Exercise therapy for the lumbar region: the most effective exercises

From this article you will learn:
  • What are the benefits of exercise therapy for the lumbar region?
  • The effectiveness of exercise therapy for the lumbar region and the main contraindications
  • 10 principles of exercise therapy for the lumbar region
  • Features of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
  • What you need to know about exercise therapy for the lumbar region
  • How to prepare for lumbar exercise therapy
  • Effective exercise therapy for the lumbar region depending on the stage of the disease
  • Gentle physical therapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
  • Exercise therapy training exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
  • 5-minute exercise therapy for the lumbar region
  • Exercise therapy for the lumbar region with a fitball
  • Exercise therapy of the lumbar region according to the method of Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko

Exercise therapy for the lumbar region is one of the most effective methods of treatment and prevention of complications of spinal diseases.

Physical therapy exercises take into account all the features of the pathologies of this zone. But in order to defeat the disease, you need not only to ensure that they are performed correctly, but also to be aware of the existing contraindications.

What are the benefits of exercise therapy for the lumbar region?

Nowadays, almost everyone has heard about spinal osteochondrosis. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of the Russian population has pathologies of the musculoskeletal or musculoskeletal systems. This applies not only to older people, but also to the younger generation aged 29 to 49 years.

Many people feel back pain. It causes discomfort and reduces performance. After therapy, some patients never manage to return to their previous lives, because the disease becomes chronic. This significantly interferes with the return of performance to the previous level or even provokes its cessation.

Back pain is most often related to osteochondrosis. The pathology is very common and can affect anyone.

Osteochondrosis is accompanied by metabolic disorders in intervertebral cartilage and discs. As a result, the muscular and skeletal systems change. It has been proven that the spine has a significant impact on the internal organs, which means they are also subject to pathological transformations. Many doctors say that the most effective therapy for osteochondrosis is physical activity. Therefore, we advise you to pay special attention to exercise therapy for the lumbar spine.

How does osteochondrosis develop?

The spine contains from 33 to 35 vertebrae, and between them are elastic discs. Due to them, it has flexibility and elasticity. The disc has a core covered with cartilage above and below, and along its contour there is a fibrous ring.

Osteochondrosis negatively affects blood circulation and metabolism in the spine. In this regard, the discs dry out, decrease in height, and become less durable and elastic. The fibrous ring does not cope with its function of holding the spine, which leads to its protrusion. In addition, a rupture may occur, resulting in an intervertebral hernia. The consequence of these disorders can be mobility and curvature of the spinal column.

A healthy spine is a reality, but only with an active lifestyle and moderate sports activity. Considering that the age of modern technology forces us to spend most of our time sitting at a computer, do not forget about exercise therapy for the lumbar region. After all, this is the most effective method of treating spinal diseases, as well as their prevention.

Therapeutic exercise has a positive effect on the trophism of elastic discs. As a result, joint mobility improves, the spine is saturated with blood, and its bone components are destroyed more slowly. Exercise therapy for the lumbar region helps to recover after surgery and helps strengthen the back muscles.

Physical therapy is especially recommended for the following population groups:

  1. Elderly people.
  2. For those who have previously had vertebral injuries.
  3. People diagnosed with flat feet and club feet.
  4. For those who are constantly in a non-standard position.
  5. People with weak muscles and ligaments.

Osteochondrosis according to the place of occurrence can be classified into osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine.

The role of exercise therapy for the treatment of back pain

Often, for back pain, especially if its cause is pathological changes in the spinal column, conservative treatment methods based on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. At the same time, the leading role is given to physical therapy exercises.

What are the benefits of therapeutic exercises for back pain?

Firstly, physical activity helps maintain the smooth muscles of the spine, returning the active shape of the back, which makes it easier to endure everyday activities.

  • Strengthened muscles and ligaments prevent displacement of the vertebrae during awkward or sudden movement of the body, lifting heavy objects, and prevent the occurrence of various injuries.
  • Moderate physical exercise helps normalize metabolic processes in the body. This improves the absorption of vitamins and nutrients necessary for bone and cartilage tissue.

In people leading a sluggish, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic processes are primarily disrupted, which subsequently leads to the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Physical therapy exercises bring a variety of benefits to the body:

  • With the help of training, circulatory circulation is normalized and the flow of oxygen to tissues improves.
  • The load on the spinal discs is reduced due to the expansion of the space between the vertebrae.
  • Smooth muscle spasm occurs.
  • Performance increases.
  • Pinched nerve endings are eliminated, followed by the disappearance of pain.

Therapeutic gymnastics can be practiced not only in hospitals or specialized institutions. A home environment won’t hurt to do the exercises; the main thing here is the right training complex.

The effectiveness of exercise therapy for the lumbar region and the main contraindications

During movement, the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine receive the main load. The vertebrae of the first zone are very mobile, unlike the vertebrae of the second zone. The latter are a fixed articulation of five vertebrae. Exercise therapy for the lumbosacral region helps strengthen the muscle corset, helps muscles that are constrained by spasms, and relieves pain in them after a pinched nerve.

Gymnastics alternately relaxes and tenses the muscles, which leads to improved blood flow. After an illness, the tissue receives stress and becomes stronger. Classes involve performing various exercises to train specific muscle groups. Exercise therapy is used for hernia of the lumbar spine.

Carrying out physical therapy of the lumbar region on a regular basis contributes to:

  • Relief from lower back pain.
  • Training of spinal muscle tissues.
  • Normalization of joint mobility and blood flow in them.
  • Relaxation of spasming muscles.
  • Improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Increasing immunity and general tone of the body.

Exercise therapy for the lumbar region will be effective only if the exercises are performed correctly. Let's look at the basic rules:

  1. If you are doing physical therapy for the first time, be sure to contact an instructor. Your goal is the right exercises, not quick results.
  2. In case of exacerbation of the disease, you need to adhere to a special training program and only under the supervision of a trainer.
  3. Warm up your muscles and ligaments thoroughly before starting exercise. Massage the sacrum, because it bears the greatest load.
  4. Increase the difficulty gradually. The first workout should include a warm-up and the simplest movements. Duration no more than 20 minutes.
  5. It is not recommended to eat 1–1.5 hours before class.
  6. Perform exercise therapy for the lumbar and sacral region on a regular basis. Avoid long breaks. Only in this case can the disease be overcome.

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Undoubtedly, physical therapy is very useful, but not for everyone. Exercise therapy for the lumbar region has a number of contraindications:

  • Any bleeding of the body, including uterine.
  • The presence of malignant tumors.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The period of exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  • Swelling and cramps, poor circulation in the legs.
  • In the presence of an inflammatory process of any organ. May be accompanied by general malaise or fever.

If, while performing exercise therapy for the lumbosacral region, you notice at least one of the symptoms listed below, consult a doctor immediately. The lesson plan may need to be adjusted:

  • Sharp pain.
  • Receiving microtraumas and other damage.
  • Malaise and deterioration of health.
  • Exacerbation of a disease associated with the spine or lumbosacral region.

Exercise therapy on the horizontal bar

A horizontal bar or crossbar in a doorway is a universal device for strengthening the back muscles, including those located in the lower part. With its help, you can effectively stretch the muscle fiber, thereby making the lower back more flexible. Hanging on a horizontal bar does not require special skills or knowledge; the absence of contraindications is sufficient. Exercises on the horizontal bar are allowed for scoliosis in the early stages, osteochondrosis, and postural disorders in the sagittal plane. The use of a crossbar for intervertebral hernia and vertebral deformities is dangerous.

Exercises with a horizontal bar are quite simple. You should clasp the handrail with your palms and hang, relaxing your muscles and allowing your spine to stretch. This helps to relax all the tension and improve the condition of the spine. 10-15 repetitions are enough to get a good result. If desired, the approaches can be made more difficult by pulling the body up, or raising the legs in front of you, forming a “corner”. This will strengthen the back muscles as a whole and improve the condition of the muscular corset of the spine.

Features of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Most often, pain is felt in the lumbar spine, since it bears the main load. This is due to the anatomy of the human body structure.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region include pain in the legs and lower back. Their cause lies in irritation of the spinal nerve roots. Swelling forms around the irritated area of ​​the root, increasing the pain and causing it to spread to the muscles. The affected area is affected by the resulting spasm. The process is a vicious circle. But it can be interrupted by influencing the muscle system and strengthening the muscle corset.

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How to do this? Exercise therapy for the lumbar region, massage and useful habits in everyday life will help you here. If pain is observed in the lower back or legs, it is necessary to perform gymnastics in a lighter form.

The objectives of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are to:

  • relax and stretch tense back muscles;
  • strengthen lymph and blood circulation in the lumbar region.

Follow the principles of gymnastics described above. Clearly remember what not to do, and then exercise therapy for the lumbar region will be useful and effective.

Methodological recommendations for motor mode in the second (subacute) period

With a decrease in pain, the possibilities of using special and general developmental exercises increase. During this period, in addition to exercises that increase the strength of the abdominal muscles and hip extensor muscles, exercises that focus the lumbar spine (No. 7,8,10,11,13,15, 22,23) become important.

When choosing both special and general developmental exercises, it is important to ensure that they do not increase lumbar lordosis. Painful sensations are a signal to change the structure of the exercise (towards easier) or to eliminate it.

At the end of the second period, you should gradually include exercises that increase the strength of the back muscles. Exercises No. 7,6,9 and 10 can be performed in a circular system 2-3 times. They are the most important. Increase the number of repetitions of special exercises to 15-50 times. The pace of the exercises can be gradually increased. We should remind you once again: exercise should not cause pain!

What you need to know about exercise therapy for the lumbar region

The basic requirements for physical therapy are as follows:

  1. Classes can be started only after pronounced pain has been eliminated.
  2. During an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to do only simple movements.
  3. Training should be carried out on a regular basis during remission of the disease.
  4. Increase the range of motion and number of repetitions gradually.
  5. Watch your breathing, it should be measured and calm.
  6. Movements should be smooth. If you feel pain, you should end the session.
  7. The first training should be carried out strictly under the supervision of an instructor.
  8. Before classes, contact a specialist for advice and a program.
  9. Wear only breathable clothing.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine during exercise therapy, it is prohibited to:

  1. Use maximum loads at the very beginning of your workout.
  2. Make movements that lead to painful sensations.

If osteochondrosis worsens, perform exercises only in bed.

During exercise therapy for hernias and protrusions of the lumbar and sacral regions, it is contraindicated to lift weights while standing, do leg presses while lying down, jump and run.

Harmful exercises

Not all physical impacts on the lumbar region develop its flexibility and lead to improvement in condition. Incorrect technique leads to a completely opposite effect, the back becomes overly strained and begins to hurt a lot. Basic errors that can lead to dangerous consequences:

  • Classic crunches for pumping the abs. It is not allowed to lift the body, lifting the lower back off the floor; only the shoulder blades should rise.
  • Hyperextension. During the process, it is important to monitor the position of the upper body so that it maintains an even leg-shoulder line.
  • Lying leg raises. Here athletes often make the angle between the floor and their legs more than 45 degrees, which is not necessary. The amplitude must be kept within these limits.
  • Deadlift. It is unacceptable to round your back when bending over; your posture should always be maintained in an even position, with your knees slightly bent.

It is recommended to end the gymnastics with a contrast shower; you should avoid hot foods; a contrast shower is suitable for enhancing the effect. To relieve inflammation in muscle tissue and relax, immediately after training, douse yourself with water and rub your skin with a towel.

How to prepare for lumbar exercise therapy

Physical therapy may be prescribed by a doctor after the results of the examination. Don't forget about the rules that will help you make it effective:

  1. The best time for classes is before lunch. The last meal should take place 1.5 hours before they start.
  2. Every workout should start with a warm-up. It helps warm up muscles and ligaments, prepares the heart for stress.
  3. During the exercise, use a roller under your knees at the correct height (the thigh and shin are perpendicular to each other).
  4. Record the exercises you perform in your diary and monitor the results.

For osteochondrosis, there is a whole complex of gymnastics. Exercises vary in difficulty and stages. Follow the lesson plan without combining them with each other.

The lumbar exercise therapy program is divided into blocks that are intended for a specific stage.

The first stage is carrying out exercise therapy in the acute period . As simple and slow movements as possible.

The second stage is the subacute period . If the pain has decreased, you can increase the load, but gradually.

The third stage is remission . The pain has stopped, complex exercises are included.

Choose loose clothing that will not interfere with your workout. We recommend paying attention to a cotton T-shirt or tank top, shorts or sweatpants. If you exercise outside in cold weather, use woolen items.

Inventory you will need:

  • Gymnastic ball.
  • Swedish wall.
  • Pillow for the knees.
  • Fitness mat.

Rules and recommendations

It is important to remember that before you start performing a set of exercises recommended by your doctor, you need to do a warm-up that will warm up your muscles and prepare them for fruitful work. It will help increase blood flow to muscle tissue, stretch the ligaments and make them more flexible. The developed elements of the musculoskeletal system are much less susceptible to deformation and damage.

Advice! It is recommended to warm up the body and muscles not only before exercise, but also before work. For example, before starting work in the garden or dragging heavy objects.

Warm-up is an essential part of the exercises

It is important to carefully monitor the body's reaction to movements. If pain or severe discomfort occurs, it is better to stop exercising. If you have diseases of the spine, it is contraindicated to make any sudden movements - they can aggravate the condition.

Any load should be increased gradually. You can’t just rush right off the bat and try to complete the program to the maximum. It's better to gradually increase the number of repetitions or introduce more complex exercises over time than to try to do everything at once and end up with additional back problems. It is also worth remembering that you cannot expect instant results from gymnastics . The effectiveness of the exercises will appear fully only after some time.

Effective exercise therapy for the lumbar region depending on the stage of the disease

1. Acute period.

Exercise therapy for exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine should be carried out only under the supervision of a trainer. Make slow movements. If pain occurs, training should be stopped. The exercises are performed from a lying position.

  • It is necessary to develop the feet by performing movements of flexion and extension. First together, then after each other. Increase the pace whenever possible. Clench your fingers into a fist and then unclench them.
  • I. p. – bend your legs at the knee joint. Extend one leg, your heel should slide across the bed. Repeat for the other leg. Do eight reps.
  • Raise your hand up. Once you lower it, repeat for the other hand.
  • Bend your left leg and move your right leg to the side. Repeat, switching the position of your legs with each other. The exercise loads the lumbar region. Avoid sudden movements. They can put increased pressure on nerve cells and aggravate osteochondrosis.
  • I. p. – put your hands on your shoulders. Move in a circle. First clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • Rest your thighs on the bolster. Straighten your legs at the knee joint one at a time.
  • As you exhale, bend your arms, trying to touch your shoulders. As you inhale, straighten, touching your thighs with your fingertips.
  • I. p. – bend your legs at the knee joint. Move one knee to the side and return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other one.
  • Stretch your arms up. At the same time, pull your socks towards you. After lowering your arms, relax.
  • I. p. – bend your legs at the knee joint. Spread and bring your knees together. You can diversify the movements by moving your knees first to one side, then to the other.
  • Try to pull your bent knees one after the other towards your stomach. Help with your hands when doing this.
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2. Subacute period.

If there is an improvement in the course of the disease, the pain has subsided, you can diversify exercise therapy for the lumbar spine with more dynamic movements.

  • I. p. – bend your legs at the knee joint. Straighten your right one up. Repeat for the left, four times on each. Do not straighten your leg completely if you experience pain.
  • Lean on the bed with your arms bent. Try to arch your chest as much as possible. After completing the exercise, relax.
  • In a lying position, you need to bend your legs and raise your back area in the sacrum area. Try to lean on your lower spine.
  • Tighten and relax your buttocks.
  • Bend your legs one after the other. While straightening them, press down on the bed with your foot and try to arch your lower back a little.
  • Lie down and bend your legs. Raise your head while contracting your abdominals and buttocks. If the exercise is easy, try raising your pelvis a little.

3. Remission.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in remission can be supplemented with complex movements. At the same time, the load increases, which means you need to carefully monitor your condition even without pain. Physical overexertion is dangerous and can lead to a sudden exacerbation of the pathology.

  • I. p. - lying on the side. Pull one thigh toward your stomach first, then the other. Try to do the exercise all the way, thereby stretching the lower back muscles as much as possible. Perform five to seven repetitions on each leg.
  • I. p. - on all fours. Imagine an obstacle and carefully crawl under it.
  • I. p. - sitting on a hard surface, hands on knees. The back is straight. Slowly lean back, tensing your abdominal muscles. Stay a while. Return to the starting position at the same pace.
  • I. p. - on all fours. Arch your back while lowering your head. Make reverse movements: arch your back, raising your head up.
  • Stand up straight. Bend forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. The chest should be pressed against the hips as much as possible. The exercise is also effective from a sitting position.
  • I. p. - on all fours. Raise your legs bent at the knee joint and bend your lower back slightly. Movements help relieve symptoms of osteochondrosis.
  • The legs are bent at the knee joint. Sit on them, and your heels should be level with your buttocks. Reach up and interlock your fingers. Sit on the floor, changing direction: first left, then right.
  • I. p. - on all fours. Raise your arm and opposite leg. Stay in this position for a while. After returning to the starting position, repeat with the other limbs. Do five times for each side.

Key points when performing therapeutic exercises

The physical therapy doctor creates a set of exercises and a training schedule individually for each patient. It takes into account the stage of osteochondrosis, the degree of damage to the vertebral structures, the severity of symptoms and the physical fitness of the patient.

Points to pay attention to

Before training, you should ventilate the room well. Do not exercise in an excessively cool or hot room. The optimal temperature is 20-23 °C. Clothes you need to choose are spacious, do not hide movements, and are made from breathable, moisture-absorbing materials.

In what cases is it contraindicated to engage in exercise therapy?

It is forbidden to train at elevated body temperature, fever, or general malaise. These symptoms are characteristic of respiratory, intestinal, and urogenital infections. During a relapse, you should not perform overly intense exercises designed to strengthen muscles in the subacute period or during remission.

Gentle physical therapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

1. Lying on your back.

  • Hands at your sides, legs together. As you inhale, pull your arms up, and as you exhale, lower them. Number of repetitions – 4-5.
  • Bend and straighten your feet while clenching and unclenching your fists. Do it 10 times.
  • Rotate your feet in a circle. In each direction 4-6 times.
  • Pull your knees to your chest one at a time. Do 6-8 reps.
  • Move your right arm and leg to the side, for example. Repeat in the same way for the left limbs. Do 4-6 repetitions.
  • Clasp your fingers in a “lock” at the back of your head. Raise your head while pulling your toes towards you. Number of repetitions – 8.
  • Hands at your sides. As you inhale, stretch your arms up, while simultaneously pulling your toes in the opposite direction from you.
  • Place your legs bent at the knee joint, shoulder-width apart. Use your knee to touch the opposite foot, and vice versa. Do 4-6 times.
  • Exercise “bicycle”, simulating pedaling. Repeat five circles back and forth.
  • Place your hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath into your belly and then exhale slowly. Number of repetitions – 3-4.
  • Stretch your left hand along your body, and stretch your right hand up. Repeat the exercise, changing the position of your hands. Do 10–12 times.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart. With your left hand, reach your right hand. Repeat the exercise for opposite limbs. Number of repetitions – 6–10.
  • Pull your knees towards your chest with your hands. First the left knee, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the right. Do 6-8 times.

2. Exercise therapy lying on your side.

  • Swing your arm and leg upward. Repeat about five times.
  • Pull your knees to your chest: 6-8 reps.
  • Swing your leg forward and backward. Repeat 6-8 times.

Perform the exercises in the same way, lying on the other side.

3. Exercises while standing on all fours.

  • First move one hand to the side, then the other. Do 10–12 reps.
  • Swing your leg back, straightening it. Repeat with the other leg. The quantity for each is 8–10.
  • Pull your left knee towards your right hand. Repeat, switching sides of limbs. Do 6-8 times.
  • Pull one knee toward your chest. After this, take your leg back, the toe should slide along the floor. At the same time as this movement, you need to sit on the opposite heel. Perform the exercise in the same way with the other leg.
  • Swing your straight leg up and back. At the same time, pull your opposite hand up. Repeat similarly for the other leg and arm. Do 6-8 times.
  • The legs are fixed in one position, and move your hands to the right and left sides. Repeat five times in each direction.
  • Without lifting your hands from the floor, try to sit on your heels. The exercise is performed slowly. Do 6-8 times.
  • Without lifting your hands from the floor, sit first on your left buttock and then on your right. Repeat 6-8 times.
  • Place your hands on the floor and raise your head. Arms straight. Lower your head to your chest and arch your back, then arch it back. Make movements at a slow pace. Number of repetitions – 8–10.

Complexes for strengthening the back of beginners

Physical fitness is individual for everyone, it all depends on age, weight, and concomitant diseases.

That is why specialists in the field of medical physical education have created training complexes for back pain for beginners:


Heel position. Inhaling deeply, you should rise and spread your arms. Lower slowly, while exhaling.


To strengthen the anterior abdominal wall. Lie on your back, with your legs bent at the knees. We lift the body with a turn to the right. Then, change position and repeat.


Lie on your side, fix your arm in support on the floor. Swing your leg, freezing for a few seconds halfway through. Then, change position.


Take a kneeling position, making swaying movements from side to side.


Lie on your stomach and lift your legs off the floor one by one.


Lie on your stomach and alternately lift your body off the floor.


Knee push-ups. Partial push-ups should be performed.


Take a position on all fours, alternately swinging your legs up and down.

You can also consider a simpler set of 3 exercises:

Contraindications to gymnastics

Therapeutic exercises cannot always relieve and eliminate pain in the lumbar region. Physical training is contraindicated for lumbar injuries, kidney pain, herniated discs, and various tumors.

When there are indications for performing therapeutic exercises, you should take a comprehensive approach: perform exercises not only to relieve pain, but also to prevent it.

Exercise therapy training exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

For exercise therapy of the lumbar region, training exercises are indicated while the pain subsides. During the acute stage they are prohibited.


  • Completely form the muscle corset.
  • Normalize the range of motion in the leg joints.
  • Repeat the number of exercises that include movements in the lumbar region strictly in accordance with the training plan.

1. Lying on your back.

  • Bend your legs at the hip and knee joints. The shins should rest on the support. Join your fingers behind your head into a “lock.” Lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Do 6-8 times.
  • The shins rest on the support. Hold the ball between your feet. Move it to the left, then to the right. Do 6-8 reps.
  • Hold the heavy ball with your feet. The shins rest on the support. Your task is to pull your knees towards your chin, lifting your head off the floor. Perform 6–8 times.
  • Bend your legs at the hip joint. The shins should rest on the support. Take dumbbells in your hands and stretch them along your body. Try to sit down. Do 6-8 times.
  • Take dumbbells in your hands and move them to the right. At the same time, tilt your knees to the left. Repeat 6-8 times.
  • Bend your knees and hold the ball between your feet. Take dumbbells. Try to sit down and hold this position. Do 6-8 reps.

2. Lying on your stomach.

  • Stretch your hands in front of you. Raise your head and shoulders at the same time. Move your right arm behind your back, accompanying this movement by turning your torso to the right. Repeat the same with your left hand.
  • Place your arms straight behind your back. At the same time, lift your head, shoulders and upper body off the floor. Raise your legs with your knees bent. Repeat 6-8 times.
  • The legs need to be bent and then straightened at the knee joint in turn. Only 15–20 times.

Don't forget to take your heart rate before and after your workout. Its optimal value is 120–140 beats per minute. Exceeding the normal heart rate indicates that the load is high for you.

Level 3 – developing mobility and strength of the back muscles

Performing stretching exercises is necessary to stretch the muscles of the lumbar region, eliminate tension in the ligamentous apparatus, and facilitate body movements.

1 - roller rolling with the lower back

When the therapeutic exercise is performed correctly, the muscular system is stretched, the fascia and ligamentous system are strengthened, tension in the lower back goes away and pain disappears.

  • Take a sitting position on the mat. You need to take the roller and place it in front of you.
  • Raise your buttocks and try to keep your own weight on your lower limbs, then sit on the bolster.
  • Smoothly move it to the lumbar region, leaning behind you on your palms. To maintain balance, the right leg must be placed on the left limb.
  • Move your body back and forth while rolling the roller on the floor for 25 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 sets of 3-4 repetitions.

Use other back exercises with a massage roller. For example, working on the collar area and the middle part of the back.

2- Dog-Bird pose

The exercise relieves tension in the smooth muscles of the lumbar region, expanding the intervertebral space, relieving pain and improving overall well-being.

  • Take a position on all fours, keeping your back straight.
  • Raise your left lower limb so that it is parallel to the floor.
  • Lift your right limb in the same way, extending it in front of you.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds, then return to the original stance.
  • The same should be repeated with the opposite leg and arm.
  • Do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions with each hand.

3 - raising the pelvis on the bench

If there is stiffness in the lumbar spine, as well as aching pain, it is useful to perform an exercise with lifting the pelvis. If performed correctly, you can eliminate lower back pain.

  • Secure your upper back on the bench. Legs should be bent at the knees and feet should be on the floor. Stretch your arms to your sides, relaxing them.
  • Raise your hips so that they are in the same position as your spine. Looking at the ceiling.
  • Smoothly lower your hips down, gradually returning to the original position.
  • You need to do 5 sets of 6-8 repetitions.

5-minute exercise therapy for the lumbar region

  1. Lying on your stomach, legs straight, bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your body. Lean on your straight arms and lift your upper body off the floor. Turn your head first in one direction, then in the other. Return to the starting position and relax. Do 2-3 repetitions.
  2. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Legs remain straight. Raise your torso while simultaneously performing a crawl motion with your arms. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. Similar to the previous exercise, move your arms using the breaststroke technique. Do 4-6 reps on each arm.
  4. I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands pressed to your chin. Crawl on your bellies. The movement involves pulling the knee towards the elbow. Repeat 4-6 times.
  5. The situation is similar to that described above. Lift one of your straight legs up, point your toes down. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Do 4-6 times.
  6. Raise your arms and legs at the same time. Hold this position and after a few seconds return to the starting position. Relax. Do 3-4 repetitions.

Relieving acute pain

With weakened, insufficiently strong back muscles, lumbodynia may periodically appear, as a sharp acute pain in the lumbar region. Simple but effective therapeutic exercises can help cope with pain.

(1) - Tilts

You need to kneel down. Place a chair in front of you for support. You need to put both hands on the chair and arch your back as much as possible up, and then also down. It is recommended to perform up to 10 approaches of the exercise.

(2) - Cat/Cow

Take a kneeling position. You should rest your head and arms on a chair, making slow movements from right to left, while arching your back.

Take a position on all fours, slowly arch your back like a cat, and then arch it, trying to inflate your hump like a camel. This movement is also effective for acute back pain.

All therapeutic sets of exercises formed according to the principle of medical gymnastics must be carried out smoothly and measuredly so as not to harm the patient’s condition and eliminate pain in the back.

If pinched

When the vertebrae are pinched, acute pain occurs. A therapeutic complex aimed at separating the intervertebral space can help cope with pain.

(1) — Hanging on the bar

A fixed door or training bar is available as additional equipment. It is necessary to hang evenly on the bar, remaining in this position for 60 seconds, completely relaxing the muscles, without making any other movements. The exercise should be repeated after 10 minutes, doing three approaches a day.

(2) — Hanging side crunches

It is necessary to hang on the horizontal bar with straight arms, making turning movements from side to side. When performing the movement, the body must be completely relaxed.

Exercise therapy for the lumbar region with a fitball

  1. "Locust". Lie on the fitball with your stomach and take turns lifting your arms and legs.
  2. Hyperextension. The stomach and thighs lie on the ball. Hands behind your head, legs extended back. As you inhale, bend forward, and as you exhale, return to your starting position. The exercise affects the back, do it smoothly.
  3. Half bridge. I. p. – lying on the floor on your back, put your feet on the fitball at an angle of 90 degrees. As you exhale, you need to straighten your legs and raise your pelvis. While inhaling, take the starting position.
  4. I. p. similar to the previous paragraph. Grab the ball with your feet, clasp your hands behind your head. Pick up the exercise ball.
  5. Twist/"flugel". Back on the floor, feet on a fitball. Hands are spread to the sides. Roll the ball with your legs in different directions. Your goal is to touch your knees to the floor.

Effective exercise therapy for the lumbar region involves repeating these exercises about 20 times.

Level 2 - for mild back pain

In case of stiffness of movements, tension in the lumbar region, a therapeutic training complex has also been formed.

1 - wall squats

For aching back pain, an exercise like squats is useful. The method eliminates pain and facilitates body movements.

  • Place your back against the wall. Straighten your shoulders and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Smoothly lower your body down, as if doing a squat. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Return to the original position.
  • It is necessary to repeat 2 times in three approaches.

2 - stretching the flexor muscles of the lower back

Stretching the muscles of the lower back will help you cope with back pain, improve your well-being and facilitate movement.

You need to lie on the mat with your feet on the floor.

Raise your right limb by clasping your hands around your hips.

You should press your foot to the chest area and hold the position for 25 seconds.

Repeat the movement with the other leg.

It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 3-4 repetitions.

3 - exercise to correct pelvic tilt

Movement allows you to activate blood circulation, improve the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus, and eliminate pain.

Take a horizontal position on the floor. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, arms placed at the sides of the body, knees bent, and feet placed on the mat.

Tighten your deep abdominal muscles, pull your stomach towards the spinal column, carefully lifting your pelvis. Your lower back should be in contact with the floor.

Hold the position for 3 seconds, then relax.

Repeat the exercise for 5 sets of 3-4 repetitions.

Exercise therapy of the lumbar region according to the method of Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko

Sergey Bubnovsky is a rehabilitation specialist by profession, the author of a large number of exercise therapy complexes for joints, recognized by official medicine.

Pavel Evdokimenko is a rheumatologist, a member of the highest level of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation. Among his works are a huge number of books that describe recommendations for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.

Doctors Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko developed an effective set of exercises. You can familiarize yourself with the technique of their implementation, which will make physical therapy of the lumbar spine more effective, in the video.

  1. Lying on your stomach, reach your buttocks with your heel, bending your legs one at a time. The head is turned in the opposite direction. Hold the position for 10 seconds. After this, relax for a few seconds and repeat the movement again.
  2. I. p. - on all fours. Arch your back and hold this for five seconds. After that, relax. Performing the exercise from the side resembles the behavior of a cat on its hind legs, which is why it has a similar name.
  3. I. p. - lying on your back. First pull one leg towards your stomach, then the other. Help with your hands. Tighten your muscles for seven seconds and then relax.
  4. I. p. - lying on your back. Wrap your arms around your legs and pull them towards your stomach. Tighten the muscle tissue for 10 seconds, then relax.
  5. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Bend over slowly. Your task is to thoroughly stretch your back. As you inhale, tighten your lower back muscles for six to seven seconds, and as you exhale, relax.

Video instructions for exercise therapy of the lumbar spine:


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Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take a course of exercise therapy for the lumbar region at a reasonable cost, and you will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
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Lower back pain: what causes it and what to do?

The most common cause of lower back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and poor development of the corset muscles, which are unable to support the spine. In addition, the cause may be various pathologies, excessive stress, or simply a sudden awkward movement that provoked pain. Most of these problems can be neutralized with lower back exercises.

What can cause lower back pain:

  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • weak back and core muscles;
  • excessive loads or non-compliance with exercise technique;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • large excess weight;
  • improper diet and vitamin deficiency.

To prevent lower back pain from causing serious problems with the spine, it is necessary to perform special exercises for the lower back, which will help relieve discomfort, reduce pain, improve the health of the body and serve as a good preventive measure. It is not for nothing that the basis of rehabilitation after back injuries is physical therapy and gymnastics for the spine.

Why it is useful to perform exercises for the lower back:

  • pain in the lower back is reduced due to muscle stretching and relaxation
  • the spine is strengthened and its flexibility increases
  • blood circulation increases, which saturates the joints and vertebrae with nutrients
  • strengthens the corset muscles that support the spine
  • posture improves
  • improves the functioning of the heart and lungs
  • hormonal levels are normalized
  • the risk of hernia, osteochondrosis and other pathologies is reduced
  • the functioning of the pelvic and abdominal organs improves

A set of exercises for lower back pain should include: muscle stretching exercises, muscle strengthening exercises. During exacerbations, tension in the muscles is observed, so first of all, they need to be relaxed - for this, a muscle stretching complex is performed. To prevent lower back pain, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles. When strengthening the back muscles, the load on the spine decreases, since a significant part of the load is taken on by the muscle corset.

We recommend watching:

  • Daily Standing Stretch: 10 Exercises Without a Mat
  • Daily stretching while lying down: 10 exercises (you can even do it in bed)
  • Daily back stretches in a chair: 10 exercises in the office

Rules for performing exercises for the lower back

  1. You should not force the load and overload your lower back with exercises in order to achieve your goal faster. Start with light loads, gradually increasing the duration of exercise.
  2. Exercises for the lower back should be done with the load and amplitude that is comfortable for you. Do not make sudden jerks or movements while performing exercises for the lower back, so as not to aggravate the problem.
  3. One or two workouts will not help solve the problem; try to perform a set of exercises for the lower back on an ongoing basis. It will be enough to train 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.
  4. If you have a cold floor or cold weather outside, then dress warmly and lay a rug or blanket on the floor to prevent your lower back from getting cold.
  5. Perform exercises on a hard surface: a bed or soft mat is not suitable. During exercises lying on your back, your lower back should be pressed to the floor.
  6. Do not forget about breathing while performing a set of exercises for lower back pain. The training should be accompanied by deep, even breathing; perform each static exercise for 7-10 breathing cycles.
  7. If while performing any exercises you feel discomfort in the lower back or spine, then it is better to skip such exercises. If during the exercise you feel acute pain, then in this case it is better to stop training altogether.
  8. You should not perform the proposed set of exercises for the lower back during pregnancy, after a spinal injury or with chronic diseases. In this case, consultation with a doctor is required.
  9. Remember that if you have some kind of chronic disease, then a set of exercises for the lower back must be selected individually. For example, for scoliosis, exercises to straighten the spine are indicated, and for osteochondrosis and hernia, exercises to stretch it.
  10. If discomfort in the lumbar region does not go away within a few weeks, consult a doctor. Lower back pain may be a sign of a serious illness. The sooner you begin the treatment process, the easier it will be to avoid irreversible consequences.

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