The healing properties of blue clay - composition, use in recipes for treatment and home cosmetics

Cambrian blue clay is a fine-grained gray sedimentary rock. In an age when hundreds of cosmetics for rejuvenation and health are presented on the shelves of pharmacies and stores, it is still actively used. Many women prefer natural cosmetics based on “grandmother’s recipes” to chemical preparations. There are a lot of interesting and useful recipes for clay masks and methods of using them that really help with dermatitis and other diseases.

Clay is of great benefit in cosmetology in the fight against skin problems; it is also effective for healthy hair. For medicinal purposes, the substance is used in the form of pastes and ointments, for applications and compresses. However, such a valuable ingredient can cause harm if used without the consent of a doctor. This is especially true for taking clay drinks internally.

It is easy to recognize blue clay:

  1. does not dissolve in water;
  2. settles at the bottom of the dish;
  3. if you mix the substance with water, the liquid should not acquire a turquoise-blue tint, but if this appears, it means that copper chlorophyllin has been added - a dye that shades not only the solution, but also the skin.

Composition of blue clay

The natural composition of blue clay includes useful minerals and trace elements important for human health. The table below provides a partial list of elements with descriptions and purposes.

Item name Description and purpose
Silicon The main element in natural clay. Strengthens and heals leg veins, hair, heals small wounds
Calcium Necessary for normalizing skin metabolism
Aluminum An important ingredient actively used in cosmetology. Helps tighten pores, eliminate redness on the skin, treat acne, scarring ulcers and wounds
Manganese Antiallergen. Helps relieve swelling and resolve bruises
Iron Needed for a healthy complexion
Sodium Helps even out complexion and tighten pores.
Zinc An important component for women's health in blue clay. Helps saturate the skin with amino acids, improve the condition of hair and nails
Magnesium Strengthens nails and hair, reduces stress and skin allergies
Potassium Normalizes skin water balance
Nitrogen Gives the face a glow, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, including capillaries
Chromium Reduces the likelihood of cellulite formation, removes excess fluid from the body
Phosphorus Makes the skin elastic, strengthens the immune system
Molybdenum Promotes skin cell regeneration
Nickel Serves to normalize the production of subcutaneous fat
Silver Awakens the protective functions of the skin, has an antibacterial effect
Cobalt Needed for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
Radium Helps prevent skin and breast cancer


  1. Homemade masks based on blue and blue clay have a whole list of beneficial properties. They eliminate skin rashes, cleanse pores of impurities, even out complexion and smooth out facial wrinkles.
  2. The healing effect of the rock is due to the rich content of macro and microelements beneficial for the skin. In addition to nutritional and antiseptic substances, clay also contains antioxidants that prevent premature photoaging of the dermis.
  3. Before applying the prepared mixture to your face, do not forget to check the quality of the purchased powder. Good blue clay does not stain the skin, and when interacting with water it does not turn into lumps.
  4. For the best effect, enrich the mixture with additional components of natural origin. For dry skin types, choose base oils with an intense nourishing effect, and for combination and oily skin, products based on clay, active acids and essential oils with an antiseptic effect will be indispensable.

The benefits of blue clay (useful properties)

Blue clay has a complex of beneficial properties - medicinal and cosmetic. This natural substance:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates the removal of toxins from the body;
  • treats sore throat, gout, diabetes;
  • helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • strengthens teeth;
  • relieves bleeding gums;
  • helps get rid of salt deposits;
  • normalizes a woman’s condition during menstruation;
  • has a beneficial effect on rheumatism, joint and muscle pain;
  • reduces swelling, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs, reduces sweating and unpleasant odor;
  • helps treat varicose veins;
  • has anti-cellulite effect;
  • helps clean and disinfect the skin;
  • improves facial contours, smoothes wrinkles, increases skin elasticity.

Clay has other beneficial properties. However, they only work if taken correctly, so medical advice is necessary before any attempt at therapy.

General recommendations

Dissolve the clay powder in water and slowly drink the resulting solution in small sips. If there is clay powder left at the bottom of the glass, add water, stir and finish. Stir the powder with a wooden spoon . Clay powder diluted in water is taken only before meals . If you cannot take clay in water, then the water can be replaced with an infusion of medicinal herbs with a small amount of honey.

It is most effective to take clay with cold water , homemade juices , you can add lemon juice . If you prefer to take dry clay by pouring water over it, then it is better to put a piece of clay in your mouth, let it melt in your mouth, then swallow it with water. In this case, digestion improves and teeth become stronger.

If constipation is observed at the beginning of treatment with clay, this indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you need to drink a large amount of light clay water little by little throughout the day. If taking clay causes stomach pain, then it is replaced with lemon juice diluted with water.

Treatment with clay by mouth can sometimes last several months or a year . It is advisable to take breaks periodically so as not to accustom your stomach to it. Sometimes at the beginning of treatment it may seem that the disease has worsened and your health has worsened, but this should not worry you.

Harm and contraindications to the use of blue clay

It is not recommended to use blue clay uncontrollably. Despite the long list of beneficial qualities, there are contraindications to the use of this natural product:

  • eye diseases;
  • hearing diseases;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • cardiovascular failure, heart disease;
  • tuberculosis, osteoporosis, bronchial asthma;
  • blood diseases;
  • heat;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs in women.

In view of this, clay should be used with caution and after consultation with your doctor.

Areas of use

Blue clay is used not only to improve the appearance of the skin. It also becomes an indispensable tool for maintaining a slim figure and correcting the most problematic areas.

Nowadays clay is mined mostly in Crimea

Special wraps performed at home help reduce volume and also have an amazing effect in the fight against stretch marks and the hated cellulite. In addition, the product can be used in comprehensive hair and scalp care.

Blue clay, due to its exfoliating effect, removes dead skin cells from the face, thereby making its surface smooth and fresh.

Applying a blue clay mask to the face

How to prepare a mixture with clay to avoid allergies? No one can say for sure what the reaction to the mask will be, since people’s sensitivity to substances varies from person to person. It is advisable to apply the prepared mixture first on the wrist; if there are no unpleasant sensations for 10–15 minutes, you can put the mask on the face, without covering the areas around the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows. The skin must be pre-cleaned. Leave the mixture on your face for a maximum of 15 minutes. If the skin is oily, the procedure is permissible no more than twice a week, if dry - once.

To prepare a mask, you should not use metal containers or utensils.

Blue clay mask for facial cleansing

To treat acne, you can use a mixture of blue clay and rice flour, taking 20 g of both components. Mix the ingredients and dilute with warm water to a paste consistency. Apply the mixture to the face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the procedure, it is recommended to wipe the skin with almond oil.

Blue clay mask for age spots

Blue clay will also help get rid of age spots. A mask made from 20 g of clay and 5 g of sea salt is good for this. Mix the ingredients and dilute with warm water.

Blue clay mask to nourish the skin

Blue clay is the basic component of an effective nourishing mask. You need to take 30 g of the substance, dilute it in water, add 5 g of freshly squeezed lemon and apple juice. The product must be applied warm, so it should be heated in a water bath before use.

Clay mask for normal skin

In the care of normal skin, a cosmetic nourishing and moisturizing composition is effective. You will need: 20 g of blue clay, 5 g each of honey, lemon juice, olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until it becomes a paste. Apply the mask to the face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Clay mask for dry skin

To combat dry skin, the following recipe is recommended: 15 g of blue clay, 5 g each of honey and lemon pulp. Dilute everything with warm water. Place the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes, rinse gently

Clay mask for oily skin

The valuable clay rock contains many substances that are beneficial for oily skin. That is why masks are especially relevant for her. One of the recipes is as follows: 2 tablespoons of clay, 3 tablespoons of water (decoction of sage, chamomile, oak bark). Mix the ingredients. Use the mask 1-2 times a week.

Rejuvenating mask-compress made of blue clay

Natural cosmetics have found application in rejuvenation complexes. For example, you can test the following recipe. Clay powder is diluted with herbal infusion (mint, St. John's wort, dandelion, sea buckthorn, rose hips, chamomile, yarrow). The mixture is wrapped in a piece of gauze (4 layers). The resulting compress is placed on the face for 10–15 minutes.

Therapeutic use of medicinal clays in gastroenterology

Compiling the file required for the procedure for obtaining approval for the development, production and sale of a medicinal product requires the opinion of various specialists to accurately identify the product in its natural environment. Minerologists must determine whether they are actually dealing with “clay minerals,” then geologists must determine that the explored product is a “clay rock” and determine its characteristics and components. They must carry out tests to characterize the type of rock in question and indicate a way to recognize and differentiate its various components. Specialists also need to find out how, where, when and under what circumstances this clay was formed, indicating the reason why this deposit was formed in this particular place on the globe. Chemists will then study the properties associated with the clay's physical structure (its crystallographic organization) and its chemical composition. Selection of Medicinal Clay Deposit Among the data regarding the specific properties of clays, two properties are particularly important for explaining the therapeutic effects of medicinal clays in gastroenterology - their “absorptive capacity” (AbC) and their “adsorption power” (AP). These two concepts are the main criteria when choosing a field. Medicinal clay must have high AP and AbC values ​​due to its large specific surface area. It should also be freely distributed over the surface of the gastrointestinal tract to interact with mucus glycoproteins and improve their qualitative and quantitative indicators and, in addition, effectively cover the entire surface of the intestine. The clay should not swell as it passes through various areas of the digestive tract. Finally, it must belong to an easily identifiable mineralogical family. In reality, there are only two types of clay that are most suitable for use in the pharmaceutical industry - attapulgite and smectite. The first type - attapulgite under a microscope looks like elongated elements collected in bundles. The second type, smectite, has a sheet-like structure at the particle level, similar to a stack of sheets (like pages in a book). Selecting a deposit for development When using any mineral raw material, technical and economic parameters will be important. It would be pointless to consider a deposit with an undeveloped infrastructure, far from the production where raw materials are enriched. The deposit must also have sufficient reserves of pure and homogeneous clay, a rare occurrence in nature where mixtures predominate, to support production for several decades. Ipsen has been using this knowledge in practice for the past 40 years. The Ipsen company owns quarries, which it develops for the production of various medicines containing medicinal clays. These are: the sedimentary deposit of Mormoiron, exploited for the production of attapulgites, and the volcanic deposit on the island of Sardinia, exploited for the production of smectites. Before the development of these deposits begins, in accordance with the standards, a laboratory analysis is carried out, thanks to which a complete description of the deposits is given: geological location, history, type, current state. Core drilling is then carried out to evaluate the reserves and to confirm their homogeneity. From pilot plant to industrial stage During the first tests, a pilot plant is launched to test technologies and methods that allow purification of the raw mineral to obtain the required final product. A new series of studies are then conducted to identify the material that will enable the transition to industrial scale. During this phase, monitoring and analysis is carried out in Ipsen's internal laboratories, as well as external laboratories to verify the reliability of the methods before they are finally introduced into the sample acceptance scheme. It takes several years to complete this intensive and continuous work, requiring research and investment. Absorption and Adsorption Absorption We have seen that some clays have a certain ability to absorb and retain water. This is more than just a sponge effect. Indeed, when clay is heated, part of the water, which is “free water” or “absorbed water,” evaporates at 100 ° C. The other part, called "bound water" or "constitutional water" and also "crystallization" or "zeolitic water", evaporates only at a higher temperature. This phenomenon - absorption - is associated with the microporous structure of clay. When measuring absorption capacity, only free water is taken into account. Adsorption This phenomenon is related to the atomic structure of clay. By replacing an atom within a crystal cell, the crystal can become negatively charged and therefore acquire the ability to attract and retain cations from a solution of mineral or organic salts (adsorptive capacity). This concept underlies the concept of cation exchange capacity and adsorbing force, which partly explains the known detoxification phenomena in the therapeutic activity of clays, especially in the case of smectites. To estimate this value, the Ipsen laboratory uses strychnine sulfate. From quarry to medicine Clay surrounds us in everyday life: from the production of tiles to industrial ceramics or from porcelain tableware to genuine masterpieces of art, including, of course, pharmaceutical products. The natural origin of clays and the method of their formation as a result of sedimentation or by transformation of rocks of volcanic origin under the influence of a hydrothermal process leads to the appearance in them of numerous impurities that can play a significant role. This applies, for example, to some heavy metals. Their presence can give the clay the characteristic coloring required by ceramists, but which can also impart some toxicity that makes them unsuitable for use in the pharmaceutical industry. This limits the choice of minerals for the pharmaceutical industry, which particularly takes into account the geological origin of the quarry when collecting data for the marketing authorization process. Continuous monitoring of the quarry and strict control of the analyzes of the original sample are also required. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations for the pharmaceutical industry require that all raw materials be controlled to ministry-registered specifications that require minimum levels of essential chemical impurities. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is customary to carry out two sequential analyses: • reliable determination of the quarry area, i.e. determination of the content of foreign components, as well as assessment of the level of argillization of the rock; • checking compliance with GMP requirements and rules. It is carried out for each batch of clay entering the enterprise, which remains in quarantine until permission for use is received from the quality control department. Clay composition The composition of clays usually reflects their natural origin. It is a complex mixture in which pure clay makes up only 30–60% of the total rock. It is also necessary to determine: • Water – in the form of absorbed water, as well as water bound to the crystalline structure of the raw clay. The total water content of clay varies from 25 to 35% depending on the deposit; • salts dissolved in this water, especially calcium salts, washed away from surface soils (water slowly percolates through the rock from which soluble components are extracted). • non-clayey solids such as sand, rocks, gravel or fragments of incompletely argillic rock (5–15%); • various impurities such as heavy metals and other elements naturally found with clay in the rock. The Purification Process The purification process aims to remove as much of the impurities as "associated elements" naturally present in the clay. The entire process is based on the methods used in the kaolin clay industry and is carried out on the same principles. Only electrical equipment changes, which is modernized over time, with an increase in the complexity of processes and their full automation. The purification process consists of five successive phases: • a mechanical processing phase to prepare the clay raw material; • phase of obtaining a suspension in water followed by acid treatment to remove limestone impurities; • granulometric sorting phase to select clay fractions with the smallest grain size in the distribution; • reconcentration phase, used to reduce heat consumption during the drying process; • drying and sterilization phase, which results in a material suitable for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Each phase is carried out using equipment that ensures the greatest homogeneity of the finished product. Thus, granulometric separation, which is one of the most important factors in purification, is carried out using a series of hydrocyclones. By using hydrocyclones of various sizes, particles of a given size can be accurately isolated. The drying phase is based on a similar principle: the pulp to be dried is passed through a stream of hot air (which corresponds to water in a hydrocyclone) and the dried product is sent for pneumatic transport and storage until packaging according to the selected pharmaceutical forms. Dynamic drying with “jet effect” at Isle-sur-la Sorgue The entire production process is almost immediately followed by continuous inspection tests and analysis, constantly monitoring the correctness of the cleaning process, according to the concept of quality standards (GMP) . With the help of computerized automation, every precaution is taken to ensure that the product is completely free from any contamination, both chemical and bacterial. During the entire process leading to the production of the active substance from raw clay, impeccable control of all quality indicators and the necessary safety is carried out. Raw materials from the quarry are sent to a plant in Isle-sur-La Sorgue, where the active substance dioctahedral smectite is directly processed and isolated for the French pharmaceutical market and for export. It complies with international GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards. The plant produces more than 3,000 tons of dioctahedral smectite per year, which is a trillion bags.

Based on materials presented by Professor Jean-Marie Triat and General Director of Bofur Ipsen Industry Jean-Pierre Dubuc

Blue clay for hair

You can get even more benefits from blue clay if you use it simultaneously for skin and hair. Compositions based on this natural substance nourish and strengthen hair follicles and shafts, add volume, shine, and eliminate dandruff.

Blue clay hair mask

To prepare a healing mask, you need to focus on the length of your hair. For short ones, 1 tablespoon will be enough, for long ones, you need at least 3. The clay should be diluted in a herbal decoction or mineral water. It is important to achieve the consistency of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the hair from roots to ends, rubbing into the scalp. The head, covered with the healing composition, is wrapped in a towel (it’s a good idea to wear a plastic shower cap under it). Leave for 30 minutes. Gently wash off with warm water and shampoo. It is recommended to rinse with a herbal decoction.

Indications for use

Blue clay is recognized as the most popular cosmetic product. This is not surprising, because the range of its capabilities is unlimited, while the cost of the powder varies from 50 to 100 rubles. We propose to consider the indications for use in more detail in order to evaluate the variety of healing properties of cosmetic clay.

For acne, blackheads

The zinc contained in the product has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It improves the functionality of the secretory glands, cleanses pores of dirt and relieves inflammation of the affected areas. In addition to clay, it is recommended to add aloe juice, acetylsalicylic acid, calendula tincture, as well as essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus to the composition of homemade masks. The best masks with acetylsalicylic acid are collected at the link.

Aloe is used not only to treat skin problems, but also internal diseases

It is best to dilute the powder with freshly prepared herbal infusions. To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water and infuse the mixture for three hours. Use dry chamomile, calendula, mint or yarrow leaves, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

For whitening

During periods of increased solar activity, age spots and freckles appear on the skin. Also, pigmentation quite often forms at a more mature age, when the epidermis undergoes age-related changes. Copper, which is part of the rock, activates the production of melanin, due to which the skin acquires a beautiful, uniform tan.

In the autumn-winter period, we recommend adding active acids to the formulation, which help lighten unnecessary stains. Cucumber, lemon or orange juices, as well as a parsley-based decoction, are suitable for this purpose. In addition, you can use essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, dairy products, liquid vitamin E in ampoules and sea salt. Try also henna masks recipes here.

For oily skin

The oily type needs intensive cleansing, as excessive secretion production leads to subsequent clogging of the pores and hair follicles. The action of the components included in the mask should be aimed at reducing the amount of fat secreted by the skin. For this purpose, clay is combined with oatmeal or rice flour, calendula tincture, herbal infusions and egg white. All these ingredients eliminate oily sheen, giving the epithelium the necessary matte finish.

For wrinkles

Age-related changes appear due to exposure to various factors on the skin. At a more mature age, irreversible processes occur in the structure of the dermis, the sufficient level of elastin decreases, which leads to rapid fading of the skin. Young girls may also develop small creases and wrinkles as a result of excessive facial expressions. Clay masks with the addition of fruit and vegetable purees, various base oils and liquid vitamins can boast a rejuvenating effect. Collagen production is activated by spirulina masks, sea buckthorn oil, fermented milk products and gelatin.

Spirulina has unique properties, so it is often added to masks

For cleansing

To clean dirty pores as deeply as possible, crushed powder based on aspirin or activated carbon is added to the blue clay mixture. This combination will help eliminate harmful toxins that negatively affect the condition of the dermis. Small abrasive particles in activated carbon masks very delicately remove the stratum corneum, so such mixtures will suit even those with dry, sensitive facial skin.

For dry skin

Any clay has a drying effect. In order not to dry out the already sensitive epidermis, it is recommended to add nourishing cosmetic oils to the recipe. For dry skin, olive, coconut, flaxseed, as well as shea, avocado and wheat germ oils are suitable. Oil vitamins E and group B will also help prevent cell dehydration. Deep nutrition is provided by egg yolk, chamomile infusion, sour cream, cream, essential oils of ylang-ylang and lavender.

For normal skin

The normal type of epidermis, as a rule, does not have any serious problems, so this skin does not require any special care. It is enough to cleanse the face in a timely manner, saturate the cells with moisture and protect the dermis from the negative effects of the environment. Dilute the clay with mineral water, herbal infusions or freshly squeezed juice. Additionally, use base and essential oils that will nourish the tissues with beneficial substances. It is also worth trying the Cleopatra masks collected in the article.

The use of clay for diseases

In medicine, this clay is used in the treatment of various diseases. For a sore throat, for example, it is recommended to gargle with a solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of clay powder and lemon juice in 1 glass of water. The procedure must be carried out every hour throughout the day.

To cleanse the body and treat the stomach, it is suggested to drink clay diluted with water (1 teaspoon per glass). The mixture should not be taken immediately after preparation, but after waiting for large particles to precipitate.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, drink clay water in the morning and evening 1 hour before meals. This should be done in small sips. Do not drink milk, coffee, etc. Course duration is 1–2 weeks, break 10 days. Then the course can be repeated.

Why does the human body become clogged?

Clogging of the body with toxins also occurs for reasons including overeating, oversaturation with proteins, animal fats, and starches. Incorrect combinations of foods, abuse of hot and spicy foods, consumption of alcohol and drugs, smoking, and use of medications also lead to the accumulation of toxins. But the most important factor in this case is the preponderance of energy consumed with food over its consumption (physical inactivity), as well as over the release of breakdown products through the lungs, kidneys, skin, and intestines.

First of all, waste accumulates in connective tissue, in fatty and bone tissues, in non-working or weakly working muscles, in the intercellular fluid. For a healthy human body, any excess foods are harmful and act as toxins: excess salt, excess starch, unbalanced protein...

The antimicrobial properties of clay, the ability of clay to absorb toxins and release minerals, help cope with diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

The gastrointestinal tract is the first to face the task of cleansing the body of waste and toxins. What the intestines can’t handle goes to the liver. What the liver misses must be excreted by the endocrine glands. As a result of cleansing the body, the putrefactive microflora dies and the normal one is restored. The skin, internal organs and fluids of the human body are cleansed of everything unnecessary and harmful. This promotes normal blood circulation, normalizes nutrition to all parts of the body, ligaments become elastic, joints are mobile.

The particles that make up clay are so small that even half a teaspoon of clay, diluted in water, can remove a large amount of toxins and pathogenic microbes from the body, and enrich the body with minerals - silicon, iron oxide, calcium, magnesium. Their shortage is especially felt with age and with various diseases.

It’s good to have edible clay in your home medicine cabinet - it can be used an adsorbent for poisoning .

Using clay for joints

Clay helps relieve joint pain quite well. The healing drug can be prepared as follows:

  1. dilute half a spoonful of salt in 2 tablespoons of water;
  2. add 60 g of clay to the solution;
  3. leave the mixture for 10 hours;
  4. heat to 45 °C in a water bath;
  5. apply to the sore spot (application size - at least 1 cm);
  6. cover with gauze and leave for half an hour.

The procedure should be carried out according to a schedule: we do 2 days, skip 3. For a serious injury, approximately 14 treatments will be required.

Anti-cellulite wrap

To get rid of cellulite, you need to dilute 100 g of clay in warm water until it becomes thick like sour cream. Add 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder to the mixture and add 3 drops of orange essential oil. Mix everything and apply to cleansed skin. Areas of the body treated with the mixture should be wrapped in plastic wrap. Cover your feet with a towel. You need to remove this bandage after 30–50 minutes. The mixture is washed off with warm water. Next, rub the skin with a rough towel. After the procedure, anti-cellulite massage will be especially useful.

Contraindications, harm, precautions and storage

High-quality blue clay does not have any contraindications. As noted earlier, it is suitable for all skin types. If additional components are used, it is first necessary to conduct a test to determine an allergic reaction.

Allergies most often occur due to additional ingredients in masks

In addition, we advise you to first evaluate the quality of the purchased product. To do this, throw a small amount of clay into a glass of water. If the liquid acquires a blue tint, it means that the powder contains a dye that is dangerous to the body - copper chlorophyllin. High-quality clay will not dissolve in water, but will only precipitate.

Clay in powder form has no expiration date. To preserve all its beneficial properties, it is recommended to store the product in a dark place.

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