Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the spine

A sedentary lifestyle is the scourge of our time. Lack of movement provokes the development of a huge number of diseases, among which the leading positions are occupied by pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and especially the spine. The disorders progress slowly and initially do not manifest themselves in any way. The first symptoms usually occur when the disease has already led to significant changes requiring immediate medical intervention.

As part of the conservative treatment of spinal diseases and the prevention of their development, people are often prescribed physical therapy or exercise therapy. Often it is one of the components of complex treatment and is complemented by physiotherapy, manual therapy and drug treatment.

Is exercise therapy necessary for a hernia?

Exercise therapy for a hernia is mandatory. The goal of such therapeutic exercises is to improve the patient’s physical condition, remove pain, and prevent its occurrence. Well-designed lessons:

  • stimulate vital functions;
  • increase the endurance of muscle structures and the reactivity of the body (the ability to respond to various factors);
  • involve mechanisms that are involved in the pathological process in the general reaction, which contributes to their elimination.

Therapeutic exercise does not harm the body, since the exercises are designed to reduce the load on the spine. They not only relieve pain, but also “teach” the body to avoid injury in the future.

Regular exercise therapy helps:

  • Relieve pain and speed up the healing process.
  • Form correct posture.
  • Improve strength, endurance, coordination.
  • Evenly distribute the load across the parts of the spinal column.
  • Restore mobility.
  • Prepare the body for strength and aerobic exercise.

Therapeutic exercises strengthen the muscles that support the spine and prevent the appearance of new hernias. Exercises involve not only the back, but also the abdominal muscles. The body begins to move better, stiffness disappears, and the risk of injury decreases.

Exercise therapy for the lumbar spine

It is the lumbar spine that is most susceptible to pathological changes due to its high mobility and the need to withstand heavy loads. Therapeutic exercise can strengthen muscles, eliminate spasms and delay the onset of degenerative processes in the spine. But if violations already occur, then exercise therapy should be carried out only during the period of remission.

The following types of exercises may be recommended to patients:

  1. Lying on your right side, bend your knees and slowly raise your left one as high as possible, always to the extreme point. They are fixed in the achieved position for 5 seconds. Then turn to the other side and repeat with the right leg. Do 4 repetitions on each leg.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees and use your hands to press them to your chest. In this case, the lower back should lift off the floor and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall should tense. With the knees pressed to the chest, they are fixed for 5 seconds, then returned to the starting position. Perform 2 repetitions.
  3. Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head and stretch. Then they slowly raise their legs and try to lower them behind their head so that their toes touch the floor. If this fails, it is enough to hold your legs in the maximum possible position for 2 – 3 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times, at later stages it is recommended to gradually increase the number of repetitions to 6-7 times.
  4. Lying on your back on the floor, arms extended along the body, and legs bent at the knees. From this position they begin to imitate walking for 30 seconds. Then give yourself a rest and repeat the exercise 4 times.

Alternate relaxation and tension of muscles in certain body positions helps to activate blood circulation in the lumbar region. Thanks to specially selected exercises, you can eliminate muscle spasms and release pinched nerves, which will lead to the elimination of pain.

Sometimes it is recommended to place a cushion under the shins to reduce the load on the lumbar spine. Also, some exercises may require an exercise ball.

It is important to understand that all the exercises given are for informational purposes only and may be contraindicated for some patients. Therefore, you should trust the development of a set of exercises only to a specialist; amateur efforts in such matters can only aggravate the situation.

In what cases is it prohibited to do exercise therapy for a hernia?

Any physical exercise is prohibited during the acute phase of pain. If deterioration occurs, go to the clinic and undergo a course of drug therapy. And only when the pain goes away, with the doctor’s permission, you can start training.

Each type of intervertebral hernia has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easy it is to get rid of a hernia in 10 sessions

Other contraindications:

  • Hypertension.
  • Serious heart diseases - ischemia, chronic failure, etc.
  • Recent surgery, after which you should not strain (temporary contraindication).
  • Heat.
  • Colds, flu and other infectious diseases.
  • Bleeding – incl. nasal

Exercise therapy at the Kuntsevo Treatment and Rehabilitation Center

Regular and individually selected physical activity is an important and irreplaceable part of the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of a wide variety of diseases of the spine and joints.

The Kuntsevo Medical Center has all the conditions for exercise therapy:

  • Spacious and specially equipped hall.
  • Modern training complexes and sports equipment to make your workouts safe and effective.
  • The constant presence in the hall of certified instructors and doctors who are ready to help.

Specialists at the Kuntsevo Center are ready to develop individual training programs for all parts of the spine. At any time, patients have access to a doctor’s consultation and a full range of diagnostic services: ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, laboratory diagnostics.

Exercise technique

The best time for exercise therapy is morning or evening. Exercises should be done smoothly, slowly, after warming up.

When performing exercise therapy, pay attention to your body’s reaction. If severe discomfort, pain in the heart, or back occurs, the training should be stopped or the load reduced.

You need to exercise daily, unless your doctor says otherwise. For therapeutic exercises to bring results, the load must be increased slowly: start with 3-4 repetitions, after a week do ten (no more).

At first, exercise therapy should be performed under the supervision of a doctor. He will show you how to practice correctly and correct any inaccuracies. He will tell you when to increase the number of repetitions and the load.

Set of exercises

Each case has its own characteristics, so a training complex should be developed by a doctor. This is an important point: wrong actions can enlarge the hernia and increase pain.

A set of exercises for hernia of the lumbar and lumbosacral region

The lumbar region not only bears the weight of the body, but is also responsible for cushioning (softening) the shocks to which the back is exposed. Therefore, any displacement of the disc at the bottom of the spine leads to serious consequences, and hernias of the lumbosacral region cause severe pain. A person cannot turn the body to the right or left, bend over, and sometimes sit, stand, or lie down. Regular exercise therapy will prevent this.

Read about lumbar hernia here.

Correct position for exercise therapy for lumbar hernia

Exercises for lumbar hernia should be performed lying down. In this position, the load on the lower vertebrae does not exceed 25 kg. At the same time, when a person stands, this number increases by 4 times, while sitting – by 6 times. When the body moves, the numbers increase even more.

Exercise therapy for a herniated lumbar spine should be done:

  • on the stomach;
  • on the back;
  • on the side;
  • On knees.

The best exercises for the lumbar region with a hernia

The simplest and most effective exercise looks like this:

  1. Lay out a mat and sit near a wall.
  2. Lie on your back so that your legs are stretched up the wall. Hands should be along the body.
  3. Lie like this for a few minutes. If possible, there is no pain, half an hour is possible.
  4. For comfort, place a bolster or pillow under your lower back.

The simplest and most effective exercise for spinal hernia

The best exercise therapy exercises for the prevention and treatment of hernia in the lumbar region are also considered half-cobra, cobra, cat, and bird-dog.


One of the most effective exercise therapy exercises for hernia of the lumbosacral spine is the half-cobra. It helps return the protrusion inside the disc and speed up healing. Do the exercise slowly and carefully. If pain occurs, it is better to refuse to perform it:

  1. Lie on your stomach with your elbows bent so that your palms are on both sides of your face.
  2. Slowly arch your back upward. Elbows on the floor, level with the shoulders.
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Gradually increase the time to 30 seconds.

Half cobra exercise


This exercise therapy exercise for lumbosacral hernias is a heavier version of the half-cobra. It also helps to return the herniation inside the disc and speed up healing. Plus - it stretches ligaments better and makes the spine more flexible.

Do this exercise no earlier than you have mastered the half-cobra pose. Instructions:

  1. Lie on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows, palms near your face.
  2. From a lying position, begin to slowly straighten your back, without lifting your palms from the floor, until your arms are completely straight.
  3. Hold the position for 10 seconds. (gradually increase to 20-30 seconds)
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. The maximum number of actions is 10 times. If you feel pain and you are not ready for the exercise yet, don’t do it.

Exercise cobra


Cat is one of the most popular exercises for lumbar hernias. It reduces pressure on the painful area, improves the mobility of the spinal column, relieves pain, and relieves tension.

Do the exercise like this:

  1. Bend your legs, stand on all fours, arms straight, resting on the floor at shoulder level.
  2. Take a deep breath and bend your spine upward, lower your head, look into your navel.
  3. Exhale and bend your lower back towards the floor so that your head looks up at the ceiling. The stomach should lower to the floor as much as possible, but do not bend your arms.
  4. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise cat

Bird dog

The Bird Dog exercise strengthens and stabilizes the lower back and deep muscles of the spine. It helps improve posture and avoid the appearance of a hernia.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. Get on your knees. Your arms should be straight.
  2. Raise your left arm and extend it forward until it is parallel to your torso. At the same time, lift your right leg, take it back, it should be at the same level as your left hand.
  3. Maintain this position for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat with your right arm and left leg.
  6. Do this 10 times.

Bird-dog exercise

Prohibited exercises

If you have a lumbar hernia, you cannot:

  • do a leg press, when a weight is attached to a platform, and a person in a lying position must push it up;
  • bending over with straight legs - this increases the load on the intervertebral disc and lower back pain;
  • do exercises to twist the spine, including lateral, oblique, double - they increase the protrusion of the intervertebral hernia and cause complications.
  • jump, do aerobics, run.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia

A set of exercises for thoracic hernia

Thoracic hernias are more difficult to treat than others. The main reason is that the spine in this area is excessively bent and it is not easy to straighten it in order to reduce the pressure of the hernia on the nerve endings. The task of exercise therapy for thoracic hernia is to solve this problem.

Read about the symptoms, types and treatment of thoracic hernias here.

Correct positions for exercise therapy for thoracic hernia

Therapeutic exercises for a thoracic hernia can be done lying down, sitting on a chair, or standing. Perform exercises slowly, with calm breathing.

Best exercises

  1. Stand straight, arms along your body. Rotate your shoulders first forward, then back (3-5 times). Hands walk along the body.
  2. Asynchronous shoulder rotation - right up, left down. The head looks forward.
  3. Sit on the floor, grab your heels with your hands, legs bent at the knees. Start doing soft rolls on your back (3-5 times). As you inhale, roll so that your cervical region (preferably the back of your head) touches the floor; as you exhale, your heels should touch it.
  4. Lie on your back on a cushion, place it under your thoracic spine. Slowly roll on the roller so that it first rises to the cervical region and then descends to the lumbar region.
  5. Starting position, as in exercise No. 4. Raise your hands to your face, elbows on the floor. Place your chin on your palms, extend your fingers, and stay there as much as possible.

Roll on your back and exercise on a roller for a thoracic hernia

Prohibited exercises

If you have a thoracic hernia, you cannot do exercises with weights or do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Active movements are prohibited - jumping, fitness, aerobics. Fast running is prohibited; preference is given to jogging.

A set of exercises for cervical hernia

Pain from an upper hernia affects the upper back. It has a sharp, piercing character. It is difficult for a person to raise his arm, turn or tilt his neck. The task of exercises for hernias of the cervical spine is to stretch the distance between the vertebrae so that the protrusion puts less pressure on the nerves.

Read all about the symptoms and treatment of cervical hernia in this article.

Correct positions for exercise therapy for cervical hernia

If you have a cervical hernia, you can do the following:

  • standing;
  • lying down;
  • sitting on a chair;
  • On knees.

Best exercises

The activities described below can be done standing or sitting in a chair:

  1. Relax your shoulders, keep your back straight. Slowly lower your head onto your left shoulder. Do not rush, especially if the pain is felt on this side. Fix the position, count to 7, straighten your neck. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  2. Return to the starting position. Move your head slowly up and down.
  3. Next, start turning your head - to the right and left. Having fixed the turn, count to 7, return to the starting position.

Head tilt with cervical hernia

The “half-cobra” exercise (see above) gives good results. It allows you to effectively stretch the spine, incl. cervical region

Prohibited exercises

For a cervical hernia, the following are prohibited:

  • pull-up at a tournament;
  • exercises with weights and twisting;
  • push-ups

Exercise therapy for the thoracic spine

Pathologies of the thoracic spine are rare. This is due to strong back muscles and the least mobility of its vertebrae, relative to the vertebrae of the cervical and lumbar regions. However, the thoracic region can also be affected by osteochondrosis or another disease. In such situations, patients may be recommended to perform the following exercises:

  • Standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your arms above your head. Then you need to pull them up one by one in an attempt to reach the ceiling with your fingertips. This will lead to tension in the muscles of the thoracic spine. But in order to avoid injury, all movements are performed slowly, without roaring, three times.
  • Lying on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides, raise your head so as to feel the tension in the back muscles, and fixate in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then slowly lower to the floor and repeat 4 more times.
  • Standing on your knees with your arms freely hanging down, slowly raise them up and move them back until a feeling of resistance appears. As you exhale, move your body forward and sit on your heels. Repeat 5 times.
  • Standing on all fours, pass your head between your hands and, as you inhale, round your back, and as you exhale, lower it to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  • Lying on your back on the floor, place your arms along the body and bring your shoulder blades together, trying to close them. Fix in this position for 5 seconds, after which they completely relax and press their back over the entire surface to the floor. Repeat 5 times.

Other therapeutic exercises

In addition to physical therapy, the following are used to treat spinal hernia:

  • Bubnovsky method;
  • exercises according to Dikul;
  • water gymnastics;
  • yoga and pilates.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics. Before you start performing them, find out their differences from conventional physical therapy, the benefits and harms of a hernia, when you can do it or not.

According to the Bubnovsky method

Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky wrote about back hernia in the book “Spinal hernia is not a death sentence.” He developed most of the exercises taking into account the simulators that are available in his clinic.

Opinions about the method are mixed. There are many cases that after treatment in his clinics hernia:

  • not only did it not decrease, but increased, it was even necessary to resort to surgery;
  • the pain disappeared in one place, appeared in another, requiring hospital treatment and even surgical intervention.

The main reasons for failure are rigid, heavy exercises, which are strictly prohibited in case of a spinal hernia (strength loads, twisting).

If you still decide to try gymnastics using this method, avoid training that is prohibited if you have a back hernia. It is better to do the complex for prevention, when the acute phase has passed, there is no pain.

According to Dikul

Exercises suggested by Valentin Dikul, director of a rehabilitation center for patients with back injuries, have a good effect on the spine. You can learn about his method in his book “Treating the back from hernias and protrusions.” He offers different types of training, including standard therapeutic exercises that can be performed for spinal hernia (half-cobra, cat).

The complex that Dikul offers consists of several stages:

  1. Exercises aimed at eliminating pain. They are performed with a small amplitude, without additional load. Basic movements are a standard exercise therapy complex. Course – 3 times a week for 2-4 months.
  2. Exercises aimed at strengthening muscles are a rehabilitation period when the pain has gone away. At this stage, you can include strength training. Course – 4 times a week for 2-3 years.
  3. Complete workouts designed taking into account the presence of a hernia, without negative effects on the affected area.

Exercises must be performed in strict sequence, do not change places, and do not increase the number of repetitions. The load (light dumbbells) can be taken no earlier than the complex is mastered and the pain disappears. Between exercises you need to rest for 2-3 minutes.

Exercises in water

Swimming gives good results in the treatment of spinal hernias. Water relieves stress from the back and calms the nervous system. It helps to better stretch the space between the discs and reduce the pressure of the hernia on the nerve fibers. The main thing is to choose the right instructor and exercises.

The following activities have a good effect:

  • The face is lowered into the water, the arms are extended, holding a swimming board (you can use a crossbar installed around the perimeter of the pool), the back is straight. The legs swim in the crawl style.
  • Lie on your side, your right hand rests on the board, your left along your torso. The legs work in the crawl style.
  • Swim on your back. Hands hold the board on your stomach, legs swim in crawl style.

If the pool is shallow (water up to your chest), you can take steps in place with your knees raised high. At this time, the arms move as if running. Gentle turns of the body to the right and left have a good effect.

The only contraindication for water exercises is the acute phase of pain. Jumping into the water is strictly prohibited. You can't swim with your head held high. The breaststroke and butterfly styles are undesirable.

Yoga and Pilates for hernia

Yoga and Pilates are based on slow loads without overexertion. They improve the condition of muscles, tendons, and stretching. But with a herniated disc, many exercises are prohibited (bridges, twisting, strong stretches). Moreover, they cannot be done during an exacerbation period.

When giving preference to these methods, pay attention to exercises that are designed specifically for spinal hernia. The basic complex is not much different from exercise therapy - cobra, cat, bird-dog.

During the period of pain, avoid any strength or other prohibited exercises. If pain occurs, stop exercising. Additional equipment that is often used in Pilates (dumbbells, other weights) can be taken only at the stage of remission, when the pain has gone.

What is exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise involves an individually selected set of exercises to prevent the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine or stop the progression of existing ones. Exercise therapy classes are simple, accessible to people of any age, do not require much time and can usually be performed at home.

Patients are prescribed a set of exercises selected in accordance with their age, type and characteristics of the disease, level of general physical fitness and a number of other factors. Depending on the goals pursued, all recommended exercises can be divided into 3 groups:

  • for decompression – they involve stretching the spine in order to increase the spaces between the vertebrae and eliminate the pressure of anatomical structures on the nerve endings;
  • to increase mobility - aimed at increasing the flexibility of the spine, reducing the likelihood of strangulation of hernias, nerves and blood vessels, as well as eliminating muscle spasm;
  • to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus - help to increase muscle strength and strengthen the muscle corset, which can create reliable support for the spine and reduce the load on it.

Therapeutic exercise is useful both for a completely healthy person and for people who have already been diagnosed with a particular spinal disease. In all cases, it is called upon:

  • eliminate or at least reduce back pain resulting from compression of the nerve roots;
  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • eliminate increased pressure of the vertebrae on the intervertebral discs;
  • accelerate the course of metabolic processes and regeneration processes of cartilage tissue and bones;
  • eliminate mobility restrictions;
  • speed up recovery after injuries and surgeries;
  • improve posture.

In addition, regular physical therapy exercises will help relieve stress, improve mood, concentration, performance and give you energy for the whole day.

Exercise therapy after hernia removal

To recover normally after removal of a spinal hernia, you cannot do without physical therapy. Rehabilitation takes place in several stages:

  1. The first two weeks after surgery. The patient stays in the hospital, must wear a corset, and undergo medication treatment. You can get up for 2-3 days, sitting is not recommended. It is forbidden to lift weights exceeding 3-5 kg, and you cannot do massage.
  2. 2-6 weeks. The patient is discharged from the hospital. He must go to the clinic for physiotherapeutic procedures. You can't sit or stand for a long time yet. Weight no more than 8 kg.
  3. 1.5-2 months after operation. The attending physician prescribes exercise therapy and massage.
  4. 2-6 months The doctor allows you to increase the load when performing exercise therapy. Lifting weights and overworking is still not an option.
  5. After 6 months You need to take a course of exercise therapy on special simulators.

Thus, after the operation, the patient is almost motionless for the first two weeks. During this time, the muscles weaken and slightly atrophy. Your doctor will tell you when to start therapeutic exercises. Typically, exercise therapy is prescribed from 6 weeks after surgery. Activities at this time are the same as during the treatment of a hernia, depending on the location of the protrusion. But you can increase the load only by the doctor’s decision.

Read about all methods of treating hernias in our article “Treatment of intervertebral hernia.”

When you can’t do exercises after removal

After removal of a hernia, exercise therapy must be prescribed by a doctor, and the patient must strictly follow his instructions.

For the first time after surgery, you need to wear a corset, which helps the sutures heal. At this time, any loads are prohibited. Weights up to 5 kg can only be lifted with a corset. Active exercises are prohibited, incl. sharp twisting movements.

2 weeks after the operation, the patient is discharged from the hospital, but at this time exercise therapy is still prohibited. Only after at least 1.5 months. (at this point the stitches are tightened) and after examination by a doctor, you can start doing exercises.

Best exercises

The doctor prescribes exercise therapy based on the clinical picture. Classes are only possible under the supervision of a specialist. The main efforts are aimed at strengthening muscle mass and restoring the functioning of the operated part of the spine. If the patient’s condition allows, he is recommended to perform “Half-Cobra”, “Cobra”, “Cat”, turns and tilts of the head, then move on to more complex gymnastics.

6 months after the operation, the rehabilitation specialist prescribes work on simulators. If necessary, the patient undergoes tests, based on which the computer develops an exercise program. The patient is engaged in computerized installations that:

  • test the patient’s condition during classes, which allows timely adjustment of the program;
  • measure and calculate the patient’s muscle strength and range of motion;
  • control the activity, excluding the possibility of injury to the spinal column.

The first exercise therapy sessions after surgery should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

When the main rehabilitation is over, the patient needs to go to group classes in therapeutic exercises. If this is not possible, he can do the exercises at home, taking into account the recommendations of a rehabilitation specialist and exercise therapy instructor.

We use non-surgical hernia treatment techniques
Read more about our unique technique


A healthy spine means not only beautiful posture and graceful gait, but also a clear mind, good memory, and endless energy. This is the opinion of many specialists involved in physical therapy. The spinal column is the support of the body, so its condition cannot be neglected. The interesting thing is that simple back exercises will be enough to maintain a healthy spine. Start doing them today, and you will notice positive changes within a few days.

There are several main reasons why back exercises should become a habit:

  1. Strengthening the spinal column. And this, as you know, is the key to getting rid of back pain. Strengthening the spine is an important aspect for all people, but especially for people with a sedentary lifestyle. It is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with strength training in order to strengthen such an important part of your body.
  2. Formation of correct posture. Smooth and beautiful posture can be called evidence of the presence of a “solid foundation” of your body. Thanks to it, you can maintain health and develop a strong, resilient body.
  3. Providing the brain with oxygen. Any changes in posture restrict blood flow to the head. To avoid this, it is enough to do periodic exercises for the spine.
  4. Correction of the location of internal organs. If the back is curved, then the biological location of vital organs also changes. This threatens with a lot of harmful consequences!
  5. Relaxation of body muscles. The body's muscles are always under tension, which increases depending on the work performed. Some muscles need to be relaxed through special exercises to give them quality rest and feel lightness throughout the body.

Like any other physical activity, spinal gymnastics should be done by adhering to a number of simple rules :

  1. Try to work at a slow pace for the first couple of weeks. Master the technique of each exercise, watch how your body responds to training. Pay special attention to the feeling of pain during work, since there should not be any.
  2. Start with a small amplitude, gradually moving to the maximum. This is necessary in order to gradually stretch the muscles, increasing the load. Working at the maximum amplitude right away is very dangerous, despite the preventive prescription of exercises.
  3. Feeling uncomfortable or overtired? Take a break, restore your breathing and pulse. The activity should be beneficial and joyful. Overload (both physical and emotional) is unacceptable here.
  4. Before each new exercise, you can take a short break. Take your time, as rushing will not improve the result, but will slow down the athlete's progress and lead to overload.
  5. It is best to perform the exercises in combination. The workout below not only strengthens the spinal column, but also affects the muscles adjacent to it and generally develops the back muscles.

In addition to training, maintaining a proper diet plays an important role in the process of preventing spinal health. Food should be rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. This has a positive effect on the condition of bones and muscles. Include nuts, milk, fish, vegetables, and legumes in your diet.

Don't forget about your psychological attitude. There is no need to regard gymnastics as a set of boring and tedious exercises. On the contrary, with their help you will recharge your energy, help yourself restore your health and get rid of back pain.

List of exercises for spinal gymnastics:

  1. Side bends: 8-10 reps on each side.
  2. Raising arms in three directions: 6-8 repetitions.
  3. Bringing your elbows in front of you: 12-15 reps.
  4. Reduction of shoulder blades: 12-15 repetitions.
  5. Alternate arm abductions: 8-10 repetitions on each side.
  6. Raise your arms up: 8-10 reps.
  7. Crossing arms at chest: 12-15 reps.
  8. Neck-lumbar curls: 8-10 reps on each side.
  9. Reaching your arms behind your back: 8-10 reps on each side.
  10. Half squat back bend: 12-15 reps.

If you don't like counting reps, just turn on the timer. Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, leaving 20 seconds for rest. The total training time in this case will be 10 minutes. For those training without a timer, the number of repetitions is also indicated.


Will exercise therapy help you recover faster after a hernia removal?

Yes, it will help. The main thing is to strictly follow all the doctor’s advice, do not rush, and do not increase the load ahead of time.

Is it possible to do exercise therapy for Schmorl's hernia?

Yes. Exercise therapy can be done for any type of hernia, when the acute pain subsides. The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises. If you have a Schmorl's hernia, you definitely need to pump up and strengthen the muscles, especially the back and abdomen. It is important to remember: weight bearing is contraindicated.

Is it possible to do exercise therapy for a sequestered hernia?

It is possible, but we must proceed from the fact that exercise therapy cannot be done during the acute phase. When the pain subsides, light exercise is allowed after consulting a doctor. Water gymnastics gives a good effect.


Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 11/12/2020 Date of update: 03/16/2021

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Special exercises used in the second stage of the acute period

I.p. lying down, legs bent. Raising the sacrum with support on the lower thoracic spine and feet due to kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. lying down, legs bent. Raising the head while simultaneously tightening the abdominal muscles.
I.p. lying down. Static tension of the gluteus maximus muscles. 8-10 voltages each for 4-6 s.
I.p. lying down, legs bent apart. Left hand up - inhale. Lower your hand forward-down-inward, raise your head and shoulders, stretch your hand to your right knee - exhale. Same with the other hand.
I.p. lying down. Alternating leg bends. When straightening, press your foot onto the bed, while kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. lying down. The same exercise as No. 17, but performed with both legs at the same time.
I.p. lying down, a cushion under your feet, lifting the pelvis due to kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Sit on your heels without lifting your hands from the bed and return to the standing position. When returning to the IP don't bend!
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Flexion of the spine (without bending down when returning to IP!)
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