Pain in the toes: causes, diagnosis, treatment of pain in the joints of the toes


Arthrosis of the big toe develops more often in women. The reason for this is long-term wearing of shoes with a narrow toe, while the big toe deviates strongly inward and is pressed against the second toe. The protruding bone receives additional trauma (rubbed by shoes) while walking and gradually becomes deformed. Later, not only the protruding bone, but also the entire joint is deformed. It becomes much wider than it was before. Movement in such a joint is sharply limited. With advanced arthrosis, the deformity usually fixes the finger in the wrong position so strongly that it is almost impossible to return it to its normal position.

Urticaria - first symptoms, causes


Urticaria is a disease characterized by rashes in the form of nodules and blisters on the skin that look like a nettle burn. They can occur randomly, gradually erupting and disappearing in different parts of the body. It can be acute or chronic, and can occur as an allergic reaction . Most often, urticaria is an allergic reaction or, in rare cases, a symptom of infection with worms.

Forms of urticaria

Acute form. It appears abruptly, symptoms last 1-2 weeks. Itching appears in the area of ​​the rash, the surface of the skin is hot. If urticaria appears due to an allergic reaction , then when you get rid of the affecting allergen, the symptoms quickly disappear.

Chronic form. The rash spreads more slowly, but lasts longer - more than 2 weeks or a month. Appetite is lost, headache, weakness, nausea , and sometimes neurotic disorders occur. Especially in children who scratch the papules, and as a result, dermatitis due to bacteria entering the scratched wounds. The chronic course is influenced by external factors (sun, cold, etc.).

Types of urticaria

  • Easy. External signs are almost invisible, the person feels normal.
  • Average. The rash is noticeable, body temperature rises, itching, nausea and headache appear. edema may appear .
  • Heavy. Quincke's edema develops . In severe cases, medical .

Symptoms of urticaria

  • Convex red skin lesions
  • Itching in the area of ​​the rash
  • Temperature increase
  • Weakness, joint pain and headache
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Abnormal stool
  • Moderate or painful itching

Allergic urticaria causes cold symptoms: runny nose , watery eyes and high fever. In a complicated form, Quincke's edema , which can appear on the mucous membrane, lips, cheeks, eyelids or in the nasopharynx.

Cause of hives

Hives can appear for more than just one specific reason. It can appear at different ages for different reasons. The most common are:

  • certain foods;
  • chemical additives, sulfides or salicylates;
  • fluff, dust, cigarette smoke, pollen of certain plants, various detergents and cosmetics and other household allergens ;
  • antibiotics and other drugs;
  • reaction to vaccinations, insect bites;
  • donated blood or drugs based on it;
  • exercise, chills, skin contact with the sun (solar urticaria ), sweating or overheating;
  • infections;
  • psychogenic reaction, stress;
  • chronic infection or helminthiasis;
  • hormonal disruptions during pregnancy , puberty, lactation and menopause .

Most cases of hives have an unknown cause. There is a high probability that it may suddenly disappear. But you shouldn’t fully count on this.

Treatment of urticaria

Self-medication is not recommended. At the first symptoms you should consult a dermatologist . A specialist can tell you exactly what to do. But general recommendations will not hurt, and may even help get rid of hives . Especially when it comes to acute symptoms.

  • Carefully review your medical history, from which you can determine the allergen or take allergy tests to identify the allergen . If there is a suspicion that urticaria appeared due to external factors (cold, pressure, heat, etc.), you need to conduct a physical provocative test and eliminate the allergen ;
  • try to eliminate contact with the allergen or at least minimize it;
  • improve your immunity , start leading a healthy lifestyle;
  • When washing, use a soft washcloth so as not to injure the skin;
  • treat skin hygiene with maximum care so as not to get pustular diseases.

Drugs for the treatment of urticaria

When self-medicating (which is strictly prohibited), it is necessary to take into account contraindications and side effects of drugs.

  • Sedatives. Reduce itching.
  • Antiallergenic and antihistamine drugs. Reduces sensitivity to the allergen , relieves burning and itching;
  • Steroids. Anti-inflammatory.
  • Ointment or cream. Eliminate the rash.
  • Drugs that enhance immunity .
  • Hormonal drugs. For severe autoimmune forms.

Published in Allergology Premium Clinic

Circulatory disorders

If blood circulation in the feet is impaired, as well as with hyperactivity of the nerve endings of the legs, the following symptoms can be noticed: pain in the toes, burning in the feet, loss of sensitivity. There are two diseases with a similar set of symptoms: atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs and obliterating endarteritis. With these ailments, blood circulation in the arteries of the legs is disrupted, and an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the tissues. As a result, pain appears in the big toe, the remaining fingers, foot, and lower leg hurt, the skin becomes pale and dry, the growth of nails is disrupted (they become brittle and unhealthy), hair falls out on the legs, and the lower extremities are often cold.

Diabetic foot - symptoms and treatment

Diabetic foot (diabetic foot syndrome, DFS) is a severe complication of diabetes mellitus in the form of infection, ulcers or destruction of deep tissues, which occurs due to disruption of the macrostructure of the foot and microcirculation of blood, due to the destruction of nerve endings and nerve fibers.[1]

The main cause of DS is diabetes mellitus (DM). And although diabetic foot syndrome does not develop from the first day of an increase in blood glucose levels above 7.0-8.0 mmol/l, every patient diagnosed with diabetes mellitus should remember this dangerous possible complication.

VDS develops to varying degrees and in different forms:

  • after 5-7 years in 60% of patients with type 1 diabetes (glucose level more than 8 mmol/l);
  • after 15-20 years in 10% of patients with non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes (glucose level 8-9 mmol/l) - often occurs with osteopathology, trauma and dermatitis of the foot of various etiologies.
  • after 10-15 years in 90% of patients with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes.

The main “triggers” for the development of ulcers in DFS:

1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes . Any shoe defects can lead to a change in the load on the joints of the foot, compression or abrasion of the skin, local microischemia, infiltration, or necrosis:

  • inappropriate shoe size (smaller or larger than necessary);
  • worn out and/or high heels;
  • scar on the insole;
  • sole defect;
  • wet shoes;
  • mismatch of shoes with the time of year.

2. Increased body weight . Considering the area of ​​the feet, with an increase in body weight (even by 1 kg), the load on each joint of the foot also increases. The most vulnerable area is the plantar surface.

3. Growth of the epidermis (surface) of the skin . This process occurs due to disrupted metabolic processes in the skin against the background of diabetes (under the thickened epidermis - “callus” in the layers of the skin, microcirculation is disrupted, which leads to microischemia and necrosis).

4. Microtraumas:

  • animal bites;
  • pricks from plant thorns;
  • cuts during pedicure, etc.

5. Stenosis (narrowing) and occlusion (blockage) of the main arteries . As a result of the lack of blood supply in the feet and legs, microischemia is accompanied by macroischemia and the development of gangrene of the limb.

6. Conditionally pathogenic or pathogenic microflora . Activation of flora (microbes and other microorganisms) on the surface of the skin under diabetes conditions leads to inflammation of the skin, and under conditions of ischemia or microtrauma, the development of gangrene is significantly accelerated.

Often there is a combination of several causes of ulcers in DFS.

Other causes of pain

Plantar fasciitis (Morton's neuroma) occurs due to increased pressure on the nerve and is characterized by pain at the base of the toe.

Chronic injuries in this area may also be the cause.

Diabetes may cause numbness in the feet and toes.

The growth of dead cells, the so-called hardenings, on the pads of the toes often have a root (nucleus), and especially often occur with large and prolonged pressure on the toes.

A nail that has grown into the skin is very unpleasant. To minimize discomfort, trim your nails carefully. Otherwise, severe pain or infection may develop.

Another cause of pain in the toes can be flat feet.

Patients are recommended the following types of treatment:

  • Kinesiology and osteopathy
  • Complexes of physical therapy (isometric kinesiotherapy)
  • Massage
  • Mud therapy
  • Treatment with active oxygen

Metatarsalgia of the foot

Metatarsalgia of the foot: characteristics and how it manifests itself

Metatarsalgia of the foot is considered a symptom of many foot diseases. This condition is characterized by pain in the metatarsal part of the foot, namely in the toes. The disease is defined by pain at the base of the second, third and fourth toes on the side of the sole.


The human foot has a complex structure. It consists of small bones, muscles, soft tissues, which are connected by joints. With any type of movement, the foot carries a significant load, because takes on the weight of a person. Pain occurs when there is a sufficiently strong load on this part of the leg. Symptoms develop if any bone is unable to perform its function.

Main provoking factors:

  • Inconvenient, constricting footwear;
  • Playing sports (mainly running or tennis);
  • Excess weight;
  • flat feet;
  • Injuries.

Metatarsalgia occurs predominantly in older women. The reasons are considered to be age-related bone changes and menopause. In men, this condition is extremely rare.

Diabetes mellitus is also an important factor in the development of the disease. Pain syndrome can manifest itself long before the integrity of human skin is damaged.

Signs and symptoms

The main rather pronounced symptom of metatarsalgia syndrome is pain in the metatarsus (midfoot). The painful sensation has a different character. It may bother the patient when walking, intensify during exercise, or accompany him constantly.

Signs of matetarsalgia syndrome:

  • pain and discomfort in the feet;
  • feeling of stiffness even in comfortable shoes;
  • numbness and tingling of the skin in the foot area;
  • pain at the base of the toes;
  • after rest or physical activity there is swelling.

Sometimes, metatarsalgia syndrome has visual lesions of the foot, such as Morton's neuroma. It is a small bulge, and upon palpation it causes discomfort. Morton's neuroma manifests itself only on one limb, which significantly affects the diagnosis of the causes of pain in the foot area.


Initially, upon examination, the doctor determines the increase in pain when pressing on the second, third and fourth fingers at their base.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray. This type of study helps to identify changes in the bones of the foot.

When diagnosis is difficult, MRI and CT are more informative methods. They, unlike x-rays, allow you to examine minor damage. The pictures show the condition of bones, nerves and blood vessels.


Treatment of metatarsalgia is carried out in the traumatology department and consists of a set of measures aimed at relieving inflammation and pain. In most cases, conservative treatment is sufficient and surgery is not required.

Surgery is prescribed for bone fractures or in cases of advanced Morton's disease. Also, additional procedures help improve blood circulation and innervation of foot tissues. At the end of the course of procedures, it is recommended to adhere to basic preventive measures.

Drug treatment

External preparations, such as ointments, gels and creams, are the basis for effective treatment of metatarsalgia. Such drugs belong to different pharmacological groups and can have different effects. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers are also used in the form of tablets and powders. They are selected individually, based on the causes of pain and clinical signs.

Groups of medications used to treat foot pain:

  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diprospan, Hydrocortisol);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, Diclofenac, Nurofen, Dolobene);
  • warming agents (Finalgon, Apizartron);
  • chondroprotectors, which perform the function of protecting cartilage.

Ointments and tablets with an anti-inflammatory effect help influence the inflammation process. If there is no result, then strong hormonal drugs can relieve acute joint pain

feet. Their action is similar to human adrenal hormones. Only a specialist can prescribe such medications.

Also, ointments and warming agents will be useful during periods of acute inflammation. They help relieve swelling and stimulate blood circulation.

Additional course of procedures

It is recommended to perform some exercises that strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the feet. Certain methods allow you to maintain the anatomically correct position of the bones and protect them:

  • walking barefoot on uneven surfaces or special massage mats;
  • rolling a small ball with your feet;
  • transferring weight from toe to heel in a standing position;
  • lifting small objects with your toes.

The doctor may also prescribe physical therapy, such as ultrasound treatment, acupuncture or magnetic radiation. Depending on the degree of pain, a certain course of procedures takes about two weeks or more.


Hippocrates said: “Disease is easier to prevent than to cure.”

Preventing diseases of various structures in the foot area is much easier than treating them. You should take care of the health of your own feet in advance by applying important rules:

  • Wear comfortable shoes that fit your size;
  • Monitor your weight;
  • Adhere to proper nutrition, as harmful foods have a negative effect on blood vessels, which contributes to the deterioration of blood circulation in the distal parts of the extremities;
  • Proper exercise, or rather a reasonable distribution of the load.

Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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