Cancer of bones, joints and soft tissues

Today, the concept of bone cancer is a collective one, since bone cancer pathology is quite rare - only in 1 percent of all tumor cases.

Most cancers that arise in other organs and systems metastasize to the bones as the disease progresses. In such cases, we should talk about secondary damage to bone tissue.

Children and adolescents are at risk; cases of detection of such pathology (primary bone damage) in elderly people are rare.

Primary bone tumors include:

  • Multiple myeloma (40% of all bone cancers; formed from bone marrow cells);
  • Osteogenic sarcoma (33% of cases; affects knees and arms);
  • Ewing's sarcoma (tumor of the hips and pelvic bones);
  • Chondrosarcoma (a cartilage tumor that mainly affects the upper legs and arms);
  • Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (a rare tumor that affects the arms and legs; quite rare).

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish between benign and malignant bone cancer. Benign bone tumors are characterized by slow growth and are surrounded by normal bone tissue, while malignant tumors are characterized by ragged edges and rapid growth, leading to pathological fractures.

What is "edema"

Edema is a concentration of blood plasma from lymphatic and blood vessels in the intercellular space. If swelling is an exceptional phenomenon for the patient, then there is no cause for concern. Sometimes the body responds this way to overheating or the effect of certain medications. Otherwise, such a symptom is considered a signal of serious health problems.


Joint swelling can develop due to a variety of circumstances - from minor injuries to serious degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Mainly these are:

  • changes in the biochemical composition of blood plasma and tissue fluid;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • increased capillary permeability;
  • difficulty in the outflow of venous blood and lymph;
  • violation of gas exchange and excretory function of the kidneys;
  • congestion in case of heart failure;
  • critical ischemia;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • viral infection and inflammation;
  • sedentary lifestyle, etc.


First of all, it is necessary to establish the nature of the edema. It can be false and true.

False edema is observed in myxedema, systemic scleroderma and obesity and has a specific feature: when pressed with a finger, there is no trace or pit left on the skin.

In a situation with true edema, the hole does not disappear for a long time, which indicates the free movement of fluid in the tissues. With local edema, fluid accumulates in an unhealthy area of ​​the body.

Pelvic bone cancer

Primary tumors of the pelvic bones are rare tumors of bone tissue, while both osteosarcomas (tumors originating from bones) and chondrosarcomas (tumors originating from cartilage tissue) are equally common.

In rare cases, sarcoma of the hip joint occurs. This pathology occurs more often in men than in women.

Symptoms of pelvic bone cancer include:

  • Dull pain in the buttock and pelvis, which is sometimes accompanied by a short-term rise in temperature;
  • As the disease progresses, pain during walking and physical activity begins to increase;
  • Over time, when the tumor reaches a large size, swelling and protrusion are found on the skin, while the skin becomes thinner, due to which a vascular pattern becomes visible;
  • In the final stages, when the tumor compresses the vessels and nerves, the pain begins to radiate to the groin, thigh, perineum, and spine;
  • When the hip joint is affected, painful contractures and limited mobility occur.


Unfortunately, patients do not always rush to seek medical help when joint swelling occurs.

However, a visit to the doctor is required if:

  • unpleasant symptoms persist for about a week;
  • at the same time, redness of the skin and an increase in body temperature are noted;
  • swelling developed after joint puncture.

Pain and swelling in the joints occur due to congenital anomalies, various injuries, inflammatory processes, and degenerative changes (age-related). What diagnosis can a doctor make:

  • Phlebeurysm;

  • Deep thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins (occurs after childbirth, surgery on the abdominal organs, with a tumor, leukemia and some other diseases);

  • Postthrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • Lymphedema;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Gout;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Rheumatism.

Symptoms of bone cancer

The clinical picture of bone cancer consists of the following symptoms:

  • Pain at the site of the tumor (the patient constantly experiences pain, which intensifies with movement and physical activity, as well as at night when the muscles are relaxed; in children this is sometimes mistaken for “growing pains”);
  • Swelling around the area affected by the tumor (such swelling becomes noticeable only in the later stages, when the tumor has reached a large size; in other cases, the swelling cannot always be felt);
  • Difficulty in movement (when the tumor is located around or near a joint, it affects its function, while limiting the movement of the limb as a whole; if the leg is affected, the person begins to limp, experiencing tingling in the limb or numbness);
  • Pathological bone fractures (quite often cancer is discovered after a bone fracture due to an accident or fall);
  • Deformation of the body or limb;
  • Fatigue, lethargy, sweating, high temperature, weight loss (these are the so-called symptoms that are characteristic of cancer in general).

Similar symptoms occur in many other diseases, but if pain in the limbs lasts more than two weeks, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor for qualified help and undergo examination.


One of the most important areas of the clinic’s work is the diagnosis of diseases manifested by edema. This makes it possible to detect any disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and identify risk factors.

When conducting an initial general examination, the specialist pays attention to external deviations from the norm - swelling in the joint area, its nature and area of ​​distribution.

To confirm the diagnosis, all necessary measures are prescribed, including:

  • laboratory (blood and urine tests) diagnostics,
  • Ultrasound of joints,
  • MRI of joints.

The information content of hardware methods for studying all elements and tissues of articular joints helps to study in detail images of ligaments, tendons, cartilage, adipose tissue, bone marrow, blood vessels, etc.

Diagnostic procedures

When diagnosing, in order to identify symptoms of cancer of the shoulder joint (or any other), the doctor performs an examination. The corresponding place, if such a disease occurs, is marked by edema, and a mesh wreath is formed on the surface of the soft tissues, which looks expanded. In this case, the patient’s tendon reflex is not lost.

The doctor also performs palpation of joint cancer; the symptoms of the disease become painful sensations with such exposure. It is also unpleasant for the patient to straighten and bend the joint. The lymph nodes located near the joint become swollen.

More accurate research methods are radiography of the affected joint and biopsy, which can be puncture or surgical. The area obtained as a result of a biopsy is subjected to histological and cytological examination. Another method for confirming joint cancer is a blood biochemistry test.

If joint cancer is detected, they also resort to radiography and computed tomography; using these methods, they try to find out whether metastases have spread to other tissues and organs.

Which doctor treats

When starting treatment, the patient should seek advice from an orthopedic traumatologist and rheumatologist.

IMPORTANT! Swelling or swelling in the joint area is an alarming manifestation that requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

If a person notices swelling or swelling once, after an injury or painful impact on the joint, then it is necessary to contact an orthopedic traumatologist at our center for immediate help in this situation. However, if the patient complains of constant pain and swelling in the joint area, he should visit a rheumatologist. Make an appointment with a qualified orthopedic traumatologist or rheumatologist at the Kuntsevo Medical and Rehabilitation Center to understand the causes of joint swelling and eliminate swelling!

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Types of benign tumors

Tendon sheath cyst

- This is a small cavity about 1 centimeter in size. It can be located either in the area of ​​the tendon sheath or at the joint capsule. As a rule, it is diagnosed in the wrists. Externally, it looks like a nodular formation filled with liquid. The fluid itself has approximately the same composition as the synovial fluid, but they are not interrelated. Such cysts can be multiple and eventually merge with each other.

Synovial cyst

- is actually a hernial protrusion of synovial tissue or a significant increase in the synovial bursa. These cysts often form as a result of rheumatoid arthritis (called Baker's cyst). Most often, a synovial cyst is localized under the knee.

Villonodular pigmented synovitis

– in this case there are several benign tumors that are interconnected. They are found in the synovial tissue that lines the joints, in the bursae or in the tendon sheaths.

Synovial osteochondromatosis - a large number of cartilaginous bodies (usually crumbled in size) begin to form in the synovial membrane. Over time, they calcify and begin to travel throughout the joint cavity. This joint becomes swollen, inflamed and causes severe pain to the patient.

Types of treatment

The prescribed set of therapeutic measures is individual for each patient, but is invariably aimed at directly relieving swelling and ensuring normal blood circulation in the tissues and lymphatic drainage from the problem area.

Depending on the established cause of edema, the doctor prescribes drug therapy (taking tablets and injections), the use of medicinal ointments and creams. Non-invasive procedures are also of decisive importance - physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, diet therapy.

The clinic’s specialists are professionally proficient in modern, effective therapeutic and surgical methods for treating pathologies. Among them is the unique ACP SVF therapy - the latest treatment method that involves the use of adipose tissue stem cells.

Treatment of bone and cartilage cancer at Medscan

Medscan medical centers take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of bone tumors. The treatment plan is developed by a medical council. Treatment tactics are selected individually and depend on the stage, type and degree of progression of the disease.

For low-grade tumors, surgery becomes necessary. Most often, specialists prescribe surgery along with radiation and chemotherapy.

Methods for removing bone tumors in oncology:

  • intact (marginal and segmental resection, excochleation);
  • destructive (disarticulation, amputation).

Defects in bone structures are restored using endoprostheses or plastic. To maintain the structural strength of the bones, they are filled with polymethyl methacrylate or bone grafts.

Lifestyle recommendations

To prevent swelling and pain in the joints, experts recommend:

  • minimize the static load on the musculoskeletal system, and also alternate between “standing” and “sitting” positions;
  • stop regularly wearing high heels and wear comfortable shoes (even better - with orthopedic inserts);
  • try not to sit with your legs crossed;
  • get rid of excess weight, if any;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • exercise and lead an active lifestyle;
  • adhere to proper nutrition (do not eat fatty foods and alcohol, minimize the consumption of salt and sugar);
  • maintain water balance;
  • do not overcool the joints;
  • rationally distribute time for sleep, work and rest.

You may find it useful:

  • Rehabilitation program for rheumatological patients
  • Rehabilitation program for joint diseases
  • Rehabilitation program after injuries

Causes of development of bone tumors

The main cause of tumors is considered to be a hereditary factor . Excessive doses of radiation received by the body during irradiation can also cause bone and joint cancer, and sometimes numerous injuries to the extremities lead to the formation of a tumor.

Another factor influencing tumor development is metastatic damage to bones, joints and soft tissues. Breast and prostate cancer, lung cancer, as well as kidney and sometimes thyroid cancer metastasize to the bones.

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