7 effective recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of bursitis

What is bursitis

A special capsule that surrounds the joint is the bursa (“bursa” - translated from Latin as “bag”). This is a small cavity that looks like a pocket or bag and surrounds each joint, protecting it from injury and external influences. It consists of dense fibers of connective tissue, ligaments, tendons, has a dense outer covering and an inner layer of cells that produce a special fluid (synovial). This fluid serves as an internal lubricant of the joint, ensures smooth gliding in it, nourishes and moisturizes joint tissues that do not have their own blood vessels.

Bursitis is an inflammatory process in the joint capsule, in which the production of synovial fluid increases in it. This leads to swelling of the joint and pain when moving in it. Inflammation can be acute or chronic, and it occurs in different joints of the body. Most often - in those that experience heavy loads: shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle.

There is acute bursitis - it develops rapidly within a few days after an injury or infection. With frequent repeated injuries or without treatment, joint bursitis becomes chronic. Frequent (but less intense in symptoms) relapses and deterioration in joint mobility occur. The bursa thickens, and the villi of the inner layer can grow together, causing salt deposits to form in the joint.

Without treatment, acute bursitis can result in suppuration in the joint and spillage of pus into the subcutaneous fat in the area adjacent to the joint.

Alternative treatment for elbow bursitis

Traditional methods of treatment are acceptable for non-acute and non-infectious disease, after consultation with a specialist.

One of the means to combat this disease is table salt. 1 tbsp salt must be diluted in 0.5 liters of hot water. The resulting solution is moistened with gauze, which is applied to the affected joint and fixed with cling film. The procedure must be repeated daily for 2 weeks.

Another way is a warm compress. The sugar is heated in a frying pan, avoiding melting. The heated sugar is wrapped in cloth and applied to the joint in which the inflammatory process occurs for 2-3 hours. Wrap the top with cling film and a warm cloth.

White cabbage is one of the universal ways to reduce swelling and relieve inflammation. The cabbage leaf must be lightly beaten until the juice is released. The inflamed joint is covered with a small amount of honey, then a cabbage leaf is applied, and the limb is wrapped in cling film and a warm cloth. The compress is kept for about 2 hours.

Symptoms of bursitis

The following symptoms are reasons to think about treating bursitis:

  • The appearance in the joint area of ​​a round formation with liquid inside, elastic and painful to the touch.
  • Sharp (with acute bursitis) or moderate (with chronic) pain when flexing/extending the joint or pressing on it (for example, when trying to lean on your arm). Characterized by morning stiffness and joint pain, which gradually decreases throughout the day.
  • Limited range of motion in the inflamed joint.
  • Redness and local increase in skin temperature in the joint area.

These are the main signs of bursitis, in which it is necessary to begin treatment of inflammation in order to avoid the disease becoming acute.

By the way! Bursitis does not always cause characteristic swelling and redness in the joint area. If the joint capsule is located deep in the soft tissues, swelling may not be visible. Since the symptoms of bursitis without characteristic external signs can resemble arthritis (which is treated differently), it is important to clarify the diagnosis using ultrasound, MRI and other examinations.

How does shoulder bursitis manifest?

Bursitis is sometimes confused with arthritis, arthrosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, because at the beginning of the disease the patient only complains of discomfort when raising his arm up. Then the pain increases, depending on the number and nature of movements. If a person does not pay attention to this and does not go to the doctor, but continues to lead his usual lifestyle, then it becomes more and more intense. Therefore, if the joint begins to hurt suddenly, then it is most likely another disease.

Painful sensations are often aching in nature. Also, sometimes a person may feel a slight tingling sensation in the shoulder joint.

With bursitis of the shoulder joint, redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation may appear. Sometimes with this disease a person develops chills and body temperature rises. In this case, purulent or septic bursitis can be suspected. In this case, symptoms of intoxication also occur: weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Doctors strongly recommend not to put stress on the shoulder if such signs are present. Otherwise, the pain will become increasingly stronger and interfere with sleep.

Causes of bursitis

The main reasons that lead to the need for treatment of bursitis:

  • Injuries - domestic or sports, in which the joint capsule is bruised and its vessels are damaged.
  • Infections that have spread to the joint from other organs and tissues.
  • Strong and constant physical stress on the joint, which can occur when playing sports (weightlifting) or when working with monotonous movements (as in assembly line workers, drivers, miners).
  • Arthritis and other diseases affecting the joints: gout, spondylitis and others.
  • Allergies or autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and others), when inflammation occurs due to the reaction of one's own immune cells.
  • Deposits of calcium or uric acid salts in the joints.
  • Diseases and conditions in which metabolism is disrupted: diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, long-term treatment with steroid hormones.

By understanding the causes of bursitis, you can try to avoid its occurrence or reduce the risk of relapses in the chronic form. And having recognized bursitis by its symptoms, you should contact an orthopedic traumatologist to prescribe treatment.

Which doctor should I contact for bursitis?

Bursitis can be treated by different specialists: a traumatologist, an orthopedist, a surgeon... The choice depends on the course, form and stage of the disease. In order to be referred to the right doctor, you can contact a therapist. After the examination, he will make recommendations.

You can immediately try to get to a specialized doctor, based on the available data about the disease and the cause of its occurrence. If the symptoms of inflammation in the synovial bursa begin to bother the patient after an injury, then it is necessary to visit a traumatologist. The earliest stages of the disease are treated by an orthopedic surgeon. And neglected ones are corrected by a surgeon.

Diagnosis of bursitis

Accurate diagnostic methods will help confirm the diagnosis of bursitis:

  • X-ray to identify pathologies in the joint - osteophyte deposits or others.
  • MRI.
  • Puncture and analysis of synovial fluid to look for a possible infectious cause of inflammation.
  • A blood test for antibodies to look for possible causes of bursitis such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and others.

The doctor will need to not only conduct a careful examination of the affected joint and find out all the complaints in detail, but also ask many questions. How long ago and when did the symptoms appear? What other diseases are there? Is the patient taking any medications for a long time? All this is needed to understand the causes of bursitis and distinguish it from other diseases with similar symptoms.

Useful products for treatment and prevention

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of bursitis. During therapy, it is necessary to increase the consumption of the following products:

  • animal meat (chicken, beef, fish);
  • dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, cream);
  • plant products (cabbage, carrots, beets, nuts).

The diet should contain a large amount of protein. You can get it from both animal meat and eggs. It is also necessary to take vitamin complexes. It is advisable to find specialized vitamins that contain collagen. This will speed up your recovery. The diet must be maintained on an ongoing basis. During the period of remission and rehabilitation, it should be as nutritious and balanced as possible.

It is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins A, C and E. Gelatin can be used as a source of collagen.

Diclofenac ointment

Diclofenac ointment will help remove inflammation only at the early stage of bursitis, and tablets act faster and more effectively

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of various joint diseases. Tablets are usually prescribed because they act very quickly and effectively relieve pain and inflammation.

The ointment has a fairly mild effect, so it is used as an independent remedy only in the initial stages of the development of the disease. The composition contains locally irritating substances and alcohol, which ensure the transport of diclofenac deep into the epidermis.

The ointment must be used twice a day. It is applied to the sore joint and left until completely absorbed.

The drug should not be applied to damaged epidermis. When using the product, it is important to ensure that the ointment does not get on the mucous membranes or in the eyes. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 7 years of age.


During pregnancy and lactation, the use of ointment is prohibited

Treatment of bursitis with locally irritating ointments is an effective method of quickly eliminating symptoms, but such drugs should be used with caution.

Warming ointments are prohibited for purulent or infectious inflammation of the bursa, as they only worsen the course of the disease.

One of the effective warming agents is Apizartron ointment. It contains natural bee venom, which improves local metabolic processes, stimulates blood circulation, eliminates swelling and has an analgesic effect. The ointment is used for degeneration of cartilage tissue, injuries and bruises of joints and tendons.

It is applied in a thin layer to the affected area in the morning and evening. The use of bandages and compresses is not prohibited, but is not recommended - the ointment will burn strongly. The product is not intended for use during pregnancy and lactation. The ointment should not be applied to mucous membranes and wound surfaces. It is important to avoid getting the product in your eyes, as the bee venom in the composition can cause an allergic reaction.

Gel Dolobene

The gel effectively eliminates swelling and heals bruises

Dolobene gel will help cure bursitis. This is a heparin-based product with pronounced absorbable properties. The drug quickly eliminates swelling, and with it pain and inflammation go away. The drug also contains dexpanthenol, which provides the wound-healing effect of the gel.

Indications for use:

  • bursitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • joint injuries;
  • hematomas;
  • bruises;
  • neuralgia.

The product is applied in a thin layer up to 4 times a day. Compresses or bandages should not be used. The drug is gently rubbed into the sore joint along massage lines for several minutes and left until completely absorbed. The gel quickly penetrates deep into the epidermis and does not leave greasy marks on clothes, so it is convenient to use.

The drug can penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, therefore it is contraindicated in pathologies of the liver and kidneys, trophic ulcers, varicose veins and bronchial asthma.

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