Therapeutic exercise for scoliotic posture and scoliosis

Exercise therapy for children with poor posture is one of the most effective ways to restore back health without the use of radical techniques. They recommend sets of exercises for teenagers, schoolchildren and preschoolers to prevent the development of scoliosis or other problems with the spine. Exercise therapy has already become a necessary activity, since modern children spend more and more time near computers, do not play sports, and are overweight. While physical development affects not only the beauty of the figure, but also the health of internal organs.

The influence of physical education on posture

In preschool children, the skeleton develops rapidly, but the muscles do not change so quickly. Until the age of 6-7 years, children stretch out and appear tall and slender. But lack of muscle mass causes the formation of irregular curves in the ridge. Their main problems with posture are:

  • Scoliosis.
  • Slouch.
  • Round back.
  • Flat spine.
  • Lordosis.
  • Kyphosis.

Lack of correct posture in children causes problems with the functioning of internal organs, a decrease in the volume of respiratory movements, and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. To prevent this from happening, starting from the 3rd year of life, it is necessary to take care of the formation of a strong muscle corset. It is this that maintains the flexible bone organ in the correct position, allowing you to easily perform squats or bends, jumping, running and other actions.

Therapeutic gymnastics is a comprehensive method of preventive measures that allows you to treat any postural disorders. It consists of specially designed exercises aimed at strengthening the back and all-round development of the body. The main goal of training is to minimize the negative consequences of injuries or a passive lifestyle, correct posture, harden the body as a whole, and restore muscle tone. Regular exercise by the child will allow the parent to be confident in the correct development and growth of the child.

Any curvature of spinal posture is the basis for exercise therapy

“Therapeutic physical training for poor posture”

Therapeutic physical training for postural disorders and scoliosis

Physical therapy classes for the treatment of postural disorders begin with developing an idea of ​​​​correct posture. General strengthening exercises must correspond to the age and physical fitness of the student. The most appropriate for physical exercises are starting positions lying on your back and stomach, standing on your knees, on all fours. For postural defects in the sagittal plane, special exercises are used, depending on the type of postural disorder, which help normalize spinal curvature and restore physiological norms. The success of treatment largely depends on the systematic and long-term use of therapeutic physical education, supported by a set of exercises at home. It is important to eliminate the causes of poor posture (“harmful postures”, vicious postures when sitting, asymmetrical physical activity when carrying a briefcase, bag, incorrect body positions in bed during sleep, etc.).


. Scoliosis is a permanent lateral curvature of the spine, developing more often in childhood and puberty (adolescence) (during the period of growth). Scoliosis is divided according to etiology into traumatic, dysplastic, paralytic, reflex pain, congenital, etc. Scoliosis can develop in any part of the spine. According to the location of the curvature along the spine, scoliosis is divided into cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic, thoracolumbar, lumbar, lumbosacral and total, covering the entire spine. Scoliosis can consist of one arch (C-shaped), two (S-shaped) or more (multivertex) arches. A mandatory sign of scoliosis is torsion (rotation around a vertical axis) of the vertebrae, accompanied by a characteristic rotation of the vertebral body to the convex side and externally manifested by the appearance of an enlarged muscle cushion in the lumbar region and a costal hump in the thoracic region. The magnitude (degree) of curvature can be different and in connection with this, many classifications of scoliosis have been proposed.

There are 4 degrees of spinal curvature

(Chaklin V.D.):
I degree
or initial is characterized by a deviation angle (in a standing position) of up to 10°, lack of fixation of curvature (deformation) (disappears with traction) and weak asymmetry in the paravertebral region;
Grade II
has a deviation angle of 11-30°, compensatory counter-curvature, clear asymmetry in the paravertebral region and partial fixation of the curvature.
Grade III
is established when the deviation angle is 31 - 60°, pronounced asymmetry of the paravertebral region, a distinct costal hump, and a fixed curvature.
IV degree
is characterized by a curvature angle of more than 60°, complete fixation of the primary and secondary curvatures, pronounced asymmetry of the paravertebral region, and a large costal hump.

Scoliosis, in which the curvature of the spine increases over time, is called progressive. Treatment of scoliosis is a difficult task and requires a long time, patience and perseverance. Depending on the age of the patient, the degree of curvature and the speed of progression, treatment is different, but many of its principles are similar or the same. With the initial degree of scoliosis and non-progressive scoliosis of the second degree, physical therapy is used for treatment as the only or main remedy. For other degrees of deformity, physical therapy is used as one of the elements of complex therapy in combination with traction treatment, fixing and correcting corsets, and surgical treatment.

The objectives of physical therapy are to teach how to maintain correct posture

(standing, sitting, in a working position), improving breathing, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, active correction of functional disorders, stretching shortened tissues (ligaments and muscles) through active asymmetrical and active-passive regressive exercises and postures, stabilization of the scoliotic process and correction of early stages of the disease, the resulting defect is within possible limits.
Physical therapy exercises help eliminate spinal curvatures or prevent their progression. To do this, use gymnastic exercises for the back and abdominal muscles, mainly in the position of axial unloading (in a horizontal position of the spine). This allows you to better increase the strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles and consolidate the correction of spinal deformity. Pay attention to training the lumboiliac muscles and the muscles of the gluteal region. In the treatment of children,
the corrective effect of physical therapy is achieved by using special symmetrical and asymmetrical gymnastic exercises.
When exposed to symmetrical exercises, the muscles on the convex side become more tense than those on the concave side. The muscles on the concave side are stretched more. This gradually equalizes muscle traction and reduces its asymmetry, weakening myogenic contracture on the concave side. Asymmetrical corrective exercises allow you to influence spinal deformity locally and in the desired direction. With vertebral torsion, a corrective effect can be exerted by turning the belt of the upper or lower extremities. The selection of asymmetric exercises is carried out taking into account the localization of the curvature and the nature of the action of the selected exercises on the curvature of the spine. If to correct a defect it is necessary to increase the mobility of the spine (mobilization), exercises are used in crawling on all fours, resting on the knees, mixed hangs, and exercises on an inclined plane. Therapeutic gymnastics is combined with massage, using relaxation techniques on the concave side, and all massage techniques and in higher dosages on the convex side. Classes should be held at least twice a day for 20-30 minutes or more. At night, children need to sleep on a flat, hard bed; it is necessary to provide them with proper sitting conditions and lighting of the workplace. In the motor mode, jumping, exercises with large bends of the body forward, acrobatics, carrying large loads, etc. are contraindicated. Wide use of swimming and skiing is useful. With systematic gymnastics exercises for several years, muscle tone increases, and they become able to withstand spinal curvature. With I and II degrees of scoliosis, physical therapy can reduce or eliminate deformities. With grade III scoliosis, the main task is to stop the progression of scoliosis. In cases of progressive scoliosis, physical therapy is used mainly in specialized institutions in combination with fixation or correction of curvatures with a plaster bed or corset and with systematic medical supervision. In these cases, mobilizing exercises are not allowed without strict indications. In the surgical treatment of scoliosis, the method of physical therapy is determined by the stage of treatment, age, general condition, physical fitness of the patient, and the nature of the surgical treatment used. In addition to special exercises, the goals are set for their general developmental impact, improving posture, strengthening the muscle corset, improving the function of the respiratory apparatus, cardiovascular and other systems. For C-shaped thoracolumbar scoliosis with the apex between the X thoracic and I lumbar vertebrae, caused by contracture of the iliopsoas muscle, a special method of physical therapy is used - training this weakened muscle. In case of scoliosis due to congenital malformations of the spine, caution is required in the use of exercises aimed at increasing the mobility of the spine. The method of physical therapy is developed together with the attending physician. Selective muscle strengthening is carried out through the use of asymmetrical exercises and the development of good posture. Physical therapy for rachitic scoliosis
involves mobilization in a fixed area of ​​the spine and the creation of a good muscle corset. They use exercises from the most beneficial IPs, movements lying on the back and on the stomach with a symmetrical load.

Indications for exercise therapy and contraindications

Lack of correct posture in children is the main indication for prescribing therapeutic exercises. Physical therapy stabilizes the muscles of the trunk, corrects the disorder, and returns the spine to its normal shape. Exercise therapy is necessary in the following cases:

How to wear a posture corrector

  • Slouch.
  • Rounded back.
  • Flat back.
  • Flat chest.
  • Shoulder blades protruded in different directions.
  • Pronounced lordosis of the lower back.
  • Kyphosis of the thoracic region.
  • Cervical lordosis.

Physical therapy is prescribed in combination with nutritional correction, walks in the parks and taking multivitamins. In especially severe cases, wearing a special bandage is recommended. The advantage of this technique is the almost complete absence of contraindications. The doctor prescribes a set of exercises individually, taking into account the complexity of the curvature and the child’s general physical fitness. If there is acute pain or an exacerbation phase of chronic diseases, training is postponed until health stabilizes. The reason to completely abandon exercise therapy is increased body temperature, rapidly progressing spinal deformity and infectious processes in tissues.

Rules for conducting classes

After determining the nature of the pathology and the nature of the postural deformation, the physiotherapist prescribes a suitable set of exercises. It is formed taking into account the need for the degree of impact on existing curvatures. They can be carried out in a gym, a specially equipped gym or at home. It is important to make sure that the child is comfortable during the process, that he is wearing comfortable, breathable clothing, that there are no stress factors and that he is feeling normal.

You should also follow these simple rules:

  • Do not feed your child 2 hours before training.
  • Take a bottle of clean water with you and give it in small sips as you practice.
  • During the period of correctional therapy, strictly monitor the diet, balance it with the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, based on age needs.
  • Conduct training only in a well-ventilated area with a temperature not exceeding 20C.
  • During the process, it is important to teach the child to monitor breathing and report if pain or severe discomfort occurs.
  • All gymnastics performed for therapeutic purposes must be carried out in compliance with strict technology (shoulders straightened, chin raised, back straight).
  • There should be no jerks, intense actions, or holding your breath during the process. Everything is done carefully and smoothly, the complexity of the training increases gradually.
  • Late evening training is prohibited.
  • Training should be systematic, carried out regularly, with equal time intervals between them.

It is strictly prohibited to independently adjust the selected exercises, complicate them, or increase the load without consulting a specialist. This will not only not speed up the appearance of the result, but will also lead to more serious curvatures. The first classes are necessarily carried out together with a physiotherapist; after mastering key techniques, you are allowed to conduct them independently at home.

All exercises are carried out only in a well-ventilated area

A set of exercises for children of different ages

Exercises to correct posture in children are performed on a sports mat appropriate for the child’s age. When working with preschoolers, it is important to arouse the child’s interest, since he will not understand why certain actions are needed. An excellent solution would be a game form or participation in the process of his favorite characters, cartoon characters. For each age, the complex will consist of its own exercises.

Training for children from 3 to 5 years old

If posture is impaired in childhood, the child is prescribed simple exercises, with elements of a therapeutic effect on the problem. Rotational tilts of the head, “Cat”, bends to the sides, twists in different directions, and bends of the torso forward will be useful. Physical education to correct posture may also include the following approaches:

  • Take the ball in your hand, raise it high above your head, transfer it to your other hand and lower both of them.
  • Lie on your back. Raise your legs above the floor and imitate riding a bicycle.
  • Raise the stick above your head, look at it as you do, and lower it to your chest. Return to starting position.

For a preschool child, 3-5 repetitions will be enough. The training consists of simple exercises that can easily be turned into a game. During the process, it is important for the parent to control the baby’s posture and the intensity of the actions. There should be no jerking, jumping or force loading.

Incorrect position at a desk is the main cause of spinal curvature

Classes for children 6-10 years old

At this age, children need to be taught physical education as an integral part of the existence of a modern person. This will not only help him develop good posture and overcome back problems, but will also introduce him to sports, improve his quality of life, strengthen his immune system, and increase endurance. Posture correction training will consist of the following exercises:

  • Walking in place for 10-15 minutes as a warm-up.
  • Straight back position, feet shoulder width apart. The arms rise up, the torso stretches. As you exhale, the limbs lower. 5-6 approaches. There should be no arching in the lower back during execution.
  • Lie on your back. Extend your arms along your body. Raise your left limb and at the same time pull your leg towards your stomach. Repeat the same with the other side. After 5 approaches. At the same moment, raise your arms and pull your legs towards your stomach.
  • Get into the starting position, raise your shoulders. Take turns imitating punches, like boxers do. There should be 5-6 approaches for each hand.
  • Lie on your stomach, arms extended along your body. As you inhale, lift them up, as you exhale, lower them.

At ten years old, the child is already old enough to understand why these exercises are done, but for variety, some training can be done in a playful way. During classes, the parent is obliged to monitor their posture so that there is no arching in the lower back or drooping shoulders. For the entire complex, it is also important to perform about 10-15 squats, keeping your shoulders straight.

Regular exercises give lasting results and allow you to return the spine to its normal position

Corsets, exercises in the treatment of postural disorders - prevention of postural disorders

Treatment of incorrect posture can include a variety of methods - this is, first of all, special gymnastics, as well as back massage, balneotherapy and physiotherapy, swimming, and wearing supportive corsets.
Defects in posture, which are not yet a disease, but often serve as their cause in the future, are very easy to correct.

That is why a person must put maximum attention and effort into forming the correct muscular corset around the spinal column, as well as developing the habit of walking, sitting, lying down, lifting weights, etc. correctly, so that the load on the spine is distributed evenly.

Gymnastics for scoliosis

Pathological curvature of posture is the most difficult to correct, since the displacement of the vertebrae is accompanied by deformation processes. Therefore, physical therapy is prescribed for a long period of time, almost always performed while wearing a corset and taking special medications. Training is usually based on the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back and raise your legs up, doing rotations reminiscent of riding a bicycle.
  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. As you exhale, lift your leg up, bending at the knee. Try to pull it towards your stomach as much as possible.
  • Fix your shoulder blades with a gymnastic stick, grab its ends with your hands and lean forward.

The number of repetitions is determined by the doctor, based on the age and severity of the curvature. There should be no pain or excessive effort during the process, otherwise the situation can greatly aggravate.

Exercises with gymnastic instruments

School-age children will find it more interesting to engage in physical education with sports equipment. Special equipment increases the benefits of exercise. For posture problems, physiotherapists recommend using a fitball. It is indicated both in the early stages and in cases of serious development of pathology. It is selected according to the child’s height; for children up to 1 meter, a product with a diameter of 45 cm is purchased, and for children under half a meter, 55 cm in height. Before starting training, you need to do simple exercises to warm up the muscles. You need to start with simple actions, gradually increasing the load and complexity.

The following exercises will be of great benefit:

  • The child needs to sit on the ball, spread his arms to the sides and raise them above his head in three stages, and then return them to the starting point.
  • Sit on the ball, lower one hand, raise the other above your head. Spring them, moving them as far back as possible. On the count of three, change the position of your hands to the opposite.
  • Lie on the fitball with your stomach, find support in your feet and hands. On the count of three, raise your arms to your shoulders, keeping your arms, head and neck at the same level.

Physical education for children of preschool age and older is key. It is a powerful prevention of the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Regular exercises will eliminate curvatures, strengthen the muscle frame, and normalize metabolic processes.

Many children find it more interesting to exercise on a fitball

Prevention of poor posture - how to avoid problems with the spine?

Only an integrated approach to the prevention of incorrect posture will help avoid further problems with the spine.

Measures to prevent poor posture include:

  • A hard and elastic mattress on the bed for sleeping.
  • Correct selection of shoes , starting from infancy. Prevention of flat feet in children.
  • Proper nutrition - a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements.
  • Physical activity - general strengthening sports, daily physical exercise and morning exercises, walking, swimming, hiking.
  • Elimination of habits that lead to incorrect posture - shifting the center of gravity to one leg, incorrect posture while sitting, prolonged forced postures, etc.
  • Proper lifting of weights (with bent knees and a straight back), wearing backpacks instead of bags.

Preventive actions

School-age children are at risk of developing scoliosis, so they are most often shown to specialists to determine the condition of their spine. To prevent curvature, parents are advised to take seriously the organization of the child’s workplace and choose an orthopedic mattress. In addition, as preventive measures you should follow simple rules:

  • Regulate rest and physical activity, give the child the opportunity to play and move more.
  • Don’t rush to teach your baby to sit or walk, give these skills the opportunity to develop on their own.
  • Avoid using low quality backpacks with thin straps.
  • Monitor the position of the child’s back while doing homework.
  • Do not sit at the computer for more than 15-20 minutes unless necessary.
  • Do simple exercises every morning.

As the child grows up, it is necessary to choose a suitable sports section for him, where he will strengthen the muscular corset of the back and thereby prevent the appearance of deformities.

Physical therapy for children with crooked posture is an excellent way to combat the problem. But it must be performed regularly under the supervision of a doctor, in which case the result will not be long in coming. Training at home is allowed only when the parent has mastered all the rules and is able to control the child’s technique of performing the exercises.

Why is it important to monitor your posture?

Human posture is of great importance for a person's mental and physical health. Thanks to the correct position of the vertebrae, the load on the joints of the lower extremities, pelvis and foot is distributed evenly, which ensures the prevention of severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis and flat feet. If a person constantly slouches his back, he develops chronic pain in the lower back, thoracic and cervical spine, and headaches. People with any form of scoliosis are 10 times more likely to have vegetative-vascular disorders, blood pressure problems, and migraine attacks.

Types of posture disorders

Rational alignment of body segments and proper distribution of the load on the musculoskeletal corset ensures the prevention of injuries and fractures due to the maximum range of motion of all joints. The level of physical fitness is also assessed by a person’s posture: people who play sports and regularly give the necessary stress to their back muscles rarely suffer from spinal diseases associated with curvature of the spinal column.

Note! Correct posture is also essential for a person’s emotional health. A person who is accustomed to always keeping his back straight feels more confident and his self-esteem increases. Such people find it easier to get along with strangers and find it easier to adapt to a new team. According to psychologists and sexologists, people with good posture have a better personal life compared to those who do not monitor the position of their backs while moving or resting.

Signs of scoliosis in adults

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