Classic taping of the ankle joint using additional fixing rounds and figure eight application.

Kinesio taping of the foot is a new technique for the treatment and prevention of foot deformities. Taping is used for flat feet, bruises, hallux valgus, swelling and other pathologies. The use of tape as an orthopedic device can achieve significant improvement in children and adults. Fabric tape, which is glued to the foot, affects ligaments, muscles, fascial formations, skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Applying applications allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Reducing swelling of the lower extremities;
  • Accelerated recovery of joints after injuries;
  • Suppression of pain;
  • Providing support for the plantar ligament;
  • Strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the foot;
  • Prevention of flat feet and heel spurs.

Tapes are also used in sports medicine for the prevention and treatment of injuries associated with intense physical activity. However, kinesio taping only works if the correct taping technique is followed. In this article you will learn how to glue tape and how to apply tape to the foot.

Methods and techniques for gluing tapes

For flat feet, a Y-shaped band is often used, which is placed over the back of the foot to provide heel support. There is an alternative gluing technique without using Y-tape. To apply I-shaped tape, you need to cut a strip of fabric 15-20 cm long and stick it on the forefoot, 2 cm from the little toe.

Taping for hallux valgus is carried out with two wide tapes. The first tape (yellow tape in the image) is applied to the foot and the back of the lower leg - to the base of the calf muscle. The second tape (blue tape in the image) is applied to provide lateral support to the foot. The tape must be glued perpendicular to the first strip of fabric, in the heel area. Taping for planovalgus feet is carried out with several support tapes on the heel, middle and base of the foot.

The technique of applying tape to the foot for bruised feet in children and adults depends on the nature of the injury. If the bruise is on the Achilles, kinesio taping is performed on the back of the lower leg and Achilles, as shown in the image. A few rules for correct application:

  • The finished application must be rubbed to ensure tighter contact between the fabric and the skin.
  • Tape anchors must be applied without excessive tension - only the central part of the tape is stretched.
  • The adhesive part of the tape should only be applied to clean skin;
  • To ensure that the glue in the unused tape dries faster, the ends of the tape must be rounded.

What are tapes?

These are elastic bands with a special adhesive layer, which are used to eliminate pain, as well as to prevent sprains and dislocations during sports.

Kinesio tape patches come in different widths - from 2 to 10 cm. They are produced in rolls, from which a strip of the required length is cut, or in a form ready for application (pre-cut tapes). They need to be glued according to a special pattern. In this case, the ends (anchors) of the patch are attached without tension, but in the middle part it can stretch up to 70% of the initial length. With reverse compression, the patch slightly lifts the skin above the inflamed area, reducing tissue pressure on the nerve endings and reducing pain.

When taping, it is permissible to leave the patch on the skin without removing it for up to five days. Its undoubted advantage over an elastic bandage is the ability to perform water procedures (but not more than 15 minutes), since it is resistant to moisture. After a shower, pat the tape dry with a towel and it will soon dry. However, you should not dry it with a hairdryer - this will activate the adhesive layer, and then it will be more difficult to remove the patch. It is best to remove tapes from the skin using special sprays - they are also presented on our website.

Tape not only eliminates pain, but also has an effective therapeutic effect:

  • relieves swelling;
  • accelerates lymph and blood flow in the damaged area;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • supports joints.

Foot taping for flat feet

A special application technique reduces excessive tension on the plantar ligament. It is the excess tension that causes longitudinal flattening of the foot and plantar fasciitis (calcification at the attachment site of the ligament). Taping the foot for flat feet partially relieves the symptoms of the disease, prevents the appearance of plantar fasciitis, and reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system. Taping the feet of children before puberty can achieve an orthopedic effect.

How to properly apply tapes to feet?

First of all, you need to prepare the skin: wash your foot with warm water and soap, dry it, and degrease it. For application you will need patches of various configurations. So, for problems in the heel area, Y-type tape is usually used. One end of it needs to be attached to the heel, and then the forked second end (“anchor”) is glued on both sides of the Achilles tendon. In this case, it is better to round the ends for more reliable fastening.

To protect the arch of the foot, it is enough to apply a 5 cm wide elastic band to the plantar part. To treat flat feet, a special application technique is used, so a specialist must first teach it. Incorrectly applied tape will cause harm, not benefit.

Taping the foot for sprains

Excess weight, excessive exercise and lack of nutrients lead to an increased risk of sprains. This problem is especially relevant for athletes who experience extreme stress on the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the lower extremities. Muscles, ligaments and joints are exposed to a large number of microtraumas. Over time, the negative effect of damage accumulates and leads to the appearance of chronic inflammation. Kinesio tape for sprains allows you to fix the foot, leads to improved blood circulation and lymph flow. These factors affect tissue regeneration, accelerating the rehabilitation period.

Benefits of kinesiotherapy

Both doctors and patients note the undoubted therapeutic effect of using elastic patches.

  1. The elasticity of the tape is close to that of human skin. It does not interfere with any active movements, is almost imperceptible, and will not come off at the wrong time.
  2. The patch does not need to be removed at night - you can wear it continuously for five days.
  3. The breathable material of the patch (cotton, nylon or silk) allows taping to be prescribed even to patients with sensitive skin, and the glue does not cause allergies.
  4. After a little training from a specialist, you can apply the patch to your feet yourself at home.

Tapes are absolutely affordable for all categories of citizens. They are available for free sale in pharmacies, online stores, and specialized departments of medical supplies.

Taping for hallux valgus

The purpose of taping for hallux valgus is to change the position of the horizontal arch of the foot. Taping a hallux valgus supports and corrects the shape of the foot, thereby achieving the correct position of the foot. This method is effective in conjunction with massages and physical therapy. Strengthening the shape of the foot should be done with the help of exercises that are individually selected for the patient. Taping for valgus using the wrong technique can lead to swelling due to impaired lymph flow and blood circulation.

Contraindications to the procedure

The use of elastic patches may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with foot fungus or inflammation, severe swelling;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • endocrine and some other diseases.

When wearing tapes, you should also avoid taking anticoagulants - blood thinning drugs, as this can negatively affect blood circulation. Taping is prescribed by the attending physician after a complete diagnosis of the patient’s condition and medical history; it is not recommended to make such a decision on your own.

The Athleticmed online store offers an assortment of plasters from well-known manufacturers. It’s easy to purchase them at a good price - just add the item to your cart and place your order. We ship products to any region of Russia. You can choose and buy kinesio tapes here.

Selecting tapes for toes

When choosing toe tapes, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Manufacturer country. Japanese and Korean products have an impeccable reputation and are in great demand. The popularity of tapes produced in Europe and the USA is growing. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to choose original certified products;
  • Size. The width of the tape is selected depending on the degree of damage to the toes. If the deformation is minor, a 2.5 cm wide tape is sufficient (you can cut a 5 cm wide tape into two strips). In case of severe deformation, rigid or semi-rigid tapes are used to ensure strong fixation (for example, in case of joint injury);
  • Color. The color of the product does not affect its properties in any way and is chosen based on personal preference.

For taping toes, in most cases, standard tapes made of hypoallergenic cotton fabric and containing safe acrylic glue are used. Such patches are highly elastic, allow air and moisture to pass through, are securely fixed and do not come off throughout the entire period of wearing the bandage. In special cases, with severe damage, it is recommended to use non-standard tapes made of synthetic materials with reinforced glue.

Can everyone do taping?

Taping can be done to anyone diagnosed with a herniated disc. at any stage of the disease. The only limitation is that the procedure cannot be done during an exacerbation. It is recommended to combine this method of treatment with other physiotherapy procedures. For example, sticking tape after a massage prolongs the effect of the latter by 5 days.

Taping is used for any hernia of the spine:

  • For lumbar and lumbosacral problems
    - to relieve stress from the lower part of the spine and relax the back muscles.
  • For chest pain
    – to fix the vertebrae and eliminate pain in the heart area.
  • For cervical
    - to stabilize the cervical spine, relieve pressure from compressed nerves and blood vessels.

Taping can be done for lumbar, cervical and thoracic hernia

How to remove tapes from the back with a hernia

If you try to remove the tape with a jerk, you risk being left without skin. The glue applied to the tapes is very tenacious and resistant to water. A special spray or liquid will help you remove the patch painlessly. It’s even better to contact our clinic, where a specialist will quickly and easily remove the tape and, if necessary, apply a new one.

The tape is removed according to this scheme:

  1. The spray is applied to the patch, wait 3-4 minutes for the glue to soften and lose its tenacity.
  2. The tape should be removed slowly, in the direction of hair growth.
  3. After removing the tape, the skin is moisturized with cream.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia


Tapes cannot be applied if an allergic reaction occurs after gluing the tape - redness, skin irritation, severe itching. In this case, the tapes must be removed immediately. Alternatively, you can try using a patch from another manufacturer.

Other contraindications:

  • Acute pain. Tapes are applied only at the stage of remission.
  • Wounds, skin irritations, benign tumors in the area where the tape is applied.
  • Systemic skin diseases that reduce its ability to stretch.
  • Postoperative period after surgical manipulations on the spine (until complete healing).
  • Diseases of the heart, kidneys, which provoked the appearance of edema.
  • Cardiac ischemia, recent heart attack, stroke, as well as the condition that precedes them.
  • Pathological changes in the carotid artery – atherosclerosis. Due to the application of tape, a piece of cholesterol plaque may come off and clog the vessel.
  • Diabetes mellitus, which reduces skin healing.
  • Malignant formations (oncology) – application of tapes can stimulate the spread of metastases.
  • Open and closed hemorrhages. Tapes improve blood flow, which in this case can be dangerous.
  • Severe infectious, mental, neurological diseases.
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