Orthopedic insoles for hallux valgus

In this article, we will learn about the features, types, advantages and possible harm of orthopedic insoles, and also study the pathologies for which the products are prescribed, service life, cost and useful instructions for proper care.

Orthopedic insoles are removable products that perform various functions and ensure comfortable wearing of shoes and the absence or reduction of pain in the feet and joints during illness or heavy load. They are prescribed for arthrosis, arthritis, hallux valgus, heel spurs, flat feet and other diseases.

Orthopedic insoles: effects and use cases

Orthopedic insoles are prosthetic and orthopedic products that can support and correct the position of the legs. Unlike conventional insoles, the orthopedic version creates a therapeutic effect, reducing fatigue and pain in the legs.

Beneficial features

  • Supporting the arches of the feet in the presence of flat feet, preventing various injuries.
  • Relieving painful areas of the feet (bunions, heel spurs and deformed toes).
  • Correct distribution of the load on the feet.
  • Ensuring proper heel placement.
  • Cushioning while walking. The joints and spine are protected.
  • Reduced pain.
  • Normalization of blood circulation processes and protection of muscles from excess tension.
  • Reducing the likelihood of calluses or corns.

Orthopedic insoles are designed to have various functions, as described in the figure below.

In what cases are insoles used?

Insoles are used for various purposes:

  1. The hygienic variety helps to avoid the appearance of fungi and unpleasant odors, and performs a warming and massage function.
  2. The preventive type includes a variety of standard orthopedic (made using average lasts) and individual anatomical (created according to individual prints of a person’s feet) products. The second option reproduces the arch with great accuracy, provides support and unloading of the muscles.
  3. The medicinal variety is an individual product created using average pads. They are characterized by the presence of additional elements that patients need.

When to see a doctor

Thus, a consultation with a doctor followed by the production of individual insoles based on the blanks made will be indicated for:

  • pain and burning sensation in the feet;
  • fatigue in the legs, especially when it occurs after a short period of standing or walking;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the presence of varicose veins, swelling of the legs;
  • the formation of a “bump” on the side of the foot in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe;
  • heel spur;
  • pain in the forefoot;
  • pain in the knee joint, thigh, hip joint or ankle;
  • pain and fatigue in the lower back;
  • the formation of corns on only one (external or internal) part of the foot;
  • rapid wear of shoes on one side;
  • signs of X- or O-shaped deformation of the legs.

But even if nothing hurts or otherwise bothers a person, this is not a sign of complete health of the feet. The fact is that all these symptoms are already a consequence of the deformations that have arisen, which appear when they become so pronounced that the body loses the ability to cope with them. Therefore, it is highly recommended to undergo preventive examinations, in particular diagnostics of the condition of the feet. This will allow you to accurately determine whether there are deviations from the norm and the risks of their development, which will allow you to start using orthopedic insoles at the earliest stages and avoid the appearance of symptoms that reduce the quality of life.

Expert Opinion of a Doctor

Often, people consult a doctor when they are already concerned about obvious signs of abnormalities in the condition of their feet - for example, pain or significant discomfort when walking. This means that the deformation process has already started quite a long time ago. To prevent this situation, it is recommended to periodically use orthotics for preventive purposes.

Orthopedic insoles


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Types of orthopedic insoles

There are certain criteria that help classify goods.


The form is:

  • Full size.
  • Half insole is a product designed for shoes with heels, for various model options that cannot accommodate full insoles.
  • Liner - interacts only with problem areas.
  • Heel support – a special insert for the heels, recommended if you have a heel spur.


When choosing products, it is important to pay attention to the size in order to choose the most successful option that will provide maximum effect.

  • Products may represent each size (38, 39, 40, and so on) or feature a “double” size that combines two sizes (40-41, 42-43, and so on). In order to make the right choice, you need to make accurate calculations and measure the length of your leg.
  • There is no universal size, since each corrective element of the product has its own specific location in which it stimulates or relieves muscles and joints. As for regular inserts, they differ in their general application (protecting feet from cold or rainy weather), which explains the presence of a single size.
  • Products with “double” size can be trimmed. You can notice special marks on the products, with which you can carefully separate the excess length.

To carefully select a corrective device, it is necessary to take measurements. Product lengths may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer. To clearly determine your size, you need to circle your foot on paper. In this case, the handle must be kept in a vertical position. Then we draw a line from the middle of the heel to the middle of the big toe, measure the length and get the required result in centimeters.


The orthopedic version is made from leather, cork, thermoplastic, carbon, ethylene vinyl acetate, latex, cloth, fur, fleece or flannel.

The use of high-tech materials such as EVA, Microliner and various polymers is becoming increasingly popular, from which durable products are obtained that can absorb excess moisture and remove unpleasant odors. The material has good shock-absorbing properties and is hypoallergenic.

Operating principle

  • The arch-supporting variety supports and unloads the arches, and also helps improve the depreciation process. As a result, you can observe a decrease in pain and increased endurance in the legs.
  • The arch-forming type supports the foot, creates additional stimulation, which makes it easier to form the internal arches.
  • The corrective option allows for correction of the position of the legs (the process of biomechanical alignment). This product corrects the structure of the lower extremities, which improves leg function, reduces pain, reduces fatigue and prevents shoe deformation.
  • The unloading variety redistributes pressure from problem areas to other parts of the leg. As a result, there is a decrease in pain and no threat of ulcers. Leg functions improve.

Types of shoes

  • Sports products are particularly convenient and comfortable, provide minimal gaps between the feet and sneakers, cycling shoes or ski boots, support the heels and arches, and also help prevent injuries and calluses. The sports version reduces fatigue and increases endurance during training, competitions or hiking.
  • Half-insoles are most often worn with summer shoes, ideal for sandals or open shoes. This variety will help to properly distribute pressure on the legs and reduce fatigue.
  • During the winter, a full-length orthotic option is popular and helps support the feet during a variety of activities. A well-chosen product acts as a shock absorber and protects the feet, joints and spine.
  • For open shoes, thin and discreet orthopedic options are excellent, providing comfort, elasticity and softening the load on the lower extremities. Can be worn with heels.
  • Orthopedic insoles for closed shoes are distinguished by a durable frame, a heel shock absorber and a soft foam cushion. The products help effectively support the arches of the feet, and also reduce the impact load on the heels, joints and spine.

recommended products

1210PD Orthopedic insoles-instep support “GELD”

1211PK Orthopedic half-insoles-instep support “GELD”

1310GD Orthopedic insoles-instep support GELD

1311GK Orthopedic semi-insoles-instep support Geld

Orthopedic insoles-instep support ORTO CONCEPT

Orthopedic insoles ORTO Concept Tech

Product purpose

  • Therapeutic models are designed to support and correct the position of the feet and help in the fight against various diseases, including the treatment of flat feet, heel spurs, hallux valgus, joints and parts of the spine.
  • The preventive type helps to avoid the development of pathologies, reduce the load on the lower limbs and maintain the optimal position of the feet.
  • Comfortable models fit snugly into the shoe and prevent movement or wrinkles during vigorous activity.

Features of insoles

  • Massage products help improve blood circulation and reduce fatigue.
  • Products with arch support are distinguished by strict compliance with the sizes of feet and products. Each section of the leg is strictly closed. There is both a longitudinal option and a combined one (helping to treat flat feet and carry out prevention).
  • Children's - a specialized option designed for children. Supports the transverse arch and prevents finger deformation due to design features.
  • Maternity mats are worn constantly. They prevent deviations in the musculoskeletal system of the leg and prevent various threats of disorders. A correctly anatomically constructed structure relieves the parts of the feet that receive the main pressure.
  • Shapewear products provide shock absorption during walking in various parts of the lower extremities.
  • The diabetic option helps prevent deformation of the lower extremities, which people with diabetes are prone to. Diabetic products help maintain proper blood circulation and relieve pain in the legs.

Feet - the foundation of the skeleton

The foot, unfortunately, is one of the most underrated parts of the body. After all, it bears some of the heaviest loads every day, because every day we take thousands of steps, and the feet are the only support of the human body. Careless attitude to the choice of shoes, lack of attention to the first signs of deformation and increased loads lead to the fact that the foot is in the wrong position.

If this happens, the entire articular axis running from the ankle to the hip joint is disrupted. Such changes cannot but affect the condition of another stronghold of the musculoskeletal system - the spine. As a result, the risk of its curvature increases sharply, including the development of scoliosis, which will lead to back pain, increased fatigue, and in the most difficult cases – displacement of internal organs and disruption of their functioning. In addition, the curvature of the spine can also negatively affect even the bite. Thus, a lot depends on the condition of the feet. Therefore, they require increased attention to themselves and timely correction of changes that have arisen.

Situations often arise when people begin to treat the consequences of flat feet, turning to a doctor with pain in the knees, lower back, and ankle joint. At the same time, the main reason for their appearance is not taken into account - changes in the state of the only support of the skeleton.

The foot has 3 support points, forming 2 arches: transverse and longitudinal. The first is the arch between the little toe and big toe. The longitudinal arch is the arch between the big toe and the heel. When their size changes, i.e. flattening, they speak of the presence of flat feet. Most often, it is a consequence of muscle atrophy (decreased muscle tone), which in turn can be caused by frequent, prolonged walking on a flat floor barefoot or wearing the wrong shoes.

Since the foot muscles do not function as nature intended, this leads to disruption of the muscular-venous pump, i.e., disruption of blood circulation in the veins of the lower extremities. Normally, the blood descends down to the feet, nourishing their tissues, but to rise up it requires an additional push, which provides muscle contraction during walking, compressing the veins and pushing the blood higher. If this mechanism is disrupted due to weakening of the muscles, a circulatory disorder occurs accordingly. Over time, this causes the development of edema, fatigue in the legs and varicose veins.

But flat feet are far from the only possible disorder of the foot structure. There are a number of other diseases that can lead to similar consequences. But you can prevent their development or eliminate existing ones with the help of orthopedic insoles.

Choosing insoles for various diseases

With a heel spur

Heel spurs are a common condition that causes pain. A heel pad with a special design that promotes comfortable and convenient wearing of shoes and a therapeutic effect helps in combating the problem. Heel pads are made using highly elastic materials.

Heel supports are prescribed to the patient to speed up healing and remove excess pressure on the soft tissue, eliminate pain due to the disease, normalize blood circulation and metabolism, which is disrupted with a heel spur.

For flat feet

With mixed flat feet, orthopedic products are able to support the legs in the correct anatomical positions. It strictly performs a shock-absorbing function, preventing the progression of the disease, as well as reducing pressure on the spinal region.

To combat longitudinal flat feet, products with high arch supports are used, which support the longitudinal arches, thereby restoring the normal biomechanics of the legs. Products with arch supports relieve excessive stress, improve blood circulation, increase endurance, and also relieve pain and prevent the appearance of heel spurs.

For patients with transverse pathology, it is recommended to use insoles with a pad that evenly distributes pressure on the front parts of the legs, and a frame that protects and supports longitudinal waters, as well as redistributing loads along the feet. There may be a heel shock absorber.

For hallux valgus deformity

To combat hallux valgus, you can use a treatment option that serves to correct the deformed arch of the foot. The product has a rigid shape. It is possible to use prophylactic or therapeutic-prophylactic types, the insoles of which can be shortened.

For arthrosis

Insoles for arthrosis help create increased comfort due to the presence of inter-insole layers, which are made of special shock-absorbing materials. These are individual products that allow you to evenly distribute the load across the foot and reduce pain.

For arthritis

Insoles for patients with arthritis are distinguished by the presence of a special metatarsal roller, a rigid frame and a cup-shaped heel. Such elements support the foot and heel, relieve pain and serve excellently in providing a light massage effect and blood flow to the legs.

Rules for wearing ortho shoes

Wearing orthopedic shoes by a child both outdoors and at home is recommended only for severe hallux valgus deformity. In other cases, you only need to wear it while walking. Many orthopedists are against this method of treating acquired pathology. They believe that the treatment should be based on strengthening muscles, ligaments, and tendons. If they are strong and elastic, then the foot begins to form correctly without the use of corrective shoes and boots.

Therefore, wearing shoes must be combined with exercise therapy, physiotherapeutic and massage procedures, and barefoot walks on pebbles, sand, and grass. Children's orthopedists advise parents to purchase a special mat, which consists of several blocks that imitate natural surfaces.

Correct selection parameters

There are certain criteria by which the desired model is selected, namely:

Purpose Consultation with a specialist will help identify pathologies at an early stage of development and choose the right option to combat deviations. Models can help in the treatment of various diseases or serve for preventive purposes.
Support To choose the right model, you need to determine what effect your legs need. For example, products can reduce pressure on the spine and joints, maintain overall muscle tone, improve blood circulation, make active activities more comfortable and eliminate pain in the lower extremities
Material There is a huge variety of materials used: cork, leather, carbon, thermoplastic, ethylene vinyl acetate, latex, fur, flannel and others. Good products are durable and can absorb excess moisture.
Height Orthopedic products have different heights. With the right selection, the model will allow you to walk comfortably: your ankles will be free, and the middle of your feet will fit more tightly to the shoes.
Rigidity The frame version, unlike the frameless one, is rigid and suitable for those who are involved in active activities. Frameless soft models help relieve leg muscles.
Size The “double” size combines two sizes (37-38, 39-40), other products represent only one size (41, 42...). Custom-made products are perfectly tailored to the patient's size.

Benefits and harms

A person’s legs are constantly exposed to physical stress, which, if a number of prerequisites are present, can cause damage to the feet and the entire musculoskeletal system. Often, flat feet that arose in childhood, which were not diagnosed in a timely manner or were not considered necessary to undergo correction, subsequently lead to hallux valgus, the development of arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, and spinal pathologies, including intervertebral hernias and curvatures.

According to statistics, flat feet are diagnosed in 40% of children over 6 years of age.

All these pathologies initially develop almost asymptomatically. But subsequently they can significantly reduce a person’s quality of life, affect the functioning of internal organs and even cause disability. Deformation of the feet leads to changes in the axis of the lower extremities, their curvature, improper distribution of load and other undesirable consequences. This provokes the occurrence of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joints of the legs, i.e. arthrosis, which, as the disease progresses, is accompanied by constantly increasing pain and limited mobility. The foot itself also suffers; its constituent structures are deformed, which leads to increased fatigue of the legs, the development of pain and other consequences.

Orthopedic insoles can improve the situation by acting on the root cause - disturbances in the anatomical structure of the foot and muscle tone. With their help, they ensure the restoration of the correct supporting surface of the foot, the position of the foot in the shoe, as well as the relaxation of overly tense muscles and toning, on the contrary, of relaxed ones.

As a result, it is possible to quickly restore normal biomechanics of movements and get rid of discomfort in the legs, fatigue and other symptoms that have arisen. In addition, they prevent the formation or reduction of existing corns and calluses, improve blood circulation in the feet and prevent swelling, and increase stability and endurance.

The most effective use of orthopedic insoles is in the early stages of the development of pathological changes. But even in more complex cases, wearing them will bring positive results, although it will require the additional prescription of other methods of treating the diseases that have arisen.

In addition, orthopedic insoles provide an auxiliary shock-absorbing effect, that is, they help soften impacts when walking and performing other types of physical activity, for which the cartilaginous parts of the joints are responsible in the body. This leads to a reduction in the load on them and is a prevention of the early development of degenerative changes in the joints, i.e. the development of arthrosis. This disease causes pain that tends to intensify as pathological changes progress and can ultimately completely deprive a person of the ability to move independently.

As for the use of orthopedic insoles as part of the prevention of the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such a solution is a significant contribution to the longest possible preservation of joint health. In such situations they will help:

  • position your feet correctly in shoes;
  • avoid the development of flat feet and prevent drooping of the arches of the feet;
  • ensure uniform load on all supporting points of the foot;
  • reduce the load on the spine and intervertebral discs;
  • Avoid the feeling of fatigue and discomfort in the legs after long walking or running.

Children are also advised to use orthopedic insoles, and it is optimal to resort to their help even in the absence of pathological changes in the condition of the feet. In this way, it will be possible to ensure healthy formation of the foot and posture even while wearing shoes that are not orthopedic. This is an effective solution to the problem of choosing shoes, since children often refuse orthopedic models that ensure health in favor of beautiful, but incorrectly designed ones from an orthopedic point of view.

How to wear orthopedic insoles correctly?

To get the most out of wearing insoles, there are some tips you need to follow.

  • In winter, it is better to use thick products that are inserted into shoes, low shoes or boots. A special version of the insoles may be covered with a natural wool layer in order to provide a warming and shock-absorbing function. Correct placement can strengthen muscles and ligaments.
  • In the summer, products are invested in ballet flats, shoes, sneakers, sandals, sneakers, and so on. Each product must clearly fit the curves of the leg and follow the arches of the feet. To wear the product effectively in the summer, you need to insert it into the toes of your shoes. The heels and heels should be in close contact.
  • The period of use of the insert varies depending on the feet and age. Adult users are highly prone to pathologies, so orthopedic products can be worn continuously.

Exercises for feet with varus and valgus deformity

If you have varus deformity, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. flexion and subsequent extension of the feet - perform 20 times for each foot;
  2. rotating the feet in a circle – also 20 times;
  3. supported squats: you need to squat while holding onto a support, making sure that your feet remain pressed to the floor

Hallux valgus deformity is corrected faster thanks to the following exercises:

  • walking alternately: on the outside, then on the inside of the feet;
  • alternately walking on your toes, then on your heels;
  • walking on lumpy, uneven surfaces barefoot. You can walk on a massage mat, an ordinary carpet, on the sand on the beach, on the grass in nature;
  • grabbing small objects on the floor with your toes. You can lay out buttons, ballpoint pens, pencils on the surface, and then try to grab and lift them with your fingers;
  • climbing and descending the wall bars is an excellent exercise for hallux valgus.

Performing these exercises, as well as using such a wonderful device as orthopedic valgus insoles, will minimize pain and speed up recovery from foot deformities. A foot massage can also be of great benefit to the patient, which can be performed independently, but better - with the help of another person. With the help of massage movements, you can increase blood flow, eliminate muscle tension in the legs, and give the toes the correct position. Comprehensive treatment using orthopedic devices and high-quality shoes will speed up recovery, which is especially important for children and adolescents.

Buy better quality orthopedic insoles for hallux valgus from well-known manufacturers. Branded products will last longer, and the effect of their use will be more noticeable. With timely correction of orthopedic disorders, you can quickly achieve a positive result and maintain the health of yourself or your child.

Benefits of custom made insoles

  • Individual manufacturing allows you to create high-quality products that support the longitudinal arch, have heel shock absorbers and other important elements. Such products adhere to all modern standards, which helps to get the maximum benefit from wearing them.
  • Custom-made products take into account the height of the arches, the length of the fingers and other properties of the lower extremities, which allows you to correctly position each element and select the correct size. Factory production does not have the ability to take into account small details.
  • Properly designed custom insoles prevent the development of pathologies and various diseases.

Features of children's individual insoles

Children's insoles eliminate pathologies, form a healthy arch position, and also provide the necessary conditions for proper distribution of the load on the joints and muscles. The advantages of creating personalized products for children are:

  1. Possibility of creating full-footprint insoles with full contacts.
  2. Materials of various densities have a beneficial effect on children’s own muscles.
  3. The doctor prescribes the duration of wearing and carefully monitors the process.
  4. The products promote proper development of the feet, place the heels in the correct positions, shape the arches of the lower extremities and relieve pressure on the spine, hip, knee and ankle joints.


  1. Patient examination:
      assessment of the severity of flat feet;
  2. determination of the type of foot deformation;
  3. taking into account concomitant diseases.
  4. Carrying out diagnostic tests:
      anthropometric measurements: height, weight, foot length according to Haider's measurements;
  5. manual muscle testing;
  6. 3D computer diagnostics of feet on a platform in statics and dynamics;
  7. modern plantography methods;
  8. orthopedic examination using a plantoscope using measuring instruments;
  9. impression of the foot on biological foam with further creation of a plaster positive - a cast.
  10. Selection of technology for the production of individual foot orthoses:
      according to the cast;
  11. Formthotics technology;
  12. express thermoblocking technology;
  13. stacked frame insole Orthodinamic (vacuum molding).
  14. Choosing a model of individual insoles for everyday walking, sports, dress shoes (heels higher than 4 cm), children's insoles.
  15. Determination of an individual orthopedic wearing regimen and frequency of correction of insoles (for 6 months free of charge).

Computer 3D diagnostics of foot pathology is a modern diagnostic study that allows you to determine, statically and dynamically, the presence of flat feet and types of foot deformities.
It is carried out on a digital plantograph and allows you to identify the parameters of the foot in a color, digital and three-dimensional image.

The results of the study are stored in an electronic database, which makes it possible to evaluate the condition of the feet and the effectiveness of treatment over time.

Service life and care rules

The service life can usually be found on the packaging or instructions. The average period is 6 months. For proper care:

  1. We dry the products daily, avoid exposure to the sun or interaction with heating devices. It should dry naturally.
  2. Do not wash in a washing machine or use running water.
  3. Avoid exposure to high temperatures.
  4. Wipe with soft cloths soaked in alcohol or soap solutions.

Cost of insoles

The cost of manufacturing orthopedic insoles varies depending on the material used, the desired size, different nuances of the feet, the height of the heels or the features of the heel pads, the type of production (mass or individual), the amount of costs and the country of the manufacturer.

Thus, it is very difficult to make the right choice, which depends on a huge number of important criteria that need to be taken into account. To give preference to the right products, you need to consult with your doctor or carefully study the proposed material and make a choice yourself.


If a person experiences persistent or recurrent painful sensations, it is recommended to change their usual shoe inserts to specialized ones. The variability of these is determined based on the specifics of different situations. The appropriate type is determined taking into account the symptoms or the identified stage of the onset of the disease. You should be extremely careful when choosing. Depending on the variety, product pricing is also determined. However, customer-oriented sellers, while selling quality products, still focus on the buyer’s solvency. An example is the company OrtoPanda.


If no problems as such are found, then such orthopedic insoles will have functionality that supports the arches so that excessive flattening of the foot is not observed. Nevertheless, no pronounced effect (drops and bends) is observed here. That is, the pelot and metatarsal roller do not protrude much above the surface and have minimal impact on the leg. However, the sensations from use still change. At first, the child may experience some discomfort.

An alternative to prevention is the use of additional rugs and other surfaces for walking on. Given general health, this measure may be sufficient. However, in the absence of time, it is recommended to buy a preventive orthosis. We should not forget that the problem under discussion is not only of an aesthetic nature, but also, in an advanced form, causes constant pain and deformation of the limbs, as well as a general change in the structure of the skeleton. Preventive orthopedic insoles for children (photos of which are in the article) can prevent these troubles.


Typically, orthoses are divided into therapeutic and prophylactic. If a person already has a disease, then he needs the first ones. In other cases, the second ones are also applicable. Of course, flat feet, valgus, and increased tone imply several degrees of manifestation, but these are already established diagnoses that need to be corrected as part of “treatment.”

Nevertheless, therapeutic variations can be divided into more rigid frame and soft ones. The choice will depend on the specific course of the disease. The modern market even offers examples used in dress and sports shoes. In their shape and structure, they are somewhat different from other options, since they can be shorter and thinner or cover the entire foot, but have the characteristic of being flexible. This allows you to create maximum comfort. Corrective insoles still perform their functionality due to neatly built-in small elevations.


A distinctive feature is a complicated design made of several layers. The more serious the stage of the disease, the tougher the frame will be. It is also characterized by the presence of obvious tubercles and depressions in the frame (metatarsal ridge and pelot). Such additions and curves maintain the arches in an anatomically correct position. These criteria allow you to provide the maximum possible support to the foot, as well as reduce pain. Fatigue when walking decreases here, but over time. At first you will have to endure a certain period of time, characterized by maximum inconvenience, but it will pass after complete adaptation.

Often the need for treatment arises here in relation to other problems accompanying the main illness. The baby may have bumps, finger deformities, and heel spurs. Such troubles can also be somewhat corrected with the help of the purchased product.

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