stop drinking water. The ritual is repeated 3 times, chanting a new portion of liquid each time. During the break, the effect of the ritual is enhanced by various prayers. You can read the “Our Father” every day. Thanks to this ritual, the disease goes away within six months if you do not miss a single day.

Getting ready for the ritual

In order for a conspiracy against a vertebral hernia to have maximum effectiveness, you should properly prepare for the ritual itself, so it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules, which we will discuss below.

  1. It is advisable to read conspiracies on the eve of any holidays, for example, Easter, Christmas, and so on. But, this is not a prerequisite, unlike the following.
  2. It is best to perform rituals during the waning month, not on the full moon.
  3. The most important thing is to believe in what you are doing. Everyone knows that thoughts have the ability to materialize, so it is extremely important to believe in your conspiracy.
  4. When reading your ritual, clearly imagine that you are already healthy. Visualization stimulates the spell and enhances its effect.
  5. If the ongoing conspiracy concerns only you, then you should not tell everyone about it, even your loved ones. This can prevent the conspiracy from coming true.

Having familiarized yourself with the most important rules and following them, you can begin to plot against hernias. Below we present to your attention a strong conspiracy against a herniated disc, and more than one. If you follow all the details, your problems will leave you quickly and painlessly.

Ritual in the bathhouse

Famous Stepanova ritual. He helped many people overcome the disease. To perform it, you need a new bath broom made from oak branches. At the time of the ceremony, you must be alone in the bathhouse. After the body has steamed well, begin to act like a broom, saying the following words:

The plot is repeated three times. Before leaving the bathhouse, the broom is thrown into the oven. The disease will burn away along with it. The ritual is very powerful, but the first effect will be noticeable only after a month. And after 6 months, the hernia on the spine will disappear.

Conspiracy for hernia

Ritual with sour cream

What is the best way to talk about an intervertebral hernia during an exacerbation? If for some reason it is impossible to carry out treatment in a bathhouse (perhaps an exacerbation has occurred), then you can use a simpler method. This is a way to charm any hernia, but with its help they can also charm an intervertebral hernia. Take sour cream and read the spell over it:

“I will stand facing the sunrise, I will go out of the house by the doors, from the yard by the gates. I close the gates behind me, lock the doors, and don’t take my keys with me on the road. I’m walking along the road, I’ll turn off the road onto a path, and off the path I’ll turn into an open field. There I see 7 bushes, under those bushes there are 7 cats, all the cats are gray, and under the seventh bush there is a black cat. Cat-cat, black tail, gnaw out all the hernias from God's servant (name)!

Bite it, bite it, so that it doesn’t gnaw or hurt from this hour, from my firm order, from my conspiracy. Be my word hotter than fire, brighter than the sun, harder than stone, sharper than damask steel! From now until forever and forever and ever. The river of truth! Amen!"

Then you need to rub the sour cream on the sore spot, in our case, the back. Further, the recommendations vary slightly: the remaining sour cream is given to the cat, or vice versa, the cat should lick this sour cream from its sore back. However, cat lovers and owners can combine both options. Just don’t forget that this ritual is carried out at night, for three days, or rather, evenings in a row.

The rough cat's tongue massages the sore back well. Cats feed on negative energy. So the charmed sour cream will not harm them. Although this method can also be considered as a kind of transmission of the disease. So for those who still fear for the health of their furry friends, we can recommend another method - reducing the disease to an inanimate object, namely soap.

Sour cream spell

It is also effective to read prayers for food. For this purpose, take a bowl of sour cream and chant it as follows:

After this, sour cream is applied to the place where the lumbar hernia is located and left for 15-20 minutes. Then they let the cat lick it from the back. The ritual is repeated for three days in a row. The disease will go away in three months.

The cat must lick the charmed sour cream

Strong conspiracy against vertebral hernia

The strongest healing spells for intervertebral hernia are divided into the following types:

  • Pagan spells and rituals. Magical sacraments based on the worship of pagan deities. The sorcerer calls on natural forces. To replenish the energy of the elements, which is necessary to perform such rituals, you should meditate in nature more often;
  • Prayer spells. Spells based on Orthodox prayers, seeking help from God and Christian saints. Preparatory activities before reading prayer conspiracies include visiting church, daily prayers, a week of fasting with a vegetarian diet;
  • Combined rituals. Sacraments, which are a set of pagan rituals and prayer spells. Widely used by modern white magic healers.

The most effective conspiracies for intervertebral hernia are:

  • On a fir cone;
  • To holy water;
  • For sour cream;
  • Bath ritual.

Let's talk about each of them separately.

Fir cone spell

Spell for intervertebral hernia on a fir cone is an ancient pagan spell rooted in Siberian healing. To perform the sacrament, the patient must go into the forest on his own. You should find an old spruce in the forest, select a larger cone from those that lie at the base of the tree.

Important to remember! When reading a spell on any object, you must look closely at it, without blinking and without taking your eyes off the object being charmed.

Looking at the cone, the caster must chant the following text:

“Perun-Father! I appeal to you, I ask for your help! A hernia lives inside me, it can’t get out, it gnaws at my back. Let the hernia go into a spruce cone, And from the cone into Mother Earth, May it rise like a strong spruce, May the century stand - may it not be mowed down!”

The text of the plot should be repeated 3 times. Then the patient closes his eyes, imagining how his illness first transfers to a fir cone, and then is absorbed by the earth and turns into Good. After this, the cone should be buried a little further from the tree near which it was found.

Holy water spell

A prayer spell for a herniated disc using holy water is one of the most powerful spells in a healer’s arsenal. Church water must be collected in a bucket. A person with a vertebral hernia is not recommended to do this on his own, since the disease does not allow him to lift heavy objects. In the absence of holy water, pure spring water will do if it has been pre-settled for a week.

The conspiracy itself is read by the patient himself on the full moon. The text of the spell is provided below:

“The Mother of God walked on the Earth, carrying water in a bucket. Whoever asked for it, she gave it to him to drink, and she healed illnesses. So I, the servant of God [name], ask: Give me, Mother of God, clean water to drink now, to be healed of my hernia! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”

The liquid should be drunk 1 glass each time the moon wanes. The ritual must be performed 3 times, 3 months in a row. Relief will come after the first treatment, complete healing will occur upon completion of the cycle.

Bath ritual

The bath ritual refers to combined rituals. Its roots go back to the pagan past, however, with the advent of Christianity, the text of the conspiracy became rather prayerful.

The essence of the ritual:

The patient is properly steamed in a bathhouse. Then he lies down on his stomach, and the caster lightly hits him with an oak broom, reading:

“A black disease emerges from the servant of God [name of the patient], it goes straight into the fire, where it burns, disappears, and no longer bothers the servant of God [name]. For the Lord is Almighty, the Lord is All-Good, the Lord is Gracious. Amen! Amen! Amen!

The plot should be repeated 3 times. At the end of the third reading, the broom is burned in the oven. After this, the patient and the caster must leave the bathhouse as quickly as possible.

Sour cream spell

A pagan spell for sour cream can be cast if there is a cat in the house. The patient places a saucer with sour cream in front of him and says:

“I’ll get up at dawn and turn to the east. I’ll go out into the open field and lock the gate behind me. And in the open field there are four cats. One is black, the second is white, the third is gray, the fourth is [the color of one’s own animal]. I’ll go up to the fourth one and ask: “Cat-cat, Sharp Claw! Lick my pain, cut out my hernia!” Said closed. Let it be so!".

After this, you should smear the sour cream on the sore part of the back, walk like this for 3 minutes, then let your own cat lick the sour cream. The ritual should be repeated 2 more subsequent evenings. It will feel better the next day, and the hernia will completely recede after 3 months.

Prayers against hernia

Christians resort to the saints in their petitions. The great martyrs Panteleimon and Artemy of Antioch can heal the disease. Psalm 90 is also read against hernia. Prayers will give results if you follow the following rules:

  1. before asking, you should repent of your sins and confess;
  2. you should get rid of bad thoughts;
  3. words are spoken believing in their power;
  4. the text is recited in church or at home, looking at the icons.

It is advisable that no one be nearby during the prayer. The sore spot is washed with sacred water. It will help relieve unpleasant symptoms, as it has healing energy.

Spinal hernia and its types

A herniated disc appears in the intervertebral discs as a result of ruptures of the fibrous rings. Fluid begins to leak out through the cracks that form, and the nerve endings of the spinal cord become pinched. As a result of this entire process, the disc swells in different directions, forming a hernia. Doctors distinguish three types:

  • lumbar-sacral region - occurs in 80% of cases of hernias;
  • cervical spine is a less rare type of hernia, found in approximately 19% of all cases;
  • the thoracic region is the rarest form of this disease, and occurs in approximately 1% of victims.

Getting a hernia is quite simple - just stand up incorrectly, suddenly, turn or bend over once, and this problem will immediately overtake you. But how to recognize its symptoms?

  1. For the lumbar region: the occurrence of pain in the lower back, which will radiate either to the legs or to the buttocks. It may also be accompanied by numbness in the legs.
  2. For the cervical region: the appearance of pain in the head, in the shoulder joints or in the neck area. Dizziness often occurs, blood pressure becomes elevated, an incomprehensible noise appears in the ears, and the fingers become numb.
  3. For the intervertebral region: the appearance of pain in the chest, which is not treated with heart medications.

Ritual with soap

You need to circle the sore spot with a piece of soap while the plot is being read:

“The water ran, washed the white shores, sharpened the stones, carried away the sand. Just as this soap will wash away, so will my hernia. Just as water flows out of a river, so does a hernia drain out of my body. When the red sun sets and the clear moon rises, all my illness will pass.”

The ritual is done right before bed. Most likely, it will be difficult to do this with your own back; you need to help someone else. The next day, the rest of the soap is thrown into flowing water - a river, a sewer with the words:

“Mother Voditsa! Take away all my illnesses and illnesses along with this soap, and give me health from now on and forever. The river of truth! Amen!"

Ritual with an ordinary bump

There is another interesting and easy option for reducing the disease to a lump, a ritual from the famous healer Natalya Stepanova. The only condition for its implementation is that the patient must have a good imagination. We need to go into the forest and choose a large fir cone. You can carry out the ritual right in the forest, or at home, whichever is more convenient for you. Holding the lump in your hands, you need to imagine as clearly as possible that the disease is transferring to it. While doing this, say the following words:

“A hernia, a hernia, you live in the body, you drink its juices, that’s why it’s bad. Go, my friend, to the fir cone, it looks so similar to you. Move on and leave forever. The lump doesn’t care, I’ll get my health back.”

Leave the cone, along with the disease, in the forest! If you make it at home, take it to the forest as soon as possible. Things used in magical rituals, especially negative ones, should not be kept with you for long.

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