Gymnastics by Katharina Schroth for scoliosis: the basic principle of action and exercises

Who is Katharina Schroth?

Katharina Schroth is German by nationality and a physiotherapist by training. The woman was born in 1894 and knew firsthand about scoliosis: there was an ugly rib hump on her back and a depression on her chest.

Katarina reminded herself of a ball that she wanted to level by breathing air into it. This is how the patient came up with the idea of ​​treating scoliosis with asymmetric breathing. Armed with mirrors and placing them opposite each other, the woman began to conduct experiments.

Katharina Schroth's gymnastics are based on asymmetrical breathing

Katarina noticed that when she inhaled more air on the left side, the hump on the right leveled out and the depression in her chest disappeared . Thanks to this discovery, Schroth was able to open a clinic in 1921 and was able to treat Germans and people from other countries.

Katharina Schroth has developed a set of special isometric exercises, the basis of which is controlled asymmetric breathing . These exercises made it possible to correct pathological curves of the spinal column in 3 planes: frontal, horizontal, sagittal.

Constant work with patients suffering from scoliosis allowed Katarina to perfect the technique. Schroth developed her own classification of scoliosis, several effective specific exercises and called it all “Three-dimensional correction of scoliosis . Today this therapeutic exercise is called respiratory orthopedics according to the K. Schroth method.


  • Corsets are often used for long-term treatment of scoliosis. A scoliosis brace prevents the curvature of the spine from increasing.
  • The use of a brace to treat scoliosis is more effective in adolescents, since bone growth has not yet been completed.
  • Studies and cases published in scientific journals suggest that a 40-degree scoliosis curve can be reduced to 10-18 degrees with the use of a brace and exercise.
  • The brace is also useful in reducing pain due to the fixation of the spinal column and by reducing the curvature of the spine. Reducing the curvature of the spine helps relieve stress and reduce stress on muscles, facet joints, discs and nerves.
  • Braces (corset) for scoliosis are recommended if the curvature of the spine is more than 25 degrees.

Gymnastics by Katharina Schroth: methods and principles of its action

With scoliosis, asymmetric pathological breathing is observed - most of the air enters the convex half of the chest, due to which the curvature of the spine increases, and a rib hump is formed.

According to Katharina Schroth, the body of a patient with scoliosis resembles a ball with a dent. If you fill the ball with air, the dent will straighten out. In the same way, the concave part of the human body straightens under air pressure.

Thus, Katharina Schroth’s gymnastics implies the following: if you consciously breathe through the concave side of the chest, you can prevent further curvature of the spine and achieve regression of scoliosis, i.e. significant reduction in the angle of displacement .

Notice how asymmetrical breathing works

Some patients do not understand how to consciously inhale on one side and not inhale on the other. But everything will fall into place if we remember that the intercostal muscles obey the commands of consciousness in the same way as the muscles of the limbs. In other words, conscious regulation of breathing is possible. Moreover, both adults and children can master this technique.

Treatment of scoliosis is a long and difficult process that requires enormous patience.:

  • Treatment of the disease using the Schroth method is carried out by highly qualified physiotherapists.
  • The correction is carried out gradually: from the third stage to the second, from the second stage to the first, from the first stage to complete recovery.
  • Scoliosis of the 4th degree cannot always be corrected, much less cured.
  • Today, Katharina Schroth's gymnastics are combined with wearing Chenot corsets.
  • To achieve lasting positive results, it is necessary to repeat courses from time to time. It is recommended for children to do this once a year, and for adults – once every two or three years.

Gymnastics by Katharina Schroth is designed to achieve the following results:

  • improving posture, getting rid of cosmetic defects;
  • increasing self-esteem, improving the patient’s psychological state;
  • reduction of pain or complete elimination of pain;
  • stopping the progression of scoliosis, consolidating the results obtained;
  • normalization of breathing;
  • stabilization of the correct and healthy position of the back in different planes;
  • no need to resort to surgery.

Video: “Conference on the topic: treatment of scoliosis using the Katharina Schroth technique”


In approximately 20% of cases, the cause of spinal scoliosis can be identified. Among them are:

  • congenital vertebral deformities;
  • a consequence of other diseases (poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.);
  • injuries or amputations resulting from accidents;
  • heart surgery (in children);
  • pronounced difference in leg length.

In the vast majority of 80% of cases, the cause of the curvature is unknown. Therefore, these scolioses are called idiopathic (from Greek “unknown cause”). As a rule, the disease develops during a period of increased body growth and occurs in girls 4-7 times more often than in boys.

Indications for use in scoliosis

You can perform breathing exercises at any stage of scoliosis. The main goal of gymnastics according to the Schroth method is to stop the progressive disease, reduce the angle of deformity, eliminate external cosmetic defects, and correct muscle imbalance.

Such treatment may be prescribed if there is:

  • scoliosis of any degree;
  • cosmetic effects that cause psychological discomfort to the patient;
  • contraindications to surgery;
  • pain and other unpleasant symptoms of scoliosis.

Video: “New method of treating scoliosis”

Read other articles about scoliosis therapy:

  • The correct technique for performing gymnastics for scoliosis
  • Is it possible to cure scoliosis at home? More on this in the next article
  • You can learn more about the prevention of scoliosis on the page


  • Scoliosis curve 26-40°
  • There may be a forward head tilt, uneven shoulders or hips
  • Clothes may fit unevenly
  • Often one shoulder blade is higher than the other and a “rib hump” appears.
  • Pain may or may not be present
  • The patient may feel tired after physical activity
  • Often the patient feels “awkward”
  • Patients may experience pain in the spine, most commonly between the shoulder blades and at the base of the chest

Gymnastics technique by Katharina Schroth

Did you know that...

Next fact

The breathing of a person suffering from scoliosis is initially incorrect due to the deformed chest: the inhalation from the convex side is deeper than from the concave side. The doctor’s task is to make an isometric assessment of the defect and develop a system of corrective exercises.

The essence of breathing exercises is as follows:

  • The physiotherapist studies the nature of the disease and sets the patient to the correct position: on the floor, lying on his side or back, standing or sitting using aids (gymnastic wall, poles, ball, roller).
  • A person performs the exercise, trying to make the maximum stretching force while inhaling - this helps to increase the distance between the ribs and bring them to the correct position.
  • The patient exhales through half-clenched lips and performs an exercise whose task is to reduce the distance between the ribs on the convex side.
  • As you exhale, you perform an exercise that shortens the distance between the ribs on the side of the convexity.
  • Since the exercises are repeated many times, soon the patient consciously accepts the position corrected by the doctor, and without the presence of a doctor or mirrors.

Gymnastics classes are conducted individually. The patient lies on his stomach, and the doctor-instructor lightly massages the sinking area so that the person focuses his attention on it and remembers its location.

Then the doctor asks the patient to inhale with the sinking part of the body (first, the specialist places his hand on the patient’s body, then holds it suspended; in the first case, the patient must raise the doctor’s palm, then touch it with his back).

Exhalation should be done through semi-clenched lips and be long: this helps to increase the resistance to exhalation and train the intercostal muscles. When exhaling, the specialist can press on the convex areas, stimulating the muscles of these areas, tightening the muscles, reducing the intercostal distance on the convex side. With this type of breathing, a person understands which parts of the body need to be used when exhaling and which parts when inhaling.

Pay attention to the basic rules for maximum effectiveness of Schroth gymnastics. The effectiveness of training increases significantly if:

  • the patient follows the body position specified by the doctor, because this helps to better work the muscles and correct the arc of scoliosis;
  • each exercise is performed at least 24-30 times a day (in this case, the person must monitor the progress of the workout using mirrors);
  • During gymnastics, the patient drinks at least one liter of water.

Regular performance of Schroth gymnastics (at least 3 times a week for 2 hours a day) during periods of wearing a corset and after its removal contributes to:

  • achieving optimal correction of deformity in the corset, thanks to highly specific active exercises selected individually;
  • developing a stereotype to consciously accept the correct position, even in the absence of orthopedic devices;
  • consolidation of the effect of therapy.

Types of Spinal Fusion with Instrumentation for Scoliosis

Anterior fusion

  • The incision is made in the side of the chest
  • Metal rods are located on the side of the vertebrae.

Posterior fusion

  • An incision over the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
  • Metal rods are placed at the back of the vertebrae on each side of the spinous process.

Surgical technique

  • Autologous or alloplastic grafts are used to correct the gap created between the vertebrae after straightening the spine.
  • An autologous bone graft is bone taken from another location in the same patient's body.
  • An allograft is bone from a donor.
  • Autografts or allografts are used to fill the gap between the vertebrae and the disc.
  • The position of the spine and spinal column is maintained in a straight position either by a fixed cast for 6-8 weeks or by the placement of rods to maintain the straight position.
  • Metal rods are placed on the side of the vertebrae.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to performing breathing exercises by Katharina Schroth can be divided into 2 main groups: general and temporary.

Common indications include:Temporary contraindications are:
  • acute infectious diseases, inflammatory processes with hyperthermia;
  • deterioration of coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • periods of exacerbation of scoliosis and other spinal diseases;
  • embolism;
  • heart block;
  • thrombosis;
  • severe mental illness;
  • the presence of metastases or cancer;
  • acute cardiovascular failure.
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hypotension or hypertension;
  • bradycardia, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmias;
  • injuries and complications.

Pathologies in the presence of which increase the likelihood of damage to joints and bones include:

  • poorly healed fractures;
  • age-related osteoporosis;
  • spastic paralysis with loss of sensation.

The scoliosis treatment method created by Katharina Schroth was successfully supplemented and developed by her daughter, Christa Lenart-Schroth. It is not surprising that patients from all over the world flock to the facility, located in the small German city of Bad Sobernheim. In 2009, a clinic for three-dimensional correction of scoliosis using the method of K. Schroth appeared in Russia .


  • X-ray in a standing position in the anteroposterior and lateral plane.
  • X-rays help diagnose scoliosis and associated kyphosis and lordosis.
  • X-rays are repeated every 6 months in children aged 12 to 18 years.


(magnetic resonance imaging) allows you to detect secondary changes in the spine associated with a violation of the biomechanics of the spine.


The degrees of scoliosis are determined depending on the angle of deviation of the spine from the normal position, the direction of the deformation and the cause of its occurrence.

Depending on the degree of deviation, four stages of scoliosis are distinguished:

  1. At the first stage, the deviation does not exceed 10 degrees; at this stage, you can almost completely cope with the problem without surgical intervention.
  2. If the angle is 11-25 degrees, the second degree of scoliosis is diagnosed.
  3. If the angle reaches 50 degrees – 3rd degree of the disease.
  4. At the fourth stage of the disease, the degree of deviation of the spinal axis in the lumbar or thoracic region exceeds 50 degrees; at this stage, irreversible consequences for the body most often develop, which are likely to lead to disability of the patient.

Most often, scoliosis develops due to a number of reasons:

  1. If it is impossible to determine the exact cause and nature of the development of the disease in a particular patient, a diagnosis of “Idiopathic scoliosis” is made. It can develop at any age.
  2. Acquired. Most often it develops in childhood and adolescence, when the child goes to school. The organization of the learning process at school is far from ideal; students are forced to sit at their desks in an uncomfortable position for a long time and carry large volumes of books to school. All these factors influence posture, which has not yet been fully formed. As a result, an imbalance begins, leading to deformations and curvatures. Treatment allows you to completely get rid of curvatures.
  3. Deformations with age. The main reason is skeletal pathologies associated with age-related changes in the body. Over time, pathological processes begin to develop in the body, metabolism is disrupted, and insufficient amounts of magnesium and calcium are supplied. Concomitant diseases, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, increase the risk of developing the problem.
  4. Congenital deformities. Scoliosis in infancy is most often associated with deformities that occurred in the child while in the womb.

Features of the course of the disease at each stage

  1. First stage of the disease. Scoliosis develops on the right or left side; left-sided deviation is observed more often, but it occurs with minimal consequences, especially in the initial stages. Initially, you can observe a C-shaped change in the shape of the spine, which over time can develop into an S-shaped deformity. It is problematic to identify the disease at the first stage; the patient himself does not experience any discomfort, there is no pain or visible deformities. Most often, scoliosis is determined by a physician after examining the patient by stooping and the presence of asymmetry. Treatment of scoliosis at the initial stage is as simple as possible - the patient needs to adhere to the correct diet, rest and sleep, monitor the correct posture, engage in physical therapy, visit a massage therapist and wear special shoes to prevent possible complications for the lower extremities.
  2. Second stage of the disease. Spinal deformities become more noticeable and can be detected with the naked eye. Most patients seek medical help at this stage. Depending on the location of the deformity, the patient may experience pain in the area of ​​the internal organs due to compression. It is important to seek medical help at this stage; if you continue to ignore the symptoms, you may encounter complications in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The prognosis for treatment of scoliosis at this stage is positive - regular visits to a massage therapist, wearing special corsets, and timely visits to an orthopedist to control the disease can eliminate the problem without developing complications.
  3. Third degree scoliosis. A distinctive feature of this stage is that the patient begins to develop a hump in the area of ​​the ribs. Problems with the heart and respiratory system become more pronounced, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the patient to ignore them. The deformations are noticeable to the naked eye; on x-rays, the angle of deviation in advanced cases can approach 50 degrees. The patient complains of pain in the heart, shortness of breath, and constant pain in the back and lower back. With the development of vertebral scoliosis, the lower limbs become less sensitive. At this stage, a decision can be made about surgical intervention; everything directly depends on the current condition of the patient. If the curvature worsens the patient's quality of life, intervention is necessary.
  4. The fourth stage of scoliosis. The deformations are pronounced, various complications and disorders develop in the musculoskeletal system, and even with a superficial examination, significant asymmetry is noticeable. Not only the spine suffers, but also all adjacent internal organs. The patient complains of constant back pain, even at rest, after an X-ray examination, the degree of deviation exceeds 50 degrees from the normal position. Conservative therapy is not carried out at the fourth stage; surgical intervention is required with the installation of a metal frame to maintain the body in a normal anatomical position. In 50% of cases, patients with stage 4 scoliosis become disabled; they are confined to a wheelchair, are unable to perform everyday activities independently, and require constant care.
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