A set of therapeutic exercises for lumbar lordosis: technique and contraindications

When your back suddenly starts to hurt, many people first think about a herniated disc and rush to an MRI, wasting time and money. Although the cause may be the common hyperlordosis, which can be effectively corrected by simple physical exercises. Our conversation with orthopedic traumatologist Alexander Zaikin was about this.

Lumbar hyperlordosis is a significant increase in the natural deflection of the spine.

“In men, it most often occurs due to excess weight, when the beer belly pulls the spine along with it,” explains the doctor. – In women, hyperlordosis may appear during pregnancy. This is a temporary condition. If after giving birth mothers begin to bring themselves back to normal and train their abdominal muscles, then hyperlordosis will not return. Curvature can also occur in thin people due to loss of control over posture: when a person slouches, the stomach also begins to protrude forward compensatoryly, which leads to excessive curvature of the spine in the lower back.

Incorrect distribution of load and center of gravity leads to premature wear of cartilage, joints, and ligaments. Sooner or later, this may cause so-called nonspecific pain in the lower back.

– With hyperlordosis, dysfixation may occur in the L5-S1 segment (lumbosacral spine), when the vertebrae are pinched due to postural deformation. If you press a point in this segment, pain will immediately arise. A professional traumatologist or physical therapy doctor, when examining a patient, can determine the cause of pain without any MRI, says the expert.

This is where the vertebrae are compressed and where the pain point is located.

General description of lordosis

This disease refers to a pathological protrusion of the vertebrae forward , which creates an uneven load on the entire body. Most often, such anterior bulging occurs in the lumbar region. The disorder is provoked by injuries, inflammation, infections, unsuccessful operations or congenital pathologies.

The curve in the lower back can either increase (hyperlordosis) or decrease (hypolordosis).

The disease manifests itself as a characteristic change in the curvature of the vertebra, severe wear of the discs, the appearance of pain and difficulty walking. Without treatment, the patient's condition will quickly deteriorate, which can lead to disability and problems with the reproductive and urinary systems.

To treat or not to treat?

Hyperlordosis is often not a pathology, but an individual feature of posture. . — The most unpleasant thing may be the progression of the deflection, the addition of hernial protrusions, neurological symptoms (>pain on the front or back surface)>>. Then you need to contact a neurologist or vertebrologist (a doctor who deals with problems of the spine).

If there are no very serious neurological symptoms, medications and neurosurgical interventions will not be needed. Treatment is carried out using a complex of physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy methods.

Basic principles of treatment of lordosis

When treating this disease, any medications are rarely prescribed , since they are not able to correct the curvature of the spine. Typically, medications are used as pain relievers and strengthen bone tissue and joints.

To eliminate pain, the specialist suggests non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have minimal side effects. These include Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and others. They can be used in the form of ointments, injections and tablets. To strengthen joints and bones, medications are selected individually for each patient.

The main methods of treating lordosis are therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy. In some cases, treatment is only possible with surgery, followed by long-term rehabilitation.

Attention! If non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not have any effect, your doctor may prescribe steroids. But they should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor and for a short time.

Treatment methods for spinal hyperlordosis


from 1500 rub.


from 1000 rub.

Manual therapy

from 2500 rub.

Another way to treat hyperlordosis is surgery. It is indeed capable of removing a visible defect, but is unable to eliminate the causes of this disease. You need to understand that any surgical intervention is associated with health risks and has a number of contraindications. In addition, during the operation, the muscles that support the spine are injured, which in the future impairs their blood supply and leads to further weakening.

Modern medicine offers to combat this problem by wearing a special corset. However, this method only aggravates the problem, because it takes the load off the muscles that support the spine, causing them to weaken even more, and the curvature increases.

Kinesitherapy (special gymnastics on decompression simulators) is a method of treating spinal hyperlordosis without surgery and orthopedic devices, which can influence the very mechanism of pathology formation. Thanks to an individually designed set of exercises that the patient performs on multifunctional exercise machines, the tone and strength of the back muscles are normalized.

Kinesitherapy has a number of advantages:

  • axial load on the spine and joints is eliminated, the force load is strictly dosed, the weight in the exercises increases gradually;
  • decompression and anti-gravity simulators are safe and suitable for people of any level of physical fitness;
  • The results of the classes are strengthening the muscular frame, getting rid of muscle spasms, reliable protection of the lower back, and developing correct diaphragmatic breathing.

More detailed information can be obtained from our center. Phones.

The use of exercise therapy for lumbar lordosis

Physical therapy plays an important role in the treatment of lordosis.

Pay attention to the positive properties of therapeutic exercises for lordosis of the lumbar spine. Thanks to properly selected exercises, you can achieve several positive aspects:

  • improve the condition of the muscle corset;
  • prevent early wear of joint tissue;
  • prevent the occurrence of hernias and other neoplasms;
  • increase the strength of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relieve pain and discomfort in the affected area;
  • protect the reproductive and other body systems from their dysfunction.

Attention! Physical therapy alone cannot provide optimal results. In order for it to help the patient as much as possible, it is also necessary to monitor nutrition and follow other doctor’s instructions. Exercise therapy should be used already at the first stage of pathology development.

Video: “Exercises to strengthen the lower back and abdomen”

Read more about the development of lordosis in each part of the spine:

  • Thoracic lordosis of the spine - what is it?
  • How to correct lumbar lordosis? More on this in the next article
  • Read more about the symptoms, causes, treatment of neck lordosis on the page

Diagnostic tests

To identify the cause of hyperlordosis, during the examination the doctor examines the medical history and palpates the spine. The diagnosis is made after examining the patient by a surgeon or traumatologist and after performing instrumental studies. The patient's complaints are identified, and the depth of the spinal curvature is measured using rulers. Physiological lordosis - with a curvature depth of up to 4 cm. Curvature of more than 5 cm indicates the development of hyperlordosis.

In order to determine the degree of curvature and identify possible causes of pathological changes, the following types of studies may be prescribed:

  • radiography in lateral and direct projection - in order to determine how much the biomechanics of the spine and the angle of curvature have changed;
  • CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - if neurological symptoms are present (in order to detect changes in the intervertebral discs, nerve roots, to detect protrusions and herniations of the intervertebral discs);
  • spondylometry – to assess the angle of curvature;
  • electromyography – to determine the functionality of muscle tissue and strength level;

In order to exclude or confirm the cause of the development of pathology, laboratory tests are prescribed if infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, or tumors are suspected.

Exercise therapy for the treatment of lumbar lordosis: technique

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Exercise 1

To perform this complex, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your arms. After this, you need to lean forward so that your hands reach your feet. When performing this exercise, it is important to ensure that your knees are straight. In this case, you need to lower while exhaling, and rise while inhaling.

Exercise 2

You need to stand against the wall so that your heels, gluteal muscles and shoulder blades touch the wall. After this, you need to try to bend the vertebra so that the lower back touches the surface of the wall. At first it will be difficult to do this, but gradually the pathology will be eliminated, which will allow everything to be done correctly. Breathing during this task can be voluntary.

Exercise 3

To perform the complex, you will need to stand straight, your legs should be together, and your arms should be lowered along your body. You need to lean forward so that you can wrap your arms around your legs. But you cannot bend your knees. You need to bend over so that your forehead eventually touches the surface of your knees. Once this has been done, you need to return to an arbitrary position. In this case, you need to breathe in any convenient way.

Exercise 4

In the starting position, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your arms, they should be located along the body. As you exhale, you need to sit down and stretch your arms in front of you. While inhaling, the patient returns to the original position.

Exercise 5

To perform this task, you need to lie on a hard surface and stretch your arms along your body. It is important to relax as much as possible so that your lower back can reach the surface on which the patient is lying. There are no breathing recommendations in this case.

Exercise 6

You also need to lie down on a hard surface and place your palms down, arms straight out to the side. After this, you need to start raising your legs up, resting your palms on the surface as much as possible. You should try to throw your legs behind your head so that your fingertips touch the surface. You need to raise your legs as you exhale, lower them as you inhale.

Exercise 7

The patient also assumes a horizontal position. As you exhale, you need to take a sitting position, and you cannot help yourself with your hands. While inhaling, the patient returns to the starting position.

Exercise 8

The patient assumes a horizontal position. After this, you need to bend your knees and press them slightly towards your body. In this position, you need to lift the body as you exhale and return to the starting position as you inhale.

Exercise 9

As in the previous position, you need to lie on your back on a hard surface; it is better to choose an orthopedic mat. You need to spread your arms out to the sides and press your palms to the floor. After this, you need to take turns raising and lowering first the left and then the right leg. A minimum of 15 lifts are required for each leg. There are no breathing recommendations for this exercise.

Exercise 10

The complex is performed in a vertical position; this requires pressing against the gymnastic wall. Next, you need to grab the crossbar with your hands and hang on it. After 1-2 seconds, you should bend your legs and hold it for 3-7 seconds. For a good effect, you need to perform the task at least six times, you cannot rush, breathing is voluntary.

Attention! The described exercises are suitable for patients suffering from flattened lordosis. This condition means a slight deflection in the lumbar region.

When hyperlordosis develops, it is necessary to perform abdominal exercises. To do this, it is recommended to perform twisting exercises. In this position, the patient lies on his back and performs lateral lifts of the torso.

When doing abdominal crunches, you can use a special roller, this will help keep your lower back in the desired position.

For the best effect, you should try to perform 10-15 lifts in each direction. If this type of exercise is difficult, you can perform lower back lifts until the shoulder blades lift off. But for the best effect you need to combine these exercises.

In order for exercise therapy not to cause harm, it is necessary not only to pay attention to the technique of execution, but also to the following points::

  • classes should begin with light movements, gradually loading the spine and lower back;
  • the complex time also needs to be increased gradually;
  • after exercise, the patient should feel slightly tired, but not exhausted;

  • When performing exercises for lumbar lordosis, the main thing is to avoid heavy loads on the spine; you cannot expose yourself to physical activity during the period of exacerbation of the disease or in the presence of severe pain; first, the patient needs to be stabilized;

  • The lower back should also be well insulated, clothing should not hinder movement, it is better to choose shoes with an orthopedic base;
  • at the beginning, it is better to perform all complexes under the guidance of an instructor;
  • before starting an active complex to eliminate lordosis, it is first recommended to stretch and warm up the muscles, this will minimize the chance of injury;
  • in the room where the lesson takes place, the optimal temperature must be maintained;
  • After performing exercise therapy, you should rest and cool down.

Attention! For the best effect, it is recommended to perform exercises daily for 15 minutes in the morning and evening, and not 2-3 times a week. This will avoid unnecessary stress on your back and give a more complete effect.

Reasons for the appearance of “withers” on the neck

A dowager's hump—sometimes simply called a "hump" or "withers"—is a term used to describe a noticeable accumulation of fat at the base of the neck between the shoulders. In extreme cases, these fatty deposits can become enlarged and extend towards the ears and move to the front of the neck. There are many reasons why this defect can develop. A diagnostic test performed by an experienced physician can help determine the origin of the fat accumulation and how to get rid of the widow's hump.

Changes in the neck area also occur when the spine is pathologically tilted forward due to work habits or stooping. A curvature of the spinal column is formed in the upper part of the back, it moves back, the anterior parts of the vertebrae are compressed. This causes a person to bend their head and lean forward. The back is slouched and rounded, which forms a hump in the shoulder area.

The widow's hump develops over a long period of time, over many years. First, changes in posture are formed, then adipose tissue accumulates under the skin in this area. Gradually, over the course of several years, the deformity can develop into pronounced kyphosis, often with compression (due to strong compression) microfractures of the vertebrae, since the head is always tilted too forward.

In addition to problems with posture, there are also a number of reasons for the formation of the defect; they must be taken into account when determining how to treat widow’s hump.

Sometimes this can be a consequence of osteoporosis - bone loss during age-related changes. Women in menopause are at greater risk than men, since the absorption of calcium and vitamin D decreases due to estrogen deficiency.

A hump can occur as a result of long-term use of certain medications. These are steroid drugs that can be used in the treatment of asthma, autoimmune diseases, and some other diseases.

The formation of “withers” is possible with Cushing’s syndrome, in which the body synthesizes an excess amount of cortisol, a hormone that changes metabolic processes. Against the background of this disease, fat deposition changes, and bones may suffer.

What exercises are contraindicated for lordosis?

With lordosis, any exercises associated with sudden movements or increased pressure on the lower back and neck . It is prohibited to perform complexes that involve lifting weights. Also, you should not perform the permitted exercises a large number of times, since moderation is important in any load.

You should not prescribe exercise therapy or any other procedures yourself, as it is necessary to exclude all contraindications and the presence of concomitant pathologies. In cases of lordosis complicated by other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, even the simplest physical activity and exercises may be contraindicated.

Video: “Exercises for lumbar hyperlordosis”

Is massage effective for hyperlordosis?

Massage will only help partially; the main work should be done by the person himself, says Alexander Zaikin.

– To alleviate the condition, it is useful to stretch the muscles along the spine, the muscles of the pelvis and buttocks. This is no longer a massage, but special manual techniques. Today, some chiropractors offer massage of the abdomen - the abdominal muscles, supposedly to tone them and correct hyperlordosis. I don’t believe in this and have not seen evidence of the effectiveness of this technique in my practice. But the effect of exercise therapy for hyperlordosis has been clearly proven.

Photos - Vitaly Gil.

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How lordosis becomes a pathology

A person normally has two lordosis. One of them is the cervical one. The second is lumbar. Located, respectively, below, in the lumbar region, it represents a deflection of the vertebral arch inward. Pathological lordosis is not such a rare phenomenon, occurring either congenital or acquired as a result of lifestyle, overload, or disease.


If the lower back bends excessively, taking lordosis beyond the norm, this becomes the cause of pain and leads to various diseases of the spine.

By the way. Very often, lumbar lordosis begins in women around the age of thirty, during pregnancy. When they are pregnant, their posture changes, the center of gravity shifts, and the spinal deflection increases to lighten the weight of the heavy belly.

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