Taping for ulnar epicondylitis and tennis elbow

Diseases of the elbow joint are quite serious and cannot be left without proper attention, since in advanced cases you will have to resort to conservative therapy - surgery. That is why, if your elbow hurts during exercise, or if you experience any other form of discomfort when moving, it is best to treat tennis elbow in advance; in some cases, procedures can be carried out at home. Knowing exactly what tennis elbow is and how to treat it can help prevent the development of quite serious complications.

Diagnostic principles

Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow joint is determined by a specialized specialist. By the way, if anyone didn’t know which doctor treats epicondylitis of the elbow joint, then an orthopedist deals with similar ailments and will make a diagnosis. Determining the disease consists of finding the point of pain, palpating possible changes or swelling of the tissue, as well as performing extension tests. At the same time, the tennis player’s disease is very often confused with nerve entrapment syndrome, necrosis of joint tissue and its surface, as well as arthritis. Sometimes ordinary osteochondrosis may have similar symptoms. Typical elbow injuries and temporary elbow dysfunction should also be excluded. That is why it is very important to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, which, among other things, will include instrumental research.

Instrumental diagnostics for lateral epicondylitis is carried out using the following methods:

1. Diagnostics using electromyography.

  • A study of the electrical activity of muscles is carried out;
  • The presence of pathologies of nerve endings is diagnosed.

2. Ultrasound or MRI.

  • The overgrowth of bones and tendons is determined;
  • The optimal surgical plan is determined.

After accurately diagnosing the disease of the elbow joint and developing tactics, they move on to direct treatment. Suitable procedures are prescribed by a doctor, so at this stage it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-medication, and even more so, to leave the problem unattended.


Wrist extension

A classic example of exercise for rehabilitating tendinopathies is eccentric contractions (as a standard protocol), especially when treating Achilles or patellar tendinopathy. Eccentric exercise is considered an effective strategy for overuse injuries as well as for preventing recurrent injuries. They also better prepare patients/athletes to return to normal life or sports activities compared to concentric exercises. The response of the Achilles tendon (tendinopathy) to eccentric exercise was observed after twelve weeks of training. However, other studies have found no differences in tendon response between concentric and eccentric exercises.

Data regarding load, speed of movement, number of repetitions, duration of contraction, and type of exercise remain inconclusive.

Treatment for Tennis Elbow

Before treating epicondylitis, the doctor must determine the most gentle method, of course, taking into account the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease. It is also possible to treat diseases of the elbow joint at home, but this is prescribed only for the mildest cases. Most cases of tennis elbow are treated with conservative procedures, which may include:

  • Significant load limitation;
  • Physiotherapy and massage treatments;
  • Drug treatment;
  • Orthosis for mild forms;
  • Use of special physical education classes;
  • Taping of the elbow joint (we will consider this option separately).

If conservative procedures do not give the desired effect and lateral epicondylitis of the elbow joint continues to progress, surgery is prescribed. The operation algorithm consists of separating the muscles from the epicondyle, removing tissue with signs of damage, and attaching the elbow muscle to the bone. Surgical treatment of the elbow is performed through an incision using arthroscopy techniques.

Applying tapes to the elbow

In order to understand how to apply tape, each patient must clearly understand the principle of the effect of the tape and have an understanding of their illnesses.

Taping the elbow joint during attacks of pain

To understand how to apply tape during attacks (to relieve pain), you need to have an idea of ​​its source and causes. Need specialist advice.

Taping of the elbow joint in case of epicondylitis

The inflammatory process of the ligamentous apparatus of the elbow joint can occur against the background of the patient’s work or lifestyle. In this case, kinesio taping is recommended after cold treatment. The procedure allows you to ensure the necessary boundaries of joint mobility. Due to competently performed stabilization, the ability to quickly eliminate inflammatory processes is achieved. In order to apply the tape, you need to:

  • determine the size and round its corners;
  • select a suitable area for gluing (minimize contact with hair);
  • treat the skin with an antiseptic.

The patient's arm must be bent at the elbow. The tape is glued with the minimum possible tension.

Taping the elbow joint for bursitis

Treatment of a joint with bursitis will require the use of tape 5 cm wide. The tape should pass over the olecranon process of the joint. The second stripe should correspond to the length of the half-circumference of the elbow. The next steps are as follows:

  • in order to apply the tape to the desired area of ​​the body, it is necessary to round its corners;
  • Next, you should fold the tape in half and make a 3-5 cm long cut in the middle.

Gluing should be done from top to bottom. To install the tape on the elbow joint, a special incision is used, into which the olecranon process must be placed. The second tape is installed according to a similar scheme.

The patch is used for various cases. Many differ radically from each other due to the need to capture certain areas and tissues. For example, if the patient has been diagnosed with medial epicondylitis, it is necessary to tape the entire inner surface of the arm through its tension at the site of pain (for pain), followed by securing the second tape to the lower third of the forearm.

Contraindications for taping

  • Lack of a complete clinical picture of the course of the disease.
  • Heat.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Swelling due to heart disease, kidney disease and other diseases.

Kinesio taping - what is it?

Treatment of lateral epicondylitis of the elbow joint by taping involves the use of a special sculpting tape (kinesio tape), which supports the tennis player’s elbow in a given position, preventing it from bending or straightening too much. This technique is not only therapeutic, but also prophylactic, and therefore is used at different stages of the disease. According to statistics, this is the method that is used in modern clinics as one of the most effective, safe and painless treatment options, with very good results.

Taping is also used as a preventative form of protecting the elbow joint in tennis players, even with healthy joints. In this case, the coach (team doctor) uses a light bandage, which does not limit or hinder movement, but simply prevents the soft tissue from being stretched too much. Taping for epicondylitis is as follows. The sticky side of the tape has a ribbed surface, so when glued to the skin it is perceived as a foreign body. When moving, the tennis player's elbow will experience the action of the ribbed surface, which improves blood flow and eliminates the phenomenon of lymphostasis. The tape also prevents the muscles from stretching too much, the shoulder also moves minimally, so the external epicondylitis of the elbow joint stops progressing. The tape itself is made of elastic and durable material; when moved, it acts on the surface of the elbow, thereby providing a massage. Medial epicondylitis is characterized by the presence of pain, and constant massaging helps to dull the pain. In general, taping a tennis elbow provides the following beneficial effects:

  • Significant improvement in blood circulation;
  • Elimination of stagnation of lymph flow;
  • Muscle relaxation;
  • Pain relief;
  • Prevention and treatment of the disease.

As a result of overload, the elbow joint is destroyed - it is precisely this phenomenon that the tape is designed to combat. By eliminating the harmful effects of overloads, the tape ensures reliable and calm operation of the joint as usual, and this is important not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of illness or common injuries. This technique will be useful regardless of age and gender, as well as regardless of the degree of training of the athlete or the type of activity of the person with problems with the elbow joints.

Patient education

Educating patients about their condition, prognosis, treatment options, and self-management may not be effective in the short term and cannot be used as a standalone treatment option. However, it has good long-term effects when used in combination with other tennis elbow treatments.

Patient education is defined as “planned learning experiences using a combination of methods, such as education, counseling, and behavior modification techniques, that influence patients' knowledge and behavior to improve health.” Informing patients about their needs helps in shared decision making, encourages treatment readiness, and increases self-efficacy.

Since tendinopathy is a degenerative disease and the first stages are considered inflammatory, recovery and treatment will depend on the overall condition of the body. Smoking, high intake of fatty foods and increased body mass index can delay recovery. These factors should be discussed with patients to ensure optimal treatment.

Kinesio taping for epicondylitis

To cure epicondylitis with tape, you must know how to use it correctly. First, the doctor treats the surface of the skin with alcohol, and it is advisable to remove hair growing on the skin. There are two types of tapes - in the form of “X” and “Y”. Type 1 elbow injury with tape is treated as follows:

  • The long side of the tape is glued to the inside of the arm up to the elbow;
  • A special instep support is attached with the short side of the tape.

Elbow epicondylitis can be treated with “Y” shaped tape. To do this, the following is done:

  • The hand should be fixed at a right angle;
  • The top strips are glued to the elbow, and one long one is underneath it.

Tennis elbow can be fixed in other ways - the attending physician will use the one that will have the greatest possible therapeutic effect, but before treating the elbow, the given methods must be used to analyze the results. Typical forms of bandages can be seen in the photos below.

Contraindications to taping

Despite the relative harmlessness of the method, it has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use taping if the skin is too sensitive, sagging, or has allergic reactions to the tape material. Taping should also not be used if there are wounds or ulcers, as well as dermatological diseases determined by the attending physician. Contraindications are mainly a temporary obstacle to the use of tape, therefore, until the cause of the impossibility of using adhesive tape is eliminated, other treatment methods should be used.


Taping for tennis elbow
Taping has a good analgesic effect and provides painless grip in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis. One study (Cho YT, 2018) compared the effects (pain level, grip strength, hand disability (QuickDASH)) of kinesio taping with exercise, sham taping with exercise, and exercise alone in patients with tennis elbow. The study results support the positive combination of kinesio taping and exercise.

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