Glycerin and vinegar for tender heels: effective recipes

A woman’s age is revealed by her neck, arms and… heels. And, if women regularly take care of the parts of a woman’s body that are visible in the mirror, then the heels somewhere there, “behind the back” are often left without due attention.

But you can successfully take care of them at home, without spending extra money on beauty salons. One of the popular recipes is glycerin and vinegar for heels.

Purpose of using glycerin with vinegar for feet

Glycerin with vinegar for cracked heels helps:

  • deep hydration of the skin:
  • softening of rough areas on the feet;
  • removal of keratinized and dead skin cells;
  • preventing dry skin of the feet;
  • minimizing the likelihood of cracking.

The desired result can only be achieved with regular foot care.

Glycerin and hydrogen peroxide for heels

Peroxide and glycerin for heels are used in almost the same way as in the previous case.

A mixture of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal quantities is placed on the steamed, cleansed skin, a gauze bandage is applied, the sock is pulled on and you go to bed.

In the morning, the area is vigorously rubbed with pumice. Do not use a blade or other sharp objects to cut off dead skin. This way you will only harm yourself.

And then the cream is applied.

The manipulation is performed every three days until your feet become soft.

What is the product used for?

Glycerin and vinegar are used not only to get rid of and prevent the formation of cracks - a product based on these components provides comprehensive care for the skin of the feet .

Heel cleansing

To clean your heels, you need to use a solution of vinegar and glycerin, prepared in a ratio of 1:3. It can be used as a mask or compress, depending on the condition of the skin on the feet. After the procedure, the feet must be treated with pumice and then lubricated with cream.

Softening the skin on the feet

Using compresses will help soften the skin on your feet. To do this, the prepared solution of vinegar and glycerin is left to act overnight. To enhance the effect, wrap your feet in a plastic bag and put socks on top.

Treatment of cracks

When treating cracks, the most effective is the use of a mask based on glycerin and vinegar. To quickly get results, it is recommended to use the product twice a day - in the morning and in the evening just before bed.

Using glycerin with vinegar for cracked heels, you can notice an improvement within a few days

However, treatment should be continued until the cracks completely disappear.

Glycerin + ammonia for heels

This alcohol, combined with liquid glycerin, creates an excellent effect, allowing your heels to become healthier.

The properties of glycerin have already been discussed, but here’s what you should know about the properties of ammonia – read right now: it has a pronounced disinfecting and disinfecting effect, and also cleanses the skin and eliminates itching and redness.

It is best if you prepare a compress from ammonia and glycerin.

Before making the mask, the feet are thoroughly steamed. Further:

  • Take two ingredients in equal proportions 1:1 and mix to obtain a homogeneous mass.

  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Moisten the gauze with it, which needs to be folded in layers.
  • Make a compress, put a plastic bag on top, put socks on your feet and go to bed.
  • In the morning, we remove everything and wash it off, clean our feet with pumice.

Do the procedure several times a week until your heels become smooth.

For prevention, such actions are performed once every two weeks.

An alcohol compress with glycerin is very similar in effect to a compress with vinegar and glycerin. Their impact is almost identical. What to choose is up to you. Perhaps you will like it better, or would be better suited, with vinegar, or perhaps ammonia.

The principle of action of the components on the skin of the feet

The high effectiveness of products with glycerin is based on its ability to attract moisture from the environment and subsequently saturate the skin with it. The effect of the substance resembles the principle of a sponge. In addition, glycerin helps retain moisture in the skin.

It also has a pronounced antiseptic effect, manifested in:

  • inhibition of the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • minimizing the consequences of exposure to bacteria;
  • healing of cracks and wounds on the skin.

In combination with a bite, glycerin also helps eliminate fungus and unpleasant foot odor, peeling, prevent suppuration of wounds, and also moisturize the deep layers of the skin.

Features of choosing product components

To obtain a positive and quick result from using the product, it is important to select high-quality components.

Requirements for glycerin

Glycerin must be natural, because the addition of synthetic components can cause the development of allergic reactions.

It must also have a high degree of purification - no less than 99.5%.

Choice of vinegar

To prepare the treatment, you must use a 9% solution of acetic acid (table vinegar). The use of a substance with a higher percentage of acid content can lead to burns and excessive dryness of the skin.

The most effective and safest is to use a bite of natural origin.

These include wine, apple, raspberry and grape vinegar. They contain organic acids, a number of microelements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Benefits of Using Apple Cider Vinegar

The most accessible among natural vinegars is apple cider vinegar.

Its use has a number of advantages:

  • Regulates the pH level of the skin and prevents the development of allergies due to the potassium content.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect due to the presence of organic acids (malic, acetic, lactic).
  • Relieves unpleasant symptoms of various skin lesions (lichen, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc.).

When choosing a bite, you should make sure that it is natural, because often manufacturers sell ordinary diluted acetic acid with apple flavoring under the guise of an apple product. So, the natural product has a concentration of 4-5%. A small sediment at the bottom of the bottle also indicates authenticity.

The healing properties of vinegar

Vinegar has many beneficial properties and is often used in folk remedies to combat inflammatory diseases and poisoning. It kills harmful microorganisms, and the antioxidants it contains slow down the aging process of the body. Acetic acid lowers blood glucose levels, which is why it is used to combat diabetes. It also prevents obesity and maintains heart muscle tone, lowers blood pressure, eliminates heartburn, and improves brain function.

Vinegar kills harmful microorganisms, and the antioxidants it contains slow down the aging process of the body.

The thin film on the surface of unfiltered vinegar helps heal wounds.


Glycerin with vinegar for cracked heels is prohibited for use in a number of cases:

  • Breastfeeding period and pregnancy.
  • Age less than 18 years.
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypersensitivity or intolerance to the substances included in the composition.
  • Impaired functioning of the digestive organs.
  • Presence of open foot injuries.

  • Use for wet calluses.

You should also avoid using the product in the form of baths if:

  • varicose veins;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • elevated body temperatures.

Who is the recipe suitable for, the benefits of glycerin

Cracked skin, calluses, dryness and discomfort while walking are common problems that women and men are familiar with. Even in the modern world, a lot of people face problem heels, but not everyone can solve this problem.

Despite the wide variety of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, many people turn to old and time-tested folk recipes for help. One of these is glycerin with vinegar for heels. Why are these particular ingredients used in this recipe, and how can they help dry, chapped skin?

The main property of glycerin is the ability to attract and retain moisture. This component can be seen in almost any cosmetic product.

It is a kind of sponge that collects molecules from the air and saturates the epidermis with them. Glycerin is also referred to as glycerol, and its positive qualities have been known since ancient times.

This substance can be used both as therapy and for treatment. With regular procedures, you can avoid many skin problems, such as roughness, roughness, cracks and even painful wounds.

The positive properties of this component include:

  • hydration and nutrition;
  • softening effect;
  • the formation of an invisible protective film on the epidermis.

Under the influence of glycerol, the rate of occurrence of dry calluses, cracks and wounds is significantly reduced. The skin is saturated with moisture, which prevents dehydration. Glycerin is often used even to treat abrasions and wounds, as it speeds up the healing process.

In addition, this substance is an excellent antiseptic that easily affects and destroys many bacteria and infections. It is often used not only to moisturize dry skin, but also to treat fungus on the nails and skin.

Glycerin is widely used in the field of cosmetology. It is often used as a stand-alone product and as an additional component in creams, balms, and masks. In addition to its caring properties, using this product does not cause any irritation, allergies or side effects.

Precautionary measures

Before use, you should definitely consult with your doctor - he will provide his recommendations based on the patient’s health condition. You should also conduct a sensitivity test before use.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the bend of your elbow or wrist and leave for half an hour. If after the specified time no changes have occurred, the product can be used for treatment.

Another important recommendation is strict adherence to the proportions specified in the recipes.

If they are violated, the following may appear on the skin:

  • irritation;
  • roughness;
  • redness.

In such a situation, you need to stop using the product until the skin is completely restored. The bottle of glycerin should be used and stored away from a source of fire.

Benefits of the drug for hair

Today, glycerin can be found in almost every composition of shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask, since its benefits have long been proven. After using the complex of products, the hair becomes strong, shiny and well-groomed.

Features of the drug:

  • hair follicles are activated;
  • keratin scales are smoothed;
  • volume increases;
  • dandruff and brittleness disappear.

In order not to harm your hair, it is not recommended to abuse the products, as glycerin can be addictive, which will subsequently cause harm.

Recommended proportions in recipes, instructions for preparation and use

Glycerin with vinegar for cracked heels when preparing various care products must be taken in the proportions indicated in the recipe.

It is also important to strictly follow the instructions for using homemade substances in order to quickly get the desired effect.

Foot masks

To enhance the effect, before applying the mask, it is recommended to steam your feet in a sea salt bath. To prepare it, add sea salt to a basin/bowl with hot water (take 1 tsp per 1 liter of water). Leave your feet in the prepared solution for 15 minutes, then dry them with a towel and treat your feet with pumice.

After this, you need to apply a mask, for the preparation of which you need:

  1. Glycerin and vinegar should be mixed in a 3:1 ratio. For one procedure, it will be enough to take 3 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. vinegar.
  2. The resulting product should be applied to the heels.
  3. Next, the heels should be wrapped in polyethylene, and socks should be put on top.
  4. The mask must be left to react for 3 hours.
  5. After the specified time, the product should be washed off with warm water.

You can enhance the softening effect by preparing a mask with kefir; it is prepared like this:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. glycerin must be combined with 1/3 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar.
  2. To the resulting mixture you should add 2 tbsp. l. kefir and mix.

  3. The prepared mask should be applied to rough areas of the skin and left to act for 20 minutes. For convenience, the product can be secured with a bandage.
  4. After the specified time, the mask must be washed off.

This procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times. in Week. Lactic acid contained in kefir effectively dissolves the stratum corneum of the skin.


The ingredients required to prepare the ointment are listed in the table below:

Vinegar20 ml.
Glycerol60 ml.
Egg yolk1 PC.
Vegetable oil40 ml.

Preparation and application include the following steps:

  1. All components must be connected.
  2. The resulting mixture must be mixed until smooth.
  3. The finished ointment must be applied to the feet and put on socks on top.

  4. The product should be left to act for 15 minutes.
  5. After this, the remaining ointment should be washed off with warm water.

The ointment can also be used for prophylactic purposes. To do this, it should be used 1 r. in Week.


Compresses are recommended for use in complex and advanced cases.

To prepare the product you need:

  1. Glycerin (3 tbsp) should be mixed with 1 tsp. vinegar.
  2. In the resulting solution you need to moisten 2 pieces of gauze (there should be several layers).
  3. Soaked gauze must be applied to the heels.
  4. Next, the feet should be wrapped in polyethylene and socks should be put on top.
  5. The compress should be left to work overnight.
  6. In the morning, feet should be washed, dried, and then anointed with nourishing cream.

This compress, according to reviews, noticeably improves the condition of the heels after just 3-4 procedures, softening them and eliminating cracks.


Baths are an effective way to prevent skin roughening and cracking.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Add 2-3 tbsp to water (1 l). l. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin.
  2. You should lower your feet into the prepared solution and soak them for 15 minutes.
  3. Next, the steamed feet must be rubbed with pumice, removing dead cells.

  4. Treated feet should be rinsed with water and wiped dry.
  5. At the final stage, the legs should be lubricated with nourishing cream.

No less effective is a product for softening the skin on the feet using hydrogen peroxide.

The procedure consists of 2 main stages:

  1. Peroxide bath. To prepare it, peroxide must be diluted in hot water and foamed. You need to soak your feet in the prepared solution for 10 minutes. If there are calluses on the feet, the interaction period should be increased to 20 minutes.
  2. Mask. Apple cider vinegar and glycerin should be diluted in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting mixture should be smeared on the feet immediately after the bath. The product should be left for 10 minutes, and then using a pumice stone, remove rough skin from the feet. This procedure should be carried out no more than 3 times. in Week.

Proportions of solution with vinegar essence

Acetic essence should not be used in its pure form, since it has a high acid concentration - 70%. Before use, it must be diluted to obtain a 9% vinegar solution. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. dilute essences with 7 tbsp. l. water (the proportion is 1:7).


The clarity of action and the exact amount of the mask component guarantees 80% success of the procedure. Exceeding the dosage threatens to aggravate the situation in the legs and feet. Therefore, approach this issue carefully.

To prepare a miracle foot mask you will need glycerin and a little table (apple) vinegar. Glycerin, despite its extensive use in medicine and cosmetology, has the unpleasant ability to absorb moisture particles from the skin. To prevent a mask with glycerin from leading to even greater dryness of the feet, dehydration of the skin and an increase in cracked heels, strictly follow the proportions.

Vinegar is more tolerant to the human body. However, excess vinegar (vinegar essence) can negatively affect the general condition of the patient. This is due to the toxicity of vinegar. The acidic environment created by the product reduces the activity of fungal pathogens and leads to their death. At the same time, under the influence of vinegar, the keratin, rough layer of the surface of the heels is destroyed.

After this, the human body activates the regenerative properties of the skin and stimulates the rapid synthesis of new fibers. If there is an excess of vinegar, the resulting acidic environment can dissolve living cells in addition to the keratinized cells of the feet. This will lead to undesirable consequences. The regeneration process will be delayed and will require treatment of the skin of the feet.

The main thing in preparing a glycerin mask with vinegar for feet is strict adherence to proportions!

What to expect from the funds?

In addition to deeply moisturizing the skin, the product promotes:

  • Long-term preservation of moisture in the skin due to the special structure of glycerin (a so-called protective barrier is formed).
  • Penetration of beneficial and nutrients into the deep layers of the skin (glycerin has a good degree of conductivity).
  • Preventing the formation of calluses and corns.
  • Increases the elasticity of skin tissue.
  • Accelerating the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Prevention of fungal infections.
  • Protects against repeated cracking of the skin on the heels.

What mistakes should you avoid?

By following the recommendations below, you can avoid a number of mistakes when using the tool:

  • Do not use the product more than once. in 2-3 days - this can cause a feeling of tightness of the skin and lead to the formation of small cracks (especially with intense physical activity).
  • To achieve results, you should use the product regularly - one procedure will not bring the desired effect.
  • Do not use glycerin in its pure form - it draws moisture from the skin, dehydrating the tissues and causing increased dryness (the opposite effect occurs).
  • You should alternate procedures using products (alternately make masks, baths and ointments) - this will allow you to maintain the softness of the skin on your feet for a long time.
  • Use with caution if you have chronic diseases and do not self-medicate - consultation with a doctor is required!

To consolidate the results and prevent the problem from reoccurring, it is important to constantly monitor the skin of your feet. To do this, you need to choose shoes that are comfortable in size, giving preference to products made from natural materials. If you will be subject to prolonged stress on your feet (for example, standing work), you should purchase orthopedic shoes.

It is also important to regularly care for the skin of your feet, doing 1 p. relaxing baths per week. Before going to bed, it is necessary to nourish the skin by applying special creams. The key to well-groomed skin is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and consuming foods that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Using glycerin-based products and a bite helps to get rid of problems with cracked heels and rough skin at home. It is important to adhere to the specified recommendations for the preparation and use of products.

Cautions for use

Despite the fact that glycerin-based mixtures have received positive feedback from those who prefer to use folk remedies to combat cracks, sometimes even they can cause harm. In addition, if after 3-4 procedures there is no noticeable improvement, you should consult a doctor. The appearance of cracks can be caused by a lack of vitamins, diseases of internal organs, and hormonal changes.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult their doctor before using one of the suggested recipes.

Contraindications also include:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the therapeutic mixture;
  • injuries, open wounds and other injuries to the feet;
  • age less than 14 years;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (avoid steaming and hot baths).

In order not to dry out the skin, glycerin should be used only when mixed with the indicated components, no more than 2-3 times a week.

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