Anatomy, biomechanics, asanas for legs Part 2. Detailed analysis of the muscles of the lower limb

Among all muscle groups, the leg muscles occupy a special position.

  1. Firstly, it is the largest massif, which includes more than 50% of the muscles of the entire body.
  2. Secondly, it is subject to stress throughout life and largely determines a person’s overall physical fitness.

A basic understanding of the structure of the leg muscles, their anatomical features and functions, allows athletes to maximize the effectiveness of training. This is the first and most important step towards stable progression in strength sports.

Bones and joints

The first section is involved in the construction of the pelvic joint (it includes the pubic, ilium and ischium bones, the sacrum and the thigh muscles, which serve for strengthening and normal functioning; the underlying elements are attached through the hip joint).

The second involves the femur. It is the largest in the body. The description is similar to a tube, bent at a certain angle, inside which is yellow bone marrow. Tendons and muscles are attached to its body to provide mobility to the leg; the lower part takes part in creating the knee joint.

The third is formed by the tibia and fibula. The first is part of the knee joint and has condyles to which tendons are attached. The second is placed lower and serves to strengthen the knee.

The foot performs the function of supporting the surface and consists of a tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges of the fingers (the anatomical structure is represented by diagrams that include a combination of three bones, and the first toe - two).

What bone is located at the bottom of the thigh?

The femur (lat. femur, os femoris) is the largest tubular bone in the human body.

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Blood vessels and nerve endings

The lower extremities are supplied with oxygen through the anterior and posterior tibial arteries (come from the aorta and have high blood pressure in the vessels). The knee joint is supplied by eight arterial trunks.

The main innervating links of the muscle structures are the sciatic nerve, which originates in the sacrolumbar plexus, passes along the back of the thigh, covering the entire length of the legs and ending in the foot area, as well as the femoral nerve fiber, connected to the related branching of sensory cells. Both of them begin in the spine, pass in the back of the thigh, encircle the gluteal region, and are responsible for sensitivity and mobility of all components.

Anatomy, biomechanics, asanas for legs Part 2. Detailed analysis of the muscles of the lower limb

Abductor hallucis muscle (lat.Musculus abductor hallucis)

Located superficially, occupies the most medial position of the muscles of the plantar part of the foot.
It begins with two heads from the retinaculum of the flexor muscles (retinaculum mm.flexorum), the medial process of the tubercle of the calcaneus and the plantar surface of the scaphoid bone. Moving forward, the muscle passes into a tendon, which fuses with the tendon of the short flexor of the big toe (m.flexor hallucis brevis) and attaches to the medial sesamoid bone of the big toe at the base of its proximal phalanx Function:
flexes and abducts the big toe.
Participate in strengthening the medial part of the arch of the foot. Attachment:
origin - bones of the foot (medial process of the tubercle of the calcaneus and plantar surface of the navicular bone); attachment - to the base of the proximal phalanx of the big toe.

Flexor digitorum brevis (lat. Musculus flexor digitorum brevis)


muscle of the plantar part of the foot.
Occupies a mid-position on the foot, located under the plantar aponeurosis. It begins with a short powerful tendon from the medial process of the tubercle of the calcaneus and the plantar aponeurosis. Moving forward, the muscle belly passes into four tendons that lie in the synovial sheaths along with the tendons of the long flexor of the fingers (m.flexor digitorum longus). In the area of ​​the proximal phalanges of the II-V toes, each of the four short flexor tendons is divided into two legs, which are attached to the base of the middle phalanges of these toes. The tendons of the flexor digitorum longus pass between the legs. Function:
The muscle strengthens the arch of the foot and flexes the middle phalanges of the II-V toes.
origin - medial process of the calcaneal tubercle and plantar aponeurosis; attachment - bones of the toes (bases of the middle phalanges of the II - V fingers)

Abductor muscle of the little toe (lat.Musculus abductor digiti minimi)


Located directly under the plantar aponeurosis.
It starts from the lateral and medial processes of the tubercle of the calcaneus and from the plantar aponeurosis. It goes forward and passes into a short tendon, which is attached to the lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger. Function:
Flexes the main phalanx of the little toe and pulls it laterally (abducts).
But the effect on the little finger is insignificant. The main role of the muscle is to strengthen the lateral edge of the arch of the foot. Attachment:
origin - bones of the foot (lateral and medial processes of the calcaneal tuberosity and plantar aponeurosis); attachment - the lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the little toe.

Vermiform muscles of the foot (lat.Musculi lumbricales)


Four thin and short muscles that are located between the tendons of the long flexor of the fingers (m.flexor digitorum longus) and covered by the short flexor of the fingers (m.flexor digitorum brevis), and in depth they come into contact with the interossei muscles (mm.interossei plantares).
Each lumbrical muscle begins from the corresponding tendon of the flexor digitorum longus, with the three lateral ones (II-IV) having two heads, and the medial one (I) having one head. Moving forward, the muscles in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints bend around the medial surface of the II-V toes and, moving to their dorsal surface, are woven into their dorsal fascia. Sometimes the lumbrical muscles are attached to the articular capsules and even reach the proximal phalanges. Function:
Flex the proximal phalanges of the II-V toes.
They have a weak or completely absent extensor effect on other phalanges of the same fingers. Can pull four fingers towards the thumb. Attachment:
origin - corresponding tendons of the long flexor of the fingers (m.flexor digitorum longus); attachment - bones of the toes (dorsal surface of the II-V toes).

Quadratus plantae muscle (lat.Musculus quadratus plantae)


The shape resembles a quadrangle and lies under the short flexor of the fingers (m.flexor digitorum brevis).
It starts from the lower and medial surfaces of the back of the calcaneus with two separate heads that connect into a common belly. Moving forward, the muscle narrows slightly and attaches to the outer edge of the long flexor tendon (m.flexor digitorum longus) at the site of its division into individual tendons. Function:
This muscle is like an additional head of the long flexor of the fingers (m.flexor digitorum longus).
This muscle bundle sets the longitudinal (straight) direction of traction of the flexor digitorum longus, the tendon bundles of which approach the fingers obliquely. In addition, the quadratus plantaris muscle increases the pulling power of the flexor digitorum longus muscle. Attachment:
origin - the lower and medial surfaces of the posterior part of the calcaneus; attachment - outer edge of the flexor digitorum longus tendon.

Leg muscles

The anatomy of the leg muscles divides all the muscle structures of the lower extremities into:

  • anterior thigh;
  • posterior group;
  • gluteal muscles;
  • shin.

These formations are superior in power to the muscles of the upper limbs and are recognized as the largest in the human body. This is explained by the fact that this area receives the main physical impact when performing movement.

Anterior thigh

It is formed by the quadriceps muscle (the most massive in this section), which ensures the process of straightening the limb in the knee joint. It stretches along the entire front surface of the thigh, and is crossed by a sartorial oblique.

Exercises for each muscle group

In bodybuilding and fitness, it is very difficult to load the legs so that one individual muscle works, therefore all movements are classified into groups. Each exercise corresponds to the main function of a particular area.


  • Squats with a barbell (only with a deep squat, below the parallel of the thigh with the floor);
  • Lunges forward;
  • Gluteal bridge;
  • Leg press (only with high feet on the platform).


  • Squats;
  • Leg press;
  • Leg extensions while sitting in a machine;
  • Classic lunges.

Biceps hamstrings

  • Romanian deadlift;
  • Lifting the body in a simulator (hyperextension);
  • Lying leg curls in a machine.

Adductor muscles

  • Squats with wide legs (sumo);
  • Bringing the legs in a crossover;
  • Leg abduction in the simulator.


  • Standing and sitting calf raises (with free weights or in a machine);
  • Exercise "Donkey".


There are many stories of footprints and shoes dating back to the Song Dynasty.

According to legend, the mother of the founder of the Zhou dynasty became pregnant while following in the footsteps of the divine.

A woman’s legs were considered the most secret part of her body and their exposure was strictly taboo; a man could touch them only during lovemaking before sexual intercourse.

Tiny female legs are Golden Lilies, a specific attribute of female beauty, considered in China perhaps the main symbol of sexuality and femininity.

"American Four"

This pose is typical for men. A person sitting in this position is perceived not only as more powerful and energetic, but also as younger. A person sitting in this position will most likely consider himself superior to you and is unlikely to immediately agree with your point of view.

If, having taken this position, a person also secures the raised leg with his hands, this means that she firmly intends to stand on her own and will resist external pressure in every possible way.

Research has shown that most people make their final decision when both feet are firmly on the ground. So don't rush your partner into making a decision if one of his soles doesn't touch the floor.

Buttocks[edit | edit code]

Gluteus maximus[edit | edit code]

Gluteus maximus muscle, m. Gluteus maximus occupies almost the entire volume of the buttocks, so their shape largely depends on it. Beginning: gluteal surface of the ilium, dorsal surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx; insertion: gluteal tuberosity of the femur, iliotibial tract.

Main function:

ensure the movement of the hip joint, that is, straighten the torso, move the leg back.

Gluteus medius and minimus muscles

overlap the first and are located slightly above it. They are responsible for raising the leg to the side and also provide lifting of the buttocks.

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