Corsets for the thoracic and lumbosacral regions

Those who have posture problems or spinal diseases definitely know what a back brace is and what it is used for. But those who are faced with the need to buy it for the first time, in any case, have a lot of questions, for example, what product to buy and how to use it. A corset for the thoracic spine is an indispensable and sought-after accessory, capable of performing a lot of functions.

Corset for the thoracic spine

Corset for the chest: description and functions

A thoracic back corset is an orthopedic product that performs certain functions, including the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases of the spinal column, as well as restoration of proper functioning of the spine. It helps correct posture and alleviate a person’s condition during an exacerbation of any back pathology.

Corset for supporting the spine with a compression fracture of the thoracic region

The main purpose of using a corset is to fix the spine in the correct position . It limits the mobility of a certain part of the spinal segments or eliminates it altogether. Due to this, muscle tension and pain are eliminated.

A corset is necessary to fix the spine in the desired position

On a note! Orthopedic back braces are also called orthoses. Doctors prescribe their use in case of injury, after surgery, in the presence of deformities or excessive load on the spinal column.

A thoracic or thoracolumbar corset fixes the same parts of the spinal column. The product is shaped and sized to cover most of the back, chest, and sometimes the lower back. Outwardly, it resembles a vest, which has special rigid ribs inside, as well as plastic elements, equipped with a number of fasteners and straps, the presence of which allows you to adjust it to the shape of your back. The corset helps:

  • cope with pain caused by back strain;
  • correct posture even with scoliosis;

    Possible posture problems

  • relax some muscles or improve the functioning of others;
  • reduce the risk of developing spinal diseases when exposed to certain factors;
  • give the spine the correct position;
  • reduce the mobility of certain segments of the spine for appropriate indications;
  • prevent vertebral deformation;
  • reduce pressure on intervertebral discs, prevent degenerative processes occurring in them.

With the help of a corset you can get rid of back pain

Thanks to all these useful functions, the corset will also help you get rid of dizziness, headaches, and numbness of the limbs, but only if the presence of these symptoms is associated with spinal problems.

On a note! A bandage and a corset are not the same thing. The second one is more rigid. They are also sometimes confused with reclinators, but breast corsets are more functional.

Reclinator in orthopedics

Corrective corset for the spine


Often a corset for the lumbosacral spine is prescribed in the postoperative period or for injuries. After removing hernias, it is simply irreplaceable. Relieve pain, stabilize the spine, relax excessively tense muscles; all this can be easily handled by a properly selected corset. Manufacturers of orthopedic products make many models for completely different situations. Therefore, choosing the right one for you will not be difficult. A semi-rigid or rigid lumbosacral corset can be purchased at any specialized store. Before purchasing, you just need to coordinate your actions with your doctor, who, depending on your specific case, will advise the correct option. For example, a rigid lumbosacral orthopedic corset is prescribed for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, scoliosis, hernias and injuries.

You need to know that wearing a corset will not ensure your recovery; you must comply with all the doctor’s requests and do the prescribed set of exercises. So, please note that this group of products cannot be worn around the clock. It is imperative to take breaks, otherwise your muscles will simply refuse to perform their functions and atrophy.

The corsets for the lumbosacral and thoracic spine presented in our store are some of the best in their segment. They are made from high quality materials, carefully packed by our workers in the warehouse and immediately sent to the customer after order confirmation. The low price is ensured by long-term direct cooperation with suppliers - leading manufacturers of orthopedic products. If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of our store, you can place an order online and our specialists will contact you.

Types of corsets

The classification of back corsets is quite extensive. There are several types of dividing products into groups. For example, according to the degree of rigidity.

There are several classifications of corsets

Table. Types of corsets depending on stiffness.

HardSuch a corset is capable of rigidly and firmly fixing the back in a certain position. As a rule, it is used in the presence of special indications - after serious injuries, including fractures, after surgery, in the presence of diseases, the treatment of which requires complete immobility of the spinal column. The corset is perfectly capable of replacing the previously used plaster bandage; it is light and comfortable.
Semi-rigidThis corset also securely fixes the spine, but does not immobilize it completely. Typically, indications for use are the rehabilitation period after surgery, problems with posture, certain diseases such as osteoporosis, hernia or osteochondrosis, and curvature of the spinal column. This is the most popular version of corsets, which are used for the prevention of diseases.
SoftThis option is usually worn in case of development of diseases in the field of neurology or in the presence of minor vertebral hernias. It does not have a serious corrective effect on the spinal column, but it can improve blood flow and relieve spasms.
HyperextensionSuch a corset is capable of changing the angle of the spine if necessary. It will enable a person to move, even if he has undergone serious surgery.

Women's posture corset

Depending on the functionality, corsets are:

  • unloading , ensuring the elimination of tension in the back muscles and reducing the load on the intervertebral discs;
  • fixation ones , which support the back and give the spine the correct position;
  • corrective , helping to correct a curved spinal column;
  • multifunctional , which are capable of performing all these functions.

If we evaluate corsets from the point of view of purpose, we distinguish:

Thoracolumbar | Diagnosis and treatment of the spine

Physical training

Thoracolumbar flexion

Sprained back muscles and posterior ligaments

(Paravertebral muscles – quadratus lumborum – iliocostalis – longus dorsi)

In certain positions, care must be taken when stretching these muscles, as excessive compression of the intervertebral discs may occur.

For example, when performing a stretch from a sitting position on a chair, the lumbar discs (usually exposed and damaged - pp. 49 and 226) are pinched as the vertebrae flex under the load of the body's own weight through the spine (spine in suspension). To avoid the dangerous effects of body weight, you can perform the following exercises:

Exercise 1

• Get on your knees, the outside of your feet pressed to the floor, and sit on your heels.

• Bend your upper body over your leg muscles.

• Place your head on the floor between your knees.

• The more the neck is bent, the more tension can be felt in the posterior muscles at different levels.

Exercise 2

It is best to stretch these muscles from a supine position to avoid putting excessive pressure on the lumbar discs.

• Pull one of your knees towards your stomach, holding it with your hand on the same side.

This will move the pelvis posteriorly (the lumbar curve becomes flatter), stretching the muscles and facet joints (reducing pressure).

• The free arm is drawn to the chest, the forearm resting on the top of the head.

• Stretch your head and leg with the required intensity.

After performing the exercise, it is recommended to stretch other muscles to enhance rehydration of the thoracic discs (compressed in normal body position).

Exercise 3

Can be used for more intense stretching, however, despite all its positive aspects, caution should be used. It may be contraindicated depending on the condition of the cervical and thoracic discs.

The exercise is as follows:

• Lie on your back, placing your forearms behind your knees.

• The hands hold the headband in place.

• You can increase the intensity of the exercise by moving your fingers around the headband.

Relaxation of the back muscles and posterior ligaments

(Paravertebral muscles – quadratus lumborum – iliocostalis – longus dorsi – splenius muscles – spinalis muscles – semispinalis muscles – rectus and oblique capitis muscles)

The exercise is aimed not only at stretching, but also at relaxing the lumbar (due to straightening the vertebral curve caused by pressure on the abs) and cervical muscles through retropulsion of the head. This exercise is suitable for everyone. It promotes not only muscle relaxation, but also decompression of the facet joints of the lumbar and cervical joints, which are most susceptible to overload (see “Hyperlordosis of the cervical spine”, “Hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine”).

• When performing the exercise, depending on the desired level of intensity and muscle elasticity, the arms can:

♦ Support the front of your knees (A, next page).

♦ Lie on your knees, fingers clasped (B, next page).

♦ Be crossed so that one palm hugs the forearm or elbow of the other hand (C). Of the four positions, the last one requires a high level of muscle elasticity (hip and knee). In this position, there is more pressure on the abdomen.

• If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can place your hands behind your knees, holding the back muscles (between the hamstrings and calves - D).

• It is necessary to hold the position for 30 seconds - 1 minute, do 2 or 3 approaches.

Abdominal muscle toning

Performing abdominal exercises reduces abdominal volume by increasing abdominal wall pressure and shifts the center of gravity, improving the stability of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae (see pages 126, 209, 256 and 289).

The way we perform abdominal toning exercises has undergone major changes. Some time ago, these exercises were performed with fully straightened legs, the movement continued until the body was brought to a vertical position.

Today, based on existing knowledge about the musculoskeletal system and its functioning, this option is not recommended, since this increases the negative impact on the discs:

• When the lumbar spine is flexed, moving the nucleus pulposus of the discs posteriorly, the posterior fibers of the fibrous rings are compressed, which causes their damage.

• When the hip flexor muscles, which pull on the lumbar vertebrae during movement, are activated, the pressure on the discs increases significantly.

Putting your hands behind your head can be harmful because when the abdominal muscles become tired from repeated exercises, the person uses their hands to forcefully pull their head up (activating the posterior muscle myotatic reflex), causing muscle and disc tension that is potentially harmful to the cervical spine.

Exercise 1

In order not to damage the vertebral structures, the following must be taken into account:

• Keep your knees bent by placing your feet on a surface (such as a stool) or resting them on the floor. This position stabilizes the lumbar region, which reduces the impact of the hip flexors on the lower back (femur closer to the body - A), as shown on pages 275 and 276.

• It is best to place your hands on your chest or stomach. When placing them behind your head, you should try to avoid pulling your head with your hands during the exercise.

• It is recommended to perform the exercise while exhaling, which will promote contraction of the abdominal muscles.

• Raise your shoulders until your shoulder blades lift off the floor, making sure that your lumbar region is constantly in contact with the floor.

• After your shoulder blades have left the floor, you need to slowly lower them and inhale.

Exercise 2

• Stretch your straightened arms towards your knees, as if pulling your body forward following your arms.

• Unlike the previous exercise, hold the final position for several seconds while exhaling deeply to stimulate contraction of the abdominal muscles.

• Inhale while returning to the starting position.

Exercise 3

Rotation of the body to the side in combination with the flexion described earlier helps tonify the oblique muscles of the abdomen. When performing the exercise, place your hands on your chest (A), stretch your elbow to the knee of the opposite side, or place your straightened arms (B) behind the knee on the outside.

When turning to the left, the muscles that contract primarily are the internal oblique muscle on the same side (1) and the external oblique muscle on the opposite side (2), as well as the rectus anterior muscle (3).

To maintain balance in muscle tone, repeat the exercises in both directions.

Thoracolumbar extension

Exercises involving extension of the thoracic spine are especially beneficial because they compensate for the tendency of this part of the spine to flex (see pages 184, 204 and 297). They help expand the chest and promote rehydration of the (usually compressed) discs. In addition, these exercises stretch and relax the intercostal muscles and make the anterior spinal ligament and pectoralis major muscles elastic.

If shoulder pain occurs during this exercise, you should reduce the intensity. If your shoulders continue to hurt, you should stop doing the exercise due to the risk of irritation of the joint structures.

Sprain of the anterior spinal ligament (thoracic segment) and pectoral muscles

The first of the exercises is the least aggressive, therefore, of the three exercises given, it is primarily recommended for people who have problems with the shoulder joints (for example, tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon).

Exercise 1

• Stand in a corner, free of objects, lean your elbows on the wall at shoulder height. In this case, the elbows should remain below the shoulders.

• There must be sufficient distance between the wall and your feet. Tilt your body forward. When performing the exercise, you can notice how the shoulder blades are brought together due to the lever effect of the hands.

• Hold the position for 10 seconds or more.

Another way to stretch these structures is to do an exercise called disciple's pose.

• Kneel down and stretch your body forward until your hands are completely on the floor.

• Keep your knees under your hips, arms shoulder-width apart, elbows straight.

• Stretch your chest towards the floor. In this case, you can notice how the shoulder blades press on the pectoral muscles, stimulating stretching. You can lower your head or rest your forehead lightly on the floor. Make sure that the weight is not transferred to the forehead.

Exercise 3

• While standing, place your hands on the wall at shoulder height.

• Then take a step back, moving away from the wall (arms remain in the starting position) to a distance that is comfortable for performing the exercise.

• Place your legs straight and pull your body forward.

• Let the body's own weight apply to the thoracic region. Relax your torso until you feel pressure between your shoulder blades.

Back muscle toning

(Paravertebral thoracolumbar muscles - iliocostalis muscles - longus dorsi muscle - rhomboid muscles - middle portion of trapezius muscle)

It is especially recommended to perform exercises for the back muscles, as they provide the correct tone, which guarantees the support of the spine and resistance to fatigue (it is especially important to perform exercises for the muscles of the thoracic region). In addition, toning the rhomboid muscles and the middle portion of the trapezius muscle (more intense when performing exercise 2) affects, like stretching the pectoral muscles, keeping the shoulders in balance and avoiding their antepulsion.

Exercise 1

• The sitting position described on page 309 is the best way to tone these muscles because it does not put intense pressure on the lower back as with the exercises while lying face up or down (see next page).

• This exercise not only promotes a better perception of your own body, but also has a positive effect on acquiring the correct postural pattern.

• You can perform various exercises by holding the position for 10 seconds or more.

Exercise 2

• In the position described earlier, place your hands behind your head and pull your elbows back, connecting the shoulder blades and stimulating the toning of the rhomboid muscles and the middle portion of the trapezius muscle.

• It is recommended to perform this exercise with the fingers apart until sufficient awareness and control of the body is achieved. When crossing your fingers, you need to ensure that the pushing force of the hands does not push the head forward and that the cervicothoracic region is aligned.

Exercise 3

This exercise tones the posterior muscles throughout the spine, the gluteus maximus, and most of the shoulder muscles (not shown in the picture).

• The exercise is performed asymmetrically, that is, the arm is raised on one side and the leg on the other side.

• Do not raise your arm or leg above a horizontal position to avoid excessive pressure on the lumbar joints and shoulders.

Exercise 4

Performing this exercise intensively tones the back muscles, as it subjects the facet joints of the lower back to increased pressure.

• This effect can be reduced by not raising the body too high. It is enough for the shoulder blades to come together, or you can place a pillow under the stomach to support the lumbar curve.

• During the exercise, the gaze should be constantly directed to the floor (straightening the cervical spine should be avoided so as not to overload the joints or irritate the soft tissues).

• Having someone else hold your legs makes this exercise easier.

It must be taken into account that during extension the lumbar vertebrae are in a natural position and any overly intense or frequently repeated exercise in this regard is bad for the joints that are usually subject to increased stress. It is not recommended to perform these exercises in case of certain forms of arthrosis or disc herniation, although, on the other hand, we must not forget about their positive effects.

You also need to take into account that in addition to good trophism, it is necessary that the muscles involved in this exercise be sufficiently elastic to avoid the effect of their shortening on the lumbar curve.

Thoracolumbar tilt

Thoracolumbar tilt exercises are aimed at increasing the elasticity and balance of muscle tension on both sides of the spinal column (see page 260), especially the latissimus dorsi (1), quadratus lumborum (2) and obliques (3).

Lateral core stretch

(Latissimus dorsi – quadratus lumborum – obliques)

• Take a standing position with your feet hip-width apart to ensure balance during the exercise.

• Place your hand on your leg on the same side as the movement.

• Slightly tilt the body (A) and pull the arm straightened at the elbow diagonally (4), as if you wanted to separate it from the body, until you feel tension in the lateral area under the armpit (tension of the latissimus dorsi muscle).

• There is no need to bend your body excessively in order to perform the exercise correctly, since the stretching of the arm itself serves as a stretch regulator.

• It is necessary to stand straight, without turning the body and transferring part of the weight to the hand that is in contact with the leg. This hand acts as a support, stabilizing the position and preventing excessive pressure on the facet joints from the arch of the flexure.

It is recommended to help yourself by leaning on your leg to make this exercise easier (B).

• If the arm is pressed tightly to the body (C) during this exercise, the stretch will occur primarily in the quadratus lumborum muscle (2) on the arch side of the spine, although the pressure on the joints on the inside of the arch of the spine (in this case) will be significantly increased. on the right side).

For some people suffering from certain forms of arthrosis or disc disease, it is recommended to be careful when performing the exercise and in all cases it is recommended to include a stretch of the latissimus dorsi muscle (arm extended diagonally), which reduces stress on the structures of the lumbar spine.

Thoracolumbar rotation

Thoracolumbar rotation exercises serve to maintain or expand the ability to perform this movement, which improves spinal mobility by increasing the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, ligaments and other soft tissues of the joints.

Increased flexibility of the thoracolumbar region

Exercise 1

• Spread your feet a moderate distance apart (usually shoulder width or more). The position should be stable enough to ensure balance of the body.

• Raise your arms to shoulder level and bend your elbows.

• Completely, without stopping, turn the body in one direction and the other.

When the elbows are extended, the inertial force (large lever) increases, which at the end of the movement produces an additional push to turn, slightly increasing the path of movement.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the exercise, perform it with bent elbows, so as not to injure the soft structures of the joints and avoid inertial return.

After testing how the spine behaves when performing the exercise with bent elbows, you can make changes by increasing the intensity and range of the movement path: straightening the elbows, slightly increasing the frequency and/or reducing the control of inertial return.

People suffering from degenerative diseases should perform a less aggressive version of this exercise, being careful to avoid causing neurological symptoms.

Exercise 2

• This is the same exercise as described earlier, but with a stop at the end of the movement. To achieve increased muscle tone, when performing this exercise, you should avoid the effect of inertial return, for which you must, without excessive forcing, stay in the rotation position for 10 seconds or more.

Increasing flexibility of the thoracolumbar region and stretching the gluteus maximus muscle

Exercise 1

Thanks to this exercise, you can separately adjust the level of rotation in two sections - thoracic and lumbar.

• Sit down and cross one leg over the other, as shown in the picture. Make sure your spine is straight:

♦ The fibers of the disc act in such a way that during rotation the length of the spine is shortened and the spaces are closed (connection hole, see p. 46). This phenomenon is of particular significance for the thoracic region, since the horizontal position of the fibers entails flexion of the vertebrae and compression of the discs.

♦ Moving the pelvis backwards (retroversion).

The exercise can be performed in two different ways depending on the level of muscle elasticity:

1. Holding your bent knee with one hand, place your other hand on the floor (behind you) a short distance from your lower back (lightly shifting your weight to this hand to keep your spine straight).

2. Wrap your hand around your leg so that your forearm is on the outside of your thigh (this option must be performed after mastering the previous one).

• It is interesting to observe how the shoulder of the arm, which rests on the floor, moves posteriorly, increasing the level of rotation of the thoracic vertebrae. In contrast, when pulling the other leg with your hand, the movement mainly occurs in the lumbar region, increasing the stretch of the gluteus maximus muscle (1).

Exercise 2

• While lying on your back, turn the bent knee of one leg in the opposite direction, throwing it over the other leg.

• Bring your knee to hip level and hold it with your hand to stabilize the position.

• Pull your knee toward the floor with your hand, rotating the pelvis, lumbar vertebrae, and most of the thoracic vertebrae. As the stretching increases, the exercise will become more intense, and discomfort may occur due to excessive pressure on the joints of the lumbar vertebrae.

If you want to use the entire spine when performing this exercise:

• Place your other hand as shown in the figure, or perpendicular to the body, and bring your shoulder closer to the floor, forcing the rotation of your chest. With good flexibility, the shoulder will lie on the floor.

• To engage the cervical spine, you need to turn your head in the direction opposite to the side to which your leg is moving.

This type of exercise has a positive effect on the elasticity of soft tissues, as well as on the mobility of the lumbar vertebrae, however, if performed intensively, it can be harmful for people suffering from degenerative changes. Twisting increases tension in the annulus fibrosus fibers, so these exercises can injure damaged discs.

The amount that the lumbar vertebrae are able to rotate is small (5 degrees on each side), which should be taken into account when performing the exercise. Premature restriction of movement provokes an increase in the load on the facet joints.

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Indications and contraindications

Experts recommend using a chest corset if the following indications exist:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;


  • rehabilitation period after surgery or injury;
  • kyphosis;
  • presence of chronic pain;
  • compression fracture;
  • spondylosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

Intervertebral hernia

On a note! You can purchase and wear a corset without visiting a doctor, which is used by those whose physical work is quite hard and their back needs protection from excessive stress. The corset can also be used by those who do work while sitting in one place for a long time.

But you need to know that you can’t always wear a corset. When using this product, it is important to remember the contraindications, including:

  • recently performed operations on those parts of the body where the corset is attached;
  • allergic reactions to materials used in the manufacture of the corset;
  • any diseases, one of the symptoms of which is swelling;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not always possible to wear an orthopedic corset

On a note! Contraindications to wearing certain types of models may include cardiovascular and skin diseases localized in the area where product parts adjoin, and a number of chronic pathologies. Therefore, if any, consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

Consequences of scoliosis of the cervical and thoracic regions

Curvature of these areas of the spine can lead to:

  • pinched spinal nerves;
  • circulatory and metabolic disorders;
  • displacement of internal organs and their pathologies;
  • chest deformities.

Thus, scoliosis of the 3rd and 4th degree can cause dysfunction:

  • cardiovascular;
  • respiratory;
  • digestive;
  • as well as the genitourinary systems.

Heart failure can be caused by a curved chest, and pulmonary failure can be caused by deformation and displacement of the ribs. The consequence of this may be the development of severe respiratory failure, which is caused by a decrease in lung volume.

Cardiac pathologies develop gradually, starting with shortness of breath during sports or when climbing stairs. An increase in the degree of thoracic scoliosis can cause an increase in pressure and frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. In this case, a cardiogram may indicate arrhythmia, myocardial pathologies, etc.

The complexity of treatment in this case is the difficulty of selecting medications when diagnosing the disease. If a cardiologist or therapist does not take into account the condition of the spine during the examination, then conventional drugs for the treatment of cardiac pathologies, which are actually complications of scoliosis, will be powerless.

Lateral curvature of the neck is fraught with cerebral hemorrhages and, logically, stroke. Such dangerous consequences of scoliosis are caused by compression (squeezing) of the vertebral artery passing through the openings that are located in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. Thus, irreversible processes are caused that can reduce intellectual capabilities and destroy the personality as a whole.

How to choose a corset

Usually, during an appointment, the doctor immediately recommends the type and model of corset that is most suitable for a particular patient. But when there is a desire to purchase a product without consultation, it is important to consider the following aspects:

  • purpose of use of the product;
  • features of the disease for the treatment of which the corset will be used;
  • human body dimensions - usually it is enough to take measurements from the waist, chest, and also measure height;
  • the patient’s daily routine and lifestyle, his individual condition.

How to choose a corset size

If you want to learn in more detail how to choose the right corset for scoliosis, types and tips for choosing, and also consider, you can read an article about this on our portal.

The cost of a corset usually varies greatly depending on its functionality and the materials from which it is made. An important aspect is the ergonomics and convenience of the product . The fabric and other materials (except for fixation inserts) used to create it must be hypoallergenic, soft, and breathable so that the skin does not rot during prolonged wear.

It is important to choose a corset by size. When ordering an individual product, you won’t have to worry about this, but when buying it in a store, you need to take this aspect into account.

Rules for choosing a corset

Attention! You need to be very careful when purchasing and using a corset yourself! Improper use can provoke the development of serious violations! It’s better not to be self-willed, but to seek help from an orthopedist, neurologist, rehabilitation specialist or vertebologist.

What else is dangerous about scoliosis?

In addition to physiological pathologies, it can cause mental disorders. Particularly suspicious and emotionally vulnerable are young people whose severe curvatures of the spine and their unaesthetic consequences cause serious complexes and isolation. Rejection of one's body, and over time, self-loathing are the mental states of a person that scoliosis causes. As a consequence of such injuries, a decrease in adaptive capabilities and a slowdown in social development are observed, especially in childhood. Often the whole situation is aggravated by an obsessive fear of surgical intervention in children, so parents should ensure that their child undergoes the necessary consultation with a child psychologist.

So, before you decide to start treatment for spinal scoliosis and leave the disease to chance, you should take into account the high likelihood of a number of serious diseases and subsequent complications. Therefore, it is always better to diagnose scoliosis in a timely manner and begin immediate treatment than to try to get rid of its many negative consequences.

Instructions for choosing a corset

Step 1. First you need to decide what type of corset to buy. You need to take into account its functionality and rigidity. Usually the choice is made depending on the indications.

Decide on the type of corset

Step 2. You should study the corset market and find out what models are on sale, which one is better to buy, and what they are made of. At the same time, the budget is immediately taken into account.

Check out the available models

Step 3. Then you need to familiarize yourself with the corset fastening systems and choose the one that seems most comfortable.

Rules for wearing corsets

In order for the wear of the corset to benefit, and the product itself to serve as long as possible, it is important to follow certain operating rules.

  1. Time to wear a corset. Those used for posture correction are worn for up to 6 hours during the day with breaks of 2-3 hours. Therapeutic corsets are used for about 4 hours. It is best for children to wear a corset while doing homework. If there is a pathology, the doctor will determine the time of wearing the corset.

    How to Wear a Posture Corset

  2. Athletes must wear a corset during or after training..
  3. The first days you need to wear the corset without removing it for more than 15-20 minutes , gradually increasing the wearing time to 30 minutes. Then, for about 1-2 weeks, the corset is used for 45 minutes, and only after that it is allowed to wear the product for 75 or more minutes a day.
  4. When using a corset for treatment purposes, after visible improvements appear, the product should be worn less and less .
  5. It is important to remove the corset at night.

    The corset should be removed at night

  6. The product worn should not put excessive pressure on the body..
  7. Wearing a corset on a naked body is not recommended.
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