Tips for doing yoga for knee arthrosis

Knee joint - structure and loads

The knee joint is the crown of evolutionary creation! It was created so perfectly that under conditions of acceptable “exploitation” it could serve a person for more than a hundred years. In nature, this is the only design that provides stable vertical walking on two limbs with the joint pointing forward. The joint consists of the tibia and femur. In front, the joint is protected by a unique sesamoid bone - the patella. This is the largest bone not connected to the entire skeleton. The connection is carried out only through the tendons in which nature swaddled her like a beloved child.

The patella in its bone form does not develop until the age of 6 years. Before that, it was just soft cartilage.

The mobility of the joint is provided by cartilage and numerous ligaments. The muscles of the lower leg and thigh are attached to the joint with the help of tendons. This entire complex structure is covered with an articular capsule and enclosed in a bursa - an articular capsule that protects it from all kinds of mechanical external influences. The joint capsule is lined from the inside with synovial tissue, which produces a special fluid to lubricate and nourish the joint tissues.

Due to the vertical position of the body, the human knee joint is designed for increased loads. For example, in a standing position, each knee of an eighty-kilogram man carries a load of 40 kg, and when running this figure increases to 240 kg. If we take into account that running was a normal state for our ancestors, then it becomes clear what a margin of safety is built into the anatomical structure of the legs.


Beginners to yoga practice encounter physical discomfort everywhere - most often when practicing asanas, but especially when trying to sit with a straight back and crossed legs to perform internal practices of pranayama, concentration or meditation. And often physical pain in the legs or back becomes a serious test on the path and even a reason for giving up practice. It’s one thing if you practice from time to time, but it’s quite another to go on long, intense retreats where you have to sit for many hours and where, by default, pain becomes “the enemy that is always with you.”

Meditation masters compare the body to a glass and the mind to water in a glass. While the glass stands quietly without moving, the mind is also calm, like the surface of a mountain lake. If the glass is placed on an uneven surface, twisted or rubbed, then the water in it is also agitated and cannot “settle down” - the mind is then like a mountain river. The connection between mind and body is obvious to those who practice, and modern scientists also confirm: the state of the body is projected onto the mind, and the state of the mind is imprinted on the body.

The key to effective concentration or meditation largely depends on the position of the body during practice: the more firmly it is “rooted” in the meditative pose, the more effective the work with the mind is. Due to discomfort in the body, there is a desire to frequently change position, scratch, fidget, twist, and otherwise be distracted.

Remember that it is normal to experience discomfort during meditation at the beginning of your journey. All practitioners face this. Pain and distractions do not mean that the practice is unsuccessful.

This is how Buddhist Teacher Mingyur Rinpoche describes the beginning of his meditative experience:

“I tried to calm my mind, but my mind did not want to calm down. In fact, in those early years of formal study, I found myself more distracted than before. Anything irritated me: physical inconveniences, sounds in the background, conflicts with other people. Many years later I will understand that this was not really a regression; I was simply becoming more aware of a continuous stream of thoughts and sensations that I had not noticed before. Having seen other people go through the same process, I now understand that this experience is typical for anyone learning to explore their mind through meditation.”

Arthrosis - causes and symptoms

The definition of arthrosis implies a number of diseases leading to partial or complete immobility of the joint.
In an advanced form, cartilage and bone tissues, ligaments and even nearby muscles can be affected. Arthrosis is often the result of an imbalance between the destruction of cartilage tissue and the production of new material to restore the destroyed structure. Elastic and durable cartilage becomes thinner, becoming rougher. The bone located underneath responds by thickening and spreading outward, deforming the shape of the joint and limiting freedom of movement. Pathological changes also affect the joint capsule. It becomes denser and inflamed. Unhealthy fluid pulls out the capsule and stretches the ligaments. Pain syndrome, and with further development, deformation of the joint, lead to limitation of its mobility and a decrease in the amplitude of movement.


The disease manifests itself as follows:

  • Soreness after waking up;
  • Acute pain when starting to move;
  • Joint stiffness;
  • Deformation of the knee bones.

Soreness after waking up

Sharp pain when starting to move

Joint stiffness

Knee bone deformity


According to the mechanism of occurrence, osteoarthritis can be primary - this is when the etiology of its occurrence is unclear. And secondary, if there is a clear cause of the disease.

There are several reasons:

  1. Traumatic impact;
  2. Childhood dysplasia is a congenital abnormality in bone anatomy;
  3. Various infectious lesions;
  4. Age-related impairment of the production and metabolism of essential biological substances.

An unhealthy lifestyle and disturbed environmental ecology lead to an increase in the incidence of arthrosis in risk groups.

Risk factors

  • Age-related osteoporosis;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Excessive fullness;
  • Unbalanced hormone production (menopause);
  • Insufficient intake of microelements;
  • Congenital and acquired diseases of the skeletal system;
  • Cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • Inflammation of the joint;
  • Aggressive exposure to chemical toxins;
  • Frequent microtraumas of the joint;
  • Surgical intervention in the joint structure;
  • Increased compression loads due to occupation.

Yoga and spine

Pain in the neck, back or lower back can be the result of improper execution, for example, standing on the shoulder blades, on the head, bending forward, bending back.

When working with the spine, pain, discomfort, forced movement and the use of force should not be allowed. It is important to observe safety precautions when performing exercises, for example, when bending forward, keep your back straight and move by rotating the hip joints.

In addition, in yoga the principle of counterposes is very important, when after each bend back a forward bend is performed, after each bend to the left - a bend to the right, and vice versa.

Treatment of arthrosis

Due to the fact that man is naturally endowed with extreme curiosity and inquisitiveness, science will always discover new and new methods of treatment. There are many medical treatments for osteoarthritis, these are:

  1. Physiotherapy;
  2. Massage;
  3. Water aerobics;
  4. Injections of physiological fluid into the joint capsule.

In recent years, cartilage tissue has been artificially grown and grafted onto damaged areas of the joint. This technology will soon become a simple outpatient procedure available to any patient. But even in this case, it will not be easy for medicine alone to cope with a whole bunch of diseases that usually develop in our country after 40 years. For people who are determined to take charge of their health, an ideal system has long been developed that combines all aspects of knowledge about human nature and provides its adherents with unlimited opportunities - this is yoga.

Yoga and muscles, ligaments, tendons

Stretching certain areas of the body during yoga should be done extremely carefully, slowly and gently. Injury to muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as cramps, can be prevented by thoroughly warming up and warming up all muscles and joints. You should also always adhere to the rule “from simple to complex” and carefully dose the load.

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Yoga for arthrosis

Is it possible to do yoga with arthrosis of the knee joint, and will this lead to even greater complications?

Indeed, hatha yoga has hundreds of poses, both simple and so complex that it is possible to “tie yourself” into such a “knot” only after several years of daily training. What benefit can exercise bring to a person who can barely bend his knee while enduring unbearable pain?

We must start with the fact that yoga is not gymnastics or a collection of asanas. Yoga is a way of life. A person who accepts the value system embedded in the centuries-old wisdom of yogic teachings completely changes his life attitudes.

He learns to respect the physical and spiritual needs of his body, understanding their importance and permanence, in contrast to the momentary addictions that dominate the modern industrial world. A healthy lifestyle, which yoga classes lead to, plus miraculous asanas can also cure more complex diseases. It’s easier to name what yoga cannot cope with: complete destruction of an organ or death; everything else can be worked on.

Exercise systems

Just as all Russian literature came out of Gogol’s “The Overcoat,” so all systems of gymnastics have analogues among asanas. Starting to perform the simplest gymnastic algorithm, a person inevitably joins the traditions of ancient teaching. But before you start doing the exercises, it won’t hurt to read a couple of books about yoga in order to have an idea of ​​a comprehensive approach to health improvement. Then it is easier to choose the level of difficulty and set of asanas with which it is useful and safe to start classes.

Exercises for knee joints

With these exercises, professional

athletes restore and strengthen joints with a lack of physical activity. In case of disorders associated with increased loads, it is necessary to reduce the load on the joints, give time for recovery and then start exercising in a lighter version.

Exercises can be aimed at restoring joints, increasing blood circulation in them and strengthening the structure of the joint.

Restoration complex. Warm-up

  • Stand up straight, hands on your belt. Raise one leg, bent at the knee, at a right angle and make several circular movements with the shin in one direction and the other, then repeat with the other leg. If you have problems with balance, hold onto a support with your hand.
  • Feet together, knees slightly bent, hands resting on the kneecaps. Make circular movements with your knees closed, alternately in both directions.
  • Half lotus in dynamics. Sit on the floor, legs together, extended forward. Place the foot of one leg on the thigh of the other and, holding the ankle, swing the bent leg up and down. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Sitting on the floor, with your legs straightened forward, use your hands to move each leg back in turn so that the ankle is on the side of the pelvis. Try to sit completely on both buttocks.
  • Sitting on the floor, with your legs bent and raised in front of you and your hands resting on the floor, bend and straighten both legs at the same time. A safe alternative to squats.
  • Butterfly in dynamics. Sitting on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet with your feet facing each other. Then, fixing your feet with your hands, move your knees up and down, reminiscent of the flapping of a butterfly's wings. This yoga also helps with arthrosis of the hip joint.
  • Sitting on the floor, with your legs straightened forward, bend one leg at the knee, grab your ankle with your hands, release and pull it to your chest as close as possible. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Sitting with your legs bent on your heels, resting your hands in front of you, raise and lower your pelvis. If it works, you can strengthen it - spread your shins to the sides and sit between them on the floor.
  • Pose on the floor. Hands rest on the floor in front of you. One leg is brought back and rests the toes on the floor, the other is directed forward, bent at the knee and laid with the shin on the floor with the knee outward. Press your knee as close to the floor as possible or lie with your entire body on your bent leg.


Like any type of gymnastics, yoga has its contraindications. Performing asanas is unacceptable:

  • if the disease is in an advanced stage;
  • people with severe cardiovascular disease and stage 2-3 hypertension;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • patients with injuries, inguinal hernia, displacement of vertebral discs;
  • people with mental disorders (schizophrenia, tendency to psychosis), without prior consultation with their doctor;
  • with exacerbation of diseases of internal organs (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, appendicitis, etc.);
  • with paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation;
  • in the first 6 months after a stroke;
  • for infectious lesions of the joints;
  • with severe traumatic brain injuries;
  • for infections of the brain and spinal cord;
  • if exercise does not improve, but only worsens;
  • for malignant neoplasms;
  • for severe blood diseases;
  • for ARVI and influenza;
  • during pregnancy for a period of 3 months and after childbirth for the first 3 months.

If you feel unwell, then you should not exercise on this day. Wait until your body recovers completely and only then continue training.

There are also asanas that are contraindicated to perform with arthrosis.

Safety and Nutrition

To avoid achieving the opposite result when doing yoga or other types of physical rehabilitation, you must follow some rules:

  • Be sure to warm up your joints and muscles before the main complex with massage and warm-up exercises;
  • Do not force an increase in load;
  • Use special knee pads or an elastic bandage if necessary.

To the balanced diet recommended by nutritionists for this disease, athletes suggest adding 1 packet of gelatin per day for 3-4 weeks and foods rich in vitamin C. It is not forbidden to consume these foods on an ongoing basis or in courses. Vitamin C and gelatin are beneficial for all body systems.

Basic exercises

REFERENCE. When performing asanas, you need to focus on the sore joint and mentally imagine how blood flows to the knee and how the joint is restored.

Utkatasana ("on toes")

This exercise is aimed at maintaining balance, which allows you to include even small ligaments that stabilize the knee joint. Do up to 3 approaches for 1-1.5 minutes.

  1. You need to stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides.
  2. Stand on your toes.
  3. As you exhale, slowly squat on your toes. Bend your knees no more than 90 degrees. Your back must be kept straight.
  4. Inhale and slowly return to the starting standing position.


  1. Become in Utkatasana.
  2. Feet together, knees bent at an angle of no more than 90°. The body is directed forward, the back is straight. Hands in front of you or on your pelvis.
  3. You need to imagine that you are standing in the center of a watch dial, facing the number 12.
  4. Shift your weight to your left leg, and inhale and extend your right leg forward. Do not touch your feet to the floor. We reached the number 12.
  5. With an exhalation, return the leg to its original position and hold it at a height of 1-2 cm from the floor.
  6. As you inhale, reach the number 1 with your foot and return your foot to the center again.
  7. Continue this way until you reach number 9.
  8. Change leg positions and move your left leg counterclockwise.
  9. Do 2-3 approaches with each leg.

Utkatasana on toes.

Utkatasana with support on the wall.

  1. Press your back against the wall.
  2. Place your heels as far as possible from the wall, your feet are at a distance from each other, parallel.
  3. Squat down, keeping your back against the wall until your pelvis is at knee level.
  4. Place an object between your knees and hold it for 1-1.5 minutes.
  5. After resting, do another 2-3 approaches.

What is important to pay attention to

Since training should be daily, classes can be done at home. But only after the basic sets of exercises have been completed under the guidance of a specialist. It is the LKF trainer who must determine the loads and make recommendations for those who want to perform joint exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint at home.

Loads are determined individually, taking into account:

  • age;
  • general well-being;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • degree of damage to the knee joint;
  • presence of diseases.

Those who train independently still need to periodically attend general training sessions in order to adjust the load and learn new exercises. It is important to remember that the duration of exercise is not determined by health status. There are often cases when refusal of exercise therapy with visible improvement led to exacerbation of arthrosis. That is, you need to be prepared for the fact that physical therapy will now become an integral part of the life of a patient with arthrosis.

What should you expect from exercise?

It is a mistake to think that physical therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint can work wonders and completely restore health. If there are irreversible changes in the knees, the problem can be radically solved only with the help of implants. But the operation is not cheap and is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, exercises to develop the knee joint are often the only option to alleviate the condition and improve the patient’s well-being.

With their help you can:

  • relieve pain symptoms;
  • restore blood circulation in the problem area;
  • achieve long-term remission;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • increase joint mobility;
  • improve overall well-being.

You should not expect relief to come after the first session: the results of exercise therapy for knee arthrosis will be noticeable after several weeks of training. However, this is not a reason to relax, because only regular, measured and correct loads can restore the function of the knees. Exercise for arthrosis of the knee joint should become a mandatory daily ritual for those who do not want the disease to worsen.

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