How to choose orthopedic insoles for heel spurs?

How to choose orthopedic insoles for heel spurs?

A disease such as heel spurs is widespread. This is an inflammatory pathology of the sole of the foot. A wedge-shaped spine grows on the heel bone. As a result, when leaning on the leg, a person experiences severe pain. The consequence of this is a change in gait. The cause is improper load distribution caused by flat feet or tendon injury.

How do orthopedic insoles help with heel spurs?

Special inserts are widely used in the complex treatment of pathological conditions. The main purpose of the products is to maintain the correct position of the foot. At the very beginning of the disease, you can use not full-fledged insoles, but their variety - heel pads - which effectively relieve pain and prevent injury to soft tissues.

The product is made according to the shape of the foot. The heel area has a supportive arch support and a soft insert for the desired elevation and shock absorption. This design reduces the pressure of the spur on soft tissues and relieves pain when walking.

Orthopedic insoles are considered the best way to correct heel spurs. They act as a corset that fixes the foot in the correct position and provides the necessary shock absorption.

Types of orthopedic insoles for heel spurs

According to the configuration, it is customary to distinguish:

  • hollow - combined or longitudinal structure. Products are recommended for flat feet;
  • half-insoles – without toe part. Suitable for wearing with narrow heels;
  • heel pads – provide heel relief.

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of orthopedic inlays. Products should be purchased after consultation with an orthopedic doctor, who will take into account the degree of pathology, individual characteristics, including weight. A specialist can recommend finished products or advise purchasing a custom-made product.

A professionally manufactured product includes the following components:

  • recess under the heel;
  • instep support for the inner arch area;
  • metatarsal cushion;
  • wedges in the heel area.

In the manufacture of products, natural leather, gel, silicone and felt are used. The quality of the material determines the service life and convenience.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for heel spurs?

The choice of accessory must be approached carefully, because incorrectly selected products can cause even greater deformation of the foot and accelerate the development of the disease. The product must provide adequate shock absorption when walking.

Before purchasing, you need to try on the earbuds. You should not experience even the slightest discomfort when the insole is installed. You should also focus on the size of the foot and individual anatomical features, the severity of the pathological process. The most comfortable products are those that are made to order. However, with the right selection, the finished product will perfectly perform its functions:

  • ensure the prevention of disorders in the musculoskeletal system;
  • fix the foot in the correct position;
  • raise the heel area;
  • avoid pain;
  • improve blood circulation.

The use of such accessories reduces the duration of conservative therapy.

Insoles care

Products must be periodically replaced as they lose their shock-absorbing properties over time. When using insoles, be sure to wear socks. Products should be washed and dried periodically.

If you feel improvement after a short time, this does not mean you need to stop treatment. It takes time to adjust the foot. Otherwise the problem will quickly return. To cope with the disease, you need self-discipline and regular wearing of inlays.

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Alternative orthopedic designs

In addition to orthopedic heel pads, people with fasciitis can use special insoles. The choice of insoles is carried out according to the same principle: the characteristics of the disease and the foot are taken into account.

We have compiled for you a detailed review of the top 10 best insoles for spurs, which will help you make your choice.

During the treatment process, patients are also recommended to use a Strasbourg sock, which helps restore damaged heel tissue at night.

You can buy certified heel pads and other products for feet with heel spurs on our website. We guarantee prompt delivery of orders throughout Russia by courier and mail.

You can also receive the ordered goods at one of our delivery points, which operate in all regions of the Russian Federation. Find out more in the Delivery and payment section.

How to cure fasciitis at home?

It is best to seek advice from an orthopedist before treating fasciitis on your own. The doctor will conduct an individual diagnosis of your disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. The main methods of treating heel spurs at home include the following:

  • Gymnastics . Physiotherapeutic treatment is an integral part of the treatment course against plantar fasciitis. The most effective type of gymnastic exercise is stretching. This type of physical activity is a complex aimed at stretching the muscles of the feet. In addition to the feet, the calves are also worked. This is necessary in order to relieve tension from them, which contributes to fasciitis. Stretching allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate pain in the heel area of ​​the feet, as well as get rid of any discomfort in the lower extremities. However, do not forget that exercises of this kind must be performed regularly, otherwise this course will be of little use;

  • Orthopedic insoles . Orthopedic insoles, which were already mentioned earlier, are a must-have item that will not only help you get rid of fasciitis, but will also be an excellent preventive method against many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Insoles provide high-quality support for the feet, as well as their effective adjustment;

  • Drug therapy . If the first two methods can without any doubt be used against fasciitis at home without consulting a doctor, then taking medications must be done under the strict supervision of a specialist. Typically, in the case of heel spurs, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain. However, you cannot take painkillers for a long time, as this is fraught with a wide range of side effects. Before taking any medications, be sure to consult your doctor.

Another method that is not considered a home treatment for fasciitis is shock wave therapy. This is an innovative method of combating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including plantar fasciitis. Despite the prevalence of this technique, its effect has not been officially confirmed, and the price of this procedure is considerable.

What can we recommend to you? If you are bothered by foot pain in the morning, visit an orthopedic doctor or traumatologist. After an individual consultation, a specialist will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for you. Speaking about operational methods of combating the disease, we advise you to buy orthopedic insoles. There are a huge number of models that are effective for one or another type of disease. Plantar fasciitis is a disease that requires immediate treatment, and orthopedic insoles will be just that operative remedy and will provide the necessary support for the feet. With the help of insoles, you can get rid of discomfort in your feet in a fairly short period of time.

Treatment of fasciitis with surgery

Surgery is the last method that doctors usually resort to, but in some cases it cannot be avoided. If the patient does not show any improvement within six months, specialists prescribe surgery. By excision of the plantar fascia, the tension of the connective tissue is reduced. This in turn eliminates the pain, but there is a possibility of developing flat feet. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to treat the disease in a timely manner and be sure to wear orthopedic insoles.

Effective treatments for heel spurs

Drug treatment of heel spurs is preceded by identifying the cause that led to the formation of the osteophyte.

The doctor selects the treatment method individually, taking into account the patient’s condition and the location of the thorn. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Effective treatments for heel spurs:

  • local drug therapy (gels, ointments);
  • shock wave therapy
  • impact on bone growth with ultrasound and laser;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • surgical treatment.

The laser treatment method for heel spurs is effective at any stage of the disease. The laser has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

Shock wave therapy helps strengthen ligaments, relieve pain, relieve inflammation and resolve bone growths. The effectiveness of the method is comparable to surgery.

Surgical removal of a heel spur is usually prescribed if there is no positive result after conservative treatment.

Magnetic resonance therapy has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, and also improves the functional abilities of blood vessels.

X-ray therapy of heel spurs is used for intense pain. The X-ray beam blocks pain impulses, relieving pain.

In case of intense pain, the doctor may prescribe heel spur blockade with corticosteroid drugs (Kenalog, hydrocortisone). The blockade is carried out strictly according to medical indications.

Contraindications to crushing heel spurs using shock wave therapy

There are absolute ones, when shockwave therapy should never be done, and relative ones, in which the procedure must be postponed for a while.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • genetically determined blood clotting disorder;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases in an advanced stage;
  • acute or chronic liver failure.

Relative contraindications include:

  • ARVI and other acute infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • taking direct anticoagulants;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • neoplasms;
  • unstabilized bone fractures;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rehabilitation after leg vein surgery;
  • period of active growth in children;
  • hypertensive crisis.

Causes of heel spurs

The main reason for the development of heel spurs is chronic trauma to the plantar aponeurosis as a result of various reasons. Thus, in patients suffering from flat feet, heel spurs are often detected. As a result of the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the plantar fascia, calcium salts are deposited. The main starting processes are:

  • excessive stress on the legs
  • overweight
  • uncomfortable shoes
  • frequent microtraumas in this area among athletes
  • flat feet
  • consequences of heel injuries

Heel spur. How does shock wave therapy work?

The patient lies on the couch, the foot is placed on a bolster. The doctor identifies areas of pain and marks them. Applies a sound-conducting gel that enhances the penetration of acoustic waves deep into tissue.

Ultrasound therapy for heel spurs is carried out using a device that converts electrical waves into sound waves. The doctor selects the treatment regimen individually for each client.

During the procedure, the patient feels vibration. Particularly sensitive people may experience discomfort. If the pain intensifies, the doctor interrupts the procedure, waits for it to disappear, and then turns on the device again. The total duration of one session does not exceed 30 minutes.

The improvement is noticeable after the first or second procedure. The average course lasts 1–2 months with sessions 1–2 times a week. After cessation of treatment, positive processes in the body continue for about two more weeks, during which the patient’s well-being improves.

Often the Achilles tendon is also involved in the inflammatory process. In this case, it is necessary to influence two zones simultaneously. This is the only way to eliminate the disease.

The main goal of therapy is the restoration of the anatomically correct skeletal system of the foot, the return of full range of motion, the ability to withstand physical activity and the prevention of possible complications. Hospitalization is not required for UVT. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis or at the patient’s home.

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