Useful properties and contraindications of Shark cartilage

  • Properties of Shark Cartilage
  • Indications

Overall, shark cartilage is a dietary supplement that is a valuable source of glucosamine. It has long been known that this substance has a whole set of properties that help the body increase immunity and resistance to diseases.

A large amount of glucosamine is found in shark cartilage, which has long been used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. In its pure form, shark cartilage is a powder that has been processed into an easy-to-consume form.

Shark cartilage: composition

Shark cartilage is a natural substance, the name of which makes it clear where it comes from. In general, not all parts of the shark skeleton are used to prepare preparations, but only the fins and materials that form the skull of this dangerous predator. Shark cartilage contains :

  • chondroitin,
  • glucosamine,
  • vitamin A,
  • vitamin C,
  • phosphorus,
  • calcium,
  • zinc.

All these substances determine the therapeutic effect of shark cartilage and such a wide scope of its application.

Clinical test results

The safe and effective effect of shark cartilage in the form of capsules and products for external use has been confirmed by multi-stage clinical trials. The drugs were tested both at the development and production stages.

Volunteers with various joint pathologies have participated in many clinical studies. Study participants used shark tissue-based products according to a specific regimen and were supervised by a physician during therapy to record their results.

All clinical trials have been successful in proving that shark cartilage supplements work and the following results can be achieved with the therapy:

  • Active components saturate damaged cartilage with vitamins and microelements necessary for regeneration and proper functioning of joints;
  • medicinal composition prevents destruction and deformation of cartilage and bones
  • Painful symptoms disappear;
  • Muscle tissue retains elasticity and endurance;
  • ligaments are strengthened;
  • natural collagen synthesis is activated;
  • Stop inflammation in joints;
  • the product has a strong immunomodulatory effect;
  • against the background of cartilage regeneration, the mobility of joints damaged by inflammation returns.

During the therapy, clinical trial participants were able to restore the functioning of joint structures and were satisfied with the results of the treatment.

Shark cartilage: properties

Shark cartilage is gentle and has the following properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory – shark cartilage reduces inflammatory processes in body tissues, and not just in joint and cartilage tissue.
  2. Immunostimulating and restorative. Shark cartilage works as effectively as propolis, ginseng and goldenseal.
  3. Antitumor - in particular, the active substances prevent the formation of new absolutely unnecessary blood vessels in tumors. But in other cases shark cartilage does not help, it is better to replace it with graviola or powerful antioxidants, such as resveratrol or pycnogenol.
  4. Catalyzing metabolism in tissues and organs.
  5. Strengthens bone tissue.

Safety and side effects

If taken orally for up to 40 months or on the skin for up to 8 weeks, shark cartilage is considered relatively safe. It has a specific taste and smell.

Comes in gel form

In some cases, its use provokes:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • constipation
  • arterial hypertension
  • dizziness
  • hyperglycemia
  • high blood calcium
  • fatigue
  • liver problems
  • fever
  • slower healing processes

Types of Drug
If one or more of these symptoms occur, it is strongly recommended to seek medical attention. Shark cartilage may increase calcium levels excessively, so it should not be used by people whose calcium levels are already too high.

IMPORTANT: The product does not come from an endangered species, but from a controlled and permitted fishery.

Cartilage can reduce the formation of blood vessels, so the healing process that may follow the disease may be slower. Additionally, athletes and bodybuilders who are following a specific program to gain muscle should avoid this substance as muscles need to form new blood vessels to grow.

It should not be taken by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children during or after a fracture or injury. Shark cartilage can interfere with normal development and growth in children.

People who are allergic to seafood should also avoid using cartilage, as it may cause allergic reactions. Infections may also occur in people with low white blood cell counts.

Shark cartilage: action

The effect of shark cartilage on the human body cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the main active ingredients, shark cartilage has a positive effect on the condition of the human body:

  1. It contains glucosamine, which, in principle, is produced by the human body. Glucosamine is the “father” of glycosaminoglycans, from which cartilage tissue is formed. Entering the body from the outside, glucosamine activates the formation of new tissues and improves the absorption of nutrients.
  2. Chondroitin is used to form cartilage and ligaments in the human body; in addition, it is an essential component of synovial fluid, which ensures joint mobility and nutrition of cartilage tissue. Chondroitin promotes the retention of water and nutrients in the ligaments. Thanks to this substance, the processes of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilage tissue and the absorption of calcium in bone tissue are accelerated. The activity of substances (enzymes) that destroy tissue is also suppressed.
  3. Phosphorus and calcium are necessary for the formation of bone and cartilage tissue. The lack of these elements has a very bad effect on the health of bones - they become fragile, and the risk of fractures increases. The combination of phosphorus and calcium is optimal; together they are absorbed better. In addition, phosphorus is also necessary for ligaments - this substance makes them more elastic.
  4. In the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, shark cartilage acts as an anti-inflammatory, strengthening the fragile walls of blood vessels in the visual organs, and also prevents the formation of new vessels, which very often occurs with this disease.
  5. Shark cartilage as an immunostimulating agent : vitamins and minerals help strengthen the body's defenses.

Shark cartilage: application

Usually people start taking shark cartilage

  1. Weak immunity and frequent colds;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the joints, arthritis and arthrosis;
  3. Diabetic retinopathy (in this case, shark cartilage effectively protects the retina and relieves inflammation). For this disease, it is recommended to take additional lutein and zeaxanthin;
  4. As a general strengthening agent, including for strengthening joint, cartilage and bone tissue;
  5. After suffering injuries associated with damage to bones and joints;
  6. As a prevention of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis;
  7. With increased physical activity and the risk of premature wear of the joints;
  8. In the treatment of psoriasis and other skin lesions;
  9. Oncological diseases.


Zhanna, 44 years old, Rostov-on-Don “In my family, everyone was wary of dietary supplements. But then I had to buy “Shark Cartilage” when my husband had problems with his joints. The doctor advised me to drink it, given the suspicion of a tumor forming in the chest. My husband did not see much help from the drug. The joints did not stop hurting, but the swelling decreased. He began to move at least a little better. But my test results changed dramatically. It turned out that this dietary supplement blocked the development of the tumor, and it could be operated on without fear of provoking the development of metastases. I am very pleased."

Kirill, 32 years old, St. Petersburg “Having tried Shark Cartilage on myself, I can say that I am very pleased with it. My joints didn't magically heal, but the effect was still huge. While traditional drugs were used to treat joints, dietary supplements acted according to other systems. Firstly, it contains a huge amount of calcium and magnesium, zinc and other elements. Secondly, the effect is made at the cellular level. As a result, my bones became stronger, the inflammation in my joints subsided, and my health became much better. I haven't been this energetic and strong for a long time. Everyone noticed this. My wife even claims that I have become much healthier in appearance.”

Ilya, 47 years old, Chelyabinsk “I was advised to buy a drug to treat psoriasis. I thought it was another dud, of which there are many now. My disease has been poorly studied, so there are not as many effective drugs as I would like. But this dietary supplement helped. Gradually my skin cleared up. I'm no longer embarrassed to take off my T-shirt on the beach. Thanks to the manufacturers!"

Shark cartilage: for joints

Back in the middle of the 20th century, research was carried out to identify the beneficial properties of shark cartilage , and first of all, attention was paid to its effect on joints. Chondroitin sulfates, which are involved in the construction of cartilage and bone tissue, were found in the cartilage of this marine predator. These substances from shark skulls turned out to be the most easily digestible and effective. Shark cartilage relieves inflammation and activates the process of regeneration of the body's own tissues (cartilage, ligaments, bones). You can take the drug either internally - then it acts from the inside, and externally in the form of ointments - here the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is mainly observed.

Are there analogues

The manufacturer claims that Shark Cartilage has no analogues. The main advantages of the drug compared to pharmaceutical drugs:

  • quick effect. Elimination of symptoms and improvement in well-being is observed in the second week of therapy;
  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Saturates cartilage and other connective tissues of joints with vitamins and microelements;
  • strengthens ligaments;
  • prevents the development of degenerative processes in damaged tissues;
  • Has an immunomodulatory effect.

A significant advantage of capsules and ointments is their budget cost.

Shark cartilage: with chondroitin

Very often, buyers are interested in the drug “ shark cartilage with chondroitin ”. This formulation is erroneous, since the main active ingredient in shark cartilage is chondroitin. Chondroitin strengthens joints and cartilage tissue, and further improves the supply of nutrients. In addition, it promotes the deposition of calcium in bone tissue, which means that it strengthens and becomes more durable. This is especially important in old age, when the risk of fractures increases tenfold.

Shark cartilage: preparations

preparations in which shark cartilage is the main or additional element. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing the manufacturer, otherwise no health-improving effect will follow, and at best the dietary supplement will not have any effect. The website offers a wide selection of such high quality products from trusted manufacturers.

1). The company Now Food , whose products are considered effective and of high quality, offers its drug “Shark Cartilage”. 1 capsule contains 750 mg of active substance, there are 300 capsules in a box, if you use according to the instructions, namely 6 capsules per day, then the specified amount will last for a month and a half. The drug should be taken before meals with a glass of water. Manufacturers note that their drug has a beneficial effect on the body and improves immunity.

2). Country Life offers its product “Shark Cartilage Caps” with shark cartilage . One pack contains 100 capsules, each of which contains 800 mg of active substance. Additionally, the dietary supplement is enriched with phosphorus and calcium. It is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day between meals. This drug is enough for 1 month of use.

3). "Shark Cartilage" from Thompson is a fairly cheap option, but in one pack there are only 60 capsules with a dosage of 750 mg. The drug also contains calcium in the amount of 180 mg. To get the best results, manufacturers recommend taking 2 capsules once a day, again preferably before meals. This drug is enough for a month's course of use.

How to buy at a pharmacy

It is impossible to buy anti-shark cartilage products at the pharmacy. In pharmacy chains you can find drugs containing shark tissue, but in combination with synthetic ingredients.

If you need original ointment or capsules based on shark tissue, you can only order the products through the official website. By selling products online directly, through an official representative, the manufacturer guarantees the quality and safety of the product.

Shark cartilage: instructions for use

The instructions for use of a specific drug containing shark cartilage usually describe the features and rules for taking the medicine. But the maximum daily dose is not always specified there; as a rule, you can usually read general recommendations. Every potential consumer must know that no more than 4500 mg can be taken per day, on average this corresponds to: capsules or tablets (usually manufacturers put 700-800 mg of the active substance in 1 piece).

Shark cartilage: how to take

to take the drug with shark cartilage strictly by the hour, but you still need to distribute the daily dosage into three doses. It is advisable to drink the dietary supplement in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before meals, with water.


It is impossible to buy the drug in a pharmacy, like others prescribed by doctors. It is ordered online by contacting suppliers.

It is the naturalness of the medicine that guarantees the absence of allergies, which allows you to freely buy the drug through intermediaries.

In addition, the instructions included in the packaging for both the gel and capsules contain all the necessary information. Everything is here: a complete regimen for taking the drug, dosages according to age or diagnosis, as well as all contraindications.

This medical drug, having no restrictions on sale, is completely safe. Testing of this biocomplex by government services confirmed its quality. At the moment, he has all the certificates, research results on the quality and effectiveness of the drug. They can be found on the manufacturer’s website and in the accompanying documents of the product.

Shark cartilage: contraindications

Despite its beneficial and even miraculous properties, shark cartilage has a number of serious contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children up to 12 years of age, some experts reduce the age threshold to 3 years;
  • Stroke;
  • Heart diseases.

You should absolutely not take shark cartilage before surgery and for a month after it. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor about the advisability of taking the drug.

Arthritis Research

After shark cartilage came into the limelight, researchers focused primarily on conducting research on cancer and the effects of shark cartilage on cancer. The first and most documented studies on arthritis were done using bovine cartilage extract. Here's a look at some documented research on arthritis.

1. Research conducted by John Prudden was described in seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. In this study, 28 patients with arthritis, all of whom had severe pain and functional disability, were given a cartilage drug for a period of three to eight weeks. Of the 28 subjects, 19 showed results that were classified as “excellent”; six were classified as having “good” results; and three were classified as “slight improvement” or “showed no response.” It was noted that none showed any negative effects.

2. The results of a long-term study conducted by Dr. Rezles, PhD in internal medicine/rheumatology at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, were published in seminars in the Fifth Anniversary of Arthritis and Rheumatism, a double-blind study was done for 5 years using three groups, in total complexity of 147 patients with osteoarthritis. Two of the three groups were administered variations of bovine cartilage extract; the other group (control) received a placebo. The placebo group was encouraged to use various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) during active episodes. These results were absolutely exceptional. The groups receiving cartilage had an average pain score of 85 percent, while the control group's average pain score dropped by only 5 percent over five years. In addition, there was significantly less cartilage degeneration in the test group than in the control group. At the end of five years, cartilage degeneration was only 37 percent in the control group.

3. In 1989, Jose Arcasita of the University of Miami School of Medicine administered doses of dried shark cartilage for three weeks to six elderly patients suffering from "significant" to "unbearable" pain from osteoarthritis. In all cases, Arcasita reported that pain was noticeably reduced and patients' quality of life was significantly improved.

Shark cartilage: buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers of shark cartilage :

Shark cartilage is no longer available for sale! View the section with supplements for joints!

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