Bay leaf for osteochondrosis: beneficial properties and recipes

The use of bay leaves for the treatment of osteochondrosis helps to prolong the period of remission , eliminate pain, and relieve inflammation.
The fact is that these leaves contain natural antibiotics, vitamins and macroelements. Camphor helps treat seizures, relieve pain in diseases of the spine, joint tissue, and injuries. Copper in the leaves has a positive effect on the synthesis of collagen and elastin and improves nerve function. In addition, vitamin D in the composition ensures calcium metabolism. Bay leaf is effective for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system and serves as a source of vitamins. It contains a lot of potassium, copper, and iron, which improves the patient’s well-being and promotes normal functioning.

From the very beginning of treatment, patients note that the pain goes away, performance increases and the person gets less tired.

This plant should be used in complex therapy, but treatment is symptomatic and cannot affect the degenerative destruction or put the displaced vertebrae back.
Like any remedy, bay leaf has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account during treatment. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the dosage of the medicine and take into account the duration of use, otherwise internal bleeding may occur.

Prepared plant materials can be stored for no more than 2 weeks . When preparing a prescription medication, the dosage should be observed, and the ointment or rub should only be stored in the refrigerator.

For treatment, dark green leaves are chosen; if they have rust or spots, then it is better not to purchase such leaves.

The laurel should be fragrant; if it has practically no smell, it means that the expiration date has passed. You should not purchase packages with an expired product; in this case, the number of side effects increases and the effectiveness of herbal raw materials decreases.

It is recommended to purchase the product in vacuum packaging, and store fresh laurel in a glass container with a lid in the refrigerator.

Beneficial features

When used correctly, this herbal remedy helps improve immunity, remove toxins from the body, eliminate allergies, and remove swelling from damaged areas.

In addition, this medicine is often used for cosmetic purposes . It has a positive effect on the skin and accelerates hair growth.

It is worth remembering that such a medicine is a method of alternative medicine and you should consult a doctor before using it.

A patient who uses laurel independently in the treatment of osteochondrosis runs the risk of encountering contraindications and side effects.

Properties and mechanism of action

Obsessive pain, crunching and stiffness in the back and neck are a consequence of degenerative damage to the cartilage and bone elements of the spine.

One of the reasons that provokes these symptoms is the deposition of salts in its joints and ligaments. First, collagen cartilage forms in the area damaged by injury or wear and tear. Gradually, due to the lack of elasticity, microcracks appear in it, which are filled with inclusions of calcium salts. In addition to osteochondrosis, salts provoke radiculitis and gout. Laurel successfully fights all the above-mentioned pathologies, removing excess salts.

The active use of bay leaves for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis is due to the properties of its components:

  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • a number of vitamins: A, B, PP, C;
  • micro- and macronutrients: selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, sodium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • aromatics: camphor, linalool;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols.

Since ancient Greek times, people began to use this plant as part of ointments to relieve pain of gouty and rheumatic origin. Simple recipes have survived to this day. Rubbing and compresses effectively help relieve discomfort caused by osteochondrosis in various parts of the spine.

Damaged paravertebral tissues and hernial protrusions often become fertile ground for the development of various types of infections, while pain intensifies due to additional swelling and pinching of the nerve roots. Formic and acetic acids contained in laurel are strong antibiotics that help relieve symptoms of inflammation. Caproic acid and tannins also have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In osteochondrosis, in order to regenerate damaged tissues, it is important to increase the intensity of their nutrition by accelerating blood flow; this is facilitated by butyric acid and camphor. Phytosterols cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol deposits, ensuring the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels.

Magnesium stimulates the production of collagen, without which restoration of cartilage tissue in osteochondrosis is impossible, and also activates the synthesis of calcitonin. With the participation of this hormone, the level of calcium in the blood decreases, the salts of which settle in the spine. Laurel is known for its pronounced diuretic properties, which helps to quickly cleanse the body.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with bay leaves allows you to reduce the dosage of painkillers of chemical origin and serves as a preventive measure for the further development of pathology.


Bay leaf can be used to treat many diseases , such as psoriasis.
It is also used to improve digestive function, in the treatment of seizures, paralysis, joint diseases, and for osteochondrosis of various stages. For dental purposes, chewing the leaves helps with stomatitis and relieves toothache.

Bay leaf remedies help in increasing the body's defenses, in the initial stages of tuberculosis and oncology, in rheumatism, and in respiratory diseases.

In addition, this herbal raw material is used for weight loss and strengthening of hair, cleansing the skin of acne.

The effect of bay leaves on the body

The true reason for the development of osteochondrosis is the disruption of metabolic processes, as a result of which there is a decrease in the amount of important microelements and nutrients supplied to the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs, while the volume of harmful salts, on the contrary, increases.

Long-term exposure to negative factors leads to degeneration of cartilage and bone tissue, pain and inflammatory processes. In fairness, it should be noted that osteochondrosis usually affects people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, prone to overeating, lack of sufficient physical activity, and eating large amounts of fatty and salty foods.

Factors such as the presence of a number of combined diseases, metabolic disorders, and living in an area with a negative environmental situation can also cause the development of the disease.

To cure osteochondrosis, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the true cause of the disease. The focus of the patient’s actions solely on relieving the symptoms of the disease can lead to disastrous consequences, for example, aggravation of the disease and its acquisition of a chronic form.

Bay leaf for osteochondrosis, if you use this aromatic spice in accordance with existing requirements and recommendations, helps to normalize metabolic processes, improve the supply of nutrients to the tissues of the intervertebral discs, remove excess salts, toxins and waste from the body, and help cope with orthopedic diseases.

The achievement of a therapeutic effect is due to the chemical composition of the plant’s leaves, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and important microelements. But you should know that in some cases, taking bay leaf products may be strictly contraindicated due to a number of specific properties of the spice.

In order for the use of medicinal potions based on laurel leaves to bring only benefits to the body, it is advisable to coordinate this method of treatment with a specialist. The doctor will help you choose the optimal dosage of the drug and identify possible contraindications, if any.

Advice! The intake of laurel should be limited only if the spice is used as the basis of medicinal potions. When preparing dishes, almost everyone can use the aromatic spice, with the exception of people who have an individual intolerance to the product.


In what cases is such treatment contraindicated? It is not recommended for use by patients with peptic ulcers or diabetics . Prohibited for use by people with kidney and liver failure, heart problems.

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Not recommended for people with allergies to active substances of plant materials, with a tendency to internal bleeding, or with constipation.

You should not eat bay leaf with milk and dairy products at the same time, otherwise it will lead to diarrhea.

In addition, bay leaf increases the tone of the uterus, so it is contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant women.

This herbal remedy stimulates the nervous system, so it is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy and nervousness.

Laurel products are prohibited for patients suffering from an asthma attack and children under 6 years of age.

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, there are several categories of people for whom taking products based on bay leaves poses a potential danger and threat to health and general well-being.

Despite all the benefits of the spice, it is not recommended to use it, including as a food additive, in the following cases:

  • against the background of peptic ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • for any form of diabetes, as well as in a prediabetic state;
  • for any inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • during pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding;
  • if there is a tendency to develop problems associated with bowel movements.

You should also use home remedies with caution if you have kidney, liver, or heart disease. In addition, you should remember that exceeding the dosages recommended by the recipes, the video in this article, as well as the photo, can lead to internal bleeding.

Advice! If symptoms of individual intolerance to bay leaves occur during treatment, you should immediately stop self-medication and consult your doctor.

Pros and cons of use


  • Plant materials do not contain toxic chemicals.
  • The product is multifunctional and can be used to treat several diseases at the same time.
  • Quickly copes with pain and inflammation.
  • Application does not require special skills.
  • The medicine is easy to make at home.


  • May cause allergies and diarrhea.
  • If the dosage is exceeded, poisoning begins.
  • May cause internal bleeding.
  • Not compatible with all foods.
  • It is an alternative remedy and its effectiveness has not been officially proven.



  1. To prepare the following recipe, you need to chop the laurel and pour half a pack of raw materials into a thermos. Add 600 g of boiling water to the thermos, close and leave to steep for 12 hours. In the morning, the decoction is strained and consumed all day in small sips. The decoction must be taken for 3 days, then a break is taken for a week and the course is repeated three times. Treatment helps relieve unpleasant symptoms for up to five years.
  2. You can also prepare a tincture of laurel with honey. For this we need five dried leaves, half a tablespoon of honey and 450 g of hot water. The leaves are infused in boiling water for 3 hours, then the infusion is filtered and enriched with honey. Take this medicine 3 times a day before meals. Course of treatment: 3 days, then interrupt for 14 days and repeat the course.


To prepare this product, you need to take 100 g of plant material and add half a liter of water.
After this, place the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, and continue to boil for 10 minutes. After this, the broth is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. The medicine is taken in small doses seven to eight times a day.

It is taken for 8 days.


  1. This product is for external use only. Pour 450 g of vegetable oil into a container, pour four tablespoons of dry vegetable raw materials into it. Place the pan on the fire and cook for 30 minutes. After this, cool the resulting composition and pour it into a dark glass bottle. This medicine must be infused for 48 hours. Treatment is carried out with compresses. Bay oil is applied to gauze and the compress is kept overnight. Additionally, it is recommended to wrap it in a blanket or woolen scarf.
  2. An alcohol-based rub is prepared in this way. 50 g of laurel is crushed and placed in a glass bottle, filled with a bottle of alcohol or vodka, after which the bottle cap is closed. The composition should be infused for 2 weeks, shaken periodically. After the product has infused, it is filtered and put in the refrigerator. They can be used to rub damaged areas or apply compresses, soaking cotton fabric with this composition, and cover with film on top. This compress is kept for 3 hours, then washed off with hot water and wrapped thoroughly.
  3. To treat joint tissue, rubs made from bay leaves and rye flour are used. In order for the mixture to be more plastic, water is added to it to eliminate pain. You can rub this product daily on sore joints and areas damaged by osteochondrosis.

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Oral preparations

Before use, you should let the product brew well.

To carry out effective treatment of osteochondrosis with bay leaves, it is necessary not only to follow the basic rules of home therapy, but also to use products for internal and external use in a comprehensive manner.

Also, you should not refuse to take medications prescribed by your doctor, since, despite all the power and benefits of bay leaves, it is almost impossible to get rid of existing ailments solely through the use of this remedy. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to ingest a decoction based on the leaves for a certain period of time, which helps eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve pain and improve metabolism.

It should be remembered that this type of medication can be taken for a limited amount of time, otherwise there is a risk of general intoxication of the body.

To relieve severe pain and improve the elasticity of joints, you can use external remedies that can be used for a fairly long period of time. In addition, medications of this type have much fewer contraindications than drugs for oral use.


Before preparing medicinal drinks, laurel leaves should be crushed

A rich decoction of bay leaves has effective analgesic, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties, which quickly removes toxic substances and waste from the body, helping not only to eliminate osteochondrosis, but also to restore their natural functional characteristics.

It is recommended to prepare such a product in accordance with certain rules, which are suggested by the following instructions:

  • first you need one hundred grams of lightly crushed leaves, pour half a liter of bottled or pre-purified water;
  • Place the resulting mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for seven to ten minutes;
  • The finished medicine should be cooled completely, then strained using clean gauze.

The finished medicine must be divided into seven small portions, each of which should be drunk at regular intervals throughout the day, regardless of main meals. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use such a medicine for ten days, after which it is necessary to give the body rest and repeat the course after two to three weeks.

It is also permissible to use this method for preventive cleansing of the body, but this should be done no more than once a year.


An infusion of laurel leaves also has similar properties. The main difference in the preparation processes is the need to make the infusion in the evening, that is, on the eve of the planned medication intake.

To prepare such a remedy, you need:

  • half a standard pack of spices must be lightly crushed and placed in a thermos, the minimum volume of which is half a liter;
  • Pour the raw materials prepared in this way with three hundred milliliters of boiling water, then close the thermos with a lid.

As mentioned above, this medicine should be infused overnight. As for the consumption process, you need to drink it several times a day in small portions.

In this case, you should drink all the prepared product during the day. It is required to continue the course of treatment for only three days, after which take a break for three weeks and continue therapy at home.

Medicinal tea

Tea with the addition of bay leaves has healing properties and strengthens the body.

To relieve pain and increase the elasticity of cartilage tissue, it is recommended to systematically drink tea prepared from laurel leaves. Unlike the above recipes, this product has a fairly pleasant taste and does not cause rejection or the appearance of a gag reflex during use.

To prepare tea with medicinal properties, you need:

  • Five grams of bay leaves should be poured into a liter of boiling water and left for three hours;
  • After cooling, the product should be strained.

The drink prepared in this way should be brought to a boil again, add your favorite black tea and a small amount of natural bee honey. You need to drink the prepared tea in small portions for two weeks. This remedy can also be used to prevent osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.

Other recipes

  1. To eliminate the inflammatory process, you can use products based on laurel decoction, gelatin powder and eggshells. To prepare the decoction, we need 5 leaves, which are poured into four glasses of water and boiled for 30 minutes. The powder is made from half a tablespoon of crushed egg shells mixed with 1/3 of gelatin powder. The powder is washed down with plenty of water. The course of treatment includes alternating these two remedies and lasts 30 days. Bay laurel decoction and eggshell powder alternate every other day.
  2. To quickly restore cartilage tissue, it is recommended to take baths with bay leaves. To do this, 10 bay leaves are boiled in 3 glasses of water for 15–20 minutes and poured into a warm bath or basin. The duration of such a bath should not exceed 15 minutes.
  3. An ointment based on plant raw materials can be prepared in this way: the leaves are crushed and mixed to a homogeneous paste with a melted piece of butter. After this, the mixture is heated in a water bath, allowed to cool and put in the refrigerator. Course of treatment: 14 days, sore spots should be smeared in the morning and evening.

Benefits and composition of bay leaves

Reviews from folk remedies are mostly positive

Currently, the popularity of using laurel leaves for medicinal purposes has decreased significantly, whereas several centuries ago, a spice with a rich aroma and a lot of beneficial properties was often used to treat many diseases, including osteochondrosis. The loss of interest in such an effective remedy is due to the filling of the modern pharmaceutical market with a mass of effective drugs.

However, today adherents of alternative medicine continue to use laurel to eliminate existing ailments and generally strengthen the body.

The main beneficial properties of this remedy that help in the fight against osteochondrosis are the following:

Therapeutic effect.Detailed characteristics.
Cleansing action.Regular use of products based on laurel leaves and adding spices to food helps remove harmful salts, toxic substances and toxins from the body.
Providing a general strengthening effect.Improving the functioning of all systems, including the digestive tract, excretory and respiratory organs. There is also an increase in the elasticity of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs.
Regenerative properties.Helps accelerate the healing processes and renewal of tissue cells.
Increased overall vitality.Eliminate insomnia, improve sleep, increase performance.
Providing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.Helps eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve pain and reduce discomfort in osteochondrosis.
Normalization of digestive processes.The state of the microflora of the digestive tract organs, as well as the activity of this system as a whole, improves.
Improved nutrient absorption.Effectively saturates the body with important microelements and nutrients, and also promotes their more efficient absorption.
Immunomodulatory effect.Strengthens the body's immune forces and increases its overall resistance, that is, resistance to the action of pathogens.

Provided there are no contraindications, home remedies based on laurel can be used to provide both therapeutic and preventive effects. Moreover, systematic cleansing of the body as a whole contributes to the effective prevention of the development of joint diseases, including osteochondrosis.

Also, one of the advantages of this spice is its cost; the price of even a large number of leaves is minimal, which allows medical procedures to be carried out by people who do not have the opportunity to purchase expensive medications.

As for the composition of bay leaves, this remedy owes its benefits to a number of the following components that are important for the body: tannins, vitamins A, C, B, rutin, iron, magnesium and others. It is the complex combination of these, as well as some other substances, that contributes to the achievement of positive results in the treatment of osteochondrosis, regardless of the stage of development of this disease.

Prophylactic use

This traditional medicine can be used not only for the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also for its prevention.

Since this plant is quite potent , it is necessary to use it for preventive purposes in a reduced dosage to avoid the risk of internal bleeding and reduce the likelihood of poisoning.

As a preventative measure, it is better to use bay leaf tea. To do this, you can enrich the composition of tea with other herbs.

It is prepared like this: 5 bay leaves are chopped and the leaves are immersed in a pan filled with a liter of cold water. After this, the water is boiled for 20 minutes, added to the tea and allowed to brew a little. This medicine can be drunk several times a day, like regular tea.

It expels salts, removes toxins, relieves pain in joints and parts of the spine damaged by osteochondrosis.

Watch a useful video about bay leaves

Products for external use

External products will help you quickly cope with osteochondrosis.

As mentioned above, treatment that combines means for internal and external use is considered especially effective.

However, in some cases, for example, with diseases of the digestive tract, only medications intended as a basis for compresses, rubs and other external agents can be used for therapeutic purposes. This type of medication should be excluded only in case of individual intolerance to bay leaf.

Advice! If redness, rash or other allergic reactions appear on the skin, you should immediately stop treatment and take any antihistamine recommended by a specialist.

Bay oil

Bay oil is one of the best pain relievers and anti-inflammatory agents.

The most common remedy intended for the treatment of osteochondrosis is laurel oil. To prepare it, you should use only high-quality cold-pressed olive oil, since this particular product has a lot of beneficial properties and a rich chemical composition.

In order to prepare a remedy, you should:

  • eight teaspoons of leaves should be slightly crushed and placed in a cast iron container or any other container with thick walls;
  • then pour one and a half cups of oil over the leaves, bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for thirty minutes.

If it is not possible to use olive oil, you can use sunflower oil, but before doing this, be sure to boil the product for ten to fifteen minutes. The finished oil should be poured into any glass container with a tight lid and kept for two days. It is not recommended to store this product for longer than five months.

Before using laurel oil for osteochondrosis, you should make sure that there are no possible contraindications. These include a variety of dermatological diseases, wounds and rashes on the affected area. Using oil in such cases can lead to negative consequences.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, you can use the oil in various ways, for example, by rubbing it into a sore spot. It is also permissible to make medicinal compresses.

To do this, soak a small piece of gauze or clean cloth with the medicine, apply it to the sore spot, cover with cling film and wrap in warm wool. You can get maximum results if you use rubs and compresses before bed.

Multicomponent collection

The combination of laurel leaves with other components enhances the properties of the main product

In addition to simple recipes for the treatment of osteochondrosis and the prevention of complications of this disease, you can use more complex remedies that involve a complex combination of several ingredients.

Such recipes include, for example, the following:

  • mix one tablespoon of pre-crushed spice leaves, dried or fresh lilac inflorescences, and ground weeping willow bark;
  • Place the resulting plant mixture in a container with a tight-fitting lid, pour in half a liter of vodka and leave for two weeks.

The medicine prepared in this way can be used as needed. To obtain a therapeutic effect, apply the medicine to the sore spot and rub gently until completely absorbed. Also use this medicine as a basis for therapeutic compresses.

To do this, a small amount of tincture should be applied to a gauze bandage and applied to the sore spot for several hours, first covered with cling film and wrapped in a warm cloth.

Bay compress

In order to eliminate severe pain during the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, as well as speed up the process of restoration of cartilage tissue, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of fresh bay and castor leaves, carefully grind the raw materials until a homogeneous paste is obtained and apply to the sore spot.

The compress should be kept for three hours. It is recommended to use this method until the pain is completely eliminated.

Healing ointment

To prepare the ointment, use only high-quality butter

Butter-based ointment also has effective healing properties, which must be regularly applied to the affected areas. The use of this treatment will help relieve pain, reduce inflammation and restore the elasticity of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs.

In order to prepare such a remedy, you need to grind a couple of tablespoons of bay leaves in a coffee grinder to a powder. Next, you need to melt two hundred grams of natural butter in a water bath and mix it with the crushed leaves.

After the product has cooled, it must be kept for several days. The finished medicine can be used if such a need arises. It must be remembered that it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two months. After the specified amount of time, it completely loses its healing properties.

Laurel bath

A bath prepared with a decoction of bay leaves is a particularly beneficial and pleasant procedure for the body. Regularly performing this procedure will help improve tissue metabolism, eliminate pain and increase the elasticity of intervertebral cartilage.

To prepare the solution, you need to pour three tablespoons of leaves with two liters of boiling water, bring to a boil again and boil for several minutes, then leave for an hour and strain. Add the prepared solution to the bath, which must be taken for at least fifteen minutes. To obtain maximum effect, the procedure should be performed at least twice a week.


Bay leaf for osteochondrosis is a fairly effective remedy , but it has many contraindications and side effects. Before using this medicine, you should consult your doctor so as not to worsen your health condition.

This herbal raw material should not be consumed by asthmatics, epileptics, pregnant women, children and other categories of patients. In addition, alcohol should not be taken during treatment and the dosage should be carefully observed to avoid poisoning or provoke internal bleeding.

Treatment with these herbal raw materials can only be comprehensive and should not replace all other methods of treatment.

They are complemented by drug treatment, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, reflexology, laser treatment, diet and other techniques.

General treatment recommendations

Dried bay leaves are used to prepare medicinal products.

In order for the treatment of osteochondrosis with bay leaves to be successful, it is recommended to follow the basic principles and rules of this therapeutic method. Failure to follow important recommendations can cause not only a lack of positive results, but also food poisoning and general intoxication of the body, and your cervicothoracic osteochondrosis will not be cured.

Some basic tips include the following:

  • in the process of taking home remedies based on laurel, it is recommended to stop drinking drinks containing alcohol and smoking;
  • to achieve maximum treatment results, it is advisable to use moderate physical activity, but you should absolutely not overwork;
  • it is necessary to follow a gentle diet, excluding unhealthy foods from the diet, for example, processed foods, spicy, excessively salty and fatty foods;
  • you need to drink more plain water, which will help improve metabolism and speed up the body’s cleansing processes, helping to remove excess toxins, salts and waste.

And finally, the most important thing: laurel leaves contain a small amount of toxic substances, the intake of which can sometimes lead to food poisoning and general intoxication of the body. To prevent this, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage of the products.

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