Kinesio taping (sports, medical, lymphatic drainage)

Kinesio taping is a technique for applying elastic patches to various parts of the body for therapeutic effects. Kinesio tapes, as these elastic bands are called, were developed forty years ago by American-born Japanese doctor Kenzo Kase specifically for athletes who took part in the Seoul Olympics. They attached patches for the purpose of prevention to areas most susceptible to injury: joints of the arms and legs, large muscles. Feedback on the use of elastic bands has been very positive. Gradually, from sports medicine, tapes began to be introduced into routine medical practice. Today, taping is used in many areas of medicine: traumatology, orthopedics, neurology and even cosmetology. Over the years of practice, we have received many positive reviews from doctors and patients. Please note that kinesio taping is not an independent treatment method, but serves as a good additional tool in the main therapy, and is also widely used as a preventive measure when playing sports. Read more about these unique kinesio tapes here.

The effect of tapes on osteochondrosis

Kinesio tapes for neck pain help relax muscles. Osteochondrosis tapes have a supporting effect on the spinal column, thereby relieving muscle tension. Kinesiology patches also help relieve swelling and tissue inflammation. Taping for osteochondrosis helps restore joint mobility.

Kinesio taping for cervical osteochondrosis also leads to normalization of metabolic processes. Neck taping improves the flow of nerve impulses that go to the brain. If you apply a patch for osteochondrosis, the severity of pain decreases.

Multi-colored tapes are hypoallergenic, so they can be used in most patients. They are made of 97% cotton fabric and 3% nylon. Thanks to the elastic base, damaged areas are supported even during active movements. That is, the patch on the body continues to work even during sports.

Often neck taping for osteochondrosis is accompanied by other rehabilitation methods. This enhances the effectiveness of manual therapy. The positive effect of taping can be noticed approximately an hour after gluing the tape. Complete disappearance of pain syndromes is possible after a few days. The patch for cervical osteochondrosis should be worn on the body for about 5 days to get rid of pain.

Aesthetic neck taping

With the help of kinesiology tapes, you can get rid of age-related wrinkles on the neck, rejuvenate the skin in the décolleté area, and tighten sagging skin. Aesthetic neck taping for wrinkles has gained popularity due to its high efficiency and safety. Compared to RF lifting, laser peeling, and other salon procedures, drug-free skin tightening using kinesio tapes does not entail serious health risks. For example, you can remove “Venus rings” from your neck even at home.

If the procedures are performed regularly, the condition of the skin improves significantly and deep wrinkles are corrected. Lymphatic drainage taping of the chin and neck in combination is highly effective. Applying tapes to the skin of the face and neck provides stimulation of the lymphatic system, improves blood supply to tissues, and creates a lifting effect. With the help of these procedures, age-related folds become less visible, sagging is eliminated, and the skin gains elasticity. The result is noticeable after the first procedure.

Indications for taping

Cervical osteochondrosis itself is an indication for the application of therapeutic patches. Taping is also indicated for its classic symptoms:

  • acute pain in the neck, aggravated by coughing and sneezing, often radiating to the head;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • pain and crunching when turning and tilting the head;
  • pain, burning and numbness between the shoulder blades;
  • stiffness of the spine, which led to limitation of movements;
  • slight damage to the neck muscles;
  • headache, which may be accompanied by dizziness or fainting;
  • sprains and tendon damage.

What effect does taping have?

Over the years of using elastic patches in medical practice, their positive effects on the body have been revealed:

  • reduction of inflammation in tissues;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • improving blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • reduction of pain.

Kinesio tapes redistribute the load between the skin and muscles, reducing pressure on inflamed tissues. A competently performed procedure as an additional method of therapy brings tangible benefits.


Taping for osteochondrosis has a small number of contraindications. Kinesiology patches are not recommended for use if:

  • elevated temperature;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • thrombosis;
  • diabetes mellitus (kinesio taping can lead to a strong modified insulin requirement);
  • reflux disease, etc.

Also, kinesiology taping is not safe to use for any acute illness that is not fully diagnosed. These patches are not sterile and should not be used on damaged areas of the skin. Applying tape to an open wound is also contraindicated. In addition, taping the neck for osteochondrosis is dangerous in case of kidney disease.

Causes of neck discomfort

The specialist will first of all find out the nature of the pain: aching, pulling, at what time it occurs, then manually examine the neck to identify the location of the painful areas. After the initial examination, additional examination will be scheduled to get a complete picture of the patient’s condition and establish a diagnosis. Here are the reasons that can cause discomfort in the cervical spine.

  1. Injuries of various types.
  2. Staying in one position for a long time, resulting in muscle strain.
  3. Tendinitis, osteochondrosis, neuritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  4. Spinal disorders and injuries.
  5. Diseases that affect bone tissue: arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and others.
  6. Poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and other ailments.

We have indicated only the most common factors that provoke discomfort in the neck area. In medical practice, they are known much more. The exact cause of the pain will be determined by a specialist after collecting anamnesis and receiving the examination results. Only then will suitable therapy be prescribed.

Reviews from doctors about the technique

Taping is used to treat osteochondrosis all over the world. The rehabilitation method of applying tapes for pain was developed in the USA by the Japanese-American doctor Kenzo Kase. Then such kinesio taping became popular in other countries.

Today, tapes are recommended for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Many doctors speak positively about the use of medicinal patches for neck pain. Chiropractors apply tapes for various spinal diseases.

Kinesio taping is widely used by famous clinics and doctors. For example, in the Moscow Dikul centers they use rehabilitation taping for osteochondrosis and other diseases. Even cardiologists recommend tapes as a preventive measure for various cardiovascular diseases. Taping procedures have a general strengthening effect on all body systems. All taping techniques help prevent the development of serious pathologies.

Selecting tapes for the cervical region

To fix the cervical spine in case of damage to muscles and ligaments, wide plasters are most often used. Both I and Y-shaped tapes are applied. Tapes can be cut into strips of the desired width. Aesthetic taping is carried out using both cotton and silk ribbons. All products are hypoallergenic and are even suitable for use on delicate baby skin. The choice of shape and width, material and degree of elasticity depend on the area of ​​application and the taping scheme.

Also, when choosing products, it is important to pay attention to the country of origin. Korean and Japanese tapes are the most popular, and demand for American and European-made products is growing.

Today you can buy ribbons in neutral and bright colors, options with prints and inscriptions. The color of the cotton ribbon does not indicate any special properties of the product and is chosen solely based on personal preferences.

People with sensitive skin are advised to use cotton products with a “soft” adhesive. The use of such products guarantees simple and painless removal of the application. Waterproof patches with a reinforced composition are chosen by athletes during the rehabilitation period and to prevent injuries. In cosmetology, more elastic materials of minimal thickness are used. They provide a tight fit and are the most effective in tightening the skin.

Classification of dorsopathies

Depending on the location of spinal lesions, dorsopathy is divided into three main groups:

  • Cervical dorsopathy.
  • Dorsopathy of the thoracic spine (due to the significant rigidity of this section is rare). Most often, dorsopathy in this department occurs in the area of ​​the lower thoracic vertebrae, closer to the lumbar region.
  • Dorsopathy of the lumbar and sacral spine.
  • Despite the fact that dorsopathy of the lumbar sacral spine is much more common than cervical, damage to the cervical vertebrae is more dangerous, as it can lead to impaired blood circulation to the brain.

    In addition, there is a classification of dorsopathy based on the type of spinal pathology:

  • Deforming. These diseases arise as a result of disruption of the normal position of the joints of the spine relative to each other, various changes in curvature and many other pathological changes in the spine, including bulging discs and intervertebral herniations.
  • Spondylopathy. The manifestation of these dorsopathies occurs in people as a result of serious spinal injuries and various diseases that cause degenerative changes in the skeletal bones (infectious or tumor formations).
  • Discotic (discogenic). The development of such dorsopathies is the result of severe degeneration of the spinal cartilage, which leads to displacement of the vertebrae and herniated discs.


Treatment of dorsopathy of the cervical spine, as well as the thoracic or lumbar spine, should be carried out not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also during remission. Treatment will significantly increase periods of remission and significantly reduce the intensity of exacerbations.


. To reduce pain in the acute phase, physical methods should be used. Superficial heat modalities relax muscles and relieve soft tissue pain.

Conversely, deep heating techniques (eg, UHF) should be avoided for acute cervical radiculopathy as they increase inflammation and consequently worsen radicular pain and nerve root damage. Cryotherapy can have a good effect in acute pain syndrome.

Traction therapy

may relieve root pain due to nerve root compression. Traction does not reduce pain from soft tissue injuries. Before performing traction, it is necessary to perform massage and/or electrical stimulation, which allows the muscles to relax before the procedure.

Soft neck collar

recommended only for severe pain or acute injuries of the cervical spine and for short periods of time (no more than 3-4 days of continuous use). The danger of wearing a cervical collar for long periods of time is that the range of motion and strength of the neck muscles can be dramatically reduced.

Manual therapy

. Spinal manipulation and mobilization can restore normal range of motion to the motion segments of the cervical spine and reduce pain. Facet joint mobilization is also thought to improve afferent signals from mechanoreceptors to the peripheral and central nervous system. Normalization of afferent impulses improves muscle tone, reduces muscle defense and promotes more efficient metabolism of local tissues.


. This method of influencing biologically active points is widely used in the treatment of dorsopathy of the cervical spine and allows you to restore normal impulses along the nerve fibers.

Features of kinesio taping

When using elastic cotton tapes, the process of treating osteochondrosis is significantly accelerated. The decision on their use is made by the attending physician, since there are certain contraindications, for example, allergic reactions, thrombosis, dermatological diseases. You should also not apply patches to open wounds, inflammatory processes in the spine, and in some other situations. A specialist will show you the correct technique for applying tapes. On the Internet you can also find many informational videos about kinesio taping, as well as educational videos about application methods.

Buy high-quality kinesio tapes for the neck >>>

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CT myelography

  • A myelogram followed by a computed tomography scan may be performed in preparation for surgical treatment to decompress the spinal cord or nerve root.
  • This study allows us to evaluate the spinal canal, the presence of narrowing and the impact on the spinal cord and compression of the nerve roots by disc herniation, osteophyte, and also evaluate the foraminal space.
  • CT myelography remains a valuable diagnostic modality and is superior to MRI for visualization of the lateral and foraminal space, despite its invasiveness, high cost, and possible side effects. CT myelography is not the initial imaging method for cervical spine dorsopathy and is used only in complex cases.

Types of tapes

There are tapes:

  • Inelastic
    - classic models that are made from 100% cotton without glue. Their task is mechanical fixation and support of muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Elastic
    - contain a large percentage of cotton, stretch in the longitudinal direction. This allows you to increase the degree of compression of the desired area.
  • Adhesive
    – they are well fixed on any surface, which allows you to support joints and muscles even under heavy loads.
  • Cohesive
    - they are glued only to another tape, used only to prepare a certain area for taping.

Tapes can have different shapes and sizes, which directly depends on their purpose, as well as on what areas they will be glued to. Products from different manufacturers differ in tension, weight, and elasticity. This places different levels of stress on your joints and muscles, so you need to know how to apply them. Universal kinesio tapes are used to treat hernias, stretch marks, and dislocations.

On sale you can find tapes of different shades. But the therapeutic effect does not depend on the color of the ribbon.

Risk factors

There are several leading main factors that can lead to the development of dorsopathy of the cervical spine, namely:

  • Involutional (age-related) changes in the body, which are aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Overweight.
  • Hypothermia, colds.
  • Professional activities associated with prolonged static loads or vector loads on the spine.
  • Frequent diseases caused by viral infections.
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