Training in the gym for scoliosis: a set of exercises

  • August 2, 2018
  • Workouts in the gym
  • Natalya Tikhomirova

The health of the entire body depends on the condition of the spine. Its deviation from the vertical line, scoliosis, leads to many problems: myalgia, pinched nerves and osteochondrosis. Although scoliosis in adulthood cannot be corrected, you can prevent the situation from getting worse. To do this, you need to train a muscle corset that will hold the spine in the correct position. Read more about training in the gym for scoliosis in this article.

Scoliosis – a disease of the 21st century

According to official medical statistics, there are about 50 million people worldwide who suffer from scoliosis. Every sixth person on the planet has a deviation of the spinal column from the vertical axis. Scoliosis is not a fatal disease, but it can bring a lot of trouble to the patient. What does spinal curvature lead to?

  • neurological disorders;
  • digestive tract disorders;
  • paralysis;
  • loss of sensation in the body;
  • pain in the back and head;
  • muscle spasm.

Scoliosis is acquired only in childhood. A sedentary lifestyle, studying at school and an incorrect position at a desk lead to curvature of bone structures. The diagnosis of “first degree scoliosis” is made if the deviation from the vertical is 5 - 7 degrees. This is considered normal and cannot be treated. But if the deviation reaches 14 degrees or higher, then the patient should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. As preventive measures, the patient is recommended massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as strengthening the muscle corset.

Who is indicated for therapeutic exercises?

Exercise therapy exercises are designed to develop the back muscles and ligaments: they relieve tension from overly stressed areas, activate unused muscle groups, and increase blood circulation. During exercise, the tone of the muscular system gradually becomes equalized, and it becomes easier for a person to keep the spine in the correct position. To eliminate deformities, exercise therapy classes should be carried out daily for a long time.

Prices for mats for yoga and fitness

Exercises need to be done daily

The indication for prescribing exercise therapy is curvature of the spine of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, S-shaped and C-shaped, as well as any posture disorders.

Degrees of scoliosis, degrees of spinal curvature

Types of Scoliosis

At the same time, a set of exercises is selected for each patient separately, taking into account age, degree of curvature, location and characteristics of the body. The most intense classes are prescribed for people with poor posture and grade 1 scoliosis; for more serious deformities, physical activity should be moderate. Remember that excessive activity, instead of a positive effect, can provoke a lot of complications.

Degree of curvatureCharacteristicsTreatment
1The angle of curvature does not exceed 10 degrees, external changes are hardly noticeable. There is slight asymmetry of the shoulder blades, with some vertebrae protruding more than others. Therapeutic gymnastics, massage.
2The angle of curvature is from 11 to 25 degrees, the deformations are clearly visible. The spinal column is displaced to the side, the shoulders and shoulder blades are asymmetrical, and convex and concave areas on the back may be observed. Complex exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy.
3The curvature reaches 26-50 degrees, arched deformations are observed, and a rib hump may form. Internal organs are compressed, displaced, and the patient experiences severe back pain. Exercise therapy, breathing exercises, massage, wearing a corset.
4Curvature of 50 degrees, severe deformation of the spinal column, presence of a hump in the ribs area. Internal organs are displaced, their functions are disrupted, and the patient feels constant severe pain. Surgical intervention.

Training for scoliosis: benefits and harms

Strength training often uses exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Therefore, strength training adapted to the disease can be used to correct the situation. Training for scoliosis usually has several goals:

  • maximum possible straightening of the spine;
  • elimination of back pain;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • preventing further curvature.

If nothing is done about scoliosis, weak muscles simply will not be able to hold the vertebrae in the correct position. Therefore, if you spend a lot of time sitting, do not forget about the prevention of scoliosis and timely strengthening of muscles. In addition to a healthy back, this will bring many benefits: excellent health, a beautiful body and youthful skin.

But classes also have a downside. If you choose the wrong sport, you are likely to make the problem worse. For example, during strength training with dumbbells, the axial load on the spine increases many times, which can lead to the appearance of intervertebral hernias and displacement of the vertebrae. That is why, if the deviation of the spinal column from the vertical axis is more than 10 degrees, before starting any training you should consult a specialist: a neurologist or a physiotherapist.

How to properly pump up your abs with scoliosis?

The training is selected taking into account the degree of scoliotic disease (1, 2, 3 or 4), concomitant diseases, level of preparedness and other characteristics of the patient’s body.

Class rules:

  1. Before starting, a warm-up is required to help warm up and prepare the muscles for physical activity;
  2. Exercises are performed in a lying position with complete unloading of the spine;
  3. The movements are carried out by the abdominal muscles, not the lower back (this must be constantly monitored);
  4. When performing a task, focus on those places that are currently involved;
  5. Choose the amplitude and speed of movement based on sensations;
  6. Alternate exercise with rest;
  7. Make sure you breathe correctly;
  8. Do not use additional weights;
  9. In the future, keep an eye on the balance of all muscle groups in the body and do not over-pump your abdominal muscles.


What exercises are prohibited for scoliosis? It is worth excluding all sports that involve an uneven load: these are, first of all, gymnastics and acrobatics. In addition, people with scoliosis should not do somersaults or spins. Training in the gym for scoliosis should be kept to a minimum. This is especially true for training with dumbbells and barbells. In strength training, it is necessary to completely exclude the following exercises:

  • deadlift;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • bench press sitting and standing;
  • swing your arms to the sides while standing;
  • bends;
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows;
  • twisting;
  • bar

Unfortunately, the second and subsequent degrees of scoliosis impose quite serious restrictions on playing sports in strength training. However, they are not the only ones that can cause harm. Running, team sports, and jumping are also prohibited. It is also best for a person with scoliosis to avoid team sports such as hockey, football or tennis, as these can lead to additional injuries.

The influence of sport on the musculoskeletal system

It is an undeniable fact that sport has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system .

Muscle growth, so-called hypertrophy, is observed . In this case, the number of fibers remains unchanged, only the size of their cross-section increases. This occurs due to good blood supply to the tissues. An increased supply of oxygen to the muscles promotes the opening of a large number of small capillaries.

In addition, oxygen is utilized faster in trained muscles . The chemical composition of muscle mass also changes: the amount of glycgen and phosphogen increases. Thus, the muscles become stronger and more efficient.

With constant training, muscle hypertrophy occurs

As a result of regular exercise, cartilage, ligaments and tendons become stronger . The skeletal system also undergoes changes. The bones become more massive, the chest develops, and the spinal column strengthens. The cross section of the bone in athletes is wider than in those who do not play sports.

Physical education classes are of particular importance for the development of children and adolescents . A strong muscular system supports the spine and prevents it from curvature. In addition, sport helps strengthen the body's immune system. As a result, the child is less likely to “catch” an infection, which is one of the causes of scoliosis.

Also, strong back muscles protect the spine from injury, taking on part of the load. Therefore, physical education is mandatory for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis.

Study the structure of the back muscle corset: the lumbothoracic muscle is of particular importance for the spine

Possible types of loads

Of course, scoliosis is a serious disease that carries with it many limitations. But there are many sports that you can do without harming your spine.

  1. Physical therapy is a set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the back muscles. Therapeutic gymnastics can include both group and individual classes, the content of which varies depending on the purpose of the training.
  2. Stretching, although not an exercise, brings enormous benefits to the body. Stretching allows you to relieve muscle tension, relax the spine and reduce pain. If you stretch every day, you will soon experience significant improvements. It is also good to combine it with other sports.
  3. Swimming is one of the most common methods of combating scoliosis. With the help of swimming, you can improve the condition of the entire musculoskeletal system. Staying in water relieves tension from the spine, strengthens the muscle corset and promotes the formation of correct posture.
  4. Cycling is an effective cardio workout that strengthens the muscle corset, but at the same time eliminates stress on the spine. Therefore, you can ride a two-wheeler as much as you like.
  5. Some strength exercises in the gym for scoliosis are also allowed.

Fitness for scoliosis: is it possible or necessary?

It’s just important to figure out what kind of disease it is and what training will help. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, yoga and swimming. However, not only these two gentle directions can help with back pain; exercises with your own weight, weights and on simulators should not be written off either.

Scolisis is a lateral curvature of the spine, with the “distortion” occurring in the plane of the back - the spine is naturally curved in a perpendicular plane, this is normal in most cases. It is abnormal when it is uneven and not symmetrical relative to the vertical axis. As a rule, poor posture occurs with any type of curvature, followed by pain and dysfunction of the body.

Curvatures come in different types, most often they resemble the letters C, S or Z - depending on the “severity” of the case. In this case, the degree of the disease is determined by the degree of curvature in these angles; if the curvature is too large (more than 10 degrees), treatment by specialists is necessary. With small degrees, you can do it on your own, but consulting a doctor is necessary in any case - it is almost impossible to determine the magnitude of the problem by eye.

An orthopedist will quickly determine the disease and its degree, but the fact is that most doctors strictly prohibit any exercise. We will not dissuade you from following the advice of orthopedists. It’s better to emphasize once again: if you suspect scoliosis, an appointment with an orthopedist is mandatory! But the fact is that doctors least of all want to cause harm and be held responsible for it, so they play it safe 100 times by prohibiting training.

What exercises are contraindicated for you anyway? Of course, these are large loads on the spine (and the back in general), which includes squats with any weights. Jumping and all types of sports and fitness, where they exist - some types of athletics, rugby, basketball, volleyball (even amateur beach).

With scoliosis above the first degree, harsh training with “iron” is taboo

Sharp twisting, bending and straightening are prohibited, and not only on the mat - during treatment, forget about serious gymnastics, ballet and all types of martial arts where you need to dodge sharply - judo, boxing and its derivatives, wrestling.

Of the exercises with weights/dumbbells/simulators, some will also only cause harm. A spine with a curvature receives an uneven axial load, as a result of which some of its parts are under great stress. This can damage intervertebral discs or cause a hernia. There is another danger - the body will try to compensate for the load and take it from the “weak” part.

As a result, a person with scoliosis runs the risk of becoming asymmetrical, with only the right or left side swinging. This not only looks unnatural, but also risks atrophy of some unused muscles. It is impossible to apply the same load to different parts of the body, because due to the displacement of the axis, some muscles will be tense, others will be relaxed.

It’s better to forget about the barbell altogether in case of any degree of scoliosis - deadlifts, rows to the chin, squats and even the bench press will definitely cause damage, although the latter is to a lesser extent. Avoid exercises with weights on the shoulder girdle, chest, or in a standing position - do not load your arms. Raising barbells, weights and dumbbells upward is also prohibited.

If you re-read the previous few paragraphs, it will seem that, in principle, there is nothing more to do in the gym - all the usual exercises are on the scoliosis sanction list. This is wrong. You still have many options to load your arms, abs, legs and even chest and back in safer positions. For example, sitting, when the axial load on the spine is much less. In addition, almost all exercise machines where there is no simultaneous load on the right and left parts of the body are also available to you.

The important thing here is to listen to what your back says about your training. Scoliosis may not cause discomfort in everyday life, but if you feel discomfort during a class, stop doing the exercise. It should not cause injury to the sore spine - think about how you can load the necessary muscles in a similar way without harming your back.

When there is curvature of the spine, it is important to pay attention to the lower back, buttocks and hips, as well as the core muscles, especially the deep, internal ones. If you pump up this base, it will be easier for the spine to support the weight of the body. Train your hip muscles, but also without axial loads, for example, do not perform lunges. Try to take less weight, but do more repetitions per set - this principle develops the necessary muscles, but does not overload the back.

Of course, many patients act on the doctor’s advice and, in principle, forget about working in the gym. These people can probably live without training. If you can’t, then you need to slightly change your approach to classes, as described above. Don’t forget about stretching after training and warming up before, include more exercise equipment in your list - they reduce the load on the spine. Give your back enough rest, alternate training in the gym with swimming, recreational (therapeutic) physical education - even an orthopedist will prescribe this for you. Especially swimming. If you are not a supporter of exhausting work with hardware or are afraid of harming yourself, following the advice of doctors, switch completely to swimming. Or yoga.

Swimming for a healthy back

We have already written about the benefits of swimming and water aerobics, you can read about this in a separate article. For scoliosis, swimming is indicated - it completely (that is, COMPLETELY) relieves the spine, promotes its elongation and straightening. In addition, most styles involve asymmetrical but simultaneous work of the muscles on the right and left sides of the body, including those directly connected to the spine.

You can find pools near your home or work using our Sport Priority mobile app and sign up for a lesson before your doctor's appointment, but the technical part will still need to be discussed with a podiatrist or professional swimming coach. Be sure to tell him about your diagnosis, the instructor will tell you what exercises and swimming style to use. If you couldn’t get an individual consultation, remember a few rules:

  • no twisting or rotation
  • avoid sharp bends and extensions of the back
  • try to glide through the water, swimming by inertia as much distance as possible after the stroke
  • stretch from your heels to the top of your head, this is especially useful in water - use flotation devices to stretch - hold a board or circle in your hands
  • float on your back

There is no guarantee that you will be able to recover from even the first stage of scoliosis, especially if you are an adult. But to reduce back pain, increase its endurance in everyday life, give an impetus and promote treatment - the pool can do this.

Yoga for the back

Yoga is basically very suitable for many ailments related to joints, spine, imbalance in muscle development and many other problems of the body. It refers to effective therapeutic gymnastics and general physical training, but do not forget that only professional instructors can turn exercises on the mat into therapeutic yoga. This is why try to find an experienced trainer before you start taking asanas in the hope of getting rid of scoliosis.

If you have scoliosis above grade 1, independent yoga classes are prohibited.

Of course, it's a matter of contraindications. Not all yoga poses are suitable for a curved spine; some are also contraindicated. It’s not hard to guess that you don’t need to try to do a headstand or repeat the methods of tying a knot after experienced practitioners. The precautions are the same as for swimming and strength training: minimum axial load and twisting.

It is noteworthy that yoga can be practiced even with severe forms of spinal curvature. However, with grade 4 scoliosis, you will have to look for a really good specialist and, perhaps, look at his certificates. The trainer should be well informed about your scoliosis, know its degree, type, number of curvature angles and their magnitude. Only in this case will he be able to choose the right asanas.

If scoliosis is already at an early stage, it is quite possible to practice “self-medication with yoga.” True, here we are forced to disclaim responsibility: make sure that you are aware of everything you are going to do, that you are aware of the possible harm, and that your orthopedist is not against yoga. The health of your spine is in your hands.

  • you can use both symmetrical and asymmetrical asanas
  • perform asymmetrical exercises the same number of times for the right and left sides
  • Perform light twists only while lying on the mat, relaxing your stomach and lower back.
  • Perform vertical asanas with a relaxed back, do not straighten up
  • Avoid poses that excessively flex or extend the spine
  • now your favorite asanas are mountain pose (tadasana), dead man's pose (shavasana), locust pose (shalabhasana) or crocodile pose (makarasana), cobra pose (bhujangasana), they are in the illustrations above.

Don't put it off until later. Book a trial yoga class or find a gym near you right now in our Sport Priority mobile application and plan your workouts in the calendar, and after some time you will be able to analyze the statistics of your visits, and you will learn many interesting facts from the world of health practitioners and athletes.

After classes

After completing swimming, yoga or proper exercise in the gym, do not forget that rehabilitation must be continued constantly. Now we are talking about everyday life and work: choose a comfortable chair and adjust the height of the desktop, distribute the load on your shoulders (carry a backpack on both straps, distribute bags from the store evenly on both hands), buy an orthopedic pillow and (if possible) a mattress, do not lie on one side for a long time and do not stand for a long time with emphasis on one leg.

This material does not constitute medical advice; please consult your podiatrist. When preparing the article, textbooks on physical therapy from various authors were used.

A set of exercises for scoliosis

What exercises can be performed in this case? Despite the fact that many workouts in the gym for scoliosis in the thoracic region should be severely limited, there are still a set of exercises that can be used to strengthen the back muscles.

  1. Warming up is a key part of scoliosis training. It can be done at the beginning or at the end. First you need to stand against the wall, pressing your shoulders, buttocks and heels against it. Try to straighten your back as much as possible and stand there for a couple of minutes. Then you can start doing cardio exercises. Squats without weight help warm up your muscles and increase blood circulation in them.
  2. Then you can start doing basic exercises. The main thing is that they are symmetrical and give the same load on both sides of the back. The “Scissors” exercise trains the abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on your back and simultaneously raise and lower your legs, imitating the movement of scissors.
  3. Get on all fours and arch and lower your back alternately. Perform the exercises slowly and smoothly.
  4. Without changing your position, extend your right arm forward. At the same time, lift your left leg. Alternate between sides of your body, raising and lowering opposite limbs at the same time. This exercise not only strengthens your back, but also helps develop balance.
  5. The most effective way to strengthen your back at home is the “Fish” exercise. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach on the floor and at the same time raise your head, shoulders and arms, as well as legs. You need to hold out in this position for as long as possible.

Medical complex

Let's look at abdominal exercises to perform in the initial stages of scoliosis.

Starting position lying on your back:

  1. Raise your legs and bend your knees. The angle of the legs relative to the floor is 90 degrees. Using your abdominal muscles, straighten your legs. At the same time, make sure that your neck and shoulders are relaxed.
  2. The right leg is placed on the left knee, the left hand is placed behind the head. We pull the left elbow to the knee of the right leg, lifting not the entire torso, but only the upper part to the lower edge of the shoulder blades (the oblique muscles are also worked out). After 5-7 repetitions, we change the leg and arm.
  3. You need to lift your shoulder blades (to the bottom edge) off the floor using your abdominal muscles, arms behind your head, elbows to the sides. Do this task slowly, listening to inner sensations. At the maximum point, linger for a few seconds, then slowly lower to the floor.

You need to start studying with the basic set of tasks presented above. Then, if you feel well, you can move on to more complex tasks.

Gym training for scoliosis

It has long been known that strength training is much more effective than regular gymnastics. With well-chosen exercises and the right weights, strengthening your back and stopping pain can be achieved much faster. A professional trainer is able to develop an effective program that will take into account your diseases. But what if there is no opportunity to contact a specialist? In this case, an exercise program for girls with scoliosis in the gym can help:

  • pulling the upper block to the chest with a wide grip;
  • hyperextension;
  • horizontal block thrust;
  • pull-ups on a horizontal bar or in a gravitron.

This is enough to start strengthening your back. Subsequently, it will be possible to add exercises with minimal axial load to them: bending with a barbell, bench press with dumbbells and deadlift. At the same time, the training program in the gym for scoliosis for men looks exactly the same, because the goal of the complex for any gender is the same - to strengthen the back.

What exercise equipment can I use?

Not everyone. Exercises for scoliosis in the gym should ideally be performed on the following machines:

  1. Bars are an effective and affordable piece of equipment that can be found on any sports field.
  2. The pull-up machine - the gravitron - is an excellent exercise machine for beginners. It allows you to adjust the load so that even people without special training can perform several pull-ups.
  3. The block simulator allows you to perform horizontal block rows. This exercise trains the latissimus dorsi muscle.
  4. The lat pull-down in the simulator is an exercise that simulates pull-ups. It uses the same muscles: the latissimus dorsi and biceps brachii. In this simulator you can train other muscles by changing the technique. Vertical rows can be performed with a narrow or wide grip, to the chest or behind the head.

Prevention of scoliosis

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and this also applies to scoliosis. Preventing curvature does not require much effort, the main thing is to start as early as possible.

If you want to learn in more detail how to identify scoliosis at an early stage, and also consider diagnostic methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Table. Basic measures to prevent scoliosis

Posture controlCorrect posture is the key to a healthy spine. The back should always be straight, head raised, shoulders back. You need to constantly monitor your posture: at home, at school, sitting at your desk or jogging in the park. Much here depends on the parents, because if you teach your child to maintain posture from a very young age, the risk of developing scoliosis will be zero.
Physical activityAn active lifestyle helps strengthen ligaments and muscles, as well as normalize metabolic processes, so that the spine remains flexible longer, copes well with stress, and the intervertebral discs wear out less.

Balanced diet

For the health of the spine and joints, the body must regularly receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, without which normal tissue metabolism is impossible. That is why the diet must include foods containing magnesium, calcium, phosphorus in sufficient quantities, as well as B vitamins.
The right mattress for sleepingThe spine should also remain aligned at night, so choosing the right mattress is very important. It is not recommended to sleep on a very soft or, conversely, too hard mattress, since in this case the spine bends in one direction or the other. The best option is a product of medium hardness.
Correct posture while sittingTo prevent your child from hunching over at the table while studying homework or doing something else, you need to choose a chair that is the right size for him and properly organize the lighting.
Regular exerciseDaily exercises in the morning and light warm-up during the day after static loads help maintain muscle tone and prevent the development of curvature.

If you adhere to the indicated measures and try to avoid increased stress on the spine, for example, lifting heavy objects, you can not be afraid of scoliosis.

Expert advice

What do experts say about training for scoliosis in the gym? They advise not to focus on your back alone during training. Back exercises should not exceed 30 - 40% of the total number of tasks. After all, you probably want not only to strengthen your back, but also to get a harmonious body.

All exercises must be performed carefully following the technique. Otherwise, you can only worsen the situation by receiving new damage. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to start training without weights.

Back strengthening program at home

It is quite difficult to strengthen your back at home, because many exercises are on the “black list” due to the increased load on the spine. But if you have the motivation, this is possible! One of the most effective exercises is hyperextension at home. But how to do it if you don’t have a special simulator? To do this, you will need a second person to hold your legs. Lie on the edge of the sofa or bed so that half of your body is lying and your back, starting from the lower back, is supported. Then lower and straighten your torso at least 30 times. Two or three approaches will be enough for you to feel the effect of the workout the very next day.

As an additional method of getting rid of scoliosis, you can consider hanging on the bar. In order for the vertebrae to fall into place and the distance between them to increase, it is enough to hang there for a few minutes every day. Regular performance of this exercise can significantly improve the condition of the spinal column.

Rules for performing exercises

Exercises allowed for scoliosis also bring little benefit if performed incorrectly. First of all, you should know that a set of exercises is selected by the doctor for each patient individually after an examination. Undiagnosed complications and defects can cause the development of new pathologies, so clinical studies are a prerequisite.

For a detailed examination of the pathology, an MRI or radiography of the spine is usually prescribed.

You can exercise in a physical therapy room or at home, depending on where it is more convenient for you, but it is worth noting that if you have a 3rd degree curvature, it is still better to perform the exercises under the supervision of a specialist. This will prevent muscle fatigue, correctly adjust the load, and effectively work out the most problematic areas of the back. Those who are planning to practice at home should familiarize themselves with some important recommendations:

  • exercises must be performed daily, spending 20 to 40 minutes on it. A shorter duration of training gives almost no results, too long training causes overwork and aggravates the curvature of the spine;

    To achieve results you need to exercise every day for 20-40 minutes.

  • It is recommended to start exercises an hour and a half after eating or before eating, since it is harder to move with a full stomach, and this does not have the best effect on digestion;
  • You should always start with a warm-up, then move on to the main part, and end with spinal stretching exercises;
  • movements must be done smoothly, slowly, within your capabilities. That is, if you can’t raise your legs or body as high as the instructor showed, then you don’t need to try hard - over time, the muscles will develop, the flexibility of the body will increase and the result will be much better;

    You shouldn’t perform exercises by force if you can’t immediately raise your legs or body high - over time everything will work out better

  • If certain exercises cause pain, they should be abandoned, at least temporarily. If back pain appears after exercise or scoliosis continues to progress, you should definitely consult a doctor. Usually in such cases, wearing a corset is prescribed as additional therapy.

If you want to learn in more detail how to cure scoliosis at home, and also consider a set of effective exercises, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Corsets for scoliosis

Supportive corset for the spine

In parallel with exercise therapy, you can practice swimming: there are special exercises in water for the treatment of scoliosis. In water, the load on the spine is reduced and all muscle groups are effectively used, which helps strengthen the muscle corset and reduce curvature. It is recommended to exercise in the pool 2-3 times a week for several months to get visible results.

Swimming and exercises in water effectively help in the fight against scoliosis

Exercises with dumbbells

People often wonder whether it is possible to do exercises with a barbell or dumbbells for scoliosis. After all, most basic workouts aimed at strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and legs contain similar exercises. The answer from experts is clear: exercises with dumbbells for scoliosis should absolutely not be done in the gym. This puts axial stress on the spine, worsening existing problems. What should those who want to pump up a beautiful and harmonious body do? You can always find an alternative in the gym. For example, instead of squats, you can use a crossover to move your leg back. And instead of lunges, do leg curls in the simulator.

What else is prohibited during curvature?

In addition to exercises, there are a number of prohibitions for scoliosis:

  • you cannot stay in one position for a long time - static loads are no less harmful than dynamic ones, and keeping the body in one position for a long time has a negative effect on the spine and spinal muscles and impairs blood supply to tissues;

    Sitting in one position for a long time is very harmful to the spine.

  • you cannot always carry a backpack, bag and other objects in one hand - this way the load is distributed incorrectly, the muscles are used only on one side of the body, which aggravates the curvature;
  • girls and women should not wear high heels - even with a healthy spine, such shoes provoke pain in the lower back and pelvic region, and in the presence of scoliosis, heels aggravate the condition, increasing the risk of intervertebral hernia, protrusion, and increased deformation of the vertebrae;
    If you have scoliosis, you should completely avoid wearing high-heeled shoes.
  • Prolonged standing on your feet is contraindicated - with scoliosis of 2.3 degrees, you cannot walk or stand for a long time, since in an upright position the spine experiences a large load.

You should also not self-medicate, especially using alternative medicine methods. It is impossible to cure scoliosis with herbal decoctions or rubs, but it is very easy to harm your health. Of course, there are folk recipes that help reduce the symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery, but they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. The same applies to medications: only the attending physician can select medications to eliminate symptoms, taking into account the severity of pain, the general condition of the body, and the presence of contraindications.

Additional prevention methods

What, in addition to an exercise program in the gym for scoliosis, can cure your back? For severe stages of scoliosis (fourth and fifth), surgical treatment is usually prescribed. In milder cases, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, and manual therapy can be effective. A neurologist can also prescribe you medications to improve local blood circulation and replenish essential vitamins. The fastest effect is observed if the problem is approached comprehensively.

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