Kinesiological taping for damaged/strained hamstring muscles.

On the back of the thigh there is a group of powerful muscles (harmstring) that cover the back of the thigh from the buttocks to the calves and are involved in knee flexion and hip extension. When the muscles or tendons of these muscles are damaged, you may experience both pain and stiffness or cramps. Microtraumas in muscles and tendons heal slowly and, in the absence of adequate treatment, repeated damage to these structures occurs. One of the most effective treatment methods is taping the back of the thigh, which can reduce excess stress.


Kinesio tape is used for the following indications:

  • recovery after injuries and surgery;
  • prevention of sports injuries;
  • rupture/stretching of the groin area;
  • sprain;
  • inflammation and swelling after injury, muscle pain;
  • weak hamstring.

Kinesio taping of the thigh is practiced by many athletes in order to improve personal performance before competitions.

Purposes of application

Taping as an independent method of treatment can be used only for minor injuries that a person receives during training, as well as for bruises, bruises, and muscle pain. In this case, the body recovers on its own. Tapes only help overcome pain, relieve swelling, and provide good conditions for the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Mechanisms of action:

  • the tape lifts the skin in the damaged area, provides decompression of lymphatic and venous vessels, therefore improves blood circulation and removes swelling;
  • pain is reduced due to the effect on the proprioceptive sensitivity of tissues;
  • due to increased microcirculation, tissue regeneration is accelerated;
  • Some taping methods limit the range of motion in the joint, therefore making them less painful and reducing the risk of injury aggravation during physical therapy or the ongoing training process.

Severe injuries or severe diseases of the hip joint may require plaster immobilization and additional conservative measures. Some consequences of injuries or degenerative processes can only be eliminated using surgical methods. Taping can be used after surgery during the recovery phase, but it cannot replace it.

Method of how to glue tape

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of oil so that it is dry and clean. It is advisable to remove hair in the areas where the tape is attached. Then a muscle stretching procedure is performed. Kinesio taping cannot be performed on damaged skin.

Before attaching the tape, the muscles must be elastic and warm. The tape is glued in a state of maximum stretch in the center of the pain. The forked ends of the tape are called anchors and are several centimeters long. The anchors are fixed to the skin without additional tension.

To put the tape into action, you need to warm it up slightly by rubbing the corresponding areas on the leg. After this action, the adhesive base of the tape is securely fixed to the skin. For comfort, the tape must be rounded at the ends.

Preparing for taping

The effectiveness of the procedure and how long the patch maintains its performance characteristics depend on the correct application of the tapes. Before taping, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Dry the skin. A wet surface will reduce the adhesion of the patch to the epidermis. The desired area is wiped with a napkin or dry towel;
  • Degreasing the skin. The thigh is treated with a special lotion or medical alcohol. It is not recommended to use cologne because it contains fragrances and other chemical components;
  • Shaving the hair. You can remove hair with a regular razor or clipper.

When applying tapes, it is important to maintain a certain tension to achieve the desired effect.

Taping the anterior thigh

When taping, it is also necessary to prepare the leg for proper application. The leg is brought forward 20 degrees vertically and bent at the knee joint. During the procedure, you can lean on the table. The foot should touch the buttock.

The tape on the back of the thigh is attached at the upper base. Then the tape is stretched by 25-50% and sequentially glued above the knee level. To apply the tape to the front of the thigh, it is better to use the help of a partner.

Choosing the right material

When buying tapes, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • Best before date. Conscientious manufacturers always indicate it on the packaging;
  • High-quality composition of material and glue. Also indicated on the packaging. It is noted as a percentage of the materials used (cotton, silk, nylon). The higher the nylon content, the stiffer the tape - such tapes should not be chosen for daily wear, they are more suitable for correction and rehabilitation;
  • The presence of a paper backing that hides the adhesive layer with the name and logo of the manufacturer printed on it;
  • The tightness of the packaging and the presence of quality marks and basic information about the product on it.

Ribbons can be solid flesh or bright colors, with or without prints. It is important to consider that you need to wear the application for 5-7 days. When choosing the color of tapes, do not forget that you may have to wear them to the office.

The classic option is 5 cm wide ribbons, which are suitable for most applications. The products are made from hypoallergenic cotton or artificial silk. You can buy tapes in rolls or pre-cut form. Pre-cut products are more convenient to use, while rolled products are more economically profitable.

Based on their shape, kinesio tapes are divided into:

  • I-shaped. Traditional option, suitable for any applications;
  • Y- and V-shaped. Placed around the boundaries of a muscle or joint to provide optimal support.

The choice of tape must take into account the pattern according to which the taping will be performed. Most often, I-shaped patches or I and Y-shaped tapes are purchased for combined use. The most popular are tapes in rolls 5 cm wide and 5 m long.

Taping the biceps muscle

The back of the thigh should be taut. To do this, you need to bend your body forward parallel to the floor with straight legs.

To tap the biceps muscle, you can use one or two tapes. One of the tapes will always be glued diagonally, starting from the bottom of the gluteal muscle and ending with an anchor below the level of the knee on the outside. In this case, it is important to repeat the contour of the biceps femoris muscle. For better fixation, you can use a second bifurcated tape, which will follow the shape of the large head of the femoral biceps.


Among the entire range of operations aimed at correcting body contours, medial thigh lift occupies a very modest place.
While studying the literature, we found extremely scant coverage of this topic in monographs and on the pages of specialized periodicals. First of all, this is due to the dissatisfaction of both patients and surgeons with the results of the operation - under the influence of gravity, the work of muscles and joints, postoperative scars stretch and “slide” onto the thigh from the femoral-perineal groove. Patients experience both cosmetic problems - the scar appears in the visible zone, and functional ones - the perineum expands, up to the complete smoothing of the femoral-perineal grooves. Meanwhile, in our daily practice, we regularly encounter patients who have: a) an age-related decrease in skin turgor, b) who wish to reduce the volume of the upper third of the inner thighs using liposuction, c) who have pronounced relaxation of the skin of the thighs after severe weight loss. Under these conditions, only tightening the skin of this area in a vertical direction with the removal of its excess can eliminate the existing problems. It is known that for this purpose, back in the middle of the 20th century, surgeons simply excised excess skin and sutured its edges. The deterioration of the results of the operation over time (stretching of scars and their dislocation to the thigh) led to an improvement in the technique of its implementation. So, since 1988, in addition to the skin suture, it was proposed to place additional deep sutures between the dermis, and subsequently the superficial fascia of the thigh on the lateral side, and the Colles fascia on the medial side. (The fascia of the Wheel is the deep inner layer of the superficial fascia of the perineum, which is located behind the border of the urogenital diaphragm. It starts from the branches of the ischium and pubic bones and continues anteriorly and upward to the abdominal wall) (Fig. 1).

  • Fig.1. Technology of fixation of thigh tissues to the fascia Wheels: the skin of the perineum is retracted medially with hooks; the fascia plate of the Wheel is stitched with non-absorbable threads.

This option of tissue fixation during a medial thigh lift is still considered classic to this day. However, evaluating these operations based on rare publications of clinical observations, seeing patients who had previously had a thigh lift using known technologies in other medical institutions, the fact of dissatisfaction with long-term aesthetic results turned out to be quite obvious to us (Fig. 2a, b).

  • Fig.2. Results of thigh skin tightening performed in other clinics: a – simple excision and stitching of the skin edges was performed. A wide atrophic postoperative scar lies directly on the inner surface of the thigh; b – the operation was performed using the technology of fixing the thigh tissue to the fascia of the Wheel. Stretched wide atrophic postoperative scars are shifted towards the thighs, the perineal area is expanded.

All this forced the team of authors to look for a way to more reliably connect tissues.

Understanding that the deep suture of the thigh tissue to the fascia of the Wheel does not provide a strong fixation and is subject to stretching over time with all the ensuing consequences, led us to the idea that the mobile tissue of the thigh must be connected to a completely immobile structure. And such an anatomical unit in this zone is only the pubic bone. In 2001, at the GrandMed clinic, a technique for fixing the superficial fascia of the thigh to the periosteum of the body and the branch of the pubic bone was developed and began to be successfully used, which allowed us to achieve guaranteed good long-term results in the first years of its use (Fig. 3).

  • Fig.3. On the diagram of the pelvic bones, the areas of the body and branches of the pubic bones to which the thigh tissues are fixed during the operation are marked in red.

A new modification of tissue tightening of the inner thighs was first presented to the surgical community in the form of a report at the “Fourth Congress on Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery with International Participation”, held in Yaroslavl in June 2003.

Taping the quadriceps muscle

How to apply kinesio tape to the most massive muscle in the human body? To create the perfect tension, you need to sit on a high table and bend your leg so that your foot hooks onto its internal structure or leg. In this case, the body must be moved back a little. The front thighs are reinforced with a wide band, the anchor of which is fixed just above the level of the knee joint. It must be remembered that the tape should be applied to the front surface of the thigh only in a taut state.

Then the tension of the tape is created and one tape is glued, which follows the internal contour of the quadriceps. Taping the front thigh in this case requires another tape that will follow the contour of the outer surface of the quadriceps. There should be no tension at both ends of the tape. The applique can be supplemented with a third ribbon, as shown in the photo.

Harmstring stretch levels

  • Grade 1: The patient experiences mild discomfort, often without limitation of activity.
  • Grade 2: There is moderate discomfort and may limit the ability to perform activities such as jumping or running. There may be swelling and bruising.
  • Grade 3: Severe injuries accompanied by pain when walking. Symptoms such as swelling, muscle spasms and significant bruising are common.

The use of taping is indicated for grade 1 and 2 sprains. With a grade 3 sprain, a full examination and treatment in medical institutions is necessary.

Hip joint taping method

Applying special elastic plasters is one of the best ways to heal ligaments and relieve pain when a leg is injured. If the ligaments are damaged, tape is applied to the hip joint in the following order:

  • in the presence of edema, the first step is local anti-inflammatory treatment (compresses with analgin, dimexide and dexamethasone);
  • after the swelling is removed, several tapes are glued directly in the projection area of ​​the hip joint (the tapes are placed in different directions).

Applying such a bandage allows you to normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, accelerates the healing of injuries and rehabilitation.

For pain

For pain of various etiologies, the patches are applied crosswise, directly in the area of ​​​​the projection of the articular joint in the following sequence:

  • the patient takes a lying position on the side of the healthy leg. The injured leg should be straightened, pulled back, slightly hanging from the couch;
  • a wide tape 20-24 cm long is applied to the lateral surface of the thigh from the beginning of the pelvic bone towards the knee joint;
  • the second tape is fixed crosswise over the first, in the area of ​​the wide part of the thigh.

After applying the application, carefully smooth it with your palms to activate the adhesive composition and improve the fixation of the tapes.

Taping the hip joint for pain on the side allows you to quickly relieve discomfort. The bandage gently fixes the limb that requires immobilization, reduces and redistributes the load on the muscles and ligaments, and helps eliminate swelling and pain.

For arthrosis

Taping of the hip joint for arthrosis is possible at any stage of the disease. Treatment should be carried out by a specialist. To apply the tapes, the patient lies on his side on the side of the healthy leg. The knee of the injured leg should be bent and placed opposite the thigh. Only a feeling of slight discomfort is allowed. The tail of the first tape, 3-4 cm long, is fixed without tension on the sacrum on the affected side. Next, the tape is glued with tension in the direction perpendicular to the spinal column, after which it is smoothly transferred along the rectus muscle, moving to the knee.

Auxiliary patches are applied to areas where pain is severe. The number of tapes used depends on the nature of the pain. Taping is a fairly effective method of treating arthrosis of the hip joint.

For coxarthrosis

Kinesio tapes can be applied at any stage of the disease. Taping for coxarthrosis of the hip joint will significantly reduce pain and relieve stress from the damaged area, speeding up recovery.

The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  • the patient takes a position lying on his side, on the side of the healthy joint. The knee of the affected leg is bent and located opposite the thigh;
  • The anchor of the tape is fixed in the problem area, after which the main part of the patch is fixed in a direction perpendicular to the spine in the form of a semicircle. The tape is applied to the knee along the rectus muscle;
  • Additional patches are glued parallel to the main tape.

Taping helps relieve pain and provides relief in movement in chronic coxarthrosis.

What is kinesio taping

Kinesio tape is an elastic cotton-based tape coated on the inside with acrylic adhesive that reacts to body temperature. The material does not interfere with heat exchange and evaporation of sweat from the surface of the body. The thickness and elastic properties of the tape are close to the parameters of the skin, so a person does not feel any discomfort from wearing it.

The adhesive back of the tape is activated by lightly rubbing the finished application. The wearing period of the applied tape can be up to 5 days.

The application is resistant to moisture: it remains on the skin after heavy sweating, mechanical friction and contact with water (showering, swimming and other water sports).

Kinesio taping supports muscles without limiting their mobility. The tape lifts the skin at a microscopic level, stimulating lymph flow and improving blood circulation.

Functions of tapes

The application of supports and elastic bandages limits the functionality of not only injured, but also healthy elements, as it tightens the entire area of ​​the musculoskeletal system. With the help of kinesio tapes, target fragments can be selectively immobilized. Tapes for various purposes make it possible to locally limit the work of overly loaded ligaments, tendons, joints and muscles.

Using taping, you can provide targeted assistance to an individual ligament, joint capsule, or specific area of ​​the joint: for example, immobilize the patella in a certain position.

Efficiency of the method

Positive effects of kinesio taping:

  • Supports muscles and helps restore mobility.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, reduces pressure inside tissues.
  • It has a lymphatic drainage effect and eliminates stagnant processes.
  • Corrects the biomechanical properties of muscles: increases motor volume, increases tone and promotes restoration of weakened groups, reduces pain and swelling.

Kinesio taping is not addictive, as is the case after wearing supports, and has no side effects. Thanks to this, it can be used in adult and pediatric medical and sports practice.

Application options

The tape is a special cotton tape with a hypoallergenic adhesive base. By shape, there are L-shaped (the most common), Y-shaped and X-shaped tapes. Lymph tapes are made by cutting an L-shaped patch into strips.

Based on the application technique, the following types of taping are distinguished:

  • Immobilization. Prescribed for joint dislocation. Allows you to reliably fix the damaged area, minimizing the risk of developing diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Functional. It makes it possible to adjust the load on muscles, joints and ligaments, and helps avoid injuries during intense physical activity. This method is used by sports doctors to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system in professional athletes;
  • Rehabilitation. Performed during the recovery period after injuries to muscles, ligaments, and joints. Allows you to relieve pain, relieve swelling, and prevent the formation of keloid scars.


Muscle injury has a fairly simple mechanism. With moderate, smooth loads on the hip joint, the impact on all muscle groups of the leg is minimized and evenly distributed. The sudden, jerky movement disables the muscles, increasing the risk of a muscle strain.

The most common causes of injury are:

  • high load on muscle fibers with insufficient stretching,
  • sudden change in body position,
  • low elasticity of tendons and muscles as a result of prolonged rest (in the absence of movement),
  • weight lifting, exercise, hard work,
  • external impact (collision, fall, directed blow).
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