Rice kvass for joints - composition, benefits, harm. Rice kvass at home - how to prepare? Scheme for using kvass for the treatment of joint diseases

The most common version of kvass is made from bread. But there are different ways to prepare it: drinks with herbs, roots, vegetables, fruits, and grains are popular. All of them have beneficial properties that are associated with the activation of enzymes as a result of lactic acid fermentation. But rice kvass is considered the most useful. Its effect is determined by the characteristics of the cereal, which is valued in eastern countries for its healing properties. Thanks to this, rice kvass is a medicinal drink that cleanses the body and helps get rid of many diseases.

general characteristics

Bread kvass has been popular in Rus' for thousands of years. Many housewives prepare it, adding herbs, berries, and fruits for taste. But not everyone knows that you can make delicious kvass with rice. After all, this is not a traditional cereal for Russia, so this drink appeared recently. But he quickly gained popularity. It is softer in taste than bread, not so sour and carbonated, but it quenches thirst well.

The resulting drink contains no fat at all, only 44 kcal per 100 g. But it has a rich composition:

  • proteins and essential amino acids;
  • a lot of carbohydrates;
  • vitamins C, E, PP, group B;
  • minerals: iron, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, chromium, selenium;
  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • cellulose.

Rice kvass has many beneficial properties, but, like bread kvass, it cannot be consumed by everyone. It is also harmful for peptic ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, and during breastfeeding. But it has its peculiarities.

Due to the ability of rice to cause constipation, it should not be consumed if you have colitis or other intestinal diseases. In addition, this drink removes a lot of potassium from the body along with toxins and salts. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people with heart disease and the elderly. Even a healthy person who regularly consumes such kvass will experience a lack of potassium. To avoid health problems, you need to increase the amount of foods rich in this mineral in your diet: bananas, dried fruits, honey, nuts.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming rice kvass.

Attention! Contraindications also include diabetes. After all, rice has a high glycemic index, and when combined with sugar, it causes an increase in blood glucose levels.

Beneficial features

Many people know about the benefits and harms of bread kvass. But a drink made from rice surpasses it in the degree of impact on the body. This is due to the characteristics of the cereal itself. Thanks to fermentation processes, enzymes and nutrients are activated in it. Therefore, kvass acquires the following properties:

  • accelerates metabolic processes and digestion;
  • improves intestinal function, normalizing microflora, eliminating diarrhea;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • saturates and reduces appetite;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • promotes the dissolution of salt deposits.

It is useful to use rice kvass for dysbiosis, gout, and rheumatism. It helps get rid of back pain, chronic fatigue, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. You can use it to lose weight if you drink half a glass before each meal.

The benefits of this body cleansing

It has long been known that rice can cleanse the body of toxins and remove salts. To do this, use rice water, porridge, and eat it raw. But kvass has several advantages compared to other methods:

  • it is tasty, sour, refreshing;
  • drinking such a drink is more pleasant than chewing empty unsalted rice;
  • This cleansing method is simple, does not take much time and does not require any hassle.

This kvass is the best way to cleanse the body of toxins.

For joint pathologies

But the beneficial effect of rice kvass on joints is most appreciated. Many joint diseases are associated with salt deposition. And this drink is able to dissolve them and remove them. In addition, rice kvass has an anti-inflammatory effect and removes swelling. Therefore, it is effective in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis.

Drinking this drink not only helps you get rid of pain. It improves joint mobility, activates blood supply and tissue nutrition, and increases the elasticity of cartilage. Thanks to this, it is possible to stop the development of degenerative processes and achieve stable remission.

To recover from osteochondrosis with the help of rice kvass, you need to follow several rules:

  • You need to consume it daily, half a glass half an hour before meals, it should be 4 times a day;
  • exclude salt, fatty meat, smoked meats, pickles, canned food from the diet;
  • do gymnastics and walk more.

Note! In the first week of drinking the healing drink, joint pain may intensify. This is a normal process, this happens due to their cleansing from salts.

The course of such treatment is 1-2 months, then you need to take a break. The effect of kvass is cumulative, so the removal of salts will continue for another 2-3 months. To facilitate this process, you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily. And since the drink removes potassium along with harmful salts, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements.

Drink harm

Rice is the main food source in most of the world. This is due to the fact that cereals are a balanced food with the amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. Rice contains about 70% carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy and strength. There are almost no salts in the grains, this allows you to wash out salts from the kidneys and joints, having a positive effect. Thus, eating rice has the following benefits:

  • toxins and waste are removed;
  • salts and heavy metals are washed out of the joints;
  • intestinal function is restored;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • It has an antibacterial and diuretic effect.

Rice kvass has a lot of positive effects, but before using it, it is better to consult with your doctor to prevent harm to your body. It is better not to self-medicate, because often incorrectly selected treatment with traditional methods is also harmful, as are incorrectly prescribed medications.

People with heart problems should use kvass with caution, because along with toxins, rice leaches potassium, which is important for the heart, which has an extremely negative effect on blood vessels. To avoid this problem, potassium can be taken in tablets to replenish its loss

It is useful to add potassium-rich foods to your diet - dried apricots, potatoes, millet, raisins, etc. It is better not to drink kvass for people with chronic constipation, because the drink strengthens them even more. However, for diarrhea and indigestion, it is an excellent remedy.

During the period of cleansing the body with rice water, you need to eat properly. After all, if you continue to eat unhealthy foods, the cleansing of the body will occur much more slowly. It is advisable not to eat fatty, smoked, salty or fast food. Diversify your table with vegetable oils, fish and lean meat. The cleaning procedure must be carried out at least three times annually. In any case, you should take into account the consequences of consuming kvass and consume more dried fruits, which help avoid constipation.

It is also important to stay hydrated and drink more fluids. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water per day

This is another reason for heart patients and diabetics to refuse such treatment, so as not to worsen their condition by causing a large flood of the body. Therefore, you should definitely talk to your doctor and familiarize yourself not only with all the beneficial qualities of the rice drink, but also with contraindications and side effects. All this will help you get the maximum benefit from treatment without harming your health.

Cooking features

It is not difficult to prepare this healing drink at home. You just need to choose the right ingredients. The taste and properties of kvass will depend on this.

  • The most important thing is the rice. It is better to use brown, unrefined kvass for making kvass. But white will do, as long as it is not crushed or steamed.
  • Water is needed filtered or spring. It is advisable to boil it and cool to room temperature.
  • Yeast is required to start the fermentation process. It's better to take pressed ones. But if you don’t like the yeasty smell, you can ferment it using dark raisins. There are natural yeast cultures on the skin, so raisins are not washed before adding to the jar.
  • Another main ingredient is sugar. You can use regular sand, take reed sand, or replace it with honey.
  • Additionally, you can add ginger, fruits, herbs, honey. This changes the taste of the drink.

The most common ingredients for preparing this drink are rice and raisins.

Common Recipes

There are several popular recipes for making rice kvass. It is not difficult to make, the ingredients are available to everyone.

With raisins

A classic drink is rice kvass with raisins. Thanks to this dried fruit it becomes carbonated. The recipe is the most accessible and simple.

Kvass on rye sourdough

  1. You need to rinse 5 tablespoons of rice.
  2. Pour them into a jar with a liter of chilled boiled water.
  3. Add 4 tbsp. l. sugar and a handful of raisins, mix well.
  4. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and put it in a warm, dark place.
  5. After 3-4 days, strain the kvass and put it in the refrigerator.

Note! The rice with raisins left in the jar should not be thrown away. Add 3 tbsp to it. l. cereal and sugar, a few raisins and 1 liter of water. Then you will need to throw away half of the starter and add 2 tablespoons. l. rice and sugar.

With ginger

You can prepare a healing drink based on rice with spices and orange zest. It turns out very tasty, refreshing, and ginger and orange add beneficial properties to it. Making such kvass is not difficult.

  1. 6 tbsp. l. rice pour 2 liters of cold boiled water.
  2. Add 1 tsp. grated ginger, zest from half an orange, a little cardamom.
  3. Add 4-5 tablespoons of sugar.
  4. Cover the jar with gauze and put it in a warm place for 3-4 days.

With honey

There is another way to prepare kvass based on rice water with yeast and honey. It turns out to be sharper, but this does not reduce the healing properties. The process of preparing this version of the drink is more complex.

  1. Boil 100 g of rice in 2.5 liters of water. Leave for 12 hours covered.
  2. Strain the broth into a jar, add 100 g of honey, stir well.
  3. Separately, dilute 10 g of yeast in a glass of water.
  4. After the yeast has infused for 1-2 hours and the honey has dissolved, combine the solutions.
  5. Infuse in a warm place until foam and a slight sour smell appear.

You can make kvass using rice water

On mineral water

You can get a tonic carbonated drink if you use mineral water instead of regular water. It is better to take table varieties with low mineralization. Making this drink is simple.

  1. Rinse a glass of rice and put it in a jar.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of mineral water.
  3. Add a little grated ginger, a quarter of a lemon, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 15 raisins.
  4. Tie the neck with gauze and place in a warm place.

How to cook with yeast?

Traditional kvass uses baker's yeast: dry or pressed.

It is believed that a more “carbonated” drink will be obtained if two types of raisins are added: white and dark.

Bread kvass with raisins

Recipes for such raisin kvass have been passed down in many families for centuries. Here is a traditional recipe in which you can vary the amount of sugar.

For 8 liters of water you will need:

  • 800 g (one loaf) of black bread;
  • 80 g raw or 40 g dry yeast;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 25-30 g raisins.


  • Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180°C. But make sure that it turns brown, but not burnt, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter.
  • Boil and cool the water. Its temperature should not exceed 30°C.
  • Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of the same water and let it rise.
  • Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan or other container and cover with a cloth or gauze to prevent insects from getting in.
  • Leave in a warm room for two days, then strain the mixture.
  • Add raisins and let it sit for another day.
  • Strain again, pour into bottles/jars and refrigerate. Kvass is ready. Suitable for both quenching thirst and for okroshka.

Homemade kvass with raisins and horseradish

This kvass not only invigorates and quenches thirst, but also has a beneficial effect on potency, for which it is especially valued.

First prepare a 3-liter jar of kvass and make sure that you like it. To do this, take:

  • 300-400 g rye bread;
  • water, so that it is almost up to the neck (two and a half liters);
  • 2-3 spoons of sugar;
  • 2-3 spoons of honey;
  • 10 g raw (7 g dry) yeast;
  • 10-15 pieces of raisins;
  • 100 g horseradish root.

The first stage corresponds to the above, only 8 hours are enough to infuse kvass. Then take some strained kvass and dilute the honey.

Grate the horseradish, mix with the honey mixture and add to the kvass. Leave for another 6-8 hours. Strain, bottle, adding a little raisins to each bottle. Cork it. First, keep the bottles warm, then place them in the refrigerator and after a few hours you can drink.

Rice and raisins recipe

Rice kvass is not only tasty, but also healthy. Especially for people suffering from joint pain due to arthrosis and arthritis, gout, rheumatism and other diseases.

A drink made from rice removes salts from the body, thereby positively affecting the functioning of not only joints, but also many body systems.


  • Pour 4 tablespoons of white whole long grain rice (not crushed) into two liters of boiled chilled water in a jar. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and five dark raisins. Leave in a warm place under gauze for 3-4 days. Strain and drink.
  • From the remaining grounds (store in the refrigerator) after 3-4 days, prepare a new portion, adding 3 tablespoons of rice and sugar, 4 raisins and 1 liter of water.
  • In the third portion, add one and a half tablespoons of raisins, sugar, 3 raisins and a liter of water.

Subsequently, throughout the course, add one and a half tablespoons of raisins, sugar and 2 raisins, as well as a liter of water.

To get rid of salts and restore joint mobility, rice kvass is drunk daily (portions are limited to 100-150 ml at a time) after meals for two months continuously.

Such treatment should be carried out no more than once a year. At the same time, eat fractionally and in small portions, 4-5 times a day. Drink a portion of kvass after meals three times a day.

With cranberries, honey, raisins

For 0.5 kg of cranberries take:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 cups honey;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1 tbsp raisins;
  • 2-3 slices of black toasted bread.

Grind the cranberries into a puree, add warm water, add all the ingredients and half the raisins. Leave it to ferment for a day and a half. Strain, bottle, add a little of the remaining raisins to each bottle.

Feedback on use

If you prepare and consume rice kvass correctly, it really helps with joint diseases. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Valentina I love kvass, I constantly try different recipes. I recently found a way to cook it using rice porridge. I tried it and really liked it. The drink turns out so sour, carbonated.

Olga I cleansed my body with rice several times. And recently I found out that you can make kvass from it. I tried it and it turned out to be a pretty tasty drink. I drank half a glass of it before meals. I began to feel better, the back pain went away, and lightness appeared. And after replacing sugar with honey, I managed to lose a little weight.

Elena I make rice kvass without yeast using raisins. The whole family drinks it from time to time. My mother especially likes it; after the first course she got rid of back pain. Now she has become active, she says that her knees don’t hurt either.

Rice kvass is a pleasant refreshing drink. When properly prepared and consumed, it has a healing effect on the body. It is especially often used as part of the complex treatment of osteochondrosis and joint pathologies.

Composition and calorie content of rice kvass

First of all, the benefit of rice kvass lies in its low energy value, typical of all fermented products. The calorie content in 100 ml of drink ranges from 20-30 kcal.

It contains no proteins or fats. Due to this composition, kvass is used for joint diseases and obesity. The composition of the fermented rice drink is represented by the following substances important for the human body:

  • amino acids;
  • iron;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fluorine, etc.

Its vitamin composition is not inferior to its mineral composition and nutritional value:

  • IN 1;
  • AT 2;
  • AT 3;
  • AT 6;
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E).

Important! The chemical composition of the final drink depends on the products used in its preparation - the more components, the richer the kvass in terms of nutritional value.

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