What is phonation of joints at home. Why is phonation a universal treatment?

The spine is the most important support of a person, on the health of which his well-being and a full life directly depend. It is the spine that is most exposed to stress. To allow your body to remain in excellent condition for a long time and maintain biological microvibrations at the proper level, they use the method of phonation of the joints of the spine.

This procedure can be carried out at home using a special device. In this article we will tell you what spinal phonation is and what the pros and cons of the procedure are.

What is phonation of joints

This is a non-surgical way to treat a large number of diseases using deep micromassage at the cellular level.

The procedure can be performed either independently at home or in an outpatient clinic. It retains its healing effect for almost three months.

The main goal of such a procedure is to compensate for the lack of biological microvibration of the tissue in the part of the spine where problems have arisen.

What does phonation of the spinal column provide:

  • removes dead cells from the body,
  • relieves swelling,
  • tidies up lymphatic drainage,
  • improves metabolism,
  • promotes cell regeneration,
  • increases immunity,
  • brings the biological microvibration of the body to the proper level.

Microvibration occurs due to the contraction of muscle cells, which change their shape when moving.

Main symptoms

  • The following signs signal the disease: Acute pain. Unpleasant sensations intensify with physical activity. Periodically, the pain syndrome may disappear, but returns with exacerbation.
  • Accumulation of fluid around the affected joint. If left untreated, you may develop a Baker's cyst, which can only be removed through surgery.
  • Crunching sound when moving. The joint becomes excessively mobile. The patient experiences discomfort.
  • Deterioration of motor functions of the joint. He stops bending and unbending. There is pain when walking.
  • Elevated temperature is the body’s protective reaction to the inflammatory process.
  • Knee deformity. Untreated arthrosis provokes displacement of cartilage.

At stage 1 of the disease, joint mobility decreases slightly. A small number of osteophytes form at the edges of the bone plates. With II degree damage, pain is observed, crunching and clicking sounds are heard. The joint space narrows noticeably.

At stage 3, the knee joint becomes deformed. Mobility is severely limited. The joint space is partially or completely fused. A large number of bone growths are formed.

How does phonation work?

It doesn’t matter whether a person is sleeping or awake, muscle cells are constantly contracting in his body. During active actions or rest, this movement differs only in frequency and synchronization.

The microvibration background arises from synchronous and multi-temporal contractions of all muscles. Its power determines the body’s resources for moving substances and cells to support metabolic, immune and regenerative processes.

Since the supply of muscle tissue has a limit, a deficiency of microvibrations may be present in the body of any person to a greater or lesser extent. The reason for this phenomenon may be the fact that every year a person shows less physical activity and leads an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

Scientists suggest that it is these factors that lead to the aging of the entire organism and the transition of diseases into chronic forms.

Spinal phonation makes it possible to compensate for the lack of natural biological microvibrations. It is only important to identify and identify the problem in a timely manner and begin procedures at home.

Thanks to the use of vibroacoustic therapy technologies, the body is given the opportunity to independently restore its health.

You may also be wondering what to do if your elbow joints hurt.

Why microvibration, and not just vibration?

Microvibration is vibration with an amplitude of less than 50 micrometers (microns).
This is the value that is comparable to the size of the cells. Therefore, this type of vibration is safe for humans, while vibration with a different amplitude can be dangerous for humans. The same applies to the frequency of microvibration - it is within the human speech range (sound and infrasonic range), while, for example, ultrasound can be dangerous for humans at a certain power of exposure.

When we talk about illness, we usually do not think about the cellular nature of this state of the body. At the same time, the cause of the vast majority of diseases (arthrosis, hernia, osteochondrosis, hypertension, impotence, tonsillitis, etc.) is the death of functional (“working”) cells or a lack of energy resources in some area of ​​the body.

Insufficient cell nutrition, as well as dead cells, limit the functions of tissues and organs, causing various disorders and the development of diseases. For a complete recovery, the body must remove dead cells from the tissue or transform them, regenerate new ones and saturate them with energy resources. This requires the movement of substances and cells not only through blood vessels, but also directly through tissue. Such capabilities of the body are limited by biophysical resources (cells do not have their own means of movement, most of the cells are removed from the vessels and capillaries, and the pressure in the intercellular space is close to zero, etc.). Phonation helps to remove these restrictions in the selected area, which gives the body the opportunity to recover. How does this happen?

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of treating joints using phonation:

  • strengthens such parts of the spine as the cervical and lumbosacral,
  • pain and increased muscle tone are relieved,
  • sleep quality improves,
  • prevention of colds,
  • oxygen and glucose accumulate in the muscles due to improved blood circulation,
  • bone hematopoiesis is restored due to the enrichment of blood with mature stem cells,
  • swelling is eliminated.


An event such as spinal phonation is prescribed by doctors for the following pathological conditions:

  • trauma and/or fracture of the spine (including compression),
  • radiculitis,
  • sprains or dislocations,
  • herniated discs,
  • damage or injury to the meniscus, arthrosis, arthritis,
  • scoliosis,
  • back pain,
  • bruises and hematomas,
  • gout,
  • frostbite,
  • wounds or postoperative sutures,
  • in the treatment of various sexual diseases,
  • for urological problems,
  • for various colds (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.).

How phonation is performed

Spinal phonation at home is carried out using vibroacoustic devices. They are applied to the surface of the body on a sanitary napkin. Contact with the skin is necessary, since it is through it that microvibrations are transmitted to the affected tissues to a depth of 8-10 cm.

These frequencies are natural to the body and do not pose any danger. If it is necessary to enhance the effect, the number of sessions is increased. Even healthy people can use phonation to improve their quality of life.

The procedure itself is done 3-4 times a day. What is phonation of a joint for arthrosis and what is the course of treatment in each specific case, the attending physician will be able to tell, based on the general picture of the disease.

Important! After the phonation session, you should stay warm for at least an hour and preferably in a horizontal position.

Also, during the course of this procedure, it is recommended:

  • eliminate any stress on the spine,
  • do not lift heavy objects (more than 5 kg),
  • take breaks from work and activities so as not to exhaust yourself,
  • If possible, try not to travel in public and/or private transport,
  • exclude trips on bicycles and motorcycles, so as not to overload your sore back,
  • walking should be smooth, without sudden movements, running and jumping are not recommended,
  • wear soft and comfortable shoes.

Vitafon revelation. Vitafon use, treatment with Vitafon

There is only one basic recipe for restoring and maintaining health. It is an axiom, is eternal and trivial, like truth. Every wise doctor knows it - this is the creation of optimal conditions for improving the quality of blood circulation. Those who decided to collect and offer Vitafon in modifications as a panacea for diseases decided to “play” on it. What properties did the manufacturers attribute to it, and what do they indicate in the instructions for using Vitaphones?

  • Through microvibration, it massages the cells, causing a condition similar to muscle contractions.
  • Improves immunity at the affected area.
  • Positively affects the functions of individual organs.

How true is it? This may impress someone, but not a person who is even more or less knowledgeable in physiology. Here are refutations for each of the above points from the Vitafon instructions and its characteristics. Note that they are with justification.

  • If someone claims that a car can drive without an engine, the answer will be for the interlocutor to scroll with his index finger at his temple (more intelligent people will do this mentally). It is impossible to create muscle contractions with subsequent healing effects without involving the main component in this matter - the heart muscle. The heart is the same motor, and from the right physical activity on it, a chain reaction occurs: body movements and, as a result, muscle contraction - active cardiac tone - increased blood flow, enriched with oxygen, with a further therapeutic effect. Well, microvibration is like: somehow, something “trembled” in a peculiar way, but did not cause an influx of fresh blood. Okay, no good yet. It is very important to know that oscillatory movements can cause irreparable harm to the subject.
  • Improving the protective properties of the area is the same bluff. This is a pseudoscientific statement, because immunity is protection and constant protection (the two concepts are inseparable). Yes, it tends to reach a higher level from cyclical physical activity, from a reasonable diet, and from a healthy lifestyle in general. But anyone who wants to sell a “miracle” called Vitafon on an industrial scale is trying to suggest that the vibration procedure also activates lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and the like. How? Strengthening microcirculation? This is macro nonsense.
  • Well, the phrase that the Vitafon device has a positive effect on the functioning of individual organs of the body, after the above, becomes nothing more than “Filka’s letter.”

Popular phonation devices

The first phonation machine was invented by a physicist in 1992 due to an accident with his wife. As a result of the accident, she had a huge hematoma on her leg, which doctors were unable to cure for a year.

He came up with such a device, and within a month his wife got rid of the hematoma that was tormenting her. However, only 10 years later a scientific basis for the operation of this device appeared.

Today there are quite a few manufacturers of such devices. The following models can be distinguished:

  1. Vitafon T. Appeared in 2003, combines microvibrations and thermal radiation. Today it is considered to be the most popular, as it is small in size.
  2. "Vitafon 2". Gives vibration and infrared radiation, has the ability to change the vibration amplitude. Most often used in the treatment of herniated discs, trauma or fracture of the spine.
  3. "Vitafon 5". Newest model. There is a self-contained battery. It retains previous settings and has a wide microwave range.

Liver treatment with Vitafon. Rules for using Vitafon

Before you start using Vitafon, you must carefully read the instructions for use. The device cannot be used in the following situations:

  • connect to the network without checking the integrity of the housing, wires, sockets;
  • turn on the device if the cover of the electronic unit housing is removed;
  • use the device in showers and bathrooms;
  • cover the device during operation with pillows and other heat-insulating objects;
  • turn on the device for two hours after it was brought in from the cold.

Before turning on the Vitafon, you need to make sure that it is not damaged and that no water has entered the case. Moisten a cloth in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, wring it out well, then wipe the membranes that will be applied to the body. Next you need to proceed as follows:

  • Connect the device to the power supply. If the length is not enough, you can use network extension cords.
  • Click on the “Start” button and make sure that the data on the display is displayed normally.
  • Check that the sound frequency is continuously changing; frequency ranges are automatically switched. In this case, the frequency should be at the same level for the first half a minute.
  • Select the operating mode, place the vibraphones on the painful area, making sure that they fit snugly to the body. For hygienic reasons, place a thin layer of gauze between the transducer membranes and the body. Vibraphones can be held with your hands during the procedure, but it is better to secure them with an elastic bandage. Place the converters at an angle of 90° relative to each other: this will increase the power in the area where their axes intersect by 1.4 times. There is no need to place the transducers opposite each other, since in this position their actions cancel each other out.
  • After the procedure, disconnect the Vitafon from the network and disinfect the membranes.

Reviews about phonation

There are a huge number of positive reviews about the use of phonation at home.

“Despite my young age, for the last two years I have suffered from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The pain made it difficult to work, sit, and was impossible to sleep. Massages brought only temporary relief. The doctor advised me to buy a Vitafon and do phonation at home. And after a short period of time, I discovered that life began to improve and the pain went away. It became easier to breathe, and life returned to its previous course.”

Alexandra, 29 years old, Samara.

“I have been involved in sports all my life, and various injuries have always been present in my life. Independent phonation of spinal and muscle injuries allows me to return to life and my favorite sport in a short time.”

Pavel, 34 years old, Krasnodar.

Find out how else to treat joints at home.


To exclude arthritis, tendonitis, tendovaginitis, in which symptoms are similar to arthrosis, differential diagnosis is carried out. Using an instrumental examination, the condition of the knee joint and its functional activity are determined. An X-ray is performed. The image shows all the changes: osteophytes, narrowing of the joint space, deformation of bone structures.

You can learn more about the level of cartilage damage after CT, ultrasound, and MRI. Research will help to find out about the location of inflammation in soft tissues, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

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