Axial load on the spine: exercises and techniques for performing them


Our spine is actually a heavyweight hero. It can support weights up to 400 kg, regularly supporting the weight of the entire body, defying the force of gravity. Therefore, it is so important to maintain this organ in health and tone. Often, at the slightest pain in the back, we hear that we need to stop putting stress on the spine and stop training. But you really want to stay in good shape, especially when summer is ahead. Therefore, we have prepared some tips for such a case.

What is axial load on the spine

The spine is a kind of axis of our body, therefore the vertical load it receives is called axial. She may be:

  • strong – when holding a large weight (barbells, dumbbells) on the shoulders, when running, sharp landings;
  • medium – during strength training with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells in your hands in a sitting or standing position;
  • static – when the load on the back does not change the angle of its inclination;
  • specific - formed in the absence of additional impact on the spine due to a certain position of the torso.

Other methods of treatment and prevention of intervertebral disc protrusion

You can also note such a method of treatment as positional treatment, in which the patient is selected in a position in which the pain syndrome goes away or is significantly reduced. At the same time, it is necessary to stretch the spine. Protrusion exercises aimed at stretching should be done measuredly, without abruptness, at a slow pace.

Prevention of protrusion, like any other disease, is very important. After the course of treatment is completed, stress and physical activity should be avoided. You need to try not to get too cold, eat right, and generally just lead an active lifestyle.

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Axial Load Exercises

Exercises with axial load are those that, when performed, compress the spine along the longitudinal line. Such complexes exist for any part of the body:

  • for legs, these can be various types of squats, bends and lunges with a barbell, straight-legged deadlifts, calf raises, and the like;
  • deadlifts, bent-over rows, or weighted shrugs for the back;
  • standing barbell and dumbbell biceps curls;
  • French press, dumbbell overhead press for triceps;
  • for shoulders – standing barbell presses from the chest and from behind the head.


Back problems do not imply a complete abandonment of axial load training. It is only important to follow the execution technique. However, for some diseases, strength training is strictly contraindicated. .

The very first contraindication for axial load is spinal curvature in an advanced stage

These diseases include:

  • Joint diseases (arthrosis deformans, arthritis).
  • Scoliosis, kyphosis stages 3-4. Such patients are allowed only special therapeutic exercises.
  • Osteochondrosis grade 3-4. At this stage, degenerative changes in the cartilage are already significant, so there is a high risk of hernia formation or pinched nerve endings.
  • Hernias, protrusions, if there is a risk of pinching the nerve roots.
  • Spinal injuries (especially compression fractures).
  • Fractures, dislocations of joints.
  • Decompensated heart defects, arrhythmia, bradycardia and other heart rhythm disorders. The heart may not be able to cope with the increase in circulating blood volume.
  • Osteoporosis. There is a possibility of vertebral fracture.
  • Severe degree of myopia. When working with free weights, pressure on the blood vessels of the eyes increases, and capillaries may rupture.
  • Diabetes.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Urolithiasis disease. During exercise, stones may move and clog the urinary tract.

There are relative contraindications for training with axial loads:

  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Postoperative period.
  • The first months after childbirth.
  • Various types of neuralgia.
  • Minor injuries.

These conditions are transitory. Therefore, restrictions on strength training are temporary.

How to replace axial loads

If you cannot overload your spine, you need to focus your training on strengthening the spinal muscles and vertebrae. Use machines and strength exercises without additional weight, avoid strong bending and standing positions, use expanders, they add stress to the muscles without a negative effect on the spine, do yoga.

It is ideal if you consult with your doctor when creating a training program. But in any case, before class you need to stretch your body with light exercises or riding an exercise bike. Exercises should be performed in 3-4 sets of 20 repetitions.

There are many exercises that will help train the same muscles, but without putting stress on the spine. In particular:

  • leg press and leg curls in the machine instead of squats with a barbell;
  • lying leg curls instead of deadlifts;
  • wide-grip pull-ups, overhead pull-downs to the chest, dumbbells tilted to the waist, sitting pull-downs to strengthen the back muscles;
  • training the pectoral muscles with exercises from a lying position;
  • lifting dumbbells and barbells for biceps while sitting;
  • various types of push-ups;
  • seated dumbbell and barbell presses;
  • swings sitting and in the simulator.

In the gym of the Grand Prix club, we will provide inventory and equipment for varied and effective workouts without stress on the back, and also recommend experienced trainers who will help you choose the necessary safe exercise programs.

Below is one of the training program options.

Benefits of Execution

The advantages of axial load include the rapid strengthening of the muscle corset. When compared with other exercises, this type helps to work out all the muscle bundles, while the load is evenly distributed on top of the body. Also, in combination with strength exercises, you can pump up your muscles and gain the desired mass.

By regularly performing axial loads, posture improves and the risk of back diseases is reduced. It also trains endurance. If you work at a medium pace, you can practice proper breathing techniques. The extra weight will help with this, because inhalations become deeper and exhalations become slower.

The axial load not only works the back muscle groups, but also helps make them voluminous and noticeable. Regular execution guarantees the creation of body relief.

Foot complex

Raising the pelvis and spreading the legs with an expander

We fix the expander ring on the hips. Starting position - lying on your back with your arms along your body, legs on the floor bent at the knees. Without lifting your arms, shoulders, head and feet, raise your pelvis, spread your legs and return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 20 times for 3-4 approaches.

Squats with an expander

Again we fix the expander on the hips. We take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped. We squat, using the torso muscles, moving the pelvis back and the body slightly forward, stretching the arms straight. Slowly return to the starting position.

Lunge Squats

Starting position: standing with your hands clasped in front of you. Take a step back with your left foot and lower yourself into a lunge, bending your knee. Next, slightly straighten the knee and repeat the lunge. Straighten your legs, rise, bringing your left toe to your right foot. Do the required number of repetitions on each leg.

Chest exercises

Wide grip push-ups

We take the “lying support” position, placing our palms 20 cm wider than the shoulder line. It is impossible for the elbows to go beyond the hands, the pelvis to be open, and the back to hang down. As you inhale, lower your body, straining your torso and leaning on your toes, until the bend angle at the elbows reaches 90 degrees. We straighten up to the starting position while exhaling.

Close grip push-ups

This exercise targets the triceps, while the previous one targets the pectoral muscles. Again we take the position lying down, but place our palms directly under the chest, a few centimeters from each other. For better balance, you can spread your legs slightly. We do several sets of push-ups.

Core complex

Dynamic plank with leg pull-up

This is a very effective exercise for losing weight and maintaining muscle tone throughout the body; many celebrities add it to their workouts.

We stand upright lying down, leaning on our elbows with our legs together. Bend the right leg at the knee and pull the right thigh towards the body across the side, while slightly turning the body to the right. We return to the starting position. We alternate repetitions on different sides. We do several approaches.

In addition, there are many other variations of the dynamic plank with straight and bent arms: with abduction and raising of the legs and arms to the sides, pulling the legs to the elbows, lowering the knees, and the like.

Ab crunches

Crunches are considered the most effective, simple and safe exercises for strengthening the rectus abdominis muscle, which is a stabilizer muscle of the spine. There are many types of crunches: straight, with legs raised, double and the like.

To perform straight crunches, lie down on the mat, feet on the floor, knees bent, hands behind your head. As you exhale, lift your torso up in the lower back, fix it for a second at the top point of twisting, and lower it while inhaling. We repeat the exercise several approaches.

The most important

A sedentary lifestyle is just as dangerous to the body as regularly lifting heavy weights.
As a rule, constant sitting causes the development of osteochondrosis, a serious disease that brings chronic back pain and impaired blood supply to the brain. The only way to avoid these serious consequences is to move as often as possible. Tags:

  • Workout
  • Physical inactivity
  • Back
  • Office
  • Khamurzova

1 comment • To leave a comment you must be an authorized user

  • tanchurana I completely agree, I removed my daughter’s computer chair. She put in a regular one, with a high, flat back. At first she was indignant at how softly you could turn in all directions. But here you sit stupidly straight. It’s okay, I’m used to it. I myself pay a lot of attention to how the computer is positioned , table height, every 40 minutes I get up and do a stretching exercise: stand in the pose of a sumo fighter, exhale, inhale through the nose, exhale completely through the mouth, hold the exhalation for 10 seconds and at the same time straighten up, stretch, tensing all the muscles of the body. Then inhale and relax .I repeat three times.

Back muscle exercises

Wide grip pull-ups

We hold ourselves suspended on the bar with our hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from us, with a closed grip (five fingers). We pull our necks towards the bar and return to the starting position.

Dumbbell row to waist

Starting position standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted forward. We hold dumbbells in our lowered hands. Bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells towards your body and lower them back.

You can also perform other types of rows, such as one-arm dumbbell rows, lat pulldowns, and the like.

The main “sedentary” sores

The main diseases of the spine that develop as a result of prolonged sitting are osteochondrosis and scoliosis (various curvatures of the spine). If the possibility of developing spinal curvature
is greater at an early age, then osteochondrosis is dangerous for people of all ages.
It is also worth noting that the consequences of osteochondrosis are more dangerous than the consequences of various types of spinal curvature. “Many people probably know first-hand what osteochondrosis
,” says Khamurzova. “It is believed that this is a disease of older people, but this is not entirely true.” The disease has been getting younger lately, and the reasons for this are: scoliosis, sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, metabolic disorders. The risk group primarily includes people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Arm muscle exercise

Bent over arm extension

The best way to perform this exercise is using lava. We lean on the bench with one hand and knee, keeping our back straight. We bend the other arm and hold the dumbbell in it with a neutral grip. With slow movements we straighten our arm, moving the dumbbell back and up, returning to the starting position.

Fortunately, the possibilities and variety of sports activities for people with spinal problems are constantly growing. Thus, in the top Kiev fitness club “Grand Prix” we have developed a set of classes for recovery from injuries, illnesses, pregnancy, etc., which combines many different techniques. You can also sign up for group classes on Lower TNT – exercises for the lower body, for those who are indicated to eliminate or reduce the load on the spine; or to posture correction classes.

See our website for the schedule, cost of subscriptions and club cards.

Features of the technology

The main stage of implementation is choosing the right weight. If you start loading with a large weight, soft tissues may be injured, and insufficient weight will not lead to the desired result. During the warm-up process, you can determine your load weight.

The main mistake athletes make is rounding their back while lifting the barbell. This reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and transfers almost all the weight to the spine. At the time of execution, the back should be as straight and tense as possible so that the muscles can be felt.

The pelvis is pulled back, you need to look forward, you cannot lower your head or rotate it to the sides. Sudden movements can cause muscle damage. Performing the load with the correct technique guarantees success.

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