Back exercises with dumbbells: benefits and rules of execution

How a person feels depends largely on how healthy and strong the back is. And its good condition is greatly affected by the training of the muscles that form the muscle corset. In addition, a toned back will not only be strong, it will look much better than an untrained one. Within reasonable limits, physical activity is simply necessary. The best back exercises that will help pump it up and relieve pain, if any, can be found in this article.

The best back exercises

Why you need to train your back

If you think about what answer to give to the question indicated in the subtitle, then there are two main options, and both of them are correct. First, you need to train your back for beauty . It is much more pleasant to have an athletic and fit figure than a loose body with flabby muscles. This is what usually worries the majority of people inhabiting the planet. However, there is a second aspect - health . And it is much more important than the presence of muscle relief.

Back muscle training

The fact is that physical activity on the back is simply necessary - it will help train the muscles, and due to this, part of the impact experienced by the spine will be distributed to the muscle corset around the upper part of the skeleton and, accordingly, it will be easier for the spine to support a large body weight. Due to this, the risk of developing a number of back and spinal column diseases is significantly reduced.

A trained back looks beautiful

When can I expect results?

If you train hard and constantly increase the working weight to give your muscles stress and an impetus for growth, the result will not be long in coming and within a month you will be able to feel that your elbows are smoothly moving apart.

But the result will only be provided that, along with training, you eat so much that the shelves with buckwheat and chicken breasts in all supermarkets in the city will be empty.

If you eat like an anorexic sparrow, then you won't get a strong back.

Anatomy of the back muscles

To know which exercises are best for the back and how to properly train this part of the body, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how it works, that is, study in general terms the anatomy of the back. In general, back muscle tissue is present throughout the upper back surface of the human body. Muscles can be divided into:

  • superficial , which have two layers. These are the so-called latissimus and trapezius muscle elements, and the second layer is represented by the serratus and rhomboids, as well as the muscle that is capable of lifting the scapula;
  • deep.

Back muscles

Resistance bands and wrist trainers

Table. Muscles of the back area.

LatissimusThis is a thin muscle, triangular in shape, but quite large in area. It is immediately visible if you look at the athlete’s back. Its main functions are the ability to extend the shoulder and bring the arm in line with the rest of the body. She is also able to pull the body towards the arms when performing a set of exercises on the horizontal bar. Used by the body during swimming and climbing.
TrapezoidalAlso triangular, like the previous one, but the base of the muscle “triangle” is located along the midline at the back. Partially extends to the neck area, located in the upper back area. Flat. Allows you to pull the scapula towards the spinal column.
Levator scapulaThis muscular element originates in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae, it is attached to them with the help of tendons and spreads down the back, eventually attaching to the shoulder blade. When moving, he is able to lift the scapula, bringing it closer to the spinal column.
Diamond-shapedRepresented by the major and minor muscles. Usually these elements grow together into a single system. They originate in the area of ​​the thoracic and cervical vertebrae and are fixed on the shoulder blade. The functions are the same as the previous muscle.
SerratedThese muscles are capable of moving the ribs, raising and lowering them. They occupy most of the entire muscular corset of the back. They have three layers - deep, middle, superficial. The surface layer is capable of straightening the spine. The muscles run along the back along the entire spinal column. In addition to it, they help keep a person in an upright position. Other parts of the serratus muscles are located on both sides of the spine, and can be seen especially clearly in the lumbar region. They create a small depression between themselves. Helps to bend and straighten the back.

On a note! Also, all back muscles can be divided into three zones - the muscles of the lower back, trapezius and latissimus. The appearance of the back will largely depend on how pumped they are.

Features of performance for women and girls

  • Girls can exercise with dumbbells two to three times a week;
  • Start with minimal weights , gradually increasing them;
  • What type of exercise should you start with? Deadlifts with dumbbells are an excellent exercise for women, designed to strengthen the muscle corset and give it relief.
  • If you have recently started doing strength training, do three sets of ten exercises;

The number of approaches for girls can be adjusted both upward and downward. A decrease is recommended if after training you feel very tired and weak. Exercises should bring joy and pleasant fatigue to the muscles.

Aspects to know before you start training

The set of muscles located in the back area is the largest muscle group of the entire human body. Pumped trapezius muscles give your figure power, and the latissimus muscles will make your shoulders wider. It is important to remember that back exercises, which are performed in the gym in order to pump up this part of the body, are very traumatic. And if the load is given incorrectly, that is, very large at once, then there is a high risk of injuring the back and provoking the development of a number of pathologies.

If you exercise incorrectly, you can injure your back.

Attention! Incorrectly dosed load on the back muscles can cause the development of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, etc.

That’s why you shouldn’t rush right off the bat – you need to load your muscles gradually, starting with the simplest basic exercises. This is especially true for those people who until some time were far from sports and led a sedentary lifestyle.

Back exercises

As for people who are not trying to pump up their back, but simply want to improve their physical fitness a little, then for them the load at first should be dosed. For those who already have a number of problems with the spine, it is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of playing sports. In the latter case, it is still better to exclude serious strength exercises and focus on physical therapy or back stretching. These types of physical activity can also improve the condition of your back, but will not aggravate the current situation.

Prices for back belts

General recommendations

In order for back exercises with dumbbells to bring maximum benefit, you should follow the technique and recommendations of specialists in the process. The complex proposed above is not universal, so before using it, you should consult your doctor. The following tips should also be taken into account:

  • The first training should be carried out by wearing a special support belt for the lower back. This will eliminate the possibility of injury, especially if you want to beat your record.
  • When bending over, no weight is lifted from the floor; you should first squat down, then grab it with your hands and stand up. It is important to follow this rule always, without exception, and not just during training.
  • Before enrolling in an enhanced training program, you should undergo an examination to make sure there are no pathologies or problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • During exercise, it is worth controlling your breathing, the process of tension as you inhale, and relaxation as you exhale.
  • On average, the training duration should be no more than 40 minutes, but for beginners, 20 minutes is enough to get a sufficient load.
  • Each athlete must adhere to an individual training program and try not to deviate from the schedule.

During training, it is important to eat properly so that the body receives a sufficient amount of useful components for the full development of muscle tissue and recovery after exercise. To achieve this, a large amount of protein is included in the diet.

Compliance with safety precautions is the basis for obtaining a good result

The best strength exercises for pumping

Experienced athletes consider the six exercises described below to be the best for working the back. The first is the barbell row to the belt. It is basic and allows you to gain muscle mass. When performing deadlifts, you need to tilt your body at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor, keep your back straight, tensing your abs. The knees need to be slightly bent. Elbows in the top position of the arms are raised as high as possible.

Barbell row to the waist

Simple pull-ups with your arms placed narrowly on the bar are very helpful in pumping up your back. They will also provide stress on the arm muscles. To warm up your back muscles and prepare them for training, you can perform several so-called reverse flyes on the block. The main thing is to perform them slowly and with moderate load. The shoulder blades should be brought together as close as possible during the exercise. The muscles are also worked well when stepping with a barbell.

Reverse dilutions on the block

Important! It is important to perform steps with a barbell correctly! Otherwise, you can cause serious harm to your back.

In addition to the barbell, to pump up your back, you can use a fitball, on which you can perform several hyperextensions while lying on your stomach. In this case, the extensor muscles work great. The “flying superman” also gives a good load; it pumps up the lower back perfectly.

"Flying Superman"

Strength training with dumbbells

For those who are not ready to lift a barbell, we can recommend a set of exercises with dumbbells.

Step 1. The first exercise with dumbbells is the deadlift. It can only be performed if there are no back injuries. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent. Next, take a dumbbell of a comfortable weight in each hand. They are located on the front of the thigh. Next, the dumbbells are lowered down, while it is important to ensure that the back is straight and there is no overload of the lumbar part. You need to look straight ahead. Next, you need to slowly return to the starting position.


Step 2. The second exercise is one-arm row. The most convenient way to do it is using a gymnastic bench. The left knee should be placed on it, and the hand should rest on it. The back should take a position parallel to the floor. You need to take a dumbbell in your right hand, which is then slowly raised by bending the arm at the elbow to body level. Then the dumbbell slowly lowers down. The exercise will need to be repeated on the right side of the body.

One arm row

Step 3: Bent rows will immediately work the left and right sides of your back. You will need to lie on your stomach on a gymnastic bench, positioning your body at a slight upward angle (from 30 to 45 degrees). You need to take dumbbells in both hands at once, and then lift them, bending your elbows, to body level and slowly lower them.

Lying row

Step 4. Next you need to do several approaches of the overhead pull-down exercise. For this, you will also need a bench, on which this time you need to lie with your back and hold dumbbells (1 or 2) with both hands. Feet should be placed on the floor. The dumbbell is initially located near the chest, and then slowly transferred behind the head until tension appears in the arm muscles. Elbows bent. Then the hands return to their original position.

Pull behind the head

Step 5. Raising your arms back will help pump up your upper back. It can be done while sitting on the edge of a bench. The body leans forward, the dumbbells are held in the hands and placed near the floor or under the knees. You need to bend your elbows slightly and you can slowly lift the dumbbells so that the trajectory of their movement resembles an arch. As a result, your arms should be fully straightened.

Useful tips

Let's look at a few important technical details that will help you get the full benefit from this exercise:

  1. The weight of the dumbbell should be such that it does not pull you along with it when lowering. The thoracic spine should remain in a stable position. There should be no bending downwards under the weight of the dumbbell.
  2. The one-arm dumbbell row allows for a little cheating on the final reps. But make sure that the dumbbell does not go through the entire positive phase of movement by inertia and does not fall down uncontrollably - this greatly increases the axial load on the spine.
  3. Circular rotation of the shoulders when lifting the dumbbell upward is unacceptable. If you want to overcome the last few centimeters of amplitude by rotating your shoulders, then the weight of the dumbbell is too heavy for you.
  4. From time to time we should add a little variety to this exercise to shock our muscles in a new way. You can slightly tilt the dumbbell towards yourself or rotate it 90 degrees when overcoming the last 15-20 cm of amplitude. This will give your muscles an additional boost to growth.
  5. Be sure to bring the dumbbell movement to your waist. If you pull straight up, you will deprive the latissimus dorsi of most of the contraction, leaving the rear deltoids, biceps, and trapezius to do most of the work.

Recipes for healthy eating

Chicken thighs with rice in a frying pan

  • 24.6 g Protein
  • 13.2 g Fat
  • 58.7 g Carbohydrates
  • 452 kcal

80 min.

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Exercises against back pain

If a person suffers from back pain, there are several simple exercises that can improve its condition without injuring this part of the body. They are also suitable as a simple morning exercise and warm-up.

The first is called “Hunting Dog Pose.” To perform it, you need to sit on all fours, keep your back straight, tensing your abdominal muscles. And then you need to move your left arm forward and your right leg back, or vice versa. Limbs should be straight and parallel to the floor. The position is held for 10 s. This exercise perfectly works almost all the back muscles. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions.

Hunting dog pose

Great exercise and side plank. It’s also simple to perform - you need to lie on your side, resting on one of your elbows located directly under your shoulder. Next, you need to lift your body off the floor so that you get a straight line from head to knees. You need to stand in this position for 10 seconds. It is also recommended to do 5 repetitions.

Side plank

The third exercise is upward crunches, but slightly modified. You need to lie on the floor and place one leg so that it is bent at the knee and rests on the floor near the buttocks, while the other is extended forward. Hands are placed between the lower back and the floor. Next, you need to raise your head and shoulder girdle above the floor level and stay in this position for 10 seconds, then returning to the original state.

Crunches up

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Exercises in water against back pain

Simple exercises that you can do in the pool will help with back pain.

Step 1. It is recommended to perform 12-15 kicks in the water. In this case, the abdominal and back muscles work well. During the exercise, one of the legs rises as high as possible in the water.

Swing your legs in the water

Step 2. You need to march in the water, carefully bending your knees alternately.

Marching in the water

Step 3. You can lift weights in the water by placing them on the shoulder girdle and performing squats.

Lifting weights in water

Step 4. The “superman” stretches his back well in the water. You need to perform it while leaning on the side of the pool.

Common mistakes athletes make

The dumbbell bench press is the main exercise for both beginner athletes and professionals. Many athletes who have been going to the gym for a long time continue to make many mistakes while performing heavy sets. Incorrect technique for working with dumbbells can not only negatively affect muscle growth, but also cause injury.

To make your training process as effective and safe as possible and to avoid mistakes, use the following rules:

  • Before starting your training day, stretch your muscles and joints a little;
  • during the set, the legs and body should be in a static position, so fix them as much as possible;
  • before performing basic movements, make a slight arch in your back; do not throw the dumbbells to the floor immediately at the end of the last repetition as you may injure your shoulder joint;

  • in the first classes, work with light weights and only after working out the correct technique, move on to more serious loads;
  • do not hit the dumbbells against each other at the top of the movement;

  • perform the work with the apparatus smoothly, feel the muscle;
  • squeeze the weight at the same time, watch the synchronization of movements;

  • the range of motion should be full - this way you can work out the pectoral muscles most efficiently;
  • Don't lift your hips off the bench. A strong deflection into the “bridge” can lead to injuries to the lumbar spine.

These rules will help any bodybuilder achieve results in a shorter period of time, as well as protect themselves from injuries.

As you know, the dumbbell bench press can be performed in different ways. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise, perform the exercise on a bench that is not too wide, but not too narrow (your torso should be in a stable position). You should have a good chest stretch at the bottom of the movement.

If you are working out in pairs with a friend, ask him to place the dumbbells directly on your chest. Insure each other when lifting heavy weights. By going to the gym with someone you know, you can increase your results. Your friend will motivate you, and you will try to show better results.

There are shells that can be disassembled. If you train with dumbbells like these, you need to test their strength. Protect yourself from injury Don't be afraid to experiment. Change the angles of the bench, the amplitude of movement of sports equipment. You should get a good feel for the target muscle group. Squeeze the dumbbells using the efforts of the chest area, and not the biceps and the whole body.

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