Taping for osteochondrosis will quickly relieve neck pain

Osteochondrosis is considered the main cause of back pain. Every 4 people over 35 years of age and every 9 pensioners suffer from its manifestations. Kinesio taping will help relieve pain and stiffness of movement.

This is a technique of applying elastic adhesive tapes on a woven basis to the body according to specially designed patterns. You will feel relief after the first procedure. Without leaving home, reduce the severity of pain and experience freedom of movement.

Taping for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the spine is characterized by thinning of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. It manifests itself as pain in the neck, between the shoulder blades, and in the lower back. Accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the spine.

Causes of spinal osteochondrosis:

  • age-related changes in the body;
  • long-term physical activity;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • poor posture, stoop;
  • abnormalities in the structure of the spine;
  • excess body weight;
  • heredity.

Depending on the type of osteochondrosis and the degree of its development, additional unpleasant manifestations occur: numbness of the limbs or pain in the back of the head. Without treatment, the disease leads to dysfunction of the spinal cord and internal organs.

The use of taping for osteochondrosis leads to impressive results. Within a couple of hours of wearing the application, you will notice a decrease in pain and an increase in free range of motion. And with regular use you will get a lasting therapeutic effect.

The technique was developed and tested in the 70s in America. It has become widespread in both medical and sports environments. Kinesio tapes gained worldwide popularity after the Olympics in Seoul. Back then, athletes confidently performed with applications applied to their bodies. Taping helps not only to achieve athletic heights, but also to cope with pain.

Thanks to the hypoallergenic acrylic-based polymer adhesive, the patch stays on the skin for up to 5 days. The application does not come off when in contact with water or sweat. A special liquid – remover – helps to remove it safely. You don’t have to waste time and energy on applying a new tape every day or change your lifestyle while wearing the application.

Doctors, athletes, and you can use back tapes for osteochondrosis. For this, a basic knowledge of anatomy and a correctly chosen application pattern will suffice.

How to wear?

Provided they are applied correctly, wearing the patches does not cause discomfort, does not limit physical activity, and does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle. To obtain an effective treatment result during the use of tapes, it is necessary to pay attention to the basic rules for their use:

  1. Each tape can be applied only once, even if the tape retains its adhesive properties. Repeated use is not effective and does not help achieve a positive result.
  2. All types of patches are waterproof. That is, during the treatment period you can take a shower, swim in a pool or natural reservoirs, and play sports.
  3. When applying the tape, it is important to prevent the appearance of creases and wrinkles on the patch, as this can lead to itching, burning, and skin rashes.
  4. You need to wear one tape for three to five days, after which you should remove the old tapes and apply new ones.

The optimal duration of the treatment course is determined in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, based on the existing symptoms and diseases. As a rule, when using patches for medicinal purposes, they should be worn for three to eight weeks.

Tapes for osteochondrosis

Depending on the location of the affected area, 3 types of osteochondrosis can be roughly distinguished:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Knowing it, you can easily choose a scheme for applying tapes for osteochondrosis. Use special literature for this. For example, the book by Valentin Gait, a world-class expert on kinesio taping. It contains step-by-step illustrated instructions for performing kinesio tape applications. The technique is effective for cervical, lumbar, and thoracic osteochondrosis.

Regular use of patches for osteochondrosis

  • reduces pain when moving;
  • relieves swelling and inflammation of surrounding tissues;
  • allows you to achieve a prolonged effect and consolidate it.

To apply the application correctly, follow several rules for preparing for the procedure.

  • Clean and degrease the taping area, remove hairs for comfortable gluing and removal of tapes.
  • Select a diagram, study the instructions for it and prepare the necessary pieces of tape.
  • Carry out the application exactly according to the instructions so that it works correctly.

Composition of kinesiology tape

Kinesiology tape is a combination of three main components. The first layer of tape is made of cotton fabric, which contains threads of synthetic material, which provides the product with elasticity and softness. Thanks to the use of natural fibers, natural air exchange is maintained when using the patch.

The second layer should be an adhesive acrylic substance, which ensures the adhesion of the tape to the surface of the skin. The acrylic coating has hypoallergenic properties and does not inhibit the natural microflora of the skin even with prolonged use of the product. The adhesive substance has healing properties that are activated a few minutes after applying the patch.

Some representatives of official medicine recommend paying attention not only to the shape, but also to the color of medicinal patches, since it is this aspect that determines the medicinal properties of the tape. Black kinesio tape for cervical osteochondrosis or other forms of illness helps to provide a warming effect. Blue relaxes muscles and relieves tension. However, this statement is considered controversial.

Taping for cervical osteochondrosis

Thinning of the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine is manifested not only by pain in the collar area. The disease is accompanied by a long list of symptoms:

  • dizziness and nausea;
  • spasms in the back of the head;
  • tinnitus when changing body position;
  • blurred vision;
  • numbness of fingertips;
  • shoulder pain.

The use of taping techniques for cervical osteochondrosis helps reduce its manifestations and restore the tissues surrounding the spine. Important: to apply the applique correctly and achieve impressive results in a short time, use the help of a second person. It is not possible to perform the procedure yourself due to its location on the back.

Efficiency of the technique

The effectiveness of kinesiotaping appears after the first procedures and consists in eliminating the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis.

Positive Impact

  • reduction of pain: the patch creates pressure on an area of ​​the body, limiting the supply of impulses from nerve endings to the nerve centers of organs;
  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph outflow: tension on the surface of the tape increases the distance between the skin and inflamed muscles, thereby restoring the natural circulation of fluids. Brain nutrition is normalized, dizziness disappears;
  • A special feature of the patch is that it fixes the damaged area of ​​the body without restricting a person’s movements , which has a positive effect on the patient’s psycho-emotional state, eliminates depression and anxiety.

Taping schemes

For kinesio taping of the neck for osteochondrosis, both applications with standard kinesio tapes and perforated ones are used. The type of tape is selected depending on the selected taping scheme. To relieve pain and stress on the cervical spine, schemes performed with standard patches are used. In this case, a scheme with a Y-shaped tape is often used. It takes 5 minutes to complete and is accessible to beginners.

  • Prepare the first tape and cut it lengthwise in a Y shape. Apply the piece without tension, tilting your head forward, from the area between the shoulder blades to the back of the head.
  • Glue the second section with light tension, covering the painful area with the middle of the section.
  • Wear the application for up to 5 days, avoiding contact with ointments containing oils.

Lymphatic drainage applications are also used for taping for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. They relieve inflammation of soft tissue in the painful area. For this, standard tape cut lengthwise into an octopus shape is used, as well as perforated kinesio tapes that are ready for use without additional cutting.

What is kinesio taping?

The term “kinesio taping” refers to an innovative method of treating pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, based on the use of elastic tissue tapes and not involving the use of medications.

The revolutionary therapy method is based on the use of cotton or synthetic tapes applied to the painful area.

The use of elastic bands or taping can reduce stress on muscles, reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and stimulate tissue regeneration processes. Wearing tapes is recommended both for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and for the prevention of their development.

For osteochondrosis, the kinesiotaping method is used in combination with medications, therapeutic exercises, and physiotherapeutic procedures. Wearing adhesive tapes does not limit freedom of movement, prevents physical fatigue, and promotes relaxation of muscle tissue.


Using back tapes for osteochondrosis makes the manifestations of the disease less painful and helps the body recover. This technique is safe for use in both adults and children. The list of contraindications is small, but before using tapes we recommend consulting with your doctor.

Reasons for not taping:

  • skin cancer;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic diseases.

Opinions of doctors and patients about effectiveness

According to doctors, an improvement in the patient’s condition is observed after the first application of the therapeutic patch. Taping has a general strengthening effect on all systems of the body and can be one of the means of prevention to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

According to patient reviews, the medical product has many advantages compared to elastic bandages or rigid plaster casts: the patch preserves motor functions and effectively eliminates pain.

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