The structure of the human leg below the knee with description and diagrams + Photo

  • History of the development of cruroplasty
  • Anatomy of the lower leg
  • Curvature of the lower leg
  • Indications for cruroplasty
  • Implants for cruroplasty
  • Preparation for cruroplasty
  • Cruroplasty: surgery
  • Complications and risks
  • Frequently asked questions from patients about leg enlargement
  • Enlargement of the legs: results (photos)
  • Correction of shin asymmetry: results (photos)

Anatomy of the lower leg

The leg and ankle are a complex mechanical structure, the correct operation of which ensures full motor activity of the whole organism. There are three bones in the ankle joint. Their interaction must be correct, in combination with the functions of connective tissue elements, ligaments, muscles and tendons.

The foot has 20 bones, 30 joints, 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons. Their work must happen correctly and harmoniously. When at least one function of the general mechanism is disrupted, certain pathological processes begin to develop. They are accompanied by pain in the lower legs.

The shin is the part of the lower limb that connects the knee to the heel. The tibia contains the tibia and fibula, to which the kneecap is attached. Near the heel, these two bones merge into the anterior and posterior malleolus. There are muscles throughout all parts of the lower leg. With their help, the foot bends, extends and rotates. In most cases, the appearance of pain in the lower leg is not associated with serious pathologies. However, the help of a doctor is mandatory.

Nerves of the lower extremities

The nerve system allows the brain to receive information from different parts of the body and move muscles, contract them or, conversely, expand them. This carries out all functions in the body and if the nervous system is damaged, the entire body suffers, even if the injury has local symptoms.

In the innervation of the lower extremities there are two nerve plexuses:

  • lumbar;
  • sacral

The femoral nerve is one of the largest in the lower extremity region, making it the most important. Thanks to this system, leg control, direct movement and other musculoskeletal acts are carried out.

Nerves of the human lower extremities

If paralysis of the femoral nerve occurs, then the entire system located below remains without connection with the central nervous system (the center of the nervous system), that is, a moment comes when it becomes impossible to control the legs.

Hence the importance of keeping the nerve plexuses intact, preventing their damage and maintaining a constant temperature, avoiding changes, in this area of ​​the lower extremities.

What structures can become inflamed in the lower leg?

Pain in the lower leg and ankle occurs suddenly after an injury - bruise, sprain, fracture, dislocation. It can also be caused by a chronic illness. The following structures can become inflamed in the lower leg:

  • Ligaments. They may become inflamed or stretched. When a tendon or muscle is sprained, severe tension occurs. Severe trauma also causes muscle or tendon rupture.
  • Joints. Arthritis or arthrosis is a common pathological condition that affects the joints and is accompanied by pain. Ankle pain also often accompanies the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Tendons. The most common inflammatory tendon pathology is tendonitis. Also, with constant friction of the tendons and a deficiency of interarticular fluid, bursitis develops. This is accompanied by irritation and discomfort.
  • Bones. After an injury, the integrity of the bone is often compromised. This is a fracture or crack. In this case, it is very important to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Only through timely and correct treatment will the bone heal and there will be no consequences of the injury.
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome. It develops when the tarsal tunnel is not pinched. This is a nerve located along the entire length of the lower leg.
  • Arch. There are tendons in the leg that work synchronously. This is how the arch is formed. When the tendons are connected correctly, a regular and symmetrical arch is formed. If they are connected asymmetrically, an arch of a small size is formed or it is completely absent. With this condition, discomfort or pain occurs.
  • Connective tissue. Connective tissue elements are located on the bottom of the foot. When they become inflamed, it is called plantar fasciitis. This happens when wearing incorrectly selected shoes, too narrow and uncomfortable, or with poor posture.

Causes of shin pain

After physical effort or minor injury, the pain usually goes away on its own and does not require specialist intervention. If the pain does not go away within 2-3 days, you need to visit an orthopedist or traumatologist who will help establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

One of the causes of pain is flat feet. With this pathology, the shape of the foot is flattened and irregular. Its functioning is impaired, and the shock-absorbing function of the foot is not fulfilled. As a result, muscles and ligaments experience additional stress, and fatigue appears after walking. In this case, you need to use orthopedic shoes or special insoles.

Varicose veins can cause discomfort in the lower leg. This disease is accompanied by stagnation of blood in the vessels. Its microcirculation is disrupted, the walls of blood vessels are greatly stretched. With venous stagnation, discomfort and pain occur.

To reduce the severity of discomfort, it is recommended to wear special compression products. Vein thrombosis and obliterating atherosclerosis are also diseases of the vascular system. Their development is accompanied by circulatory disorders, blood stagnation, and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Other causes of pain in the lower leg include:

  • decrease in the concentration of magnesium, calcium, potassium in the blood. Long-term use of diuretics can provoke such conditions;
  • improper use of statins, a side effect is deformation of muscle tissue;
  • spasms in muscle tissue after prolonged physical activity;
  • ruptures or cracks in the tendons after an injury;
  • broken bones, cracked joints;
  • meniscal deformation, previous trauma;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • inflammatory process in tendons;
  • atherosclerotic disease of the circulatory system with the formation of cholesterol plaques, deterioration of blood outflow;
  • infectious processes in tissues;
  • damage to nerve fibers, ruptures, sprains or trauma to fibers;
  • severe injury or muscle strain, which is accompanied by the development of trap syndrome, compression of the lower leg;
  • development of muscle contracture under severe tension or loads;
  • inflammatory process in the periosteum of the tibia;
  • tears of various types in the muscular system of the lower leg;
  • tears of the popliteal ligaments;
  • inflammatory process in the kneecap, in the tuberous surface;
  • neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature in any part of the leg;
  • the use of glucocorticosteroid drugs, in this case pain is a side effect;
  • compression of muscle tissue or neurons in tissue.

People who smoke more than two packs of cigarettes a day often experience pain in the lower leg. After quitting the bad habit, the pain of smokers stops on its own. This may be a consequence of stress on the vascular system.

Literature review

It consists of medial and lateral tibial tissues that will border the subplate fossa. It consists of small fibers and structures that are found in close proximity to the surface of the knee. We wish you a Happy New Year! We congratulate you on the New Year 2021 and wish you to successfully make your plans, find ways out of difficult situations and stay healthy! Please note that the Center for Innovative Phlebology will not be open on January 1, 2, 3 and 7, 2021. On the rest of the year we work as usual.

Treatment of lower leg pain due to various diseases

Depending on the established diagnosis, doctors draw up a treatment algorithm. Often, pain in the lower leg is caused by increased physical activity and prolonged walking. Therefore, in most cases, after rest, all unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.

To restore the full function of muscles, ligaments, tendons, you will need medication and physiotherapeutic treatment followed by recovery - massages, therapeutic exercises, manual therapy.

To reduce the load on the affected limb, it is necessary to wear special devices. To prevent foot pathologies, doctors prescribe orthopedic shoes or insoles. Doctors can also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and chondroprotectors. In severe cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.

Muscle tone and maintenance

Due to constant walking, a person can unknowingly pump up his calf muscles, which is a significant advantage, but not for everyone. From an aesthetic point of view, girls do not like brightly highlighted calves, but you can often see strong muscles in this area in athletes and people associated with a healthy lifestyle. When running or similar exercise equipment to quickly burn calories, you need to be careful: putting too much stress on the ankle can cause ligament damage and become a problem in the future. Any activity is good in moderation, so it’s worth diluting some exercises with others.

MBST therapy

With the help of magnetic radiation supplied by the MBST device, the following goals can be achieved:

  • improve blood circulation and vascular condition;
  • get rid of pain;
  • prevent further development of the pathological process.

You can sign up for ankle treatment in Moscow at ArthroMedCenter. A completed course of MBST therapy is a good prevention of arthritis, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis. After the procedure, blood circulation improves and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. When undergoing MBST therapy, tissues begin to better absorb calcium, and damage and microcracks are restored faster.

Thanks to an integrated approach to treatment and prevention, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent further development of diseases.

Examination of bones and joints of the lower extremities

When the first symptoms of lower extremity injuries appear, immediate diagnosis should be carried out to identify the problem at an early stage.

The first symptoms may be:

  • the appearance of nagging pain in the calf muscles;
  • general weakness of the legs;
  • nervous spasms;
  • constant hardening of various muscles.

Moreover, if there is even slight pain on a constant basis, this also indicates possible damage or illness.

General inspection

The doctor checks the lower extremities for visual abnormalities (enlarged kneecap, tumors, bruises, blood clots, etc.). The specialist asks the patient to perform some exercises and tell him if pain is felt. In this way, the area where the disease may occur is identified.

Next comes the palpation method, in which the attending physician feels the legs for any hardening or lumps, which may indicate blood clots, problems with the nervous or muscular systems.


Goniometry is an additional examination of the lower extremities using modern technologies. This method allows you to identify deviations in the amplitude of vibration of the joints and patella. That is, if there is any difference from the norm, there is reason to think about it and begin to conduct further research.


Radiation diagnostics of the lower extremities

There are several types of radiation diagnostics:

X-ray in two projections to clarify the severity of the disease

  • X-ray. An image is taken to help replace skeletal damage. However, you should not think that X-rays reveal only cracks and fractures; in some cases, you can notice cavities, a problem associated with a lack of calcium in the body.
  • Artography is similar to the previous method, however, images are taken pointwise in the area of ​​the knee joint to check the integrity of the menisci.
  • Computed tomography is a modern and expensive method, but extremely effective, because the measurement accuracy error is only a millimeter.
  • Radionuclide methods . They help the specialist identify pathologies in the lower extremities and joints.

There are additional research methods prescribed privately:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

However, despite the effectiveness of some methods, the most reliable solution is to combine several in order to minimize the possibility of not noticing an illness or injury.

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